ACTION_SCHEDULE_SENDING = "Schedule sending" HEADING_POPUP_SCHEDULE_SENDING = "Schedule sending" ERROR_AUTOMATIC_ENCRYPTION = "Cannot schedule email with automatic PGP encryption turned on. Please encrypt the message manually." ERROR_RECIPIENTS_EMPTY = "Please specify at least one recipient" LABEL_WHEN_TODAY = "Today" LABEL_WHEN_TOMORROW = "Tomorrow" LABEL_WHEN_SUNDAY = "Sunday" LABEL_WHEN_MONDAY = "Monday" LABEL_WHEN_TUESDAY = "Tuesday" LABEL_WHEN_WEDNESDAY = "Wednesday" LABEL_WHEN_THURSDAY = "Thursday" LABEL_WHEN_FRIDAY = "Friday" LABEL_WHEN_SATURDAY = "Saturday" LABEL_WHEN_NIGHT = "night" LABEL_WHEN_MORNING = "morning" LABEL_WHEN_AFTERNOON = "afternoon" LABEL_WHEN_EVENING = "evening" LABEL_SELECT_DATE_AND_TIME = "or select custom date and time" ACTION_SCHEDULE = "Schedule" ACTION_SCHEDULE_IN_PROGRESS = "Scheduling..." ERROR_LATER_SCHEDULED_TIME = "Please select a scheduled time later than the current one." REPORT_SENDING_SCHEDULED = "Sending has been successfully scheduled." LABEL_FOLDER_SCHEDULED = "Scheduled" LABEL_USED_AS_SCHEDULED = "used as Scheduled" INFO_SENDING_SCHEDULED_FOR = "Sending scheduled for %DATA%" ACTION_CANCEL_SENDING = "Cancel sending" REPORT_SENDING_CANCELED = "Sending canceled successfully. Your message has been moved to Drafts folder." CONFIRM_ANOTHER_MESSAGE_COMPOSED = "You are about to cancel the scheduled message sending. However, another message is already being composed." ERROR_SENDING_CANCELED = "Please note that message sending was not canceled"