ACTION_SHOW_FILES = "Documentos" HEADING_BROWSER_TAB = "Documentos" LABEL_SETTINGS_TAB = "Files" HEADING_SETTINGS_TAB = "Files" HEADING_SETTINGS_TAB_PERSONAL = "Personal Files" HEADING_SETTINGS_TAB_CORPORATE = "Corporate Files" SORT_OPTION_FILENAME = "Filename" SORT_OPTION_SIZE = "Size" SORT_OPTION_MODIFIED = "Modified" INFO_OWNER_AND_DATA = "Added by %OWNER% on %LASTMODIFIED%" INFO_DATA = "Added on %LASTMODIFIED%" INFO_SHARED = "Shared" INFO_SHARED_BY = "Shared by %OWNER%" LABEL_PERSONAL_STORAGE = "Privado" INFO_NOTHING_FOUND = "Não foram encontrados resultados" INFO_FOLDER_IS_EMPTY = "Pasta está vazia" INFO_SHARED_FOLDER_IS_EMPTY = "No shared files" INFO_DRAGNDROP_FILES_OR_CREATE_FOLDER = "Pode arrastar os ficheiros para aqui, ou clicar em Nova Pasta para criar pastas" ERROR_FILES_NOT_RECEIVED = "Error while getting files" ERROR_SIZE_LIMIT = "The %FILENAME% file is too big. Maximum allowed size is %SIZE%MB." INFO_CANNOT_UPLOAD_SEARCH_RESULT = "Não pode carregar ficheiros nos resultados da pesquisa" LABEL_DRAG_ITEMS_PLURAL = "%COUNT% item|%COUNT% items" LABEL_DRAG_FOLDERS_PLURAL = "%COUNT% folder|%COUNT% folders" LABEL_DRAG_FILES_PLURAL = "%COUNT% ficheiro|%COUNT% ficheiros" ERROR_INVALID_FOLDER_NAME = "Invalid folder name" ERROR_INVALID_FILE_NAME = "Invalid filename" LABEL_CORPORATE_STORAGE = "Shared with Team" LABEL_SHARED_STORAGE = "Shared with me" ACTION_NEW_FOLDER = "Nova pasta" HEADING_NEW_FOLDER = "Nova pasta" LABEL_EXTERNAL_DOC_URL = "External document URL" INFO_UPLOAD_FILE_AS_LINK = "Only the link to the file will be added to Files. The file itself will remain at the original location. If the original file is deleted, the link will no longer be valid." ACTION_ADD_SHORTCUT = "Add shortcut" ACTION_DOWNLOAD_FILE = "Download Ficheiro" LABEL_SEARCH_RESULTS = "Resultados da pesquisa" LABEL_SEARCH_CLEAR = "limpar" INFO_FILES = "Files module provides storage for files and folders within your account." LABEL_ENABLE_FILES = "Enable Files module" HEADING_FILES = "Files" ACTION_NEW_ITEMS = "New" ACTION_UPLOAD_FILES = "Enviar Ficheiros" HEADING_DAV_ACCESS = "Acesso via Mobile ou Desktop aos Ficheiros - Usando DAV" INFO_DAV_ACCESS = "Especifique o endereço (link) abaixo no seu equipamento DAV." LABEL_FILES = "Ficheiros" LABEL_PUBLIC_LINK = "Link Público" ACTION_REMOVE_PUBLIC_LINK = "Remover link" ACTION_CREATE_SHORTCUT = "Create shortcut" ACTION_SEND_FILES = "Enviar ficheiros" ACTION_RENAME = "Alterar Nome" ACTION_CREATE_PUBLIC_LINK = "Criar link público" ERROR_DELETE_PUBLIC_LINK = "Could not delete shareable link." ERROR_CREATE_PUBLIC_LINK = "Could not create shareable link." ERROR_UPLOAD_MAXPATHLEN = "The file cannot be uploaded. Filename is to big." LABEL_ENABLE_UPLOAD_SIZE_LIMIT = "Enable upload file size limit" LABEL_UPLOAD_SIZE_LIMIT = "Upload file size limit" LABEL_ENABLE_CORPORATE = "Enable corporate storage" LABEL_USER_SPACE_LIMIT = "User space limit" LABEL_CORPORATE_SPACE_LIMIT = "Corporate space limit" ERROR_FILE_RENAME = "File renaming has failed." ERROR_FILES_MOVE_PLURAL = "File moving has failed.|Files moving has failed." ERROR_CANT_MOVE_FILES_QUOTA_PLURAL = "Can't move file because of space limit.|Can't move files because of space limit." MOBILE_DAVSYNC_APPS_TITLE = "File Storage apps" SERVICES_FILES_ALL_APPSYNC_HINT_SPECIFY = "Specify the URL below in these apps." SERVICES_FILES_APPSYNC_SERVER = "Server" SERVICES_FILES_APPSYNC_HINT_CREDENTIALS = "Use your common credentials you are using to login to the this web interface." CONFIRM_DELETE_FILES_PLURAL = "Delete selected file permanently?|Delete selected files permanently?" CONFIRM_DELETE_FOLDERS_PLURAL = "Delete selected folder permanently?|Delete selected folders permanently?" CONFIRM_DELETE_ITEMS_PLURAL = "Delete selected item permanently?|Delete selected items permanently?" CONFIRM_NOT_ALL_ITEMS_OWN = "Please note that some of the selected items are shared with you and cannot be deleted. Delete the rest of the selected items permanently?" LABEL_TENANT_SPACE_LIMIT = "Tenant space limit" LABEL_ALLOCATED_SPACE = "Allocated space" HINT_USER_SPACE_LIMIT = "User space limit is applied to the newly created user as the default value. The sum of all limits of all users must not exceed the tenant space limit." HINT_TENANT_SPACE_LIMIT = "Total space limit available for allocation among all users of the tenant. If you specify 0, then the tenant will not be limited in space." ACTION_UPGRADE_NOW = "Upgrade now" ACTION_SHOW_HISTORY = "Show history" HEADING_HISTORY_POPUP = "Public link activity history" CURRENT_FOLDER_STATS = "Files: %FILES_OVERAL% (%SIZE_OVERAL%), Folders: %FOLDERS_OVERAL%" CURRENT_FOLDER_STATS_SELECTED_FILES = "Selected files: %FILES_SELECTED% (%SIZE_SELECTED%)" CURRENT_FOLDER_STATS_SELECTED_FOLDERS = "Selected folders: %FOLDERS_SELECTED%"