INFO_SHARING_NOT_SUPPORTED = "The sharing of this file is not supported. The file is encrypted using the old encryption mode. The file must be uploaded and encrypted using the modern encryption mode. Please download and upload the file again." ACTION_SECURE_SHARE = "共有用リンク発行" ERROR_DOWNLOAD_IS_UNAVAILABLE = "Download is unavailable" ERROR_ON_DOWNLOAD = "There was an error downloading file." LABEL_RECIPIENT = "Recipient" HINT_SELECT_RECIPIENT = "Please select recipient first." HINT_ONLY_PASSWORD_BASED = "Without selected recipient, only Password-based encryption is allowed." HINT_KEY_RECIPIENT = "Selected recipient has PGP public key. The file can be encrypted using this key." LABEL_ENCRYPTION_TYPE = "Encryption type" HINT_ENCRYPTED_FILE_PASSWORD = "Encrypted file password" ACTION_ENCRYPT = "Encrypt" ACTION_ENCRYPT_IN_PROGRESS = "Encryption..." ACTION_SEND_ENCRYPTED_EMAIL = "Send via encrypted email" ACTION_SEND_EMAIL = "Send via email" HINT_STORE_PASSWORD = "If you don't send email now, store the password somewhere. You will not be able to recover it otherwise" HINT_ENCRYPTED_EMAIL = "The file is encrypted using %USER%'s PGP public key. You can send the link via encrypted email." ERROR_GENERATE_KEY = "An error occurred when generating OpenPGP key." ERROR_IMPORT_KEY = "An error occurred when importing OpenPGP key." ERROR_IMPORT_NO_KEY_FOUND = "No OpenPGP keys found for import." ERROR_KEY_NOT_DECODED = "You might have entered the wrong password for %USER% key." ERROR_DELETE_KEY = "An error occurred when deleting OpenPGP key." ERROR_CAN_NOT_READ_MESSAGE = "Can not read message" ERROR_NO_PUBLIC_KEYS_FOR_USERS_PLURAL = "No public key found for %USERS% user.|No public keys found for %USERS% users." ERROR_NO_PUBLIC_KEY_FOUND_FOR_VERIFY = "No public key found for message verification." ERROR_MESSAGE_WAS_NOT_VERIFIED = "Message was not verified." ERROR_NO_PRIVATE_KEYS_FOR_USERS_PLURAL = "No private key found for %USERS% user.|No private keys found for %USERS% users." ERROR_NO_PRIVATE_KEY_FOUND_FOR_DECRYPT = "No private key found for message decryption." ERROR_PUBLIC_LINK_CREATION = "Error on shareable link creation" MESSAGE_SUBJECT = "The encrypted file was shared with you: '%FILENAME%'" MESSAGE_BODY = "Hi, you can get the encrypted file here:
" ENCRYPTED_WITH_PASSWORD_MESSAGE_BODY = "Hi,%BR%you can get the encrypted file here: %URL%%BR%File encrypted with password: %PASSWORD%" ERROR_SEND_MESSAGE = "Unable to send message." HEADING_BROWSER_TAB = "Files" ACTION_DOWNLOAD_AND_DECRYPT = "Download and Decrypt" LABEL_ENTER_PASSWORD = "パスワード" ERROR_SIGN = "An error occurred during signing the data." ERROR_VERIFY = "An error occurred during verifying the data." ERROR_ENCRYPT = "An error occurred during encrypting the data." ERROR_DECRYPT = "An error occurred during decrypting the data." ERROR_ENCRYPT_OR_SIGN = "An error occurred during encrypting or signing the data." ERROR_DECRYPT_OR_VERIFY = "An error occurred during decrypting or verifying the data." MESSAGE_FILE_IS_ALREADY_SHARED = "This file is already shared to %EMAIL%. If you share it again, the older sharing link will no longer be valid. Proceed?" ENCRYPTED_WITH_KEY_MESSAGE_BODY = "Hi,%BR%%BR%You can get the encrypted file here: %URL%%BR%%BR%The file is encrypted using %USER%'s PGP public key.You can decrypt it if you're logged in %SYSNAME% system. If you're not logged in there, you'll be able to download the encrypted file only. You can decrypt it using other PGP tools then.%BR%%BR%Regards,%BR%%SYSNAME%" ERROR_EMPTY_PASSWORD = "Password cannot be empty" ERROR_PASSWORD_DECRYPT = "An error occurred during decrypting the data. Perhaps, the password is wrong." HINT_ENCRYPTED_FILE_LINK = "Encrypted file shareable link" HEADING_CREATE_PUBLIC_LINK = "共有リンクの作成" ACTION_CREATE_PUBLIC_LINK_IN_PROGRESS = "作成中" ACTION_REMOVE_PUBLIC_LINK = "リンクの削除" ERROR_GET_PUBLIC_LINK = "共有リンクを取得できませんでした" ERROR_DELETE_PUBLIC_LINK = "共有リンクを削除できませんでした" ERROR_CREATE_PUBLIC_LINK = "共有リンクを作成できませんでした" ACTION_REMOVE_PUBLIC_LINK_IN_PROGRESS = "削除中" ENCRYPTED_LINK_MESSAGE_BODY = "Hello,%BR%You can download the file at: %URL%" ENCRYPTED_LINK_MESSAGE_BODY_WITH_PASSWORD = "Hello,%BR%You can download the file at: %URL%%BR%The download link is password-protected. Your password is: %PASSWORD%" LINK_MESSAGE_BODY = "Hello,
You can download the file at:
" PUBLIC_LINK_MESSAGE_SUBJECT = "以下のファイルがあなたに共有されました: '%FILENAME%'" ERROR_SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION = "証明書の確認ができませんでしたが、ファイルの復号化は完了しました" REPORT_SUCCESSFULL_SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION = "ファイルの復号化が完了しました。有効な証明書です 署名者:" LABEL_SIGN = "電子証明書の追加" LABEL_PROTECTED_PUBLIC_LINK = "共有リンクURL" ACTION_CREATE_ENCRYPTED_PUBLIC_LINK = "パスワード付き共有リンクの作成" LABEL_PUBLIC_LINK = "共有リンクURL" HINT_SEND_LINK = "You can send the link via email.
" HINT_SEND_DIFFERENT_CHANNEL = "You can send the link via email. The password must be sent using a different channel.
You will be able to retrieve the password when need." HINT_SIGN_EMAIL = "The email will be signed using your private key." LABEL_ENCRYPT_PUBLIC_LINK = "パスワードで保護する" INFO_PASSWORD_PROTECT_ONLY_FILES = "Shareable links for folders don't support password protection." ACTION_CREATE_PUBLIC_LINK = "Create shareable link" HINT_NOT_SIGN_EMAIL = "The email will not be signed." HINT_SEND_LINK_AND_PASSWORD = "You can send the link and the password via encrypted email.
" HINT_SEND_LINK_AND_PASSWORD_SIGNED = "You can send the link and the password via digitally signed encrypted email.
" HEADING_SEND_ENCRYPTED_FILE = "Share encrypted file" HINT_SIGN_FILE = "Will sign the data with your private key." HINT_NOT_SIGN_FILE = "Will not sign the data." HINT_NOT_SIGN_FILE_REQUIRES_KEYBASED_ENCRYPTION = "Will not sign the data. Requires key-based encryption." HINT_NOT_SIGN_FILE_REQUIRES_PRIVATE_KEY = "Will not sign the data. Requires your PGP private key in Settings." HINT_EMAIL = "You can send the link via email. The password must be sent using a different channel. Store the password somewhere. You will not be able to recover it otherwise." ACTION_SELF_DESTRUCT = "Send as self-destructing email" HEADING_SEND_SELF_DESTRUCT = "Send a self-destructing secure email" SELF_DESTRUCT_LINK_MESSAGE_SUBJECT = "The secure message was shared with you" HINT_SELF_DESTRUCT_LINK_KEY_RECIPIENT = "Selected recipient has PGP public key. The message can be encrypted using this key." HINT_ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE_PASSWORD = "Encrypted message password" HINT_SELF_DESTRUCT_LINK_PASSWORD_BASED = "The password must be sent using a different channel. Store the password somewhere. You will not be able to recover it otherwise." LABEL_MESSAGE_LIFETIME = "Message lifetime" LABEL_LINK_LIFETIME = "Link lifetime" OPTION_LIFE_TIME_ETERNAL = "Eternal" OPTION_LIFE_TIME_HOURS = "hrs" OPTION_LIFE_TIME_DAYS = "days" HINT_MESSAGE_LIFETIME = "The link will be accessible till %DATETIME%" SELF_DESTRUCT_LINK_MESSAGE_BODY_NOT_ENCRYPTED = "Hello,%BR%%EMAIL% user sent you a self-destructing secure email.%BR%You can read it by the following link:
%BR%The message will be accessible for %HOURS% hours starting from %CREATING_TIME_GMT%" SELF_DESTRUCT_LINK_MESSAGE_BODY = "Hello,%BR%%EMAIL% user sent you a self-destructing secure email.%BR%You can read it by the following link: %URL%%BR%The message will be accessible for %HOURS% hours starting from %CREATING_TIME_GMT%" SELF_DESTRUCT_LINK_MESSAGE_BODY_WITH_PASSWORD = "Hello,%BR%%EMAIL% user sent you a self-destructing secure email.%BR%You can read it by the following link: %URL%%BR%The message is password-protected. The password is: %PASSWORD%%BR%The message will be accessible for %HOURS% hours starting from %CREATING_TIME_GMT%" ACTION_DECRYPT_MESSAGE = "Decrypt message" ACTION_DECRYPT_MESSAGE_IN_PROGRESS = "Decrypting message" ACTION_DOWNLOAD_AND_DECRYPT_IN_PROGRESS = "Downloading and Decrypting" ACTION_PLAY = "Play" ERROR_PASSWORD_INCORRECT = "パスワードが違います" HINT_MESSAGE_LINK_EXPIRED = "The link has expired. Please contact the person who gave you the link for more information." ACTION_SHOW_HISTORY = "操作履歴" HEADING_HISTORY_POPUP = "共有リンク操作履歴" ERROR_UPDATING_KEY = "Error updating key" ERROR_READING_KEY = "Error reading key" ERROR_SIGNATURE_NOT_VERIFIED = "Key signature not verified" HINT_ENCRYPTED_SIGNED_EMAIL = "The file is encrypted using recipient's PGP public key. You can send the link via digitally signed encrypted email." ERROR_NO_KEY = "The corresponding PGP key was not found. You must be logged in %SYSNAME% service and have the corresponding PGP private key to get access to Self-Destructing Secure Email." HINT_SELF_DESTRUCT = "The Self-destructing secure emails supports plain text only. Click OK to remove all the formatting and continue. Also, attachments cannot be encrypted or signed." LABEL_PASSWORD_BASED_ENCRYPTION = "Password-based" HINT_PASSWORD_BASED_ENCRYPTION = "The Password-based encryption will be used." LABEL_KEY_BASED_ENCRYPTION = "Key-based" HINT_KEY_BASED_ENCRYPTION = "The Key-based encryption will be used." HINT_NO_KEY_RECIPIENT = "Selected recipient has no PGP public key. The Key-based encryption is not allowed." LABEL_ENTER_PASSPHRASE = "Enter the password for PGP private key %KEY%"