aErrors = [ Enums\ErrorCodes::ExtensionCannotBeConverted => $this->i18N('ERROR_EXTENSION_CANNOT_BE_CONVERTED') ]; $this->AddEntries([ 'editor' => 'EntryEditor', 'ode-callback' => 'EntryCallback' ]); $this->subscribeEvent('System::RunEntry::before', [$this, 'onBeforeFileViewEntry'], 10); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::GetFile', [$this, 'onGetFile'], 10); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::GetItems', [$this, 'onGetItems'], 20000); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::GetFileInfo::after', [$this, 'onAfterGetFileInfo'], 20000); $this->subscribeEvent('AddToContentSecurityPolicyDefault', [$this, 'onAddToContentSecurityPolicyDefault']); } /** * @return Module */ public static function getInstance() { return parent::getInstance(); } /** * @return Module */ public static function Decorator() { return parent::Decorator(); } /** * @return Settings */ public function getModuleSettings() { return $this->oModuleSettings; } public function GetSettings() { Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::NormalUser); return [ 'ExtensionsToView' => $this->getOfficeExtensions() ]; } protected function getExtensionsToView() { return $this->oModuleSettings->ExtensionsToView; } protected function getExtensionsToConvert() { return $this->oModuleSettings->ExtensionsToConvert; } protected function getExtensionsToEdit() { return $this->oModuleSettings->ExtensionsToEdit; } protected function getOfficeExtensions() { return array_merge( $this->getExtensionsToView(), $this->getExtensionsToEdit(), array_keys($this->getExtensionsToConvert()) ); } protected function getDocumentType($filename) { $ext = strtolower('.' . pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); if (in_array($ext, $this->ExtsDocument)) { return "word"; } if (in_array($ext, $this->ExtsSpreadsheet)) { return "cell"; } if (in_array($ext, $this->ExtsPresentation)) { return "slide"; } return ""; } protected function isReadOnlyDocument($filename) { $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); return in_array($ext, $this->getExtensionsToView()); } protected function documentCanBeEdited($filename) { $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); return in_array($ext, $this->getExtensionsToEdit()); } protected function documentCanBeConverted($sFilename) { $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($sFilename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); return in_array($ext, array_keys($this->getExtensionsToConvert())); } /** * @param string $sFileName = '' * @return bool */ public function isOfficeDocument($sFileName = '') { $sExtensions = implode('|', $this->getOfficeExtensions()); return !!preg_match('/\.(' . $sExtensions . ')$/', strtolower(trim($sFileName))); } protected function isTrustedRequest() { return true; // TODO: find another way to protect dowmload url $bResult = false; $sTrustedServerHost = $this->oModuleSettings->TrustedServerHost; if (empty($sTrustedServerHost)) { $bResult = true; } else { if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } $bResult = $sTrustedServerHost === $ip; } return $bResult; } /** * * @param array $aArguments * @param array $aResult */ public function onBeforeFileViewEntry(&$aArguments, &$aResult) { $aEntries = [ 'download-file', 'file-cache', 'mail-attachment' ]; if (in_array($aArguments['EntryName'], $aEntries)) { $sEntry = (string) \Aurora\System\Router::getItemByIndex(0, ''); $sHash = (string) \Aurora\System\Router::getItemByIndex(1, ''); $sAction = (string) \Aurora\System\Router::getItemByIndex(2, ''); $aValues = Api::DecodeKeyValues($sHash); $sFileName = isset($aValues['FileName']) ? urldecode($aValues['FileName']) : ''; if (empty($sFileName)) { $sFileName = isset($aValues['Name']) ? urldecode($aValues['Name']) : ''; } if ($sAction === 'view' && $this->isOfficeDocument($sFileName) && !isset($aValues['AuthToken'])) { $sViewerUrl = './?editor=' . urlencode($sEntry . '/' . $sHash . '/' . $sAction . '/' . time()); \header('Location: ' . $sViewerUrl); } elseif ($this->isOfficeDocument($sFileName) || $sFileName === 'diff.zip' || $sFileName === 'changes.json') { if ($this->isTrustedRequest()) { $sAuthToken = isset($aValues['AuthToken']) ? $aValues['AuthToken'] : null; if (isset($sAuthToken)) { Api::setAuthToken($sAuthToken); Api::setUserId( Api::getAuthenticatedUserId($sAuthToken) ); } } } } } public function EntryEditor() { $sResult = ''; $sFullUrl = Application::getBaseUrl(); $sMode = 'view'; $fileuri = isset($_GET['editor']) ? $_GET['editor'] : null; $filename = null; $sHash = null; $aHashValues = []; $docKey = null; $lastModified = time(); $aHistory = []; $oUser = Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); if (isset($fileuri)) { $fileuri = \urldecode($fileuri); $aFileuri = \explode('/', $fileuri); if (isset($aFileuri[1])) { $sHash = $aFileuri[1]; $aHashValues = Api::DecodeKeyValues($sHash); if (!isset($aHashValues['AuthToken'])) { $aHashValues['AuthToken'] = Api::UserSession()->Set( [ 'token' => 'auth', 'id' => Api::getAuthenticatedUserId() ], time(), time() + 60 * 5 // 5 min ); } } $sHash = Api::EncodeKeyValues($aHashValues); $aFileuri[1] = $sHash; $fileuri = implode('/', $aFileuri); $fileuri = $sFullUrl . '?' . $fileuri; } if ($sHash) { $aHashValues = Api::DecodeKeyValues($sHash); if (isset($aHashValues['FileName'])) { $filename = $aHashValues['FileName']; } elseif (isset($aHashValues['Name'])) { $filename = $aHashValues['Name']; } if (isset($aHashValues['Edit'])) { $sMode = 'edit'; } $sHash = Api::EncodeKeyValues($aHashValues); $oFileInfo = null; try { if (isset($aHashValues['UserId'], $aHashValues['Type'], $aHashValues['Path'], $aHashValues['Id'])) { $oFileInfo = FilesModule::Decorator()->GetFileInfo( $aHashValues['UserId'], $aHashValues['Type'], $aHashValues['Path'], $aHashValues['Id'] ); } } catch (\Exception $oEx) { } if ($oFileInfo) { $lastModified = $oFileInfo->LastModified; $docKey = \md5($oFileInfo->RealPath . $lastModified); $oFileInfo->Path = $aHashValues['Path']; $SharedWithMeAccess = isset($oFileInfo->ExtendedProps['SharedWithMeAccess']) ? (int) $oFileInfo->ExtendedProps['SharedWithMeAccess'] : null; if (!isset($SharedWithMeAccess) && $oFileInfo->Owner !== $oUser->PublicId) { list($sParentPath, $sParentId) = \Sabre\Uri\split($aHashValues['Path']); $oParentFileInfo = null; try { $oParentFileInfo = FilesModule::Decorator()->GetFileInfo( $aHashValues['UserId'], $aHashValues['Type'], $sParentPath, $sParentId ); } catch (\Exception $oEx) { } if (isset($oParentFileInfo) && $oParentFileInfo->Owner === $oUser->PublicId) { $oFileInfo->Owner = $oParentFileInfo->Owner; } } $sMode = (isset($SharedWithMeAccess) && ($SharedWithMeAccess === Permission::Write || $SharedWithMeAccess === Permission::Reshare)) || (!isset($SharedWithMeAccess) && $oFileInfo->Owner === $oUser->PublicId) || ($oFileInfo->TypeStr === FileStorageType::Corporate) ? $sMode : 'view'; $aHistory = $this->getHistory($oFileInfo, $docKey, $fileuri); } elseif (isset($aHashValues['FileName'])) { $docKey = \md5($aHashValues['FileName'] . time()); } elseif (isset($aHashValues['Name'])) { $docKey = \md5($aHashValues['Name'] . time()); } } $bIsReadOnlyMode = ($sMode === 'view') ? true : false; $filetype = strtolower(pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $lang = 'en'; $mode = $bIsReadOnlyMode || $this->isReadOnlyDocument($filename) ? 'view' : 'edit'; $fileuriUser = ''; $serverPath = $this->oModuleSettings->DocumentServerUrl; $callbackUrl = $sFullUrl . '?ode-callback/' . $sHash; if (isset($fileuri) && $serverPath) { if ($oUser) { $uid = (string) $oUser->Id; $uname = !empty($oUser->Name) ? $oUser->Name : $oUser->PublicId; $lang = \Aurora\System\Utils::ConvertLanguageNameToShort($oUser->Language); } $config = [ "type" => Api::IsMobileApplication() ? "mobile" : 'desktop', "documentType" => $this->getDocumentType($filename), "document" => [ "title" => $filename, "url" => $fileuri, "fileType" => $filetype, "key" => $docKey, "info" => [ "owner" => $uname, "uploaded" => date('d.m.y', $lastModified) ], "permissions" => [ "comment" => !$bIsReadOnlyMode, "download" => true, "edit" => !$bIsReadOnlyMode, "fillForms" => !$bIsReadOnlyMode, "modifyFilter" => !$bIsReadOnlyMode, "modifyContentControl" => !$bIsReadOnlyMode, "review" => !$bIsReadOnlyMode, "changeHistory" => !$bIsReadOnlyMode, "chat" => !$bIsReadOnlyMode ] ], "editorConfig" => [ "actionLink" => empty($_GET["actionLink"]) ? null : json_decode($_GET["actionLink"]), "mode" => $mode, "lang" => $lang, "callbackUrl" => $callbackUrl, "user" => [ "id" => $uid, "name" => $uname ], "embedded" => [ "saveUrl" => $fileuriUser, "embedUrl" => $fileuriUser, "shareUrl" => $fileuriUser, "toolbarDocked" => "top", ], "customization" => [ "comments" => !$bIsReadOnlyMode, "about" => false, "feedback" => false, "goback" => false, "forcesave" => true, // "logo"=> [ // "image"=> $sFullUrl . 'static/styles/images/logo.png', // ], ] ] ]; $oJwt = new Classes\JwtManager($this->oModuleSettings->Secret); if ($oJwt->isJwtEnabled()) { $config['token'] = $oJwt->jwtEncode($config); } $sResult = \file_get_contents($this->GetPath() . '/templates/Editor.html'); $iUserId = Api::getAuthenticatedUserId(); if (0 < $iUserId) { $sResult = strtr($sResult, [ '{{DOC_SERV_API_URL}}' => $serverPath . '/web-apps/apps/api/documents/api.js', '{{CONFIG}}' => \json_encode($config), '{{HISTORY}}' => isset($aHistory[0]) ? \json_encode($aHistory[0]) : 'false', '{{HISTORY_DATA}}' => isset($aHistory[1]) ? \json_encode($aHistory[1]) : 'false' ]); \Aurora\Modules\CoreWebclient\Module::Decorator()->SetHtmlOutputHeaders(); @header('Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate', true); @header('Pragma: no-cache', true); @header('Expires: 0', true); } else { Api::Location('./'); } } return $sResult; } public function CreateBlankDocument($Type, $Path, $FileName) { $mResult = false; $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($FileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $sFilePath = $this->GetPath() . "/data/new." . $ext; if (file_exists($sFilePath)) { $rData = \fopen($sFilePath, "r"); $FileName = FilesModule::Decorator()->GetNonExistentFileName( Api::getAuthenticatedUserId(), $Type, $Path, $FileName ); $mResult = $this->createFile( Api::getAuthenticatedUserId(), $Type, $Path, $FileName, $rData ); \fclose($rData); if ($mResult) { $mResult = FilesModule::Decorator()->GetFileInfo( Api::getAuthenticatedUserId(), $Type, $Path, $FileName ); } } return $mResult; } public function ConvertDocument($Type, $Path, $FileName) { $mResult = false; $aExtensions = $this->getExtensionsToConvert(); $sExtension = pathinfo($FileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $sNewExtension = isset($aExtensions[$sExtension]) ? $aExtensions[$sExtension] : null; if ($sNewExtension === null) { throw new Exceptions\Exception(Enums\ErrorCodes::ExtensionCannotBeConverted); } else { $mResult = self::Decorator()->ConvertDocumentToFormat($Type, $Path, $FileName, $sNewExtension); } return $mResult; } public function ConvertDocumentToFormat($Type, $Path, $FileName, $ToExtension) { $mResult = false; $oFileInfo = FilesModule::Decorator()->GetFileInfo( Api::getAuthenticatedUserId(), $Type, $Path, $FileName ); if ($oFileInfo instanceof FileItem) { $sConvertedDocumentUri = null; $aPathParts = pathinfo($FileName); $sFromExtension = $aPathParts['extension']; $sFileNameWOExt = $aPathParts['filename']; $sDocumentUri = ''; if (isset($oFileInfo->Actions['download']['url'])) { $sDownloadUrl = $oFileInfo->Actions['download']['url']; $aUrlParts = \explode('/', $sDownloadUrl); if (isset($aUrlParts[1])) { $aUrlParts[1] = $this->GetFileTempHash($aUrlParts[1]); $sDocumentUri = Application::getBaseUrl() . \implode('/', $aUrlParts); $this->GetConvertedUri( $sDocumentUri, $sFromExtension, $ToExtension, '', false, $sConvertedDocumentUri ); if (!empty($sConvertedDocumentUri)) { $rData = \file_get_contents($sConvertedDocumentUri); if ($rData !== false) { $sNewFileName = FilesModule::Decorator()->GetNonExistentFileName( Api::getAuthenticatedUserId(), $Type, $Path, $sFileNameWOExt . '.' . $ToExtension ); $mResult = $this->createFile( Api::getAuthenticatedUserId(), $Type, $Path, $sNewFileName, $rData ); if ($mResult) { $mResult = FilesModule::Decorator()->GetFileInfo( Api::getAuthenticatedUserId(), $Type, $Path, $sNewFileName ); } } } } } } return $mResult; } protected function GetFileTempHash($sHash) { $aValues = Api::DecodeKeyValues($sHash); $sFileName = isset($aValues['FileName']) ? urldecode($aValues['FileName']) : ''; if (empty($sFileName)) { $sFileName = isset($aValues['Name']) ? urldecode($aValues['Name']) : ''; } $aValues['AuthToken'] = Api::UserSession()->Set( [ 'token' => 'auth', 'id' => Api::getAuthenticatedUserId() ], time(), time() + 60 * 5 // 5 min ); return Api::EncodeKeyValues($aValues); } protected function GetConvertedUri($document_uri, $from_extension, $to_extension, $document_revision_id, $is_async, &$converted_document_uri) { $converted_document_uri = ""; $responceFromConvertService = $this->SendRequestToConvertService( $document_uri, $from_extension, $to_extension, $document_revision_id, $is_async ); $json = \json_decode($responceFromConvertService, true); $errorElement = isset($json["error"]) ? $json["error"] : null; if ($errorElement != null && $errorElement != "") { $this->ProcessConvServResponceError($errorElement); } $isEndConvert = $json["endConvert"]; $percent = $json["percent"]; if ($isEndConvert != null && $isEndConvert == true) { $converted_document_uri = $json["fileUrl"]; $percent = 100; } elseif ($percent >= 100) { $percent = 99; } return $percent; } protected function SendRequestToConvertService($document_uri, $from_extension, $to_extension, $document_revision_id, $is_async) { $title = basename($document_uri); $urlToConverter = ''; if (empty($title)) { $title = \Sabre\DAV\UUIDUtil::getUUID(); } if (empty($document_revision_id)) { $document_revision_id = $document_uri; } $document_revision_id = $this->GenerateRevisionId($document_revision_id); $serverPath = $this->oModuleSettings->DocumentServerUrl; if ($serverPath !== null) { $urlToConverter = $serverPath . '/ConvertService.ashx'; } $arr = [ "async" => $is_async, "url" => $document_uri, "outputtype" => trim($to_extension, '.'), "filetype" => trim($from_extension, '.'), "title" => $title, "key" => $document_revision_id ]; $headerToken = ""; $oJwt = new Classes\JwtManager($this->oModuleSettings->Secret); if ($oJwt->isJwtEnabled()) { $headerToken = $oJwt->jwtEncode([ "payload" => $arr ]); $arr["token"] = $oJwt->jwtEncode($arr); } $opts = [ 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => '120000', 'header' => "Content-type: application/json\r\n" . "Accept: application/json\r\n" . (empty($headerToken) ? "" : "Authorization: $headerToken\r\n"), 'content' => \json_encode($arr) ] ]; if (substr($urlToConverter, 0, strlen("https")) === "https") { $opts['ssl'] = ['verify_peer' => false]; } $context = stream_context_create($opts); $response_data = file_get_contents($urlToConverter, false, $context); return $response_data; } protected function ProcessConvServResponceError($errorCode) { $errorMessageTemplate = "Error occurred in the document service: "; $errorMessage = ''; switch ($errorCode) { case -8: $errorMessage = $errorMessageTemplate . "Error document VKey"; break; case -7: $errorMessage = $errorMessageTemplate . "Error document request"; break; case -6: $errorMessage = $errorMessageTemplate . "Error database"; break; case -5: $errorMessage = $errorMessageTemplate . "Error unexpected guid"; break; case -4: $errorMessage = $errorMessageTemplate . "Error download error"; break; case -3: $errorMessage = $errorMessageTemplate . "Error convertation error"; break; case -2: $errorMessage = $errorMessageTemplate . "Error convertation timeout"; break; case -1: $errorMessage = $errorMessageTemplate . "Error convertation unknown"; break; case 0: break; default: $errorMessage = $errorMessageTemplate . "ErrorCode = " . $errorCode; break; } throw new Exception($errorMessage); } protected function GenerateRevisionId($expected_key) { if (strlen($expected_key) > 20) { $expected_key = crc32($expected_key); } $key = preg_replace("[^0-9-.a-zA-Z_=]", "_", $expected_key); $key = substr($key, 0, min(array(strlen($key), 20))); return $key; } public function EntryCallback() { $result = ["error" => 0]; if (($body_stream = file_get_contents("php://input")) === false) { $result["error"] = "Bad Request"; } else { $data = json_decode($body_stream, true); if (isset($data['token'])) { Api::AddSecret($data['token']); } Api::Log($body_stream); $oJwt = new Classes\JwtManager($this->oModuleSettings->Secret); if ($oJwt->isJwtEnabled()) { $inHeader = false; $token = ""; if (!empty($data["token"])) { $token = $oJwt->jwtDecode($data["token"]); } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'])) { $token = $oJwt->jwtDecode(substr($_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'], strlen("Bearer "))); $inHeader = true; } else { $result["error"] = "Expected JWT"; } if (empty($token)) { $result["error"] = "Invalid JWT signature"; } else { $data = json_decode($token, true); if ($inHeader) { $data = $data["payload"]; } } } if ($data["status"] == 2 || $data["status"] == 6) { $sHash = (string) \Aurora\System\Router::getItemByIndex(1, ''); if (!empty($sHash)) { $aHashValues = Api::DecodeKeyValues($sHash); $prevState = Api::skipCheckUserRole(true); $oFileInfo = FilesModule::Decorator()->GetFileInfo( $aHashValues['UserId'], $aHashValues['Type'], $aHashValues['Path'], $aHashValues['Name'] ); if ($oFileInfo instanceof FileItem && $this->isOfficeDocument($oFileInfo->Name)) { if ((isset($oFileInfo->ExtendedProps['SharedWithMeAccess']) && (int) $oFileInfo->ExtendedProps['SharedWithMeAccess'] === \Afterlogic\DAV\FS\Permission::Write) || !isset($oFileInfo->ExtendedProps['SharedWithMeAccess']) && !$this->isReadOnlyDocument($oFileInfo->Name)) { $rData = \file_get_contents($data["url"]); if ($rData !== false) { if ($this->oModuleSettings->EnableHistory && $data["status"] == 2) { if ($this->isTrustedRequest()) { $iUserId = isset($aHashValues['UserId']) ? $aHashValues['UserId'] : null; if (isset($iUserId)) { Server::setUser(Api::getUserPublicIdById($iUserId)); } } $histDir = $this->getHistoryDir($oFileInfo, true); if ($histDir) { $curVer = $histDir->getFileVersion(); $verDir = $histDir->getVersionDir($curVer + 1, true); $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($oFileInfo->Name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); list(, $sOwnerUserPublicId) = split($verDir->getOwner()); $iOwnerUserId = Api::getUserIdByPublicId($sOwnerUserPublicId); if (!isset($oFileInfo->ExtendedProps['Created']) && $curVer == 0) { FilesModule::Decorator()->UpdateExtendedProps( $iOwnerUserId, $aHashValues['Type'], $oFileInfo->Path, $oFileInfo->Name, [ 'Created' => $oFileInfo->LastModified ] ); } $fileContent = FilesModule::Decorator()->GetFileContent( $aHashValues['UserId'], $aHashValues['Type'], $aHashValues['Path'], $aHashValues['Name'] ); $verDir->createFile('prev.' . $ext, $fileContent); $prevChild = $verDir->getChild('prev.' . $ext); if ($prevChild) { $mExtendedProps = $prevChild->getProperty('ExtendedProps'); $aExtendedProps = is_array($mExtendedProps) ? $mExtendedProps : []; $aExtendedProps['Created'] = $oFileInfo->LastModified; $prevChild->setProperty('ExtendedProps', $aExtendedProps); } $this->updateHistory($verDir, $data); } } $this->createFile( $aHashValues['UserId'], $aHashValues['Type'], $aHashValues['Path'], $aHashValues['Name'], $rData ); } } } Api::skipCheckUserRole($prevState); } } } return json_encode($result); } /** * * @param array $aArguments * @param array $aResult */ public function onGetFile(&$aArguments, &$aResult) { if ($this->isOfficeDocument($aArguments['Name'])) { $aArguments['NoRedirect'] = true; } } /** * Writes to $aData variable list of DropBox files if $aData['Type'] is DropBox account type. * * @ignore * @param array $aArgs * @param mixed $mResult */ public function onGetItems($aArgs, &$mResult) { if (is_array($mResult)) { foreach ($mResult as $oItem) { if ($oItem instanceof FileItem && $this->isOfficeDocument($oItem->Name)) { $bEncrypted = isset($oItem->ExtendedProps['InitializationVector']); $bAccessSet = isset($oItem->ExtendedProps['SharedWithMeAccess']); $bHasWriteAccess = !$bAccessSet || ($bAccessSet && ((int) $oItem->ExtendedProps['SharedWithMeAccess'] === \Afterlogic\DAV\FS\Permission::Write || (int) $oItem->ExtendedProps['SharedWithMeAccess'] === \Afterlogic\DAV\FS\Permission::Reshare)); if (!$bEncrypted && $bHasWriteAccess) { if ($this->documentCanBeConverted($oItem->Name)) { $oItem->UnshiftAction([ 'convert' => [ 'url' => '' ] ]); } elseif ($this->documentCanBeEdited($oItem->Name)) { $sHash = $oItem->getHash(); $aHashValues = Api::DecodeKeyValues($sHash); $aHashValues['Edit'] = true; $sHash = Api::EncodeKeyValues($aHashValues); $oItem->UnshiftAction([ 'edit' => [ 'url' => '?download-file/' . $sHash . '/view' ] ]); } } } } } } public function onAfterGetFileInfo($aArgs, &$mResult) { if ($mResult) { if ($mResult instanceof FileItem && $this->isOfficeDocument($mResult->Name)) { if ((isset($mResult->ExtendedProps['SharedWithMeAccess']) && ((int) $mResult->ExtendedProps['SharedWithMeAccess'] === \Afterlogic\DAV\FS\Permission::Write || (int) $mResult->ExtendedProps['SharedWithMeAccess'] === \Afterlogic\DAV\FS\Permission::Reshare)) || !isset($mResult->ExtendedProps['SharedWithMeAccess']) && !$this->isReadOnlyDocument($mResult->Name)) { $sHash = $mResult->getHash(); $aHashValues = Api::DecodeKeyValues($sHash); $aHashValues['Edit'] = true; $sHash = Api::EncodeKeyValues($aHashValues); $mResult->UnshiftAction([ 'edit' => [ 'url' => '?download-file/' . $sHash . '/view' ] ]); } } } } public function onAddToContentSecurityPolicyDefault($aArgs, &$aAddDefault) { $sUrl = $this->oModuleSettings->DocumentServerUrl; if (!empty($sUrl)) { $aAddDefault[] = $sUrl; } } // History public function RestoreFromHistory($Url, $Version) {} protected function getHistoryDir($oFileInfo, $bCreateIfNotExists = false) { $oHistNode = false; $sType = $oFileInfo->TypeStr; $sPath = $oFileInfo->Path; $sName = $oFileInfo->Name; $sOwner = $oFileInfo->Owner; /** * @var \Afterlogic\DAV\FS\Directory $oNode */ $oNode = Server::getNodeForPath('files/' . $sType . $sPath . '/' . $sName, $sOwner); if ($oNode instanceof File) { $oHistNode = $oNode->getHistoryDirectory(); if (!$oHistNode && $bCreateIfNotExists) { $oParentNode = Server::getNodeForPath('files/' . $sType . $sPath, $sOwner); if ($oParentNode instanceof Directory) { $oParentNode->createDirectory($sName . '.hist'); } $oHistNode = $oNode->getHistoryDirectory(); } } return $oHistNode; } protected function getHistory($oFileInfo, $docKey, $sUrl) { $result = []; $curVer = 0; $histDir = $this->getHistoryDir($oFileInfo); if ($histDir && method_exists($histDir, 'getFileVersion')) { $curVer = $histDir->getFileVersion(); } if ($curVer > 0) { $hist = []; $histData = []; $oUser = CoreModule::getInstance()->GetUserByPublicId($oFileInfo->Owner); for ($i = 0; $i <= $curVer; $i++) { $obj = []; $dataObj = []; $verDir = $histDir->getVersionDir($i + 1); $key = false; if ($i == $curVer) { $key = $docKey; } else { if ($verDir && $verDir->childExists('key.txt')) { $oKeyFile = $verDir->getChild('key.txt'); if ($oKeyFile instanceof \Afterlogic\DAV\FS\File) { $mKeyData = $oKeyFile->get(false); if (is_resource($mKeyData)) { $key = \stream_get_contents($mKeyData); } } } else { $key = false; } } if ($key === false) { continue; } $obj["key"] = $key; $obj["version"] = $i + 1; if ($i === 0) { $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($oFileInfo->Name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); list(, $sUserPublicId) = split($verDir->getOwner()); $prevDoc = $verDir->getChild('prev.' . $ext); $aPrevFileExtendedProps = []; if ($prevDoc) { $aPrevFileExtendedProps = $prevDoc->getProperty('ExtendedProps'); } if (isset($aPrevFileExtendedProps['Created'])) { $obj["created"] = $this->convetToUserTime( $oUser, date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $aPrevFileExtendedProps['Created']) ); } else { $obj["created"] = ''; } $obj["user"] = [ "id" => (string) $oUser->Id, "name" => $oFileInfo->Owner ]; } if ($i != $curVer) { $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($oFileInfo->Name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $sUrl = $this->getDownloadUrl( //Api::getUserIdByPublicId($sUserPublicId), Api::getUserIdByPublicId($verDir->getUser()), // $oFileInfo->TypeStr, $verDir->getStorage(), $verDir->getRelativePath() . '/' . $verDir->getName(), 'prev.' . $ext ); } $dataObj["key"] = $key; $dataObj["url"] = $sUrl; $dataObj["version"] = $i + 1; if ($i > 0) { $changes = false; $verDirPrev = $histDir->getVersionDir($i); if ($verDirPrev && $verDirPrev->childExists('changes.json')) { $oChangesFile = $verDirPrev->getChild('changes.json'); if ($oChangesFile instanceof \Afterlogic\DAV\FS\File) { $mChangesFileData = $oChangesFile->get(false); if (is_resource($mChangesFileData)) { $changes = \json_decode(\stream_get_contents($mChangesFileData), true); } } } if (!$changes) { continue; } $change = $changes["changes"][0]; $obj["changes"] = $changes["changes"]; $obj["serverVersion"] = $changes["serverVersion"]; $obj["created"] = $this->convetToUserTime( $oUser, $change["created"] ); $obj["user"] = $change["user"]; if (isset($histData[$i])) { $prev = $histData[$i]; $dataObj["previous"] = [ "key" => $prev["key"], "url" => $prev["url"] ]; } $dataObj["changesUrl"] = $this->getDownloadUrl( //Api::getUserIdByPublicId($sUserPublicId), Api::getUserIdByPublicId($histDir->getUser()), //$oFileInfo->TypeStr, $histDir->getStorage(), $histDir->getVersionDir($i)->getRelativePath() . '/' . $verDirPrev->getName(), 'diff.zip' ); } array_push($hist, $obj); $oJwt = new Classes\JwtManager($this->oModuleSettings->Secret); if ($oJwt->isJwtEnabled()) { $dataObj['token'] = $oJwt->jwtEncode($dataObj); } $histData[$i + 1] = $dataObj; } array_push( $result, [ "currentVersion" => $curVer + 1, "history" => $hist ], $histData ); } return $result; } protected function updateHistory($verDir, $data) { if (isset($data["changesurl"])) { $rChangesData = \file_get_contents($data["changesurl"]); if ($rChangesData !== false) { $verDir->createFile('diff.zip', $rChangesData); } } $histData = isset($data["changeshistory"]) ? $data["changeshistory"] : ''; if (empty($histData)) { $histData = json_encode($data["history"], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); } if (!empty($histData)) { $verDir->createFile('changes.json', $histData); } $verDir->createFile('key.txt', $data['key']); } protected function createFile($iUserId, $sType, $sPath, $sFileName, $mData) { Api::Log(self::GetName() . '::writeFile'); $mResult = false; $aArgs = [ 'UserId' => $iUserId, 'Type' => $sType, 'Path' => $sPath, 'Name' => $sFileName, 'Data' => $mData, 'Overwrite' => true, 'RangeType' => 0, 'Offset' => 0, 'ExtendedProps' => [] ]; $this->broadcastEvent( 'Files::CreateFile', $aArgs, $mResult ); return $mResult; } protected function getDownloadUrl($iUserId, $sType, $sPath, $sName) { $sHash = Api::EncodeKeyValues([ 'UserId' => $iUserId, 'Id' => $sName, 'Type' => $sType, 'Path' => $sPath, 'Name' => $sName, 'FileName' => $sName, 'AuthToken' => Api::UserSession()->Set([ 'token' => 'auth', 'id' => $iUserId, 't' => time(), ]) ]); return Application::getBaseUrl() . '?download-file/' . $sHash; } protected function convetToUserTime($oUser, $sTime) { $dt = \DateTime::createFromFormat( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $sTime, new \DateTimeZone('UTC') ); if (!empty($oUser->DefaultTimeZone)) { $dt->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone($oUser->DefaultTimeZone)); } return $dt->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"); } }