aContainer = [ "Disabled" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "Setting to true disables the module", ), "FilesSectionName" => new SettingsProperty( "Aurora Files", "string", null, "Title of Files section in Mobile Apps tab of Settings screen", ), "ShowFilesAndroidApp" => new SettingsProperty( true, "bool", null, "If true, display a link to Aurora Files for Android", ), "ShowFilesServerUrlApp" => new SettingsProperty( true, "bool", null, "If true, display URL which needs to be supplied in mobile apps to access files", ), "FilesAndroidAppLink" => new SettingsProperty( "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.afterlogic.aurora.files", "string", null, "URL of a link to Aurora Files for Android", ), "ShowFilesIosApp" => new SettingsProperty( true, "bool", null, "If true, display a link to Aurora Files for iOS", ), "FilesIosAppLink" => new SettingsProperty( "https://apps.apple.com/us/app/aurorafiles/id1030108751?platform=iphone", "string", null, "URL of a link to Aurora Files for iOS", ), "ShowFilesWinApp" => new SettingsProperty( true, "bool", null, "If true, link to Windows client for accessing files is shown", ), "FilesWinAppLink" => new SettingsProperty( "https://afterlogic.com/download/AuroraFileSync.msi", "string", null, "URL of a link to Windows client for accessing files", ), "MailSectionName" => new SettingsProperty( "Aurora Mail", "string", null, "Title of Mail section in Mobile Apps tab of Settings screen", ), "ShowMailServerUrlApp" => new SettingsProperty( true, "bool", null, "If true, display the URL for accessing this product installation", ), "ShowMailAndroidApp" => new SettingsProperty( true, "bool", null, "If true, display a link to Aurora Mail for Android", ), "MailAndroidAppLink" => new SettingsProperty( "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.afterlogic.aurora.mail", "string", null, "URL of a link to Aurora Mail for Android", ), "ShowMailIosApp" => new SettingsProperty( true, "bool", null, "If true, display a link to Aurora Mail for iOS", ), "MailIosAppLink" => new SettingsProperty( "https://apps.apple.com/us/app/aurora-mail/id1494290317?platform=iphone", "string", null, "URL of a link to Aurora Mail for iOS", ), ]; } }