'use strict'; module.exports = function (oAppData) { var ko = require('knockout'), App = require('%PathToCoreWebclientModule%/js/App.js'), TextUtils = require('%PathToCoreWebclientModule%/js/utils/Text.js'), Settings = require('modules/%ModuleName%/js/Settings.js'), WindowOpener = require('%PathToCoreWebclientModule%/js/WindowOpener.js'), oOpenedWindows = [], HeaderItemView = null ; Settings.init(oAppData); var sAppHash = Settings.AppName ? TextUtils.getUrlFriendlyName(Settings.AppName) : Settings.HashModuleName; if (App.isUserNormalOrTenant()) { var result = { /** * Returns list of functions that are return module screens. * * @returns {Object} */ getScreens: function () { var oScreens = {}; oScreens[Settings.HashModuleName] = function () { return require('modules/%ModuleName%/js/views/MainView.js'); }; return oScreens; } }; if (!App.isNewTab()) { App.subscribeEvent('CalendarWebclient::RegisterEditEventController', function ({register, view}) { const controller = require('modules/%ModuleName%/js/views/AddMeetingLinkToEventView.js'); controller.init(view); register(controller, 'AdditionalButton'); }); result.start = function (ModulesManager) { // init screen so the module could interact with chat in iframe var Screens = require('%PathToCoreWebclientModule%/js/Screens.js'); Screens.initHiddenView(Settings.HashModuleName); if (Settings.ChatUrl !== '') { ModulesManager.run('SettingsWebclient', 'registerSettingsTab', [function () { return require('modules/%ModuleName%/js/views/RocketChatSettingsPaneView.js'); }, Settings.HashModuleName, TextUtils.i18n('%MODULENAME%/LABEL_SETTINGS_TAB')]); } App.subscribeEvent('Logout', function () { $.removeCookie('RocketChatAuthToken'); $.removeCookie('RocketChatUserId'); if ($('#rocketchat_iframe')) { $('#rocketchat_iframe').hide(); $('#rocketchat_iframe').get(0).contentWindow.postMessage({ externalCommand: 'logout' }, '*'); } }); if (Settings.ChatUrl !== '') { App.subscribeEvent('ContactsWebclient::AddCustomCommand', function (oParams) { oParams.Callback({ 'Text': TextUtils.i18n('%MODULENAME%/ACTION_CHAT_WITH_CONTACT'), 'CssClass': 'chat', 'Handler': function () { var oWin = oOpenedWindows[this.uuid()]; if (oWin && !oWin.closed) { oWin.focus(); } else { var iScreenWidth = window.screen.width, iWidth = 360, iLeft = Math.ceil((iScreenWidth - iWidth) / 2), iScreenHeight = window.screen.height, iHeight = 600, iTop = Math.ceil((iScreenHeight - iHeight) / 2), sUrl = '?chat-direct=' + this.uuid() + '&' + new Date().getTime(), sName = 'Chat', sSize = ',width=' + iWidth + ',height=' + iHeight + ',top=' + iTop + ',left=' + iLeft ; oWin = WindowOpener.open(sUrl, sName, false, sSize); if (oWin) { oOpenedWindows[this.uuid()] = oWin; } } }, 'Visible': ko.computed(function () { return oParams.Contact.team() && !oParams.Contact.itsMe(); }) }); }); } }; /** * Returns object of header item view of the module. * * @returns {Object} */ result.getHeaderItem = function () { if (HeaderItemView === null) { HeaderItemView = require('modules/%ModuleName%/js/views/HeaderItemView.js'); } if (Settings.ChatUrl !== '') { return { item: HeaderItemView, name: sAppHash }; } }; } return result; } return null; };