denyMethodsCallByWebApi([ 'GetLicenseKey', 'GetUsersCount', 'Validate', 'ValidateUsersCount', 'ValidatePeriod', 'IsTrial', 'IsUnlim', ]); } /** * @return Module */ public static function getInstance() { return parent::getInstance(); } /** * @return Module */ public static function Decorator() { return parent::Decorator(); } /** * @return Settings */ public function getModuleSettings() { return $this->oModuleSettings; } /***** private functions *****/ protected function getKeyInfo() { if (!$this->keyInfo) { $sKey = Module::Decorator()->GetLicenseKey(); if (!empty($sKey)) { $oKI = new \KI(); $this->keyInfo = $oKI->GKI($sKey); } } return $this->keyInfo; } protected function GetPartKeyInfo($sPart = 'System') { $mResult = false; $aKeyInfo = $this->getKeyInfo(); if (isset($aKeyInfo[$sPart])) { $mResult = $aKeyInfo[$sPart]; } return $mResult; } protected function GetPartKeyData($sPart, $iPosition) { $mResult = false; $aModuleKeyInfo = $this->GetPartKeyInfo($sPart); if ($aModuleKeyInfo) { if (isset($aModuleKeyInfo[$iPosition]) && $aModuleKeyInfo[$iPosition] !== '*') { $mResult = $aModuleKeyInfo[$iPosition]; } else { $aModuleKeyInfo = $this->GetPartKeyInfo('System'); if ($aModuleKeyInfo && isset($aModuleKeyInfo[$iPosition])) { $mResult = $aModuleKeyInfo[$iPosition]; } } } return $mResult; } public function GetLicenseKey() { if (!isset($this->key)) { $oSettings = \Aurora\System\Api::GetSettings(); if ($oSettings) { $this->key = trim($oSettings->LicenseKey); \Aurora\System\Api::AddSecret($this->key); } } return $this->key; } public function GetUsersCount($Module) { return $this->GetPartKeyData($Module, 0); } public function Validate($sModule) { return !!$this->GetPartKeyInfo($sModule) ? true : $this->IsTrial() && !!$this->GetPartKeyInfo(); } public function ValidateUsersCount($iCount, $sModule = 'System') { $bResult = true; $aInfo = array(); $aInfo[0] = 0; $aInfo[1] = '*'; $aInfo[2] = 0; if (is_array($aInfo)) { $iType = (int) $aInfo[2]; if ($iType !== 10 && $iType !== 0) { $bResult = ($iCount < $this->GetUsersCount($sModule)); } } else { $bResult = false; } return $bResult; } public function ValidatePeriod($sModule = 'System') { return true; } public function IsTrial($Module = 'System') { $mResult = false; $aInfo = array(); $aInfo[0] = 0; $aInfo[1] = '*'; $aInfo[2] = 0; if (isset($aInfo[2])) { $mResult = ((int)$aInfo[2] === 10); } return $mResult; } public function IsUnlim($Module = 'System') { $mResult = false; $aInfo = array(); $aInfo[0] = 0; $aInfo[1] = '*'; $aInfo[2] = 0; if (isset($aInfo[2])) { $mResult = ((int)$aInfo[2] === 0); } return $mResult; } /***** private functions *****/ /***** public functions *****/ public function GetSettings() { \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::SuperAdmin); return array( 'LicenseKey' => Module::Decorator()->GetLicenseKey() ); } /** * @param string $LicenseKey * * @return bool */ public function UpdateSettings($LicenseKey) { return true; } public function GetLicenseInfo($Module = 'System') { \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::SuperAdmin); $mResult = false; $aInfo = array(); $aInfo[0] = 0; $aInfo[1] = '*'; $aInfo[2] = 0; if (isset($aInfo[2])) { $mResult = array( 'Count' => (int) $aInfo[0], 'DateTime' => $aInfo[1], 'Type' => (int) $aInfo[2], 'ExpiresIn' => $aInfo[1] !== '*' ? ceil(((int) $aInfo[1] - time()) / 60 / 60 / 24) : '*', ); } return $mResult; } /** * @return int */ public function GetUserNumberLimitAsString() { \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::SuperAdmin); $aInfo = array(); $aInfo[0] = 0; $aInfo[1] = '*'; $aInfo[2] = 0; $sResult = $aInfo ? 'Empty' : 'Invalid'; if (isset($aInfo[2])) { switch ($aInfo[2]) { case 0: $sResult = 'Unlim'; break; case 1: $sResult = $aInfo[0] . ' users, Permanent'; break; case 2: $sResult = $aInfo[0] . ' domains'; break; case 3: $sResult = $aInfo[0] . ' users, Annual'; if (isset($aInfo[1]) && $aInfo[1] !== '*') { $iTime = (int) $aInfo[1]; $iDeltaTime = $iTime - time(); if ($iDeltaTime > 0) { $sResult .= ', expires in ' . ceil($iDeltaTime / 60 / 60 / 24) . ' day(s).'; } else { $sResult = $aInfo[0] . ' users, Annual, Expired. This license is outdated, please contact Afterlogic to upgrade your license key.'; } } break; case 4: $iTime = (int) $aInfo[1]; $iDeltaTime = $iTime - time(); if ($iDeltaTime < 1) { $sResult = 'This license is outdated, please contact Afterlogic to upgrade your license key.'; } break; case 10: $sResult = 'Trial'; if (isset($aInfo[1]) && $aInfo[1] !== '*') { $iTime = (int) $aInfo[1]; $iDeltaTime = $iTime - time(); if ($iDeltaTime > 0) { $sResult .= ', expires in ' . ceil($iDeltaTime / 60 / 60 / 24) . ' day(s).'; } else { $sResult = $aInfo[0] . ' users, Annual, Expired. This license is outdated, please contact Afterlogic to upgrade your license key.'; } } break; } } return $sResult; } }