oModuleSettings->Disabled) { $personalFiles->setConfig('Disabled', true); } parent::init(); $this->subscribeEvent('Core::DeleteTenant::before', array($this, 'onBeforeDeleteTenant')); $this->subscribeEvent('Core::DeleteTenant::after', array($this, 'onAfterDeleteTenant')); $this->subscribeEvent('Core::DeleteUser::before', array($this, 'onBeforeDeleteUser')); $this->subscribeEvent('Core::DeleteUser::after', array($this, 'onAfterDeleteUser')); $this->subscribeEvent('AddToContentSecurityPolicyDefault', array($this, 'onAddToContentSecurityPolicyDefault')); $this->denyMethodsCallByWebApi([ 'DeleteUserFolder', 'GetUserByUUID' ]); $sTenantName = $this->getTenantName(); $sTenantName = $sTenantName ? $sTenantName : ''; $this->sBucketPrefix = $this->oModuleSettings->BucketPrefix; $this->sBucket = \strtolower($this->sBucketPrefix . \str_replace([' ', '.'], '-', $sTenantName)); $this->sHost = $this->oModuleSettings->Host; $this->sRegion = $this->oModuleSettings->Region; $this->sAccessKey = $this->oModuleSettings->AccessKey; $this->sSecretKey = $this->oModuleSettings->SecretKey; } /** * @return Module */ public static function getInstance() { return parent::getInstance(); } /** * @return Module */ public static function Decorator() { return parent::Decorator(); } /** * @return Settings */ public function getModuleSettings() { return $this->oModuleSettings; } public function onAddToContentSecurityPolicyDefault($aArgs, &$aAddDefault) { $aAddDefault[] = "https://" . $this->sHost; $aAddDefault[] = "https://" . $this->sBucket . "." . $this->sHost; } /** * Obtains list of module settings for authenticated user. * * @return array */ public function GetSettings($TenantId = null) { \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::TenantAdmin); if (!isset($this->aSettings)) { $oSettings = $this->oModuleSettings; if (!empty($TenantId)) { \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::TenantAdmin); $oTenant = \Aurora\System\Api::getTenantById($TenantId); if ($oTenant) { $this->aSettings = [ 'Region' => $oSettings->GetTenantValue($oTenant->Name, 'Region', ''), 'Host' => $oSettings->GetTenantValue($oTenant->Name, 'Host', ''), ]; } } else { $this->aSettings = [ 'AccessKey' => $oSettings->AccessKey, 'SecretKey' => $oSettings->SecretKey, 'Region' => $oSettings->Region, 'Host' => $oSettings->Host, 'BucketPrefix' => $oSettings->BucketPrefix, ]; } } return $this->aSettings; } /** * Updates module's settings - saves them to config.json file. * @param string $AccessKey * @param string $SecretKey * @param string $Region * @param string $Host * @param string $BucketPrefix * @return boolean */ public function UpdateS3Settings($AccessKey, $SecretKey, $Region, $Host, $BucketPrefix, $TenantId = null) { $oSettings = $this->oModuleSettings; if (!empty($TenantId)) { \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::TenantAdmin); $oTenant = \Aurora\System\Api::getTenantById($TenantId); if ($oTenant) { return $oSettings->SaveTenantSettings($oTenant->Name, [ 'Region' => $Region, 'Host' => $Host ]); } } else { \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::SuperAdmin); $oSettings->AccessKey = $AccessKey; $oSettings->SecretKey = $SecretKey; $oSettings->Region = $Region; $oSettings->Host = $Host; $oSettings->BucketPrefix = $BucketPrefix; return $oSettings->Save(); } return false; } public function GetUsersFolders($iTenantId) { \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::TenantAdmin); $oUser = \Aurora\System\Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); if ($oUser->Role === \Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::TenantAdmin && $oUser->IdTenant !== $iTenantId) { throw new ApiException(\Aurora\System\Notifications::AccessDenied, null, 'AccessDenied'); } else { Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::SuperAdmin); } if (!empty($iTenantId)) { $this->sBucket = $this->getBucketForTenant($iTenantId); $results = $this->getClient(true)->listObjectsV2([ 'Bucket' => $this->getBucketForTenant($iTenantId), 'Prefix' => '', 'Delimiter' => '/' ]); $aUsersFolders = []; if (is_array($results['CommonPrefixes']) && count($results['CommonPrefixes']) > 0) { foreach ($results['CommonPrefixes'] as $aPrefix) { if (substr($aPrefix['Prefix'], -1) === '/') { $aUsersFolders[] = \rtrim($aPrefix['Prefix'], '/'); } } } return $aUsersFolders; } else { throw new ApiException(\Aurora\System\Notifications::InvalidInputParameter); } } protected function getS3Client() { $options = [ 'region' => $this->sRegion, 'version' => 'latest', 'credentials' => [ 'key' => $this->sAccessKey, 'secret' => $this->sSecretKey, ] ]; if (!empty($this->sHost)) { $options['endpoint'] = 'https://' . $this->sHost; } return new S3Client($options); } /** * Obtains DropBox client if passed $sType is DropBox account type. * * @param boolean $bRenew * @return S3Client */ protected function getClient($bRenew = false) { if ($this->oClient === null || $bRenew) { \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::Anonymous); $this->oClient = $this->getS3Client(); if (!$this->oClient->doesBucketExist($this->sBucket)) { $this->oClient->createBucket([ 'Bucket' => $this->sBucket ]); $res = $this->oClient->putBucketCors([ 'Bucket' => $this->sBucket, 'CORSConfiguration' => [ 'CORSRules' => [ [ 'AllowedHeaders' => [ '*', ], 'AllowedMethods' => [ 'GET', 'PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'HEAD' ], 'AllowedOrigins' => [ (\Aurora\System\Api::isHttps() ? "https" : "http") . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ], 'MaxAgeSeconds' => 0, ], ], ], 'ContentMD5' => '', ]); } } return $this->oClient; } protected function getUserPublicId() { if (!isset($this->sUserPublicId)) { $oUser = \Aurora\System\Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); $this->sUserPublicId = $oUser->PublicId; } return $this->sUserPublicId; } /** * getTenantName * * @return string */ protected function getTenantName() { if (!isset($this->sTenantName)) { $this->sTenantName = \Aurora\System\Api::getTenantName(); } return $this->sTenantName; } protected function getBucketForTenant($iIdTenant) { $mResult = false; $oTenant = \Aurora\Modules\Core\Module::getInstance()->GetTenantWithoutRoleCheck($iIdTenant); if ($oTenant instanceof \Aurora\Modules\Core\Models\Tenant) { $mResult = \strtolower($this->sBucketPrefix . \str_replace([' ', '.'], '-', $oTenant->Name)); } return $mResult; } protected function copyObject($sFromPath, $sToPath, $sOldName, $sNewName, $bIsFolder = false, $bMove = false) { $mResult = false; $sUserPublicId = $this->getUserPublicId(); $sSuffix = $bIsFolder ? '/' : ''; $sFullFromPath = $this->sBucket . '/' . $sUserPublicId . $sFromPath . '/' . $sOldName . $sSuffix; $sFullToPath = $sUserPublicId . $sToPath . '/' . $sNewName . $sSuffix; $oClient = $this->getClient(); $oObject = $oClient->headObject([ 'Bucket' => $this->sBucket, 'Key' => urldecode($sUserPublicId . $sFromPath . '/' . $sOldName . $sSuffix) ]); $aMetadata = []; $sMetadataDirective = 'COPY'; if ($oObject) { $aMetadata = $oObject->get('Metadata'); $aMetadata['filename'] = $sNewName; $sMetadataDirective = 'REPLACE'; } $res = $oClient->copyObject([ 'Bucket' => $this->sBucket, 'Key' => $sFullToPath, 'CopySource' => $sFullFromPath, 'Metadata' => $aMetadata, 'MetadataDirective' => $sMetadataDirective ]); if ($res) { if ($bMove) { $res = $oClient->deleteObject([ 'Bucket' => $this->sBucket, 'Key' => $sUserPublicId . $sFromPath . '/' . $sOldName . $sSuffix ]); } $mResult = true; } return $mResult; } protected function getDirectory($sUserPublicId, $sType, $sPath = '') { $oDirectory = null; if ($sUserPublicId) { $oDirectory = \Afterlogic\DAV\Server::getNodeForPath('files/' . $sType . '/' . \trim($sPath, '/'), $sUserPublicId); } return $oDirectory; } protected function copy($UserId, $FromType, $FromPath, $FromName, $ToType, $ToPath, $ToName, $IsMove = false) { $sUserPublicId = \Aurora\Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $sPath = 'files/' . $FromType . $FromPath . '/' . $FromName; $oItem = \Afterlogic\DAV\Server::getNodeForPath($sPath, $sUserPublicId); $oToDirectory = $this->getDirectory($sUserPublicId, $ToType, $ToPath); $bIsSharedFile = ($oItem instanceof SharedFile || $oItem instanceof SharedDirectory); $bIsSharedToDirectory = ($oToDirectory instanceof SharedDirectory); $iNotPossibleToMoveSharedFileToSharedFolder = 0; if (class_exists('\Aurora\Modules\SharedFiles\Enums\ErrorCodes')) { $iNotPossibleToMoveSharedFileToSharedFolder = \Aurora\Modules\SharedFiles\Enums\ErrorCodes::NotPossibleToMoveSharedFileToSharedFolder; } if ($IsMove && $bIsSharedFile && $bIsSharedToDirectory) { throw new ApiException($iNotPossibleToMoveSharedFileToSharedFolder); } if (($oItem instanceof SharedFile || $oItem instanceof SharedDirectory) && !$oItem->isInherited()) { $oPdo = new \Afterlogic\DAV\FS\Backend\PDO(); $oPdo->updateSharedFileSharePath(Constants::PRINCIPALS_PREFIX . $sUserPublicId, $oItem->getName(), $ToName, $FromPath, $ToPath, $oItem->getGroupId()); $oItem = $oItem->getNode(); } else { $ToName = $this->getManager()->getNonExistentFileName( $sUserPublicId, $ToType, $ToPath, $ToName ); if (!$bIsSharedToDirectory) { $oItem->copyObjectTo($ToType, $ToPath, $ToName); } else { $oToDirectory->createFile($ToName, $oItem->get(false)); } $oPdo = new \Afterlogic\DAV\FS\Backend\PDO(); $oPdo->updateShare(Constants::PRINCIPALS_PREFIX . $sUserPublicId, $FromType, $FromPath . '/' . $FromName, $ToType, $ToPath . '/' . $ToName); if ($IsMove) { \Afterlogic\DAV\Server::deleteNode($sPath, $sUserPublicId); } } } // /** // * Moves file if $aData['Type'] is DropBox account type. // * // * @ignore // * @param array $aData // */ // public function onAfterMove(&$aArgs, &$mResult) // { // \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::NormalUser); // if ($this->checkStorageType($aArgs['FromType'])) // { // $mResult = false; // $UserId = $aArgs['UserId']; // Api::CheckAccess($UserId); // // if ($aArgs['ToType'] === $aArgs['FromType']) // // { // foreach ($aArgs['Files'] as $aFile) // { // $ToName = isset($aFile['NewName']) ? $aFile['NewName'] : $aFile['Name']; // $this->copy($UserId, $aArgs['FromType'], $aFile['FromPath'], $aFile['Name'], $aArgs['ToType'], $aArgs['ToPath'], $ToName, true); // } // $mResult = true; // // } // } // } // /** // * Copies file if $aData['Type'] is DropBox account type. // * // * @ignore // * @param array $aData // */ // public function onAfterCopy(&$aArgs, &$mResult) // { // \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::NormalUser); // if ($this->checkStorageType($aArgs['FromType'])) // { // $mResult = false; // $UserId = $aArgs['UserId']; // Api::CheckAccess($UserId); // // if ($aArgs['ToType'] === $aArgs['FromType']) // // { // foreach ($aArgs['Files'] as $aFile) // { // $ToName = isset($aFile['NewName']) ? $aFile['NewName'] : $aFile['Name']; // $this->copy($UserId, $aArgs['FromType'], $aFile['FromPath'], $aFile['Name'], $aArgs['ToType'], $aArgs['ToPath'], $ToName, false); // } // $mResult = true; // // } // } // } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onAfterGetQuota($aArgs, &$mResult) { if ($this->checkStorageType($aArgs['Type'])) { $aQuota = [0, 0]; $oNode = \Afterlogic\DAV\Server::getNodeForPath('files/' . static::$sStorageType); if (is_a($oNode, 'Afterlogic\\DAV\\FS\\S3\\' . ucfirst(static::$sStorageType) . '\\Root')) { $aQuota = $oNode->getQuotaInfo(); } $iSpaceLimitMb = $aQuota[1]; $aArgs = [ 'UserId' => \Aurora\System\Api::getAuthenticatedUserId() ]; $this->broadcastEvent( 'GetUserSpaceLimitMb', $aArgs, $iSpaceLimitMb ); $mResult = [ 'Used' => $aQuota[0], 'Limit' => $iSpaceLimitMb ]; } } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onAfterGetSubModules($aArgs, &$mResult) { array_unshift($mResult, 's3.' . static::$sStorageType); } protected function isNeedToReturnBody() { $sMethod = $this->oHttp->GetPost('Method', null); return ((string) \Aurora\System\Router::getItemByIndex(2, '') === 'thumb' || $sMethod === 'SaveFilesAsTempFiles' || $sMethod === 'GetFilesForUpload' ); } protected function isNeedToReturnWithContectDisposition() { $sAction = (string) \Aurora\System\Router::getItemByIndex(2, 'download'); return $sAction === 'download'; } /** * Puts file content to $mResult. * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onGetFile($aArgs, &$mResult) { if ($this->checkStorageType($aArgs['Type'])) { $UserId = $aArgs['UserId']; Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPiblicId = \Aurora\Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); try { $sPath = 'files/' . $aArgs['Type'] . $aArgs['Path'] . '/' . $aArgs['Name']; /** @var \Afterlogic\DAV\FS\S3\File $oNode */ $oNode = \Afterlogic\DAV\Server::getNodeForPath($sPath, $sUserPiblicId); $sExt = \pathinfo($aArgs['Name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $bNoRedirect = (isset($aArgs['NoRedirect']) && $aArgs['NoRedirect']) ? true : false; if ($oNode instanceof \Afterlogic\DAV\FS\File) { if ($this->isNeedToReturnBody() || \strtolower($sExt) === 'url' || $bNoRedirect) { $mResult = $oNode->get(false); } elseif ($this->isNeedToReturnWithContectDisposition()) { $oNode->getWithContentDisposition(); } else { $oNode->get(true); } } } catch (\Sabre\DAV\Exception\NotFound $oEx) { $mResult = false; // echo(\Aurora\System\Managers\Response::GetJsonFromObject('Json', \Aurora\System\Managers\Response::FalseResponse(__METHOD__, 404, 'Not Found'))); $this->oHttp->StatusHeader(404); exit; } return true; } } public function onBeforeDeleteTenant($aArgs, &$mResult) { $this->oTenantForDelete = \Aurora\Modules\Core\Module::Decorator()->GetTenantWithoutRoleCheck($aArgs['TenantId']); } public function onAfterDeleteTenant($aArgs, &$mResult) { if ($this->oTenantForDelete instanceof \Aurora\Modules\Core\Models\Tenant) { try { $oS3Client = $this->getS3Client(); $oS3Client->deleteBucket([ 'Bucket' => \strtolower($this->sBucketPrefix . \str_replace([' ', '.'], '-', $this->oTenantForDelete->Name)) ]); $this->oTenantForDelete = null; } catch(\Exception $oEx) { } } } public function onBeforeDeleteUser($aArgs, &$mResult) { if (isset($aArgs['UserId'])) { $this->oUserForDelete = \Aurora\System\Api::getUserById($aArgs['UserId']); } } public function onAfterDeleteUser($aArgs, $mResult) { if ($this->oUserForDelete instanceof \Aurora\Modules\Core\Models\User) { if ($this->DeleteUserFolder($this->oUserForDelete->IdTenant, $this->oUserForDelete->PublicId)) { $this->oUserForDelete = null; } } } public function DeleteUserFolder($IdTenant, $PublicId) { $bResult = false; try { $oS3Client = $this->getS3Client(); $res = $oS3Client->deleteMatchingObjects( $this->getBucketForTenant($IdTenant), $PublicId . '/' ); $bResult = true; } catch(\Exception $oEx) { $bResult = false; } return $bResult; } public function TestConnection($Region, $Host, $AccessKey = null, $SecretKey = null, $TenantId = null) { $mResult = true; if (isset($TenantId)) { \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::TenantAdmin); $oTenant = \Aurora\System\Api::getTenantById($TenantId); if ($oTenant) { $AccessKey = $this->oModuleSettings->AccessKey; $SecretKey = $this->oModuleSettings->SecretKey; } } else { \Aurora\System\Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::SuperAdmin); } try { $options = [ 'region' => $Region, 'version' => 'latest', 'credentials' => [ 'key' => $AccessKey, 'secret' => $SecretKey, ] ]; if (!empty($Host)) { $options['endpoint'] = 'https://' . $Host; } $s3Client = new S3Client($options); $buckets = $s3Client->listBuckets(); } catch(\Exception $e) { $mResult = false; Api::LogException($e); } return $mResult; } }