oModuleSettings; } public function init() { $this->initLogging(); $this->oRocketChatSettingsManager = new Managers\RocketChatSettings\Manager($this); $this->initConfig(); $this->AddEntry('chat', 'EntryChat'); $this->AddEntry('chat-direct', 'EntryChatDirect'); $this->subscribeEvent('Core::DeleteUser::before', array($this, 'onBeforeDeleteUser')); } /** * Obtains list of module settings for authenticated user. * * @return array */ public function GetSettings($TenantId = null) { Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(UserRole::NormalUser); $sChatUrl = ''; $sAdminUsername = ''; $oSettings = $this->oModuleSettings; if (!empty($TenantId)) { Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(UserRole::TenantAdmin); $oTenant = Api::getTenantById($TenantId); if ($oTenant) { $sChatUrl = $oSettings->GetTenantValue($oTenant->Name, 'ChatUrl', $sChatUrl); $sAdminUsername = $oSettings->GetTenantValue($oTenant->Name, 'AdminUsername', $sAdminUsername); } } else { $sChatUrl = $oSettings->ChatUrl; $sAdminUsername = $oSettings->AdminUsername; } $oUser = \Aurora\System\Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); if ($oUser instanceof \Aurora\Modules\Core\Models\User) { if ($oUser->isNormalOrTenant()) { $oSettings = $this->oModuleSettings; $mResult = [ 'ChatUrl' => $sChatUrl, 'AllowAddMeetingLinkToEvent' => $this->oModuleSettings->AllowAddMeetingLinkToEvent, 'MeetingLinkUrl' => $this->oModuleSettings->MeetingLinkUrl ]; return $mResult; } elseif ($oUser->Role === UserRole::SuperAdmin) { return [ 'ChatUrl' => $sChatUrl, 'AdminUsername' => $sAdminUsername ]; } } return []; } /** * Updates settings of the Chat Module. * * @param int $TenantId * @param string $ChatUrl * @param string $AdminUsername * @param string $AdminPassword * @return boolean */ public function UpdateSettings($TenantId, $ChatUrl, $AdminUsername, $AdminPassword = null) { $oSettings = $this->oModuleSettings; if (!empty($TenantId)) { Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(UserRole::TenantAdmin); $oTenant = Api::getTenantById($TenantId); if ($oTenant) { $aValues = [ 'ChatUrl' => $ChatUrl, 'AdminUsername' => $AdminUsername ]; if ($AdminPassword) { $sDecryptedPassword = Utils::DecryptValue($AdminPassword); // checks that password is not encrypted already if ($sDecryptedPassword === false) { $aValues['AdminPassword'] = Utils::EncryptValue($AdminPassword); } else { $aValues['AdminPassword'] = $AdminPassword; } } return $oSettings->SaveTenantSettings($oTenant->Name, $aValues); } } else { Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(UserRole::SuperAdmin); $oSettings->ChatUrl = $ChatUrl; $oSettings->AdminUsername = $AdminUsername; if ($AdminPassword) { $sDecryptedPassword = Utils::DecryptValue($AdminPassword); // checks that password is not encrypted already if ($sDecryptedPassword === false) { $oSettings->AdminPassword = Utils::EncryptValue($AdminPassword); } else { $oSettings->AdminPassword = $AdminPassword; } } return $oSettings->Save(); } return false; } public function GetRocketChatSettings($TenantId = null) { \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(UserRole::SuperAdmin); return $this->oRocketChatSettingsManager->get( $this->getClient($TenantId), $this->getAdminHeaders($TenantId) ); } /** * Applies some settings to RocketChat to achive better integration with Aurora */ public function ApplyRocketChatRequiredChanges($TenantId = null) { \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(UserRole::SuperAdmin); return $this->oRocketChatSettingsManager->setConfigs( $this->getClient($TenantId), $this->getAdminHeaders($TenantId) ); } /** * Applies some text changes to RocketChat like user's home page. */ public function ApplyRocketChatTextChanges($TenantId = null) { \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(UserRole::SuperAdmin); return $this->oRocketChatSettingsManager->setTexts( $this->getClient($TenantId), $this->getAdminHeaders($TenantId) ); } /** * Applies css theme tweeks to match RocketChat custome theme to Aurora's one */ public function ApplyRocketChatCssChanges($TenantId = null) { \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(UserRole::SuperAdmin); return $this->oRocketChatSettingsManager->setCss( $this->getClient($TenantId), $this->getAdminHeaders($TenantId) ); } public function EntryChatDirect() { try { Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(UserRole::NormalUser); $sContactUuid = $this->oHttp->GetQuery('chat-direct'); $oCurrentUser = Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); $oContact = ContactsModule::Decorator()->GetContact($sContactUuid, $oCurrentUser->Id); $oUser = $oContact ? Api::getUserById($oContact->IdUser) : null; if ($oCurrentUser && $oUser && $oCurrentUser->IdTenant === $oUser->IdTenant) { $sDirect = $this->GetLoginForEmail($oUser->PublicId); if ($sDirect) { $this->showChat('direct/' . $sDirect . '?layout=embedded'); } else { $this->showError('User not found'); } } else { $this->showError('User not found'); } } catch (ApiException $oEx) { $this->showError('User not found'); } } public function EntryChat() { $oIntegrator = \Aurora\System\Managers\Integrator::getInstance(); $this->showChat('', $oIntegrator->buildHeadersLink()); } public function InitChat() { if (!$this->curUserData) { $mResult = false; $oUser = Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); if ($oUser && $this->client && $this->initUser()) { $sAuthToken = isset($_COOKIE['RocketChatAuthToken']) ? $_COOKIE['RocketChatAuthToken'] : null; $sUserId = isset($_COOKIE['RocketChatUserId']) ? $_COOKIE['RocketChatUserId'] : null; if ($sAuthToken !== null && $sUserId !== null) { $sAuthToken = Utils::DecryptValue($sAuthToken); Api::AddSecret($sAuthToken); try { $res = $this->client->get('me', [ 'headers' => [ "X-Auth-Token" => $sAuthToken, "X-User-Id" => $sUserId, ], 'http_errors' => false ]); if ($res->getStatusCode() === 200) { $body = \json_decode($res->getBody(), true); $sLang = ''; if (isset($body->settings->preferences->language)) { $sLang = $body->settings->preferences->language; } $sUserLang = Utils::ConvertLanguageNameToShort($oUser->Language); if ($sUserLang !== $sLang) { $this->updateLanguage($sUserId, $sAuthToken, $sUserLang); } $mResult = [ 'authToken' => $sAuthToken, 'userId' => $sUserId ]; } } catch (ConnectException $oException) { } } if (!$mResult) { $currentUserInfo = $this->getCurrentUserInfo(); if ($currentUserInfo) { $mResult = $this->loginCurrentUser(); if (!$mResult && !$this->isDemoUser($oUser->PublicId)) { if ($this->updateUserPassword($currentUserInfo)) { $mResult = $this->loginCurrentUser(); } } } elseif ($this->createCurrentUser() !== false) { $mResult = $this->loginCurrentUser(); } if ($mResult && isset($mResult->data)) { $iAuthTokenCookieExpireTime = (int) \Aurora\Modules\Core\Module::getInstance()->oModuleSettings->AuthTokenCookieExpireTime; @\setcookie( 'RocketChatAuthToken', Utils::EncryptValue($mResult->data->authToken), \strtotime('+' . $iAuthTokenCookieExpireTime . ' days'), \Aurora\System\Api::getCookiePath(), '', \Aurora\System\Api::getCookieSecure() ); @\setcookie( 'RocketChatUserId', $mResult->data->userId, \strtotime('+' . $iAuthTokenCookieExpireTime . ' days'), \Aurora\System\Api::getCookiePath(), '', \Aurora\System\Api::getCookieSecure() ); $oUser->save(); $mResult = [ 'authToken' => $mResult->data->authToken, 'userId' => $mResult->data->userId ]; } } } $this->curUserData = $mResult; } return $this->curUserData; } public function GetLoginForCurrentUser() { $mResult = false; $oUser = Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); if ($oUser) { $mResult = $this->getUserNameFromEmail($oUser->PublicId); } return $mResult; } public function GetLoginForEmail($Email) { $mResult = false; $oUserInfo = $this->getUserInfo($Email); if (!$oUserInfo) { $oUserInfo = $this->createUser($Email); } if ($oUserInfo && $oUserInfo->success) { $mResult = $oUserInfo->user->username; } return $mResult; } public function GetUnreadCounter() { $mResult = 0; $aCurUser = $this->InitChat(); if ($aCurUser && $this->client) { try { $res = $this->client->get('subscriptions.get', [ 'headers' => [ "X-Auth-Token" => $aCurUser['authToken'], "X-User-Id" => $aCurUser['userId'], ], 'http_errors' => false ]); if ($res->getStatusCode() === 200) { $aResponse = \json_decode($res->getBody(), true); if (is_array($aResponse['update'])) { foreach ($aResponse['update'] as $update) { $mResult += $update['unread']; } } } } catch (ConnectException $oException) { } } return $mResult; } protected function getClient($iTenantId = null) { $mResult = null; $oSettings = $this->oModuleSettings; $sChatUrl = ''; if (isset($iTenantId)) { $oTenant = Api::getTenantById($iTenantId); if ($oTenant) { $sChatUrl = $oSettings->GetTenantValue($oTenant->Name, 'ChatUrl', ''); } } else { $sChatUrl = $oSettings->ChatUrl; if (isset($this->client)) { return $this->client; } } if (!empty($sChatUrl)) { $mResult = new Client([ 'base_uri' => \rtrim($sChatUrl, '/') . '/api/v1/', 'verify' => false, 'handler' => $this->stack ]); } return $mResult; } protected function initConfig() { $this->sChatUrl = $this->oModuleSettings->ChatUrl; $sAdminUser = $this->oModuleSettings->AdminUsername; if (!empty($this->sChatUrl) && !empty($sAdminUser)) { $this->client = new Client([ 'base_uri' => \rtrim($this->sChatUrl, '/') . '/api/v1/', 'verify' => false, 'handler' => $this->stack ]); } } /** * Checks if current user is a demo user * @param string $sEmail * @return bool */ protected function isDemoUser($sEmail) { $bDemo = false; if (class_exists('\Aurora\Modules\DemoModePlugin\Module')) { /** @var \Aurora\Modules\DemoModePlugin\Module $oDemoModePlugin */ $oDemoModePlugin = Api::GetModuleDecorator('DemoModePlugin'); $bDemo = $oDemoModePlugin && $oDemoModePlugin->CheckDemoUser($sEmail); } return $bDemo; } protected function initLogging() { if ($this->oModuleSettings->EnableLogging) { $stack = HandlerStack::create(); collect([ 'REQUEST: {method} - {uri} - HTTP/{version} - {req_headers} - {req_body}', 'RESPONSE: {code} - {res_body}', ])->each(function ($messageFormat) use ($stack) { // We'll use unshift instead of push, to add the middleware to the bottom of the stack, not the top $oLogger = new Logger('rocketchat-log'); $oLogger->pushProcessor(function ($record) { $record['message'] = str_replace(Api::$aSecretWords, '*****', $record['message']); $record['message'] = preg_replace('/(X-Auth-Token|X-2fa-code):(.+?\s)/i', '$1: ***** ', $record['message']); $record['message'] = preg_replace('/("bcrypt"):(.*?\})/i', '$1:"*****"}', $record['message']); $record['message'] = preg_replace('/("authToken"):(.*?,)/i', '$1:"*****",', $record['message']); return $record; }); $stack->unshift( Middleware::log( $oLogger->pushHandler( new RotatingFileHandler(Api::GetLogFileDir() . 'rocketchat-log.txt') ), new MessageFormatter($messageFormat) ) ); }); $this->stack = $stack; } } protected function initUser() { $mResult = true; if (!$this->getCurrentUserInfo()) { if (!$this->createCurrentUser()) { $mResult = false; } } return $mResult; } protected function showChat($sUrl = '', $sIntegratorLinks = '') { $aUser = $this->InitChat(); $sResult = \file_get_contents($this->GetPath() . '/templates/Chat.html'); if (\is_string($sResult)) { echo strtr($sResult, [ '{{TOKEN}}' => $aUser ? $aUser['authToken'] : '', '{{URL}}' => $this->sChatUrl . $sUrl, '{{IntegratorLinks}}' => $sIntegratorLinks, ]); } } protected function showError($sMessage = '') { echo $sMessage; } protected function getUserNameFromEmail($sEmail) { $mResult = false; $iChatUsernameFormat = $this->oModuleSettings->ChatUsernameFormat; $aEmailParts = explode("@", $sEmail); if (isset($aEmailParts[1])) { $aDomainParts = explode(".", $aEmailParts[1]); } if (isset($aEmailParts[0])) { $mResult = $aEmailParts[0]; if (isset($aDomainParts[0]) && ($iChatUsernameFormat == \Aurora\Modules\RocketChatWebclient\Enums\UsernameFormat::UsernameAndDomain)) { $mResult .= "." . $aDomainParts[0]; } if (isset($aEmailParts[1]) && ($iChatUsernameFormat == \Aurora\Modules\RocketChatWebclient\Enums\UsernameFormat::UsernameAndFullDomainName)) { $mResult .= "." . $aEmailParts[1]; } } return $mResult; } protected function getAdminCredentials($TenantId = null, $EncrypdedPassword = true) { static $mResult = false; if (!$mResult) { $adminCreds = []; $oSettings = $this->oModuleSettings; if (isset($TenantId)) { $oTenant = Api::getTenantById($TenantId); if ($oTenant) { $adminCreds = [ 'AdminUser' => $oSettings->GetTenantValue($oTenant->Name, 'AdminUsername', ''), 'AdminPass' => $oSettings->GetTenantValue($oTenant->Name, 'AdminPassword', '') ]; } } else { $adminCreds = [ 'AdminUser' => $oSettings->AdminUsername, 'AdminPass' => $oSettings->AdminPassword ]; } if (is_array($adminCreds) && isset($adminCreds['AdminPass'])) { if ($EncrypdedPassword) { $adminCreds['AdminPass'] = Utils::DecryptValue($adminCreds['AdminPass']); } if ($adminCreds['AdminPass']) { Api::AddSecret($adminCreds['AdminPass']); $mResult = $adminCreds; } } } return $mResult; } protected function loginAdminAccount($TenantId, $aAdminCreds) { $mResult = false; $client = $this->getClient($TenantId); try { if ($client && $aAdminCreds) { $res = $client->post('login', [ 'form_params' => [ 'user' => $aAdminCreds['AdminUser'], 'password' => $aAdminCreds['AdminPass'] ], 'http_errors' => false ]); if ($res->getStatusCode() === 200) { $mResult = \json_decode($res->getBody()); } } } catch (ConnectException $oException) { } return $mResult; } protected function getAdminAccount($TenantId = null) { $mResult = false; if (!isset($TenantId) && isset($this->adminAccount)) { return $this->adminAccount; } $aAdminCreds = $this->getAdminCredentials($TenantId); $mResult = $this->loginAdminAccount($TenantId, $aAdminCreds); if (!$mResult) { $aAdminCreds = $this->getAdminCredentials($TenantId, false); $mResult = $this->loginAdminAccount($TenantId, $aAdminCreds); } if (!isset($TenantId) && $mResult) { $this->adminAccount = $mResult; } return $mResult; } protected function getAdminHeaders($TenantId = null) { $oAdmin = $this->getAdminAccount($TenantId); $aAdminCreds = $this->getAdminCredentials($TenantId); if ($oAdmin && $aAdminCreds) { return [ 'X-Auth-Token' => $oAdmin->data->authToken, 'X-User-Id' => $oAdmin->data->userId, 'X-2fa-code' => hash('sha256', $aAdminCreds['AdminPass']), 'X-2fa-method' => 'password' ]; } return []; } protected function getUserInfo($sEmail) { $mResult = false; $sUserName = $this->getUserNameFromEmail($sEmail); try { if ($this->client) { $res = $this->client->get('users.info', [ 'query' => [ 'username' => $this->getUserNameFromEmail($sEmail) ], 'headers' => $this->getAdminHeaders(), 'http_errors' => false ]); if ($res->getStatusCode() === 200) { $mResult = \json_decode($res->getBody()); } } } catch (ConnectException $oException) { \Aurora\System\Api::Log('Cannot get ' . $sUserName . ' user info. Exception is below.'); \Aurora\System\Api::LogException($oException); } return $mResult; } protected function getCurrentUserInfo() { $mResult = false; $oUser = Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); if ($oUser) { $mResult = $this->getUserInfo($oUser->PublicId); } return $mResult; } protected function createUser($sEmail) { $mResult = false; $oAccount = CoreModule::Decorator()->GetAccountUsedToAuthorize($sEmail); if ($oAccount && $this->client) { if (!$this->isDemoUser($sEmail)) { $sPassword = $oAccount->getPassword(); } else { $sPassword = $this->sDemoPass; } Api::AddSecret($sPassword); $sLogin = $this->getUserNameFromEmail($sEmail); $sName = isset($oAccount->FriendlyName) && $oAccount->FriendlyName !== '' ? $oAccount->FriendlyName : $sLogin; try { $res = $this->client->post('users.create', [ 'json' => [ 'email' => $sEmail, 'name' => $sName, 'password' => $sPassword, 'username' => $sLogin ], 'headers' => $this->getAdminHeaders(), 'http_errors' => false ]); if ($res->getStatusCode() === 200) { $mResult = \json_decode($res->getBody()); } } catch (ConnectException $oException) { \Aurora\System\Api::Log('Cannot create ' . $sEmail . ' user. Exception is below.'); \Aurora\System\Api::LogException($oException); } } return $mResult; } protected function createCurrentUser() { $mResult = false; $oUser = Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); if ($oUser) { $mResult = $this->createUser($oUser->PublicId); } return $mResult; } protected function loginCurrentUser() { $mResult = false; $oUser = Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); if ($oUser) { $oAccount = CoreModule::Decorator()->GetAccountUsedToAuthorize($oUser->PublicId); if ($oAccount && $this->client) { if (!$this->isDemoUser($oUser->PublicId)) { $sPassword = $oAccount->getPassword(); } else { $sPassword = $this->sDemoPass; } Api::AddSecret($sPassword); try { $res = $this->client->post('login', [ 'form_params' => [ 'user' => $this->getUserNameFromEmail($oUser->PublicId), 'password' => $sPassword ], 'http_errors' => false ]); if ($res->getStatusCode() === 200) { $mResult = \json_decode($res->getBody()); $sLang = ''; if (isset($mResult->data->me->settings->preferences->language)) { $sLang = $mResult->data->me->settings->preferences->language; } $sUserLang = Utils::ConvertLanguageNameToShort($oUser->Language); if ($sUserLang !== $sLang) { $this->updateLanguage($mResult->data->userId, $mResult->data->authToken, $sUserLang); } } } catch (ConnectException $oException) { } } } return $mResult; } protected function logout() { $mResult = false; if ($this->client) { try { $sAuthToken = isset($_COOKIE['RocketChatAuthToken']) ? $_COOKIE['RocketChatAuthToken'] : null; $sUserId = isset($_COOKIE['RocketChatUserId']) ? $_COOKIE['RocketChatUserId'] : null; if ($sAuthToken !== null && $sUserId !== null) { $res = $this->client->post('logout', [ 'headers' => [ "X-Auth-Token" => $sAuthToken, "X-User-Id" => $sUserId, ], 'http_errors' => false ]); if ($res->getStatusCode() === 200) { $mResult = \json_decode($res->getBody()); } } } catch (ConnectException $oException) { Api::LogException($oException); } } return $mResult; } protected function updateLanguage($sUserId, $sToken, $sLang) { if ($this->client) { $this->client->post('users.setPreferences', [ 'json' => [ 'userId' => $sUserId, 'data' => [ "language" => $sLang ] ], 'headers' => [ "X-Auth-Token" => $sToken, "X-User-Id" => $sUserId ], 'http_errors' => false ]); } } protected function updateUserPassword($userInfo) { $mResult = false; $oUser = Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); if ($oUser) { $oAccount = CoreModule::Decorator()->GetAccountUsedToAuthorize($oUser->PublicId); if ($oAccount && $this->client) { Api::AddSecret($oAccount->getPassword()); $res = $this->client->post('users.update', [ 'json' => [ 'userId' => $userInfo->user->_id, 'data' => [ 'password' => $oAccount->getPassword() ] ], 'headers' => $this->getAdminHeaders(), 'http_errors' => false ]); $mResult = ($res->getStatusCode() === 200); } } return $mResult; } public function onBeforeDeleteUser(&$aArgs, &$mResult) { $client = null; $adminHeaders = null; $oAuthenticatedUser = Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); if ($oAuthenticatedUser && $oAuthenticatedUser->isNormalOrTenant() && $oAuthenticatedUser->Id === (int) $aArgs['UserId'] ) { // Access is granted $client = $this->client; $adminHeaders = $this->getAdminHeaders(); } else { $oUser = Api::getUserById((int) $aArgs['UserId']); if ($oUser) { if ($oAuthenticatedUser->Role === UserRole::TenantAdmin && $oUser->IdTenant === $oAuthenticatedUser->IdTenant) { \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(UserRole::TenantAdmin); } elseif ($oAuthenticatedUser->Role === UserRole::SuperAdmin) { \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(UserRole::SuperAdmin); } $client = $this->getClient($oUser->IdTenant); $adminHeaders = $this->getAdminHeaders($oUser->IdTenant); } } $sUserName = $this->getUserNameFromEmail(Api::getUserPublicIdById($aArgs['UserId'])); try { if ($client) { $oRes = $client->post('users.delete', [ 'json' => [ 'username' => $sUserName ], 'headers' => $adminHeaders, 'http_errors' => false, 'timeout' => 1 ]); if ($oRes->getStatusCode() === 200) { $mResult = true; } } } catch (ConnectException $oException) { \Aurora\System\Api::Log('Cannot delete ' . $sUserName . ' user from RocketChat. Exception is below.'); \Aurora\System\Api::LogException($oException); } } }