oStorage->isFileExists($UserId, $Type, $Path, $Name); } /** * Retrieves array of metadata on the specific file. * * @param int $iUserId Account object * @param string $sType Storage type. Accepted values: **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Personal**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Corporate**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Shared**. * @param string $sPath Path to the folder which contains the file, empty string means the file is in the root folder. * @param string $sName Filename. * * @return \Aurora\Modules\Files\Classes\FileItem */ public function getFileInfo($iUserId, $sType, $sPath, $sName) { $oResult = null; $oItem = \Afterlogic\DAV\Server::getNodeForPath('files/' . $sType . $sPath . '/' . $sName, $iUserId); if ($oItem) { $oResult = $this->oStorage->getFileInfo($iUserId, $sType, $oItem, null, $sPath); } return $oResult; } /** * Retrieves array of metadata on the specific directory. * * @param int $iUserId Account object * @param int $iType Storage type. Accepted values: **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Personal**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Corporate**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Shared**. * @param string $sPath Path to the folder. * * @return \Aurora\Modules\Files\Classes\FileItem */ public function getDirectoryInfo($iUserId, $iType, $sPath) { return $this->oStorage->getDirectoryInfo($iUserId, $iType, $sPath); } /** * Retrieves object on the specific directory. * * @param int $iUserId Account object * @param int $iType Storage type. Accepted values: **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Personal**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Corporate**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Shared**. * * @return \Aurora\Modules\Files\Classes\FileItem */ public function getDirectory($iUserId, $iType) { return $this->oStorage->getDirectory($iUserId, $iType); } /** * Allows for reading contents of the file. * * @param int $iUserId Account object * @param int $iType Storage type. Accepted values: **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Personal**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Corporate**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Shared**. * @param string $sPath Path to the folder which contains the file, empty string means the file is in the root folder. * @param string $sName Filename. * * @return resource|bool */ public function getFile($iUserId, $iType, $sPath, $sName) { return $this->oStorage->getFile($iUserId, $iType, $sPath, $sName); } /** * Creates public link for specific file or folder. * * @param int $iUserId * @param int $iType Storage type. Accepted values: **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Personal**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Corporate**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Shared**. * @param string $sPath Path to the folder. * @param string $sName Filename. * @param string $sSize Size information, it will be displayed when recipient opens the link. * @param string $bIsFolder If **true**, it is assumed the link is created for a folder, **false** otherwise. * * @return string|bool */ public function createPublicLink($iUserId, $iType, $sPath, $sName, $sSize, $bIsFolder) { return $this->oStorage->createPublicLink($iUserId, $iType, $sPath, $sName, $sSize, $bIsFolder); } /** * Removes public link created for specific file or folder. * * @param int $iUserId * @param int $iType Storage type. Accepted values: **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Personal**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Corporate**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Shared**. * @param string $sPath Path to the folder. * @param string $sName Filename. * * @return bool */ public function deletePublicLink($iUserId, $iType, $sPath, $sName) { return $this->oStorage->deletePublicLink($iUserId, $iType, $sPath, $sName); } /** * Performs search for files. * * @param int $iUserId * @param string $sType Storage type. Accepted values: **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Personal**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Corporate**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Shared**. * @param string $sPath Path to the folder. * @param string $sPattern Search string. * @param string $sPublicHash Public hash. * * @return array|bool array of \Aurora\Modules\Files\Classes\FileItem. */ public function getFiles($iUserId, $sType, $sPath, $sPattern = '', $sPublicHash = null, $bIsShared = false) { $aFiles = $this->oStorage->getFiles($iUserId, $sType, $sPath, $sPattern, $sPublicHash, $bIsShared); $aUsers = array(); foreach ($aFiles as $oFile) { if (!isset($aUsers[$oFile->Owner])) { $oUser = \Aurora\Modules\Core\Module::Decorator()->GetUserByPublicId($oFile->Owner); $aUsers[$oFile->Owner] = $oUser ? $oUser->PublicId : ''; } $oFile->Owner = $aUsers[$oFile->Owner]; } return $aFiles; } /** * Creates a new folder. * * @param int $iUserId * @param int $iType Storage type. Accepted values: **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Personal**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Corporate**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Shared**. * @param string $sPath Path to the parent folder, empty string means top-level folder is created. * @param string $sFolderName Folder name. * * @return bool */ public function createFolder($iUserId, $iType, $sPath, $sFolderName) { return $this->oStorage->createFolder($iUserId, $iType, $sPath, $sFolderName); } /** * Creates a new file. * * @param int $iUserId Account object * @param int $iType Storage type. Accepted values: **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Personal**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Corporate**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Shared**. * @param string $sPath Path to the folder which contains the file, empty string means the file is created in the root folder. * @param string $sFileName Filename. * @param $mData Data to be stored in the file. * @param bool $bOverride If **true**, existing file with that name will be overwritten. * * @return bool */ public function createFile($iUserId, $iType, $sPath, $sFileName, $mData, $bOverride = true, $rangeType = 0, $offset = 0, $extendedProps = []) { if (!$bOverride) { $sFileName = $this->oStorage->getNonExistentFileName($iUserId, $iType, $sPath, $sFileName); } // else if (!$rangeType) // { // // rangeType 2 means override existing file // $rangeType = 2; // } return $this->oStorage->createFile($iUserId, $iType, $sPath, $sFileName, $mData, $rangeType, $offset, $extendedProps); } /** * Creates a link to arbitrary online content. * * @param int $iUserId Account object * @param int $iType Storage type. Accepted values: **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Personal**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Corporate**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Shared**. * @param string $sPath Path to the folder which contains the link. * @param string $sLink URL of the item to be linked. * @param string $sName Name of the link. * * @return bool */ public function createLink($iUserId, $iType, $sPath, $sLink, $sName) { return $this->oStorage->createLink($iUserId, $iType, $sPath, $sLink, $sName); } /** * Removes file or folder. * * @param int $iUserId Account object * @param int $iType Storage type. Accepted values: **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Personal**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Corporate**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Shared**. * @param string $sPath Path to the folder which contains the file, empty string means the file is in the root folder. * @param string $sName Filename. * * @return bool */ public function delete($iUserId, $iType, $sPath, $sName) { return $this->oStorage->delete($iUserId, $iType, $sPath, $sName); } /** * Renames file or folder. * * @param int $iUserId Account object * @param int $iType Storage type. Accepted values: **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Personal**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Corporate**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Shared**. * @param string $sPath Path to the folder which contains the file, empty string means the file is in the root folder. * @param string $sName Name of file or folder. * @param string $sNewName New name. * @param bool $bIsLink * * @return bool */ public function rename($iUserId, $iType, $sPath, $sName, $sNewName, $bIsLink) { return $this->oStorage->rename($iUserId, $iType, $sPath, $sName, $sNewName); } /** * Move file or folder to a different location. In terms of Aurora, item can be moved to a different storage as well. * * @param int $iUserId Account object * @param int $iFromType Source storage type. Accepted values: **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Personal**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Corporate**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Shared**. * @param int $iToType Destination storage type. Accepted values: **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Personal**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Corporate**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Shared**. * @param string $sFromPath Path to the folder which contains the item. * @param string $sToPath Destination path of the item. * @param string $sName Current name of file or folder. * @param string $sNewName New name of the item. * * @return bool */ public function move($iUserId, $iFromType, $iToType, $sFromPath, $sToPath, $sName, $sNewName) { $GLOBALS['__FILESTORAGE_MOVE_ACTION__'] = true; $bResult = $this->oStorage->copy($iUserId, $iFromType, $iToType, $sFromPath, $sToPath, $sName, $sNewName, true); $GLOBALS['__FILESTORAGE_MOVE_ACTION__'] = false; return $bResult; } /** * Copies file or folder, optionally renames it. * * @param int $iUserId Account object * @param int $iFromType Source storage type. Accepted values: **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Personal**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Corporate**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Shared**. * @param int $iToType Destination storage type. Accepted values: **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Personal**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Corporate**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Shared**. * @param string $sFromPath Path to the folder which contains the item. * @param string $sToPath Destination path of the item. * @param string $sName Current name of file or folder. * @param string $sNewName New name of the item. * * @return bool */ public function copy($iUserId, $iFromType, $iToType, $sFromPath, $sToPath, $sName, $sNewName = null, $bMove = false) { return $this->oStorage->copy($iUserId, $iFromType, $iToType, $sFromPath, $sToPath, $sName, $sNewName, $bMove); } /** * Returns space used by the user in specified storages, in bytes. * * @param int $iUserId User identifier. * @param array $aTypes Storage type list. Accepted values in array: **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Personal**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Corporate**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Shared**. * * @return int; */ public function getUserSpaceUsed($iUserId, $aTypes = array(\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Personal)) { return $this->oStorage->getUserSpaceUsed($iUserId, $aTypes); } /** * Allows for obtaining filename which doesn't exist in current directory. For example, if you need to store **data.txt** file but it already exists, this method will return **data_1.txt**, or **data_2.txt** if that one already exists, and so on. * * @param int $iUserId Account object * @param int $iType Storage type. Accepted values: **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Personal**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Corporate**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Shared**. * @param string $sPath Path to the folder which contains the file, empty string means the file is in the root folder. * @param string $sFileName Filename. * * @return string */ public function getNonExistentFileName($iUserId, $iType, $sPath, $sFileName, $bWithoutGroup = false) { return $this->oStorage->getNonExistentFileName($iUserId, $iType, $sPath, $sFileName, $bWithoutGroup); } /** * * @param string $sPublicId */ public function ClearFiles($sPublicId) { $this->oStorage->clearPrivateFiles($sPublicId); } /** * * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param string $sType Storage type. Accepted values: **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Personal**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Corporate**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Shared**. * @param string $sPath Path to the folder which contains the file, empty string means the file is in the root folder. * @param string $sName Filename. * @param array $aExtendedProps * * @return bool */ public function updateExtendedProps($sUserPublicId, $sType, $sPath, $sName, $aExtendedProps) { $bResult = false; $oItem = \Afterlogic\DAV\Server::getNodeForPath('files/' . $sType . $sPath . '/' . $sName, $sUserPublicId); if ($oItem instanceof \Afterlogic\DAV\FS\File) { $aCurrentExtendedProps = $oItem->getProperty('ExtendedProps'); foreach ($aExtendedProps as $sPropName => $propValue) { if ($propValue === null) { unset($aCurrentExtendedProps[$sPropName]); } else { $aCurrentExtendedProps[$sPropName] = $propValue; } } $oItem->setProperty('ExtendedProps', $aCurrentExtendedProps); $bResult = true; } return $bResult; } /** * * @param string $sUserPublicId * @param string $sType Storage type. Accepted values: **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Personal**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Corporate**, **\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Shared**. * @param string $sPath Path to the folder which contains the file, empty string means the file is in the root folder. * @param string $sName Filename. * * @return bool */ public function getExtendedProps($sUserPublicId, $sType, $sPath, $sName) { $aResult = []; $oItem = \Afterlogic\DAV\Server::getNodeForPath('files/' . $sType . $sPath . '/' . $sName, $sUserPublicId); if ($oItem instanceof \Afterlogic\DAV\FS\File) { $aResult = $oItem->getProperty('ExtendedProps'); } $aArgs = [ 'UserId' => Api::getUserIdByPublicId($sUserPublicId), 'Type' => $sType, 'Path' => $sPath, 'Name' => $sName, 'Item' => $oItem ]; EventEmitter::getInstance()->emit('Files', 'PopulateExtendedProps', $aArgs, $aResult); return $aResult; } }