<?php /** * This code is licensed under AGPLv3 license or Afterlogic Software License * if commercial version of the product was purchased. * For full statements of the licenses see LICENSE-AFTERLOGIC and LICENSE-AGPL3 files. */ namespace Aurora\Modules\MailMasterPassword; /** * This module adds ability to login to the admin panel as a Super Administrator. * * @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html AGPL-3.0 * @license https://afterlogic.com/products/common-licensing Afterlogic Software License * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023, Afterlogic Corp. * * @property Settings $oModuleSettings * * @package Modules */ class Module extends \Aurora\System\Module\AbstractModule { /***** private functions *****/ /** * @return void */ public function init() { $this->subscribeEvent('Core::Login::before', array($this, 'onBeforLogin'), 10); } /** * @return Module */ public static function getInstance() { return parent::getInstance(); } /** * @return Module */ public static function Decorator() { return parent::Decorator(); } /** * @return Settings */ public function getModuleSettings() { return $this->oModuleSettings; } /** * Tries to log in with specified credentials. * * @param array $aArgs Parameters contain the required credentials. * @param array|mixed $mResult Parameter is passed by reference for further filling with result. Result is the array with data for authentication token. */ public function onBeforLogin(&$aArgs, &$mResult) { $sPassword = $this->oModuleSettings->Password; if ($sPassword !== false && !empty($sPassword) && password_verify($aArgs['Password'], $sPassword)) { $oAccount = \Aurora\Modules\Mail\Module::getInstance()->getAccountsManager()->getAccountUsedToAuthorize($aArgs['Login']); if ($oAccount instanceof \Aurora\Modules\Mail\Models\MailAccount) { $aArgs['Password'] = $oAccount->getPassword(); } } } /***** private functions *****/ public function UpdateSettings($MasterPassword) { \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::SuperAdmin); $bResult = false; try { $this->setConfig('Password', password_hash(trim($MasterPassword), PASSWORD_BCRYPT)); $bResult = $this->saveModuleConfig(); } catch (\Exception $ex) { throw new \Aurora\System\Exceptions\ApiException(\Aurora\System\Notifications::CanNotSaveSettings); } return $bResult; } }