oManager === null) { $this->oManager = new Manager($this); } return $this->oManager; } /** * @return Module */ public static function getInstance() { return parent::getInstance(); } /** * @return Module */ public static function Decorator() { return parent::Decorator(); } /** * @return Settings */ public function getModuleSettings() { return $this->oModuleSettings; } public function init() { parent::init(); $this->oBackend = new \Afterlogic\DAV\FS\Backend\PDO(); $this->aErrors = [ Enums\ErrorCodes::NotPossibleToShareWithYourself => $this->i18N('ERROR_NOT_POSSIBLE_TO_SHARE_WITH_YOURSELF'), Enums\ErrorCodes::UnknownError => $this->i18N('ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR'), Enums\ErrorCodes::UserNotExists => $this->i18N('ERROR_USER_NOT_EXISTS'), Enums\ErrorCodes::DuplicatedUsers => $this->i18N('ERROR_DUPLICATE_USERS_BACKEND'), Enums\ErrorCodes::NotPossibleToShareDirectoryInEcryptedStorage => $this->i18N('CANNOT_SHARE_DIRECTORY_IN_ECRYPTED_STORAGE'), Enums\ErrorCodes::IncorrectFilename => $this->i18N('INCORRECT_FILE_NAME'), ]; $this->subscribeEvent('Files::GetFiles::after', [$this, 'onAfterGetFiles']); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::GetItems::after', [$this, 'onAfterGetItems'], 10000); $this->subscribeEvent('Core::AddUsersToGroup::after', [$this, 'onAfterAddUsersToGroup']); $this->subscribeEvent('Core::RemoveUsersFromGroup::after', [$this, 'onAfterRemoveUsersFromGroup']); $this->subscribeEvent('Core::CreateUser::after', [$this, 'onAfterCreateUser']); $this->subscribeEvent('Core::UpdateUser::after', [$this, 'onAfterUpdateUser']); $this->subscribeEvent('Core::DeleteGroup::after', [$this, 'onAfterDeleteGroup']); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::PopulateExtendedProps', [$this, 'onPopulateExtendedProps'], 10000); $this->subscribeEvent('Files::LeaveShare', [$this, 'onLeaveShare']); $this->denyMethodsCallByWebApi([ 'getNonExistentFileName' ]); } protected function populateExtendedProps($userId, $type, $path, &$aExtendedProps) { $bSharedWithMe = isset($aExtendedProps['SharedWithMeAccess']) ? $aExtendedProps['SharedWithMeAccess'] === Permission::Reshare : false; $aExtendedProps['Shares'] = $this->GetShares( $userId, $type, $path, $bSharedWithMe ); } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onAfterGetItems($aArgs, &$mResult) { if (is_array($mResult)) { foreach ($mResult as $oItem) { $aExtendedProps = $oItem->ExtendedProps; $this->populateExtendedProps($aArgs['UserId'], $aArgs['Type'], \rtrim($oItem->Path, '/') . '/' . $oItem->Id, $aExtendedProps); $oItem->ExtendedProps = $aExtendedProps; } } } protected function isNeedToReturnBody() { $sMethod = $this->oHttp->GetPost('Method', null); return ((string) Router::getItemByIndex(2, '') === 'thumb' || $sMethod === 'SaveFilesAsTempFiles' || $sMethod === 'GetFilesForUpload' ); } protected function isNeedToReturnWithContectDisposition() { $sAction = (string) Router::getItemByIndex(2, 'download'); return $sAction === 'download'; } public function GetShares($UserId, $Storage, $Path, $SharedWithMe = false) { $aResult = []; Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(UserRole::NormalUser); Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $sUserPublicId = Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $oUser = Api::getUserById($UserId); $sFullPath = 'files/' . $Storage . '/' . \ltrim($Path, '/'); $oNode = Server::getNodeForPath($sFullPath, $sUserPublicId); $aShares = []; if ($oNode instanceof File || $oNode instanceof Directory) { if ($oNode->getAccess() === Enums\Access::Reshare) { Server::checkPrivileges('files/' . $Storage . '/' . \ltrim($Path, '/'), '{DAV:}write-acl'); if ($oNode instanceof SharedFile || $oNode instanceof SharedDirectory) { $aShares = $this->oBackend->getShares(Constants::PRINCIPALS_PREFIX . $oNode->getNode()->getUser(), $oNode->getStorage(), '/' . \ltrim($Path, '/')); } } else { $aShares = $this->oBackend->getShares(Constants::PRINCIPALS_PREFIX . $sUserPublicId, $Storage, '/' . \ltrim($Path, '/')); } if (count($aShares) === 0 && ($oNode instanceof SharedFile || $oNode instanceof SharedDirectory) && $SharedWithMe && !$oNode->isInherited()) { $aSharedFile = $this->oBackend->getSharedFileByUidWithPath( Constants::PRINCIPALS_PREFIX . $sUserPublicId, $oNode->getName(), $oNode->getSharePath() ); if ($aSharedFile) { $aShares = $this->oBackend->getShares( $aSharedFile['owner'], $aSharedFile['storage'], $aSharedFile['path'] ); } } $aGroups = []; foreach ($aShares as $aShare) { if ($aShare['group_id'] != 0) { if (!in_array($aShare['group_id'], $aGroups)) { $oGroup = CoreModule::Decorator()->GetGroup($oUser->IdTenant, (int) $aShare['group_id']); if ($oGroup) { $aGroups[] = $aShare['group_id']; $aResult[] = [ 'PublicId' => $oGroup->getName(), 'Access' => $aShare['access'], 'IsGroup' => true, 'IsAll' => !!$oGroup->IsAll, 'GroupId' => (int) $aShare['group_id'] ]; } } } else { $aResult[] = [ 'PublicId' => basename($aShare['principaluri']), 'Access' => $aShare['access'] ]; } } } return $aResult; } /** * @param string $principalUri * @param string $sFileName * @param string $sPath * @param bool $bWithoutGroup * * @return string */ public function getNonExistentFileName($principalUri, $sFileName, $sPath = '', $bWithoutGroup = false) { $iIndex = 1; $sFileNamePathInfo = pathinfo($sFileName); $sExt = isset($sFileNamePathInfo['extension']) ? '.' . $sFileNamePathInfo['extension'] : ''; $sNameWOExt = isset($sFileNamePathInfo['filename']) ? $sFileNamePathInfo['filename'] : $sFileName; while ($this->oBackend->getSharedFileByUidWithPath($principalUri, $sFileName, $sPath, $bWithoutGroup)) { $sFileName = $sNameWOExt . ' (' . $iIndex . ')' . $sExt; $iIndex++; } list(, $sUserPublicId) = \Sabre\Uri\split($principalUri); $oUser = CoreModule::getInstance()->GetUserByPublicId($sUserPublicId); if ($oUser) { $sPrevState = Api::skipCheckUserRole(true); $sFileName = FilesModule::Decorator()->GetNonExistentFileName( $oUser->Id, FileStorageType::Personal, $sPath, $sFileName, $bWithoutGroup ); Api::skipCheckUserRole($sPrevState); } return $sFileName; } public function UpdateShare($UserId, $Storage, $Path, $Id, $Shares, $IsDir = false) { $mResult = true; $aGuests = []; $aOwners = []; $aReshare = []; $aUpdateShares = []; Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(UserRole::NormalUser); Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $oUser = Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); if ($oUser instanceof User) { $sUserPublicId = Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $sInitiator = $sUserPrincipalUri = Constants::PRINCIPALS_PREFIX . $sUserPublicId; $FullPath = $Path . '/' . $Id; Server::checkPrivileges('files/' . $Storage . '/' . \ltrim($FullPath, '/'), '{DAV:}write-acl'); $oNode = Server::getNodeForPath('files/' . $Storage . '/' . \ltrim($FullPath, '/')); $bIsEncrypted = false; if ($oNode instanceof File || $oNode instanceof Directory) { $aExtendedProps = $oNode->getProperty('ExtendedProps'); $bIsEncrypted = (is_array($aExtendedProps) && isset($aExtendedProps['InitializationVector'])); $aSharePublicIds = array_map(function ($share) { return strtolower($share['PublicId']); }, $Shares); if (in_array(strtolower($oNode->getOwner()), $aSharePublicIds)) { throw new ApiException(Enums\ErrorCodes::NotPossibleToShareWithYourself); } } $bIsShared = false; if (($oNode instanceof SharedFile || $oNode instanceof SharedDirectory)) { $bIsShared = true; $aSharedFile = $this->oBackend->getSharedFileByUidWithPath( $sUserPrincipalUri, $oNode->getName(), $oNode->getSharePath() ); if ($aSharedFile) { $sUserPrincipalUri = $aSharedFile['owner']; } else { $sUserPrincipalUri = 'principals/' . $oNode->getOwner(); } $ParentNode = $oNode->getNode(); $FullPath = $ParentNode->getRelativePath() . '/' . $ParentNode->getName(); $Storage = $oNode->getStorage(); } $aResultShares = []; foreach ($Shares as $item) { if (isset($item['GroupId'])) { $aUsers = CoreModule::Decorator()->GetGroupUsers($oUser->IdTenant, (int) $item['GroupId']); foreach ($aUsers as $aUser) { $aResultShares[] = [ 'PublicId' => $aUser['PublicId'], 'Access' => (int) $item['Access'], 'GroupId' => (int) $item['GroupId'], ]; } } else { $item['GroupId'] = 0; $aResultShares[] = $item; } } $aDbShares = $this->oBackend->getShares( $sUserPrincipalUri, $Storage, '/' . \ltrim($FullPath, '/') ); $aOldSharePrincipals = array_map(function ($aShareItem) { if (isset($aShareItem['principaluri'])) { return \json_encode([ $aShareItem['principaluri'], $aShareItem['group_id'] ]); } }, $aDbShares); $aNewSharePrincipals = array_map(function ($aShareItem) { if (isset($aShareItem['PublicId'])) { return \json_encode([ Constants::PRINCIPALS_PREFIX . $aShareItem['PublicId'], $aShareItem['GroupId'] ]); } }, $aResultShares); $aItemsToDelete = array_diff($aOldSharePrincipals, $aNewSharePrincipals); $aItemsToCreate = array_diff($aNewSharePrincipals, $aOldSharePrincipals); $aItemsToUpdate = array_intersect($aOldSharePrincipals, $aNewSharePrincipals); foreach ($aItemsToDelete as $aItem) { $aItem = \json_decode($aItem); $mResult = $this->oBackend->deleteSharedFileByPrincipalUri( $aItem[0], $Storage, $FullPath, $aItem[1] ); } foreach ($aResultShares as $Share) { if (!$bIsShared && $oUser->PublicId === $Share['PublicId'] && $Share['GroupId'] == 0) { throw new ApiException(Enums\ErrorCodes::NotPossibleToShareWithYourself); } if (!CoreModule::Decorator()->GetUserByPublicId($Share['PublicId'])) { throw new ApiException(Enums\ErrorCodes::UserNotExists); } if ($Share['Access'] === Enums\Access::Read) { $aGuests[] = $Share['PublicId']; } elseif ($Share['Access'] === Enums\Access::Write) { $aOwners[] = $Share['PublicId']; } elseif ($Share['Access'] === Enums\Access::Reshare) { $aReshare[] = $Share['PublicId']; } $aUpdateShares[] = $Share['PublicId']; } $aDuplicatedUsers = array_intersect($aOwners, $aGuests, $aReshare); if (!empty($aDuplicatedUsers)) { // throw new ApiException(Enums\ErrorCodes::DuplicatedUsers); } $aGuestPublicIds = []; foreach ($aResultShares as $aShare) { $sPrincipalUri = Constants::PRINCIPALS_PREFIX . $aShare['PublicId']; $groupId = (int) $aShare['GroupId']; try { $bCreate = false; foreach ($aItemsToCreate as $aItemToCreate) { $aItemToCreate = \json_decode($aItemToCreate); if ($sPrincipalUri === $aItemToCreate[0] && $groupId == $aItemToCreate[1]) { $bCreate = true; break; } } if ($bCreate) { if ($groupId == 0) { $sNonExistentFileName = $this->getNonExistentFileName($sPrincipalUri, $Id, '', true); } else { $sNonExistentFileName = $Id; } $mCreateResult = $this->oBackend->createSharedFile( $sUserPrincipalUri, $Storage, $FullPath, $sNonExistentFileName, $sPrincipalUri, $aShare['Access'], $IsDir, '', $groupId, $sInitiator ); if ($mCreateResult) { $aArgs = [ 'UserPrincipalUri' => $sUserPrincipalUri, 'Storage' => $Storage, 'FullPath' => $FullPath, 'Share' => $aShare, ]; $this->broadcastEvent($this->GetName() . '::CreateSharedFile', $aArgs); } $mResult = $mResult && $mCreateResult; } else { $bUpdate = false; foreach ($aItemsToUpdate as $aItemToUpdate) { $aItemToUpdate = \json_decode($aItemToUpdate); if ($sPrincipalUri === $aItemToUpdate[0] && $groupId == $aItemToUpdate[1]) { $bUpdate = true; break; } } if ($bUpdate) { $mUpdateResult = $this->oBackend->updateSharedFile( $sUserPrincipalUri, $Storage, $FullPath, $sPrincipalUri, $aShare['Access'], $groupId ); if ($mUpdateResult) { $aArgs = [ 'UserPrincipalUri' => $sUserPrincipalUri, 'Storage' => $Storage, 'FullPath' => $FullPath, 'Share' => $aShare, ]; $this->broadcastEvent($this->GetName() . '::UpdateSharedFile', $aArgs); } $mResult = $mResult && $mUpdateResult; } } } catch (\PDOException $oEx) { if (isset($oEx->errorInfo[1]) && $oEx->errorInfo[1] === 1366) { throw new ApiException(ErrorCodes::IncorrectFilename, $oEx); } else { throw $oEx; } } if ($mResult) { switch ((int) $aShare['Access']) { case Enums\Access::Read: $sAccess = '(r)'; break; case Enums\Access::Write: $sAccess = '(r/w)'; break; case Enums\Access::Reshare: $sAccess = '(r/w/s)'; break; default: $sAccess = '(r/w)'; break; } $aGuestPublicIds[] = $aShare['PublicId'] . ' - ' . $sAccess; } } $sResourceId = $Storage . '/' . \ltrim(\ltrim($FullPath, '/')); $aArgs = [ 'UserId' => $UserId, 'ResourceType' => 'file', 'ResourceId' => $sResourceId, 'Action' => 'update-share', 'GuestPublicId' => \implode(', ', $aGuestPublicIds) ]; $this->broadcastEvent('AddToActivityHistory', $aArgs); } return $mResult; } /** * */ public function onAfterGetFiles(&$aArgs, &$mResult) { if ($mResult) { try { $oNode = Server::getNodeForPath('files/' . $aArgs['Type'] . $aArgs['Path']); if ($oNode instanceof SharedFile || $oNode instanceof SharedDirectory) { $mResult['Access'] = $oNode->getAccess(); } if ($oNode instanceof SharedDirectory) { $sResourceId = $oNode->getStorage() . '/' . \ltrim(\ltrim($oNode->getRelativeNodePath(), '/') . '/' . \ltrim($oNode->getName(), '/'), '/'); $oUser = CoreModule::Decorator()->GetUserByPublicId($oNode->getOwnerPublicId()); if ($oUser) { $aArgs = [ 'UserId' => $oUser->Id, 'ResourceType' => 'file', 'ResourceId' => $sResourceId, 'Action' => 'list-share' ]; $this->broadcastEvent('AddToActivityHistory', $aArgs); } } } catch (\Exception $oEx) { } } } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onAfterDeleteUser($aArgs, $mResult) { if ($mResult && $this->oBeforeDeleteUser instanceof User) { $this->oBackend->deleteSharesByPrincipal(Constants::PRINCIPALS_PREFIX . $this->oBeforeDeleteUser->PublicId); } } /** * @ignore * @param array $aArgs Arguments of event. * @param mixed $mResult Is passed by reference. */ public function onAfterGetSubModules($aArgs, &$mResult) { array_unshift($mResult, self::$sStorageType); } public function onAfterAddUsersToGroup($aArgs, &$mResult) { if ($mResult) { foreach ($aArgs['UserIds'] as $iUserId) { $userPublicId = Api::getUserPublicIdById($iUserId); $sUserPrincipalUri = 'principals/' . $userPublicId; $aDbShares = $this->oBackend->getSharesByPrincipalUriAndGroupId($sUserPrincipalUri, $aArgs['GroupId']); foreach ($aDbShares as $aDbShare) { $mResult = $mResult && $this->oBackend->createSharedFile( $aDbShare['owner'], $aDbShare['storage'], $aDbShare['path'], basename($aDbShare['path']), $sUserPrincipalUri, $aDbShare['access'], $aDbShare['isdir'], '', $aDbShare['group_id'], $aDbShare['initiator'] ); } } } } public function onAfterUpdateUser($aArgs, &$mResult) { if ($mResult) { $groupIds = $aArgs['GroupIds'] ?? null; $userId = $aArgs['UserId']; $userPublicId = Api::getUserPublicIdById($userId); $sUserPrincipalUri = 'principals/' . $userPublicId; if ($groupIds !== null) { if (count($groupIds) > 0) { $aDbCreateShares = []; foreach ($groupIds as $groupId) { $aDbCreateShares = array_merge( $aDbCreateShares, $this->oBackend->getSharesByPrincipalUriAndGroupId($sUserPrincipalUri, $groupId) ); } foreach ($aDbCreateShares as $aShare) { $mResult && $this->oBackend->createSharedFile( $aShare['owner'], $aShare['storage'], $aShare['path'], basename($aShare['path']), $sUserPrincipalUri, $aShare['access'], $aShare['isdir'], '', $aShare['group_id'], $aShare['initiator'] ); } } else { $groupIds[] = 0; } $this->oBackend->deleteShareNotInGroups($sUserPrincipalUri, $groupIds); } } } public function onAfterRemoveUsersFromGroup($aArgs, &$mResult) { if ($mResult) { foreach ($aArgs['UserIds'] as $iUserId) { $oUser = Api::getUserById($iUserId); $this->oBackend->deleteShareByPrincipaluriAndGroupId('principals/' . $oUser->PublicId, $aArgs['GroupId']); } } } public function onAfterDeleteGroup($aArgs, &$mResult) { if ($mResult) { $this->oBackend->deleteSharesByGroupId($aArgs['GroupId']); } } public function onPopulateExtendedProps(&$aArgs, &$mResult) { $oItem = $aArgs['Item']; if ($oItem instanceof SharedFile || $oItem instanceof SharedDirectory) { $mResult['SharedWithMeAccess'] = $oItem->getAccess(); } $this->populateExtendedProps( $aArgs['UserId'], $aArgs['Type'], \rtrim($aArgs['Path'], '/') . '/' . $aArgs['Name'], $mResult ); } public function onLeaveShare(&$aArgs, &$mResult) { $UserId = $aArgs['UserId']; Api::checkUserRoleIsAtLeast(UserRole::NormalUser); Api::CheckAccess($UserId); $oUser = Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); if ($oUser instanceof User) { $sUserPublicId = Api::getUserPublicIdById($UserId); $sUserPrincipalUri = Constants::PRINCIPALS_PREFIX . $sUserPublicId; foreach ($aArgs['Items'] as $aItem) { if ($aItem->getGroupId() > 0) { $this->oBackend->createSharedFile( 'principals/' . $aItem->getOwnerPublicId(), $aItem->getStorage(), $aItem->getNode()->getRelativePath() . '/' . $aItem->getNode()->getName(), $aItem->getName(), $sUserPrincipalUri, Access::NoAccess, ($aItem instanceof SharedDirectory), '', 0, 'principals/' . $aItem->getOwnerPublicId() ); } else { $this->oBackend->updateSharedFile( 'principals/' . $aItem->getOwnerPublicId(), $aItem->getStorage(), $aItem->getNode()->getRelativePath() . '/' . $aItem->getNode()->getName(), $sUserPrincipalUri, Access::NoAccess, 0, 'principals/' . $aItem->getOwnerPublicId() ); } } $mResult = true; } } public function onAfterCreateUser($aArgs, &$mResult) { if ($mResult) { $oUser = User::find($mResult); if ($oUser) { $oGroup = CoreModule::getInstance()->GetAllGroup($oUser->IdTenant); if ($oGroup) { $newArgs = [ 'GroupId' => $oGroup->Id, 'UserIds' => [$mResult] ]; $newResult = true; $this->onAfterAddUsersToGroup($newArgs, $newResult); } } } } }