<?php /** * This code is licensed under AGPLv3 license or Afterlogic Software License * if commercial version of the product was purchased. * For full statements of the licenses see LICENSE-AFTERLOGIC and LICENSE-AGPL3 files. */ namespace Aurora\Modules\PersonalFiles; use Afterlogic\DAV\Constants; use Afterlogic\DAV\FS\Directory; use Afterlogic\DAV\FS\File; use Afterlogic\DAV\FS\Shared\File as SharedFile; use Afterlogic\DAV\FS\Shared\Directory as SharedDirectory; use Afterlogic\DAV\Server; use Aurora\Api; use Aurora\Modules\Core\Module as CoreModule; use Aurora\Modules\Files\Classes\FileItem; use Aurora\Modules\Files\Enums\ErrorCodes; use Aurora\Modules\Files\Module as FilesModule; use Aurora\System\Exceptions\ApiException; /** * @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html AGPL-3.0 * @license https://afterlogic.com/products/common-licensing Afterlogic Software License * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023, Afterlogic Corp. * @property Settings $oModuleSettings * * @package Modules */ class Module extends \Aurora\System\Module\AbstractModule { protected static $sStorageType = 'personal'; protected static $iStorageOrder = 0; /** * Indicates if it's allowed to move files/folders to this storage. * @var boolean */ protected static $bIsDroppable = true; protected $oBeforeDeleteUserRootPath = ''; protected $oBeforeDeleteUser = null; /** * * @var \Aurora\Modules\PersonalFiles\Manager */ public $oManager = null; /** * * @var \Aurora\Modules\Min\Module */ protected $oMinModuleDecorator = null; public function getManager() { if ($this->oManager === null) { $this->oManager = new Manager($this); } return $this->oManager; } /** * @return Module */ public static function getInstance() { return parent::getInstance(); } /** * @return Module */ public static function Decorator() { return parent::Decorator(); } /** * @return Settings */ public function getModuleSettings() { return $this->oModuleSettings; } /** * Initializes Files Module. * * @ignore */ public function init() { ini_set('default_charset', 'UTF-8'); //support for cyrillic characters in file names $this->subscribeEvent('Files::GetFile', array($this, 'onGetFile')); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::CreateFile', array($this, 'onCreateFile')); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::GetLinkType', array($this, 'onGetLinkType')); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::CheckUrl', array($this, 'onCheckUrl')); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::GetStorages::after', array($this, 'onAfterGetStorages')); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::GetFileInfo::after', array($this, 'onAfterGetFileInfo'), 10); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::GetItems', array($this, 'onGetItems')); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::CreateFolder::after', array($this, 'onAfterCreateFolder')); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::Copy::after', array($this, 'onAfterCopy')); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::Move::after', array($this, 'onAfterMove')); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::Rename::after', array($this, 'onAfterRename')); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::Delete::after', array($this, 'onAfterDelete')); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::GetQuota::after', array($this, 'onAfterGetQuota')); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::CreateLink::after', array($this, 'onAfterCreateLink')); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::CreatePublicLink::after', array($this, 'onAfterCreatePublicLink')); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::GetFileContent::after', array($this, 'onAfterGetFileContent')); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::IsFileExists::after', array($this, 'onAfterIsFileExists')); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::PopulateFileItem::after', array($this, 'onAfterPopulateFileItem')); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::CheckQuota::after', array($this, 'onAfterCheckQuota')); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::DeletePublicLink::after', array($this, 'onAfterDeletePublicLink')); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::GetSubModules::after', array($this, 'onAfterGetSubModules')); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::UpdateExtendedProps::after', array($this, 'onAfterUpdateExtendedProps')); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::GetExtendedProps::after', array($this, 'onAfterGetExtendedProps')); $this->subscribeEvent('Core::DeleteUser::before', array($this, 'onBeforeDeleteUser')); $this->subscribeEvent('Core::DeleteUser::after', array($this, 'onAfterDeleteUser')); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::GetNonExistentFileName::after', array($this, 'onAfterGetNonExistentFileName')); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::GetAccessInfoForPath::after', array($this, 'onAfterGetAccessInfoForPath')); } /** * Obtains list of module settings. * * @return array */ public function GetSettings() { Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::Anonymous); return array( 'UserSpaceLimitMb' => $this->getUserSpaceLimitMb(), ); } /** * Updates module's settings - saves them to config.json file. * * @param int $UserSpaceLimitMb User space limit setting in Mb. * @return bool */ public function UpdateSettings($UserSpaceLimitMb) { Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::TenantAdmin); FilesModule::getInstance()->setConfig('UserSpaceLimitMb', $UserSpaceLimitMb); return (bool) FilesModule::getInstance()->saveModuleConfig(); } public function UpdateUsedSpace() { $iResult = 0; Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::NormalUser); $oUser = Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); if ($oUser) { $iResult = $this->getManager()->getUserSpaceUsed($oUser->PublicId, [\Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Personal]); $oUser->setExtendedProp(self::GetName() . '::UsedSpace', $iResult); $oUser->save(); } return $iResult; } /** * Returns Min module decorator. * * @return \Aurora\System\Module\Decorator */ private function getMinModuleDecorator() { return Api::GetModuleDecorator('Min'); } /** * Checks if storage type is personal. * * @param string $Type Storage type. * @return bool */ protected function checkStorageType($Type) { return $Type === static::$sStorageType; } /** * Returns HTML title for specified URL. * @param string $sUrl * @return string */ protected function getHtmlTitle($sUrl) { $oCurl = curl_init(); \curl_setopt_array($oCurl, array( CURLOPT_URL => $sUrl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => '', CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER => true, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, //required for https urls CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 5, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 5, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 5 )); $sContent = curl_exec($oCurl); //$aInfo = curl_getinfo($oCurl); curl_close($oCurl); preg_match('/<title>(.*?)<\/title>/s', $sContent, $aTitle); return isset($aTitle['1']) ? trim($aTitle['1']) : ''; } /** * Checks if file name is allowed. * * @param string $FileName * * @return bool */ protected function isFileAllowed($FileName) { $forbiddenFileList = [ '.sabredav' ]; $FileName = \trim(\MailSo\Base\Utils::ClearFileName($FileName)); $result = !in_array($FileName, $forbiddenFileList); return $result; } /** * Puts file content to $mResult. * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onGetFile($aArgs, &$mResult) { if ($this->checkStorageType($aArgs['Type'])) { $UserId = $aArgs['UserId']; $sUserPiblicId = Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $iOffset = isset($aArgs['Offset']) ? $aArgs['Offset'] : 0; $iChunkSizet = isset($aArgs['ChunkSize']) ? $aArgs['ChunkSize'] : 0; try { $mResult = $this->getManager()->getFile($sUserPiblicId, $aArgs['Type'], $aArgs['Path'], $aArgs['Id'], $iOffset, $iChunkSizet); } catch (\Sabre\DAV\Exception\NotFound $oEx) { $mResult = false; // echo(\Aurora\System\Managers\Response::GetJsonFromObject('Json', \Aurora\System\Managers\Response::FalseResponse(__METHOD__, 404, 'Not Found'))); $this->oHttp->StatusHeader(404); exit; } return true; } } /** * Creates file. * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onCreateFile($aArgs, &$mResult) { if ($this->checkStorageType($aArgs['Type'])) { if (!self::isFileAllowed($aArgs['Name'])) { throw new \Aurora\System\Exceptions\ApiException(\Aurora\System\Notifications::CanNotUploadFileErrorData); } $UserId = $aArgs['UserId']; Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $currentUser = Server::getUser(); Server::setUser(Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId)); $mResult = $this->getManager()->createFile( Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId), isset($aArgs['Type']) ? $aArgs['Type'] : null, isset($aArgs['Path']) ? $aArgs['Path'] : null, isset($aArgs['Name']) ? $aArgs['Name'] : null, isset($aArgs['Data']) ? $aArgs['Data'] : null, isset($aArgs['Overwrite']) ? $aArgs['Overwrite'] : null, isset($aArgs['RangeType']) ? $aArgs['RangeType'] : null, isset($aArgs['Offset']) ? $aArgs['Offset'] : null, isset($aArgs['ExtendedProps']) ? $aArgs['ExtendedProps'] : null ); Server::setUser($currentUser); self::Decorator()->UpdateUsedSpace(); return true; } } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onGetLinkType($aArgs, &$mResult) { $mResult = ''; } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onCheckUrl($aArgs, &$mResult) { $iUserId = Api::getAuthenticatedUserId(); if ($iUserId) { if (!empty($aArgs['Url'])) { $sUrl = $aArgs['Url']; if ($sUrl) { $aRemoteFileInfo = \Aurora\System\Utils::GetRemoteFileInfo($sUrl); if ((int)$aRemoteFileInfo['code'] > 0) { $sFileName = basename($sUrl); $sFileExtension = \Aurora\System\Utils::GetFileExtension($sFileName); if (empty($sFileExtension)) { $sFileExtension = \Aurora\System\Utils::GetFileExtensionFromMimeContentType($aRemoteFileInfo['content-type']); $sFileName .= '.' . $sFileExtension; } if ($sFileExtension === 'htm' || $sFileExtension === 'html') { $sTitle = $this->getHtmlTitle($sUrl); } $mResult['Name'] = isset($sTitle) && strlen($sTitle) > 0 ? $sTitle : urldecode($sFileName); $mResult['Size'] = $aRemoteFileInfo['size']; } } } } } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param \Aurora\Modules\Files\Classes\FileItem $oItem * @return bool */ public function onAfterPopulateFileItem($aArgs, &$oItem) { if ($oItem->IsLink) { $sFileName = basename($oItem->LinkUrl); $sFileExtension = \Aurora\System\Utils::GetFileExtension($sFileName); if ($sFileExtension === 'htm' || $sFileExtension === 'html') { // $oItem->Name = $this->getHtmlTitle($oItem->LinkUrl); return true; } } return false; } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onBeforeDeleteUser($aArgs, &$mResult) { if (isset($aArgs['UserId'])) { $this->oBeforeDeleteUser = Api::getUserById($aArgs['UserId']); if ($this->oBeforeDeleteUser) { $this->oBeforeDeleteUserRootPath = $this->getManager()->oStorage->getRootPath($this->oBeforeDeleteUser->PublicId, \Aurora\System\Enums\FileStorageType::Personal, true); } } } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onAfterDeleteUser($aArgs, $mResult) { if ($mResult && !empty($this->oBeforeDeleteUserRootPath)) { \Aurora\System\Utils::RecRmdir($this->oBeforeDeleteUserRootPath); $this->oBeforeDeleteUserRootPath = ''; } } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onAfterGetStorages($aArgs, &$mResult) { array_unshift($mResult, [ 'Type' => static::$sStorageType, 'DisplayName' => $this->i18N('LABEL_STORAGE'), 'IsExternal' => false, 'Order' => static::$iStorageOrder, 'IsDroppable' => static::$bIsDroppable ]); } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onAfterGetSubModules($aArgs, &$mResult) { array_unshift($mResult, 'local.' . static::$sStorageType); } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onGetItems($aArgs, &$mResult) { if ($this->checkStorageType($aArgs['Type'])) { $UserId = $aArgs['UserId']; Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPiblicId = Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $sHash = isset($aArgs['PublicHash']) ? $aArgs['PublicHash'] : null; $bIsShared = isset($aArgs['Shared']) ? !!$aArgs['Shared'] : false; $mResult = array_merge( $mResult, $this->getManager()->getFiles( $sUserPiblicId, $aArgs['Type'], $aArgs['Path'], $aArgs['Pattern'], $sHash, $bIsShared ) ); } } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onAfterGetFileContent($aArgs, &$mResult) { $UserId = $aArgs['UserId']; Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUUID = Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $Type = $aArgs['Type']; $Path = $aArgs['Path']; $Name = $aArgs['Name']; $mFile = $this->getManager()->getFile($sUUID, $Type, $Path, $Name); if (is_resource($mFile)) { $mResult = stream_get_contents($mFile); } } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onAfterGetFileInfo($aArgs, &$mResult) { if ($this->checkStorageType($aArgs['Type'])) { $UserId = $aArgs['UserId']; Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPiblicId = Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $mResult = $this->getManager()->getFileInfo($sUserPiblicId, $aArgs['Type'], $aArgs['Path'], $aArgs['Id']); // return true; } } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onAfterCreateFolder(&$aArgs, &$mResult) { $UserId = $aArgs['UserId']; Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPiblicId = Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); if ($this->checkStorageType($aArgs['Type'])) { $mResult = $this->getManager()->createFolder($sUserPiblicId, $aArgs['Type'], $aArgs['Path'], $aArgs['FolderName']); return true; } } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onAfterCreateLink($aArgs, &$mResult) { Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::NormalUser); if ($this->checkStorageType($aArgs['Type'])) { $Type = $aArgs['Type']; $UserId = $aArgs['UserId']; $Path = $aArgs['Path']; $Name = $aArgs['Name']; $Link = $aArgs['Link']; Api::CheckAccess($UserId); if (substr($Link, 0, 11) === 'javascript:') { $Link = substr($Link, 11); } $sUserPiblicId = Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); if ($this->checkStorageType($Type)) { $Name = \trim(\MailSo\Base\Utils::ClearFileName($Name)); $mResult = $this->getManager()->createLink($sUserPiblicId, $Type, $Path, $Link, $Name); self::Decorator()->UpdateUsedSpace(); } } } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onAfterDelete(&$aArgs, &$mResult) { $UserId = $aArgs['UserId']; Api::CheckAccess($UserId); if ($this->checkStorageType($aArgs['Type'])) { $mResult = false; foreach ($aArgs['Items'] as $aItem) { try { $oNode = Server::getNodeForPath(Constants::FILESTORAGE_PATH_ROOT . '/' . $aArgs['Type'] . '/' . $aItem['Path'] . '/' . $aItem['Name']); } catch (\Exception $oEx) { Api::LogException($oEx); throw new ApiException(ErrorCodes::NotFound, $oEx, "Node not found"); } if (!$oNode) { throw new ApiException(ErrorCodes::NotFound, null, "Node not found"); } if ($oNode instanceof \Afterlogic\DAV\FS\Shared\File || $oNode instanceof \Afterlogic\DAV\FS\Shared\Directory) { if (!$oNode->isInherited()) { throw new ApiException(ErrorCodes::CantDeleteSharedItem); } } \Afterlogic\DAV\Server::deleteNode('files/' . $aArgs['Type'] . '/' . $aItem['Path'] . '/' . $aItem['Name']); $oItem = new FileItem(); $oItem->Id = $aItem['Name']; $oItem->Name = $aItem['Name']; $oItem->TypeStr = $aArgs['Type']; $oItem->Path = $aItem['Path']; FilesModule::Decorator()->DeletePublicLink($UserId, $aArgs['Type'], $aItem['Path'], $aItem['Name']); \Aurora\System\Managers\Thumb::RemoveFromCache($UserId, $oItem->getHash(), $aItem['Name']); $mResult = true; } self::Decorator()->UpdateUsedSpace(); } } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onAfterRename(&$aArgs, &$mResult) { if ($this->checkStorageType($aArgs['Type'])) { $UserId = $aArgs['UserId']; Api::CheckAccess($UserId); if (!self::isFileAllowed($aArgs['Name'])) { throw new \Aurora\System\Exceptions\ApiException(\Aurora\System\Notifications::CanNotUploadFileErrorData); } $sUserPiblicId = Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $sNewName = \trim(\MailSo\Base\Utils::ClearFileName($aArgs['NewName'])); // $sNewName = $this->getManager()->getNonExistentFileName($sUserPiblicId, $aArgs['Type'], $aArgs['Path'], $sNewName); $bIsLink = isset($aArgs['IsLink']) ? $aArgs['IsLink'] : false; $mResult = $this->getManager()->rename($sUserPiblicId, $aArgs['Type'], $aArgs['Path'], $aArgs['Name'], $sNewName, $bIsLink); } } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onAfterCopy(&$aArgs, &$mResult) { $UserId = $aArgs['UserId']; Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPiblicId = Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); if ($this->checkStorageType($aArgs['FromType'])) { foreach ($aArgs['Files'] as $aItem) { $bFolderIntoItself = isset($aItem['IsFolder']) && $aItem['IsFolder'] && $aArgs['ToPath'] === $aItem['FromPath'] . '/' . $aItem['Name']; if (!$bFolderIntoItself) { $sNewName = isset($aItem['NewName']) ? $aItem['NewName'] : $aItem['Name']; $mResult = $this->getManager()->copy( $sUserPiblicId, $aItem['FromType'], $aArgs['ToType'], $aItem['FromPath'], $aArgs['ToPath'], $aItem['Name'], $this->getManager()->getNonExistentFileName( $sUserPiblicId, $aArgs['ToType'], $aArgs['ToPath'], $sNewName ) ); } } self::Decorator()->UpdateUsedSpace(); } } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onAfterMove(&$aArgs, &$mResult) { if ($this->checkStorageType($aArgs['FromType'])) { $UserId = $aArgs['UserId']; Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPiblicId = Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); foreach ($aArgs['Files'] as $key => $aItem) { $bIntoItself = $aArgs['ToType'] . '/' . $aArgs['ToPath'] === $aItem['FromType'] . '/' . $aItem['FromPath']; if (!$bIntoItself) { $sNewName = isset($aItem['NewName']) ? $aItem['NewName'] : $aItem['Name']; if (!self::IsFileAllowed(basename($sNewName))) { throw new \Aurora\System\Exceptions\ApiException(\Aurora\System\Notifications::CanNotUploadFileErrorData); } $sNewName = $this->getManager()->getNonExistentFileName( $sUserPiblicId, $aArgs['ToType'], $aArgs['ToPath'], $sNewName ); $aArgs['Files'][$key]['NewName'] = $sNewName; $mResult = $this->getManager()->copy( $sUserPiblicId, $aItem['FromType'], $aArgs['ToType'], $aItem['FromPath'], $aArgs['ToPath'], $aItem['Name'], $sNewName, true ); } else { throw new ApiException(ErrorCodes::CannotCopyOrMoveItemToItself); } } self::Decorator()->UpdateUsedSpace(); } } protected function getUserSpaceLimitMb() { $iSpaceLimitMb = FilesModule::getInstance()->oModuleSettings->UserSpaceLimitMb; $iUserId = Api::getAuthenticatedUserId(); $oUser = CoreModule::Decorator()->GetUserWithoutRoleCheck($iUserId); if ($oUser) { $iSpaceLimitMb = $oUser->getExtendedProp('Files::UserSpaceLimitMb'); } $aArgs = [ 'UserId' => $iUserId ]; $this->broadcastEvent( 'GetUserSpaceLimitMb', $aArgs, $iSpaceLimitMb ); return $iSpaceLimitMb; } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onAfterGetQuota($aArgs, &$mResult) { if ($this->checkStorageType($aArgs['Type'])) { $iSize = 0; $oUser = CoreModule::Decorator()->GetUserWithoutRoleCheck($aArgs['UserId']); if ($oUser) { $iSize = null !== $oUser->getExtendedProp(self::GetName() . '::UsedSpace') ? $oUser->getExtendedProp(self::GetName() . '::UsedSpace') : 0; } $mResult = array( 'Used' => (int) $iSize, 'Limit' => $this->getUserSpaceLimitMb() * 1024 * 1024 ); } } /** * Creates public link for file or folder. * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onAfterCreatePublicLink($aArgs, &$mResult) { if ($this->checkStorageType($aArgs['Type'])) { $UserId = (int) $aArgs['UserId']; $Type = $aArgs['Type']; $Path = $aArgs['Path']; $Name = $aArgs['Name']; $Size = $aArgs['Size']; $IsFolder = $aArgs['IsFolder']; Api::CheckAccess($UserId); Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::NormalUser); $sUserPiblicId = Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $bFolder = (bool) $IsFolder; $mResult = $this->getManager()->createPublicLink($sUserPiblicId, $Type, $Path, $Name, $Size, $bFolder); self::Decorator()->UpdateUsedSpace(); } } /** * Deletes public link from file or folder. * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onAfterDeletePublicLink($aArgs, &$mResult) { if ($this->checkStorageType($aArgs['Type'])) { $UserId = $aArgs['UserId']; $Type = $aArgs['Type']; $Path = $aArgs['Path']; $Name = $aArgs['Name']; Api::CheckAccess($UserId); Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::NormalUser); $sUserPiblicId = Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $mResult = $this->getManager()->deletePublicLink($sUserPiblicId, $Type, $Path, $Name); self::Decorator()->UpdateUsedSpace(); } } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onAfterIsFileExists($aArgs, &$mResult) { if (isset($aArgs['Type']) && $this->checkStorageType($aArgs['Type'])) { $UserId = $aArgs['UserId']; Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $mResult = $this->getManager()->isFileExists( Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId), $aArgs['Type'], $aArgs['Path'], $aArgs['Name'] ); } } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onAfterCheckQuota($aArgs, &$mResult) { $Type = $aArgs['Type']; if ($this->checkStorageType($Type)) { $sUserId = $aArgs['UserId']; $iSize = (int) $aArgs['Size']; $aQuota = FilesModule::Decorator()->GetQuota($sUserId, $Type); $Limit = (int) $aQuota['Limit']; $Used = (int) $aQuota['Used']; $mResult = !($Limit > 0 && $Used + $iSize > $Limit); return true; } } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onAfterUpdateExtendedProps(&$aArgs, &$mResult) { if ($this->checkStorageType($aArgs['Type'])) { $UserId = $aArgs['UserId']; Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPiblicId = Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $mResult = $this->getManager()->updateExtendedProps( $sUserPiblicId, $aArgs['Type'], $aArgs['Path'], $aArgs['Name'], $aArgs['ExtendedProps'] ); } } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onAfterGetExtendedProps(&$aArgs, &$mResult) { $bCorrectArgs = isset($aArgs['Type']) && isset($aArgs['Path']) && isset($aArgs['Name']); if ($bCorrectArgs && $this->checkStorageType($aArgs['Type'])) { $UserId = $aArgs['UserId']; Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPiblicId = Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $mResult = $this->getManager()->getExtendedProps( $sUserPiblicId, $aArgs['Type'], $aArgs['Path'], $aArgs['Name'] ); } } public function onAfterGetNonExistentFileName(&$aArgs, &$mResult) { if ($this->checkStorageType($aArgs['Type'])) { $UserId = $aArgs['UserId']; Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPiblicId = Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $mResult = $this->getManager()->getNonExistentFileName( $sUserPiblicId, $aArgs['Type'], $aArgs['Path'], $aArgs['Name'], $aArgs['WithoutGroup'] ); } } public function onAfterGetAccessInfoForPath(&$aArgs, &$mResult) { if ($this->checkStorageType($aArgs['Type'])) { $UserId = $aArgs['UserId']; Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPiblicId = Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $aItems = []; $sPath = $aArgs['Path']; $aPaths = explode('/', $sPath); do { $oNode = Server::getNodeForPath('files/' . $aArgs['Type'] . '/' . $sPath, $sUserPiblicId); if (!empty($sPath) && ($oNode instanceof SharedFile || $oNode instanceof SharedDirectory)) { $aItems[$sPath] = $oNode->getAccess(); } array_pop($aPaths); $sPath = implode('/', $aPaths); } while (count($aPaths) > 0); $mResult = $aItems; } } }