LABEL_LICENSING_SETTINGS_TAB = "Licensing" HEADING_SETTINGS_TAB = "Licensing" LABEL_LICENSING_HINT = "Allows you to enter the license key for the product and displays current details on the license." LABEL_LICENSING_PERMANENT_KEY_HINT = "You can purchase a license and get your permanent key at %LINK%" LABEL_LICENSING_TRIAL_KEY_HINT = "You can get 30-day trial key at %LINK%" LABEL_LICENSING_KEY = "License key" LABEL_LICENSING_USERS_NUMBER = "Current number of users" LABEL_LICENSING_TYPE = "License type" LABEL_TYPE_NOT_SET = "Not set" LABEL_TYPE_INVALID = "Invalid" LABEL_TYPE_UNLIM = "Unlimited" LABEL_TYPE_PERMANENT_PLURAL = "%COUNT% user, Permanent|%COUNT% users, Permanent" LABEL_TYPE_DOMAINS_PLURAL = "%COUNT% domain|%COUNT% domains" LABEL_TYPE_ANNUAL_PLURAL = "%COUNT% user, Annual|%COUNT% users, Annual" LABEL_TYPE_TRIAL = "Trial" LABEL_TYPE_EXPIRES_IN_PLURAL = ", expires in %DAYS% day.|, expires in %DAYS% days." LABEL_TYPE_EXPIRED = ", expired." LABEL_TYPE_OUTDATED_INFO = "This license is outdated, please contact Afterlogic to upgrade your license key." ERROR_LICENSE_KEY_MISSING = "Product license key is missing. Please provide a valid key before configuring the system or adding new users." INFO_LICENSE_KEY_CHANGED = "Press OK to reload admin interface and apply the new license data."