aContainer = [ "Disabled" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "Setting to true disables the module", ), "AllowAppRegisterMailto" => new SettingsProperty( true, "bool", null, "Enables setting the product installation as mailto: links handler", ), "AllowChangeInputDirection" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "Enables switching between RTL and LTR input directions", ), "FoldersExpandedByDefault" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "If true, email folders hierarchy is displayed fully expanded by default, collapsed otherwise", ), "AllowSpamFolder" => new SettingsProperty( true, "bool", null, "Enables the use of Spam folder and moving messages from/to Spam with a button", ), "AllowAddNewFolderOnMainScreen" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "If true, New Folder button is added on mail screen", ), "ComposeToolbarOrder" => new SettingsProperty( [ "back", "send", "save", "importance", "MailSensitivity", "confirmation", "OpenPgp" ], "array", null, "Defines list of controls shown on compose toolbar in their order from left to right", ), "DefaultFontName" => new SettingsProperty( "Tahoma", "string", null, "Font name used by default when composing email message", ), "DefaultFontSize" => new SettingsProperty( 3, "int", null, "Font size used by default when composing email message", ), "AlwaysTryUseImageWhilePasting" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "If true, complex content like tables will be pasted as image by default", ), "AllowHorizontalLineButton" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "If true, Insert Horizontal Line button is added to compose toolbar", ), "AllowComposePlainText" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "If true, Plain Text switcher is added to compose HTML editor", ), "AllowEditHtmlSource" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "If true, HTML source code editing is added to HTML editor", ), "TextEditorImageResizerOptions" => new SettingsProperty( [ "MAILWEBCLIENT/ACTION_MAKE_IMAGE_SMALL" => "300px", "MAILWEBCLIENT/ACTION_MAKE_IMAGE_MEDIUM" => "600px", "MAILWEBCLIENT/ACTION_MAKE_IMAGE_LARGE" => "1200px", "MAILWEBCLIENT/ACTION_MAKE_IMAGE_ORIGINAL" => "" ], "array", null, "The list of image size options that can be set for an image in the editor. It's possible to set sizes in pixels and percentages.", ), "JoinReplyPrefixes" => new SettingsProperty( true, "bool", null, "If true, multiple prefixes such as Re: or Fwd: will be merged as much as possible when composing a new reply/forward", ), "MailsPerPage" => new SettingsProperty( 20, "int", null, "Default number of mail messages displayed per page", ), "AllowChangeStarredMessagesSource" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "If true, starred messages source can be changed. Two possible sources: inbox only and all folders", ), "MaxMessagesBodiesSizeToPrefetch" => new SettingsProperty( 50000, "int", null, "Sets a limit of message bodies to be prefetched, in bytes", ), "MessageBodyTruncationThreshold" => new SettingsProperty( 650000, "int", null, "Sets a limit for message body size to be fetched", ), "ShowEmailAsTabName" => new SettingsProperty( true, "bool", null, "If true, email address will be shown instead of Mail screen tab name", ), "AllowOtherModulesToReplaceTabsbarHeader" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "If set to true, other modules can supply custom HeaderItemView template instead of default one of this module", ), "AllowShowMessagesCountInFolderList" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "If true, number of messages will be displayed for all folders in the list", ), "AllowSearchMessagesBySubject" => new SettingsProperty( true, "bool", null, "Enables the feature of searching for text selection in Subject area of preview pane", ), "PrefixesToRemoveBeforeSearchMessagesBySubject" => new SettingsProperty( [ "Re", "Fwd" ], "array", null, "", ), "AllowHorizontalLayout" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "If true, users are able to switch betwee vertical and horizontal layouts of mail screen", ), "HorizontalLayoutByDefault" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "If true, horizontal layout is used on mail screen by default", ), "DisableRtlRendering" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "If set to true, messages are always displayed in left-to-right view, regarldess of their content", ), "AllowQuickReply" => new SettingsProperty( true, "bool", null, "If true, a quick reply pane is available under message preview", ), "AllowQuickSendOnCompose" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "Enables Ctrl-Enter shortcut for sending mail out", ), "AllowUserGroupsInComposeAutocomplete" => new SettingsProperty( true, "bool", null, "If true, user groups become available in address autocompletion when composing a message", ), "MarkMessageSeenWhenViewing" => new SettingsProperty( true, "bool", null, "If true, message automatically becomes read when viewed by selecting it in message list", ), "MarkMessageSeenWhenAnswerForward" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "If true, message becomes read when forwarded or replied to", ), "UserLoginPartInAccountDropdown" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "If set to true, only username is displayed in account dropdown, instead of full email address", ), "UseMeRecipientForMessages" => new SettingsProperty( true, "bool", null, "If true, 'me' will be displayed instead of user's email address in headers section of message preview pane (collapsed view only)", ), ]; } }