oModule->getModuleSettings()->TrustDevicesForDays; return $this->oModule->getModuleSettings()->AllowUsedDevices && is_int($iTrustDevicesForDays) && $iTrustDevicesForDays > 0; } public function getAllDevices($iUserId) { return UsedDevice::where('UserId', $iUserId) ->orderBy('LastUsageDateTime', 'desc') ->get(); } /** * @param int $iUserId * @param string $sDeviceId * * @return UsedDevice */ public function getDevice($iUserId, $sDeviceId) { return UsedDevice::where('UserId', $iUserId) ->where('DeviceId', $sDeviceId) ->first(); } /** * @param string $sDeviceId * * @return UsedDevice */ public function getDeviceByDeviceId($sDeviceId) { return UsedDevice::where('DeviceId', $sDeviceId) ->first(); } public function getDeviceByAuthToken($iUserId, $sAuthToken) { return UsedDevice::where('UserId', $iUserId) ->where('AuthToken', $sAuthToken) ->first(); } public function checkDeviceAfterAuthenticate($oUser) { $bDeviceTrusted = false; $sDeviceId = \Aurora\System\Api::getDeviceIdFromHeaders(); if ($sDeviceId && $this->oModule->getModuleSettings()->TrustDevicesForDays > 0) { $oUsedDevice = $this->getDevice($oUser->Id, $sDeviceId); if ($oUsedDevice) { if ($oUsedDevice->TrustTillDateTime > time()) { $bDeviceTrusted = true; $oUsedDevice->LastUsageDateTime = time(); $oUsedDevice->save(); } } } return $bDeviceTrusted; } public function trustDevice($iUserId, $sDeviceId, $sDeviceName, $sAuthToken = '') { $oUsedDevice = $this->getDevice($iUserId, $sDeviceId); if (!$oUsedDevice) { if ($this->saveDevice($iUserId, $sDeviceId, $sDeviceName, $sAuthToken)) { $oUsedDevice = $this->getDevice($iUserId, $sDeviceId); } } else { $oUsedDevice->DeviceName = $sDeviceName; } if ($this->isTrustedDevicesEnabled()) { $iTrustDevicesForDays = $this->oModule->getModuleSettings()->TrustDevicesForDays; $oUsedDevice->TrustTillDateTime = time() + $iTrustDevicesForDays * 24 * 60 * 60; } else { $oUsedDevice->TrustTillDateTime = $oUsedDevice->CreationDateTime; } return $oUsedDevice->save(); } public function setDeviceName($iUserId, $sDeviceId, $sDeviceName) { $result = false; $oUsedDevice = $this->getDevice($iUserId, $sDeviceId); if ($oUsedDevice) { $oUsedDevice->DeviceName = $sDeviceName; $result = $oUsedDevice->save(); } return $result; } public function setDeviceCustomName($iUserId, $sDeviceId, $DeviceCustomName) { $result = false; $oUsedDevice = $this->getDevice($iUserId, $sDeviceId); if ($oUsedDevice) { $oUsedDevice->DeviceCustomName = $DeviceCustomName; $result = $oUsedDevice->save(); } return $result; } public function saveDevice($iUserId, $sDeviceId, $sDeviceName, $sAuthToken) { $oUsedDevice = $this->getDevice($iUserId, $sDeviceId); if (!$oUsedDevice) { $oUsedDevice = $this->_createUsedDevice($iUserId, $sDeviceId, $sDeviceName); } else { if (!empty($sDeviceName)) { $oUsedDevice->DeviceName = $sDeviceName; } // $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] may not actually contain real client IP addresses, as it will give you a proxy address for clients connected through a proxy, for example. // But the client can set all HTTP header information (ie. $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'], $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) to any arbitrary value it wants, so we cannot rely on them. $oUsedDevice->DeviceIP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } $oUsedDevice->AuthToken = $sAuthToken; $oUsedDevice->LastUsageDateTime = time(); return $oUsedDevice->save(); } public function deleteDeviceByID($iId) { return !!UsedDevice::where('Id', $iId)->delete(); } public function revokeTrustFromAllDevices($oUser) { $mResult = true; $aTrustedDevices = $this->getAllDevices($oUser->Id); foreach ($aTrustedDevices as $oUsedDevice) { $oUsedDevice->TrustTillDateTime = $oUsedDevice->CreationDateTime; $mResult = $mResult && $oUsedDevice->save(); } return $mResult; } private function _createUsedDevice($iUserId, $sDeviceId, $sDeviceName) { $oUsedDevice = new UsedDevice(); $oUsedDevice->UserId = $iUserId; $oUsedDevice->DeviceId = $sDeviceId; $oUsedDevice->DeviceName = $sDeviceName; $oUsedDevice->CreationDateTime = time(); $oUsedDevice->TrustTillDateTime = $oUsedDevice->CreationDateTime; $oUsedDevice->LastUsageDateTime = $oUsedDevice->CreationDateTime; // $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] may not actually contain real client IP addresses, as it will give you a proxy address for clients connected through a proxy, for example. // But the client can set all HTTP header information (ie. $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'], $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) to any arbitrary value it wants, so we cannot rely on them. $oUsedDevice->DeviceIP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; return $oUsedDevice; } }