aContainer = [ "Disabled" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "Setting to true disables the module", ), "ShowRecommendationToConfigure" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "If true, users will get a message suggesting to enable 2FA if it's not enabled in their accounts yet", ), "AllowSecurityKeys" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "Enables support for security keys", ), "FacetIds" => new SettingsProperty( [], "array", null, "List of app-key-hashes of mobile apps", ), "AllowAuthenticatorApp" => new SettingsProperty( true, "bool", null, "Enables use of authenticator app", ), "ClockTolerance" => new SettingsProperty( 2, "int", null, "Value set to N means that codes starting from N * 30sec ago to N * 30sec from now are accepted", ), "AllowBackupCodes" => new SettingsProperty( true, "bool", null, "If set to true, and if authenticator app or security key configured, users are able to use backup codes", ), "AllowUsedDevices" => new SettingsProperty( false, "bool", null, "Enables managing trusted devices", ), "TrustDevicesForDays" => new SettingsProperty( 0, "int", null, "Allows for expiry of trusted device list entries after certain amount of days; if set to 0, managing trusted devices is disabled.", ), "IncludeInMobile" => new SettingsProperty( true, "bool", null, "If true, the module is used in mobile version of the interface", ), "IncludeInDesktop" => new SettingsProperty( true, "bool", null, "If true, the module is used in desktop version of the interface", ), "RequireInMobile" => new SettingsProperty( [ "StandardLoginFormWebclient" ], "array", null, "List of other modules required by this module", ), ]; } }