'use strict'; var _ = require('underscore'), $ = require('jquery'), ko = require('knockout'), App = require('%PathToCoreWebclientModule%/js/App.js'), Routing = require('%PathToCoreWebclientModule%/js/Routing.js'), CAbstractScreenView = require('%PathToCoreWebclientModule%/js/views/CAbstractScreenView.js'), Settings = require('modules/%ModuleName%/js/Settings.js'), $html = $('html') ; /** * @constructor */ function CSettingsView() { CAbstractScreenView.call(this, '%ModuleName%'); this.tabs = ko.observableArray([]); this.currentTab = ko.observable(null); App.subscribeEvent('OpenSettingTab', _.bind(function (oParams) { this.changeTab(oParams.Name); }, this)); App.broadcastEvent('%ModuleName%::ConstructView::after', {'Name': this.ViewConstructorName, 'View': this}); } _.extendOwn(CSettingsView.prototype, CAbstractScreenView.prototype); CSettingsView.prototype.ViewTemplate = '%ModuleName%_SettingsView'; CSettingsView.prototype.ViewConstructorName = 'CSettingsView'; /** * Registers settings tab. * * @param {function} fGetTabView Function that returns settings tab view object. * @param {string} sTabName Tab name is used in hash string to rout to this tab. * @param {string} sTabTitle Tab title is used in the list of tabs in navigation menu. */ CSettingsView.prototype.registerTab = function (fGetTabView, sTabName, sTabTitle) { var iLastIndex = Settings.TabsOrder.length, oView = fGetTabView(), oTab = _.findWhere(this.tabs(), {'name': sTabName}) ; if (!_.isEmpty(oView)) { oView.SettingsTabName = sTabName; oView.SettingsTabTitle = sTabTitle; if (oTab) { if (_.isArray(oTab.sections)) { _.each(oTab.sections, function (oSection) { oView.addSettingsSection(oSection); }); delete oTab.sections; } oTab.view = oView; } } if (!oTab) { this.tabs.push({ view: oView, name: sTabName }); } this.tabs(_.sortBy(this.tabs(), function (oTab) { var iIndex = _.indexOf(Settings.TabsOrder, oTab.name); return iIndex !== -1 ? iIndex : iLastIndex; })); }; CSettingsView.prototype.registerTabSection = function (fGetSectionView, sTabName) { var oTab = _.findWhere(this.tabs(), {'name': sTabName}), oSection = fGetSectionView() ; if (oTab) { oTab.view.addSettingsSection(oSection); } else { this.registerTab(function () { return { visible: ko.observable(false) }; }, sTabName, ''); oTab = _.findWhere(this.tabs(), {'name': sTabName}); if (oTab) { if (!_.isArray(oTab.sections)) { oTab.sections = []; } oTab.sections.push(oSection); } } }; /** * Checks if there are changes in Settings screen. * @returns {Boolean} */ CSettingsView.prototype.hasUnsavedChanges = function () { var oCurrentTab = this.currentTab(); return oCurrentTab && oCurrentTab.view && _.isFunction(oCurrentTab.view.hasUnsavedChanges) && oCurrentTab.view.hasUnsavedChanges(); }; /** * Discards changes in Settings screen. */ CSettingsView.prototype.discardChanges = function () { var oCurrentTab = this.currentTab(); if (oCurrentTab && oCurrentTab.view && _.isFunction(oCurrentTab.view.revert)) { oCurrentTab.view.revert(); } }; CSettingsView.prototype.onShow = function () { $html.addClass('non-adjustable'); }; CSettingsView.prototype.onHide = function () { var oCurrentTab = this.currentTab(); if (oCurrentTab && _.isFunction(oCurrentTab.view.hide)) { oCurrentTab.view.hide(function () {}, function () {}); } $html.removeClass('non-adjustable'); }; /** * @param {Array} aParams */ CSettingsView.prototype.onRoute = function (aParams) { var sNewTabName = aParams.shift(), oCurrentTab = this.currentTab(), oNewTab = _.find(this.tabs(), function (oTab) { return oTab.name === sNewTabName; }), fShowNewTab = function () { if (oNewTab) { if (_.isFunction(oNewTab.view.showTab)) { oNewTab.view.showTab(aParams); } this.currentTab(oNewTab); if (oNewTab.name !== sNewTabName) { Routing.replaceHashDirectly([Settings.HashModuleName, oNewTab.name]); } } }.bind(this), fRevertRouting = _.bind(function () { if (oCurrentTab) { Routing.replaceHashDirectly([Settings.HashModuleName, oCurrentTab.name]); } }, this), bShow = true ; if (oCurrentTab && sNewTabName === oCurrentTab.name) { if (_.isFunction(oCurrentTab.view.showTab)) { oCurrentTab.view.showTab(aParams); } return; } if (oNewTab && oNewTab.view.visible && !oNewTab.view.visible()) { oNewTab = _.find(this.tabs(), function (oTab) { return !oTab.view.visible || oTab.view.visible(); }); } if (oNewTab) { if (oCurrentTab && _.isFunction(oCurrentTab.view.hide)) { oCurrentTab.view.hide(fShowNewTab, fRevertRouting); bShow = false; } } else if (!oCurrentTab) { oNewTab = _.find(this.tabs(), function (oTab) { return !oTab.view.visible || oTab.view.visible(); }); } if (bShow) { fShowNewTab(); } }; /** * @param {string} sTabName */ CSettingsView.prototype.changeTab = function (sTabName) { Routing.setHash([Settings.HashModuleName, sTabName]); }; /** * @param {Array} aAddHash */ CSettingsView.prototype.setAddHash = function (aAddHash) { Routing.setHash(_.union([Settings.HashModuleName, this.currentTab() ? this.currentTab().name : ''], aAddHash)); }; module.exports = new CSettingsView();