ACTION_SHOW_FILES = "File" HEADING_BROWSER_TAB = "File" LABEL_SETTINGS_TAB = "Files" HEADING_SETTINGS_TAB = "Files" HEADING_SETTINGS_TAB_PERSONAL = "Personal Files" HEADING_SETTINGS_TAB_CORPORATE = "Corporate Files" SORT_OPTION_FILENAME = "Filename" SORT_OPTION_SIZE = "Size" SORT_OPTION_MODIFIED = "Modified" INFO_OWNER_AND_DATA = "Added by %OWNER% on %LASTMODIFIED%" INFO_DATA = "Added on %LASTMODIFIED%" INFO_SHARED = "Shared" INFO_SHARED_BY = "Shared by %OWNER%" LABEL_PERSONAL_STORAGE = "Personali" INFO_NOTHING_FOUND = "Questa cartella è vuota" INFO_FOLDER_IS_EMPTY = "Cartella vuota" INFO_SHARED_FOLDER_IS_EMPTY = "No shared files" INFO_DRAGNDROP_FILES_OR_CREATE_FOLDER = "È possibile trascinare qui file da altre cartelle o dal desktop, oppure fare clic su Nuova cartella per creare una cartella." ERROR_FILES_NOT_RECEIVED = "Error while getting files" ERROR_SIZE_LIMIT = "Il file è troppo grande. La dimensione massima consentita è di %SIZE%MB." INFO_CANNOT_UPLOAD_SEARCH_RESULT = "Non puoi caricare nei risultati della ricerca" LABEL_DRAG_ITEMS_PLURAL = "%COUNT% elemento|%COUNT% elementi" LABEL_DRAG_FOLDERS_PLURAL = "%COUNT% cartella|%COUNT% cartelle" LABEL_DRAG_FILES_PLURAL = "%COUNT% file|%COUNT% file" ERROR_INVALID_FOLDER_NAME = "Nome cartella non valido" ERROR_INVALID_FILE_NAME = "Nome file non valido" LABEL_CORPORATE_STORAGE = "Shared with Team" LABEL_SHARED_STORAGE = "Condiviso con me" ACTION_NEW_FOLDER = "Nuova cartella" HEADING_NEW_FOLDER = "Nuova cartella" LABEL_EXTERNAL_DOC_URL = "URL documento esterno" INFO_UPLOAD_FILE_AS_LINK = "Verrà aggiunto solo un link al file che rimarrà nella posizione originale. Se il file originale viene rimosso, il link non risulterà più valido." ACTION_ADD_SHORTCUT = "Add shortcut" ACTION_DOWNLOAD_FILE = "Scarica file" LABEL_SEARCH_RESULTS = "Risultati ricerca" LABEL_SEARCH_CLEAR = "cancella" INFO_FILES = "Il modulo File ti consente di caricare file e cartelle all'interno del tuo account." LABEL_ENABLE_FILES = "Abilita il modulo File" HEADING_FILES = "File" ACTION_NEW_ITEMS = "New" ACTION_UPLOAD_FILES = "Carica File" HEADING_DAV_ACCESS = "Accesso DAV ai tuoi file" INFO_DAV_ACCESS = "Specifica la URL indicata sotto nel tuo client DAV." LABEL_FILES = "File" LABEL_PUBLIC_LINK = "Link pubblico" ACTION_REMOVE_PUBLIC_LINK = "Rimuovi link" ACTION_CREATE_SHORTCUT = "Creare un collegamento al documento esterno" ACTION_SEND_FILES = "Invia file" ACTION_RENAME = "Rinomina" ACTION_CREATE_PUBLIC_LINK = "Crea link pubblico" ERROR_DELETE_PUBLIC_LINK = "Could not delete shareable link." ERROR_CREATE_PUBLIC_LINK = "Could not create shareable link." ERROR_UPLOAD_MAXPATHLEN = "The file cannot be uploaded. Filename is to big." LABEL_ENABLE_UPLOAD_SIZE_LIMIT = "Enable upload file size limit" LABEL_UPLOAD_SIZE_LIMIT = "Upload file size limit" LABEL_ENABLE_CORPORATE = "Enable corporate storage" LABEL_USER_SPACE_LIMIT = "User space limit" LABEL_CORPORATE_SPACE_LIMIT = "Corporate space limit" ERROR_FILE_RENAME = "File renaming has failed." ERROR_FILES_MOVE_PLURAL = "File moving has failed.|Files moving has failed." ERROR_CANT_MOVE_FILES_QUOTA_PLURAL = "Can't move file because of space limit.|Can't move files because of space limit." MOBILE_DAVSYNC_APPS_TITLE = "File Storage apps" SERVICES_FILES_ALL_APPSYNC_HINT_SPECIFY = "Specify the URL below in these apps." SERVICES_FILES_APPSYNC_SERVER = "Server" SERVICES_FILES_APPSYNC_HINT_CREDENTIALS = "Use your common credentials you are using to login to the this web interface." CONFIRM_DELETE_FILES_PLURAL = "Delete selected file permanently?|Delete selected files permanently?" CONFIRM_DELETE_FOLDERS_PLURAL = "Delete selected folder permanently?|Delete selected folders permanently?" CONFIRM_DELETE_ITEMS_PLURAL = "Delete selected item permanently?|Delete selected items permanently?" CONFIRM_NOT_ALL_ITEMS_OWN = "Please note that some of the selected items are shared with you and cannot be deleted. Delete the rest of the selected items permanently?" LABEL_TENANT_SPACE_LIMIT = "Tenant space limit" LABEL_ALLOCATED_SPACE = "Allocated space" HINT_USER_SPACE_LIMIT = "User space limit is applied to the newly created user as the default value. The sum of all limits of all users must not exceed the tenant space limit." HINT_TENANT_SPACE_LIMIT = "Total space limit available for allocation among all users of the tenant. If you specify 0, then the tenant will not be limited in space." ACTION_UPGRADE_NOW = "Upgrade now" ACTION_SHOW_HISTORY = "Show history" HEADING_HISTORY_POPUP = "Public link activity history" CURRENT_FOLDER_STATS = "Files: %FILES_OVERAL% (%SIZE_OVERAL%), Folders: %FOLDERS_OVERAL%" CURRENT_FOLDER_STATS_SELECTED_FILES = "Selected files: %FILES_SELECTED% (%SIZE_SELECTED%)" CURRENT_FOLDER_STATS_SELECTED_FOLDERS = "Selected folders: %FOLDERS_SELECTED%"