ERROR_INCORRECT_EMAIL = "Please specify a correct email address." ERROR_LINK_NOT_VALID = "The link you've used is no longer valid." ;Settings LABEL_SETTINGS_TAB = "Password reset" HEADING_SETTINGS_TAB = "Password reset settings" INFO_YOU_HAVE_RECOVERY_EMAIL = "You've specified %EMAIL% as recovery email. The address is confirmed." INFO_YOU_HAVE_NOT_CONFIRMED_RECOVERY_EMAIL = "You've specified %EMAIL% as recovery email.
To confirm it please follow the instructions in the message sent to %EMAIL%." INFO_YOUR_CURRENT_RECOVERY_EMAIL = "Your current recovery email is %EMAIL%." INFO_CURRENT_RECOVERY_ACCOUNT = "Account to recover is %ACCOUNT%." INFO_NOT_SET_RECOVERY_EMAIL = "No recovery email set for this account." ACTION_SET_RECOVERY_EMAIL = "Set recovery email" ACTION_CHANGE_RECOVERY_EMAIL = "Change recovery email" HEADING_SET_RECOVERY_EMAIL = "Set recovery email" HEADING_UPDATE_RECOVERY_EMAIL = "Change recovery email" LABEL_RECOVERY_EMAIL = "Recovery email" LABEL_NEW_RECOVERY_EMAIL = "New recovery email" INFO_YOUR_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD = "To perform this operation you need to specify a password for your account." ERROR_SET_RECOVERY_EMAIL = "An error occurred while changing the recovery email." ERROR_EMPTY_PASSWORD = "Please specify your current account password." ERROR_WRONG_PASSWORD = "Wrong password." ;Emails LABEL_MESSAGE_GREETING = "Hello," LABEL_MESSAGE_SIGNATURE = "Sincerely,
%SITE_NAME% Team" LABEL_RESET_PASSWORD_SUBJECT = "Reset your password" LABEL_RESET_PASSWORD_MESSAGE = "You've requested password reset for your %SITE_NAME% account.
If you didn't request this, you can ignore this email.
To reset the password please follow the link
" LABEL_CONFIRM_EMAIL_SUBJECT = "Someone added %RECOVERY_EMAIL% as their recovery email" LABEL_CONFIRM_EMAIL_MESSAGE = "Someone added %RECOVERY_EMAIL% as their recovery email on %SITE_NAME%.
If you didn't request this, you can ignore this email.
To confirm the address please follow the link
" ;Reset password ACTION_FORGOT_PASSWORD = "Forgot password?" HEADING_RESET_PASSWORD = "Account recovery" LABEL_ACCOUNT_EMAIL = "Enter your account email" ACTION_CONTINUE = "Continue" INFO_EMAIL_RECOVER_SENT = "The message with password recovery instructions for
account will be sent to
" ACTION_BACK = "Back" ERROR_RECOVERY_EMAIL_NOT_FOUND = "The recovery email for specified account was not found." ERROR_RECOVERY_EMAIL_NOT_SENT = "An error occurred while sending recovery email." INFO_RECOVERY_LINK_SENT = "An email message with recovery instructions for
account was just sent to
. Please check your mailbox." INFO_RESET_PASSWORD_HASH = "for
Please specify new password for your account." INFO_PASSWORD_CHANGED = "Your password has been successfully changed. Now you can sign in using your new password." ACTION_RESET_PASSWORD = "Reset password" ERROR_PASSWORD_CHANGE = "An error occurred while changing the password." ;Confirm recovery email ACTION_OPEN_SITENAME = "Open %SITE_NAME%" HEADING_CONFIRM_EMAIL_RECOVERY_HASH = "Confirm recovery email" INFO_CONFIRM_EMAIL_RECOVERY_HASH = "You've confirmed your %RECOVERY_EMAIL% recovery email for your %SITE_NAME% account." ;Superadmin interface LABEL_RECOVERY_LINK_LIFETIME_MINUTES = "Links lifetime (in minutes)" HINT_RECOVERY_LINK_LIFETIME = "The setting determines how many minutes after creating link that confirms recovery email and link that resets password will be valid." LABEL_NOTIFICATION_TYPE = "How to send" LABEL_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_MAIL = "using PHP's mail() function" HINT_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_MAIL = "Send messages using PHP's mail() function." LABEL_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_SMTP = "using SMTP" HINT_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_SMTP = "Send messages using SMTP." LABEL_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ACCOUNT = "using SMTP with account settings" HINT_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_ACCOUNT = "Send messages using SMTP. SMTP settings are obtained from the account with email specified above." LABEL_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL = "Email to send" LABEL_NOTIFICATION_HOST = "SMTP Server" LABEL_NOTIFICATION_PORT = "SMTP Server Port" LABEL_NOTIFICATION_SMTP_NO_SECURE = "No secure" LABEL_NOTIFICATION_SMTP_SSL_SECURE = "SSL" LABEL_NOTIFICATION_SMTP_TLS_SECURE = "TLS" LABEL_NOTIFICATION_USE_AUTH = "Use authentication"