SCOPE_FILESTORAGE = "Enable S3 in Files" LABEL_SETTINGS_TAB = "S3 Filestorage" HEADING_SETTINGS_TAB = "S3 Filestorage settings" LABEL_ACCESS_KEY = "Access key" LABEL_SECRET_KEY = "Secret key" LABEL_REGION = "Region" LABEL_HOST = "Host" LABEL_BUCKET_PREFIX = "Bucket prefix" LABEL_STORAGE = "Personal" INFO_HOST = "For AWS S3, leave empty. For other S3-compatible services set to your endpoint value (e.g.: nyc1.digitaloceanspaces.com for Digital Ocean Spaces)." INFO_REGION = "For AWS S3, specify region value. For other S3-compatible services, for instance DigitalOcean Spaces, set to \"us-east-1\"." BUTTON_TEST_CONNECTION = "Test connection" REPORT_CONNECT_SUCCESSFUL = "Connected successfully." ERROR_CONNECT_FAILED = "Failed to connect."