LABEL_SETTINGS_TAB = "Two Factor Verification" HEADING_SETTINGS_TAB = "Two Factor Verification" ACTION_BACK = "Back" ACTION_ENABLE_TWOFACTORAUTH = "Engedélyez" HINT_ABOUT_TWOFACTORAUTH = "Növelje fiókja biztonságát a két faktoros hitelesítés bekapcsolásával." ACTION_VERIFY_PASSWORD = "Jelszó ellenőrzése" ACTION_VERIFY_PASSWORD_IN_PROGRESS = "Ellenőrzés..." HINT_ABOUT_CONFIRMATION = "A két faktoros beléptetés beállításához meg kell győződnünk, hogy ez az Ön fiókja:" ERROR_SECRET_GENERATION_FAILED = "Nem lehet létrehozni a titkot" ERROR_WRONG_PASSWORD = "Helytelen jelszó" ACTION_CONFIGURE = "Beállítás" ACTION_REFUSE_CONFIGURE = "No, Thanks" HINT_ABOUT_TWOFACTORAUTH_USE = "Használhat egy mobil alkalmazást, mint például a Google Authenticator (Google hitelesítő). Fényképezze le az alábbi QR kódot az alkalmazással, vagy adja meg a titkos kulcsot. Ezután a mobil alkalmazás egyszer használatos kódokat fog generálni, melyet a belépés során meg kell adnia." LABEL_QR_CODE = "QR kód" LABEL_SECRET_KEY = "Titkos kulcs" HINT_ENTER_CODE = "Ahhoz, hogy ellenőrizzük, minden megfelelően beállításra került, adjon meg egy egyszer használatos kódot, amit a mobil alkalmazása generált." HINT_ABOUT_TWOFACTORAUTH_ENABLED = "Fiókja fokozott biztonságának érdekében a két faktoros hitelesítés be van kapcsolva." ACTION_DISABLE = "Letilt" ACTION_VERIFY = "Ellenőrzése" ACTION_VERIFY_IN_PROGRESS = "Ellenőrzés..." ERROR_WRONG_CODE = "Wrong code. Try again" CONFIRM_MODULE_NOT_ENABLED = "Please note that it is strictly recommended to turn on two factor authentication.
Go to two factor auth settings
" ; superadmin interface for user settings INFO_TFA_ENABLED_FOR_USER = "Two factor authentication is enabled for
user." INFO_TFA_DISABLED_FOR_USER = "Two factor authentication is not enabled for
user." ACTION_DISABLE_TFA = "Disable two factor authentication" CONFIRM_DISABLE_TFA = "Are you sure you want to turn off two factor authentication for
user?" REPORT_DISABLE_USER_TFA = "Two factor authentication was successfully turned off for %USER% user." ERROR_DISABLE_USER_TFA = "Error occurred while turning off two factor authentication for %USER% user." ; Backup codes HEADING_BACKUP_CODES = "Backup Codes" INFO_SETUP_BACKUP_CODES = "These printable one-time passcodes allow you to sign in when away from your phone, like when you’re traveling." ACTION_SETUP = "Set up" INFO_SHOW_BACKUP_CODES = "%COUNT% single-use codes are active at this time, but you can generate more as needed." ACTION_SHOW_CODES = "Show codes" HEADING_SAVE_CODES = "Backup codes" INFO_KEEP_CODES_SAFE = "Keep these backup codes somewhere safe but accessible." LABEL_ALREADY_USED = "ALREADY USED" INFO_USE_CODE_ONCE = "You can only use each backup code once." INFO_CODES_GENERATED_DATA = "These codes were generated on %DATA%." ACTION_GET_NEW_CODES = "Get new codes" ACTION_DOWNLOAD = "Download" ACTION_PRINT = "Print" CONFIRM_GET_NEW_CODES = "Get new codes?" INFO_GET_NEW_CODES = "If you get a new set of backup codes, existing codes will be deactivated." ACTION_USE_BACKUP_CODE = "Use backup code" LABEL_ENTER_BACKUP_CODE = "Use backup code" INFO_ENTER_BACKUP_CODE = "Enter one of your 8-character backup codes" LABEL_BACKUP_CODE = "Backup code" ACTION_VERIFY_BACKUP_CODE = "Verify backup code" ACTION_VERIFY_BACKUP_CODE_IN_PROGRESS = "Verifying..." ERROR_WRONG_BACKUP_CODE = "Wrong backup code. Try again" ; Authenticator app HINT_TWA_OPTIONS = "You can use Authenticator app (for example, Google Authenticator or Yubico Authenticator) or Security Key (for example, Yubico key)." HEADING_AUTHENTICATOR_APP = "Authenticator App" HINT_AUTHENTICATOR_APP = "Allows for getting verification codes, even when your phone is offline. Available for Android and iPhone." CONFIRM_DISABLE_AUTHENTICATOR_APP = "Are you sure you want to stop using Authenticator App for two factor verification?" HEADING_SECURITY_KEYS = "Security Key" HINT_SECURITY_KEYS = "Verification method that allows for signing in using a security device (for example, YubiKey). The keys can connect to your phone directly, via Bluetooth, or plug into your computer’s USB port." LABEL_SECURITY_KEY_EMPTY_NAME = "[Security key]" ACTION_ADD_SECURITY_KEY = "Add security key" ERROR_ADD_SECURITY_KEY = "Error occurred while adding security key." ACTION_VERIFY_SECURITY_KEY = "Verify security key" ERROR_VERIFY_SECURITY_KEY = "Error occurred while verifying security key." HEADING_CREATE_SECURITY_KEY = "Register your security key" HINT_CREATE_SECURITY_KEY = "Please follow the instructions in the popup window" HEADING_CREATE_SECURITY_KEY_CANCELED = "Creating security key was canceled" HEADING_SECURITY_KEY_NAME = "Rename security key" HINT_SECURITY_KEY_NAME = "Specify display name of the security key" ERROR_SETUP_SECRET_KEY_NAME = "Error occurred while setting up security key name." ACTION_RENAME = "Rename" CONFIRM_REMOVE_SECURITY_KEY = "Are you sure you want to delete
key?" REPORT_DELETE_SECURITY_KEY = "Security key was successfully deleted." ERROR_DELETE_SECURITY_KEY = "Error occurred while deleting security key." ; Verification on login HEADING_TWA_VERIFICATION = "Két faktoros hitelesítés" INFO_TWA_VERIFICATION = "This extra step is intended to confirm it’s really you trying to sign in" HINT_SECURITY_KEY_VERIFICATION = "Please follow the instructions in the popup window" HINT_INSERT_TOUCH_SECURITY_KEY = "Insert your security key into the USB port and touch it" HEADING_SECURITY_KEY_ERROR_VERIFICATION = "There was a problem" INFO_SECURITY_KEY_ERROR_VERIFICATION = "Try using your security key again or try another way to verify it's you" INFO_SECURITY_KEY_ERROR_VERIFICATION_NO_OTHER_OPTIONS = "Try using your security key again to verify it's you" INFO_SECURITY_KEY_ERROR_HTTPS_NEEDED = "For Security key functionality to work, make sure you load this application via https, not http" INFO_SECURITY_KEY_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED = "Your current browser doesn't support adding Security Keys. Please try a different browser, for example Google Chrome" ACTION_TRY_AGAIN = "Try again" ACTION_TRY_ANOTHER_WAY = "Other options" HEADING_AUTHENTICATOR_APP_VERIFICATION = "Authenticator app" INFO_AUTHENTICATOR_APP_VERIFICATION = "Specify verification code from Authenticator app" INFO_OTHER_VERIFICATION_OPTIONS = "Security options available" ACTION_USE_SECURITY_KEY = "Use your Security key" ACTION_USE_AUTHENTICATOR_APP = "Use Authenticator app" ; Used devices LABEL_ALL_SET = "You're all set" LABEL_TRUST_DEVICE_PLURAL = "Don't ask again on this device for %COUNT% day|Don't ask again on this device for %COUNT% days" ACTION_CONTINUE = "Continue" HEADING_YOUR_DEVICES = "Your devices" LABEL_CURRENT_DEVICE = "Current device" LABEL_DEVICE_NAME = "%NAME% on %PLATFORM%" LABEL_DEVICE_TRUST_TILL_DATE = "Trust till %EXPDATE%" LABEL_DEVICE_LAST_USAGE_DATE = "Last usage: %USAGEDATE%" ACTION_LOGOUT_DEVICE = "Logout from this device" ACTION_REMOVE_DEVICE = "Remove device" ACTION_EDIT_DEVICE = "Rename device" HINT_DEVICE_CUSTOM_NAME = "Enter the custom name for this device" LABEL_DEVICE_UA_NAME = "Device name" LABEL_DEVICE_CUSTOM_NAME = "Custom name" CONFIRM_HEADING_LOGOUT_DEVICE = "Logout from \"%NAME%\" device?" CONFIRM_HEADING_REMOVE_DEVICE = "Remove \"%NAME%\" device?" CONFIRM_LOGOUT_DEVICE = "You'll need to sign in again on that device." ERROR_LOGOUT_DEVICE = "Error occurred while logging out from device." ERROR_REMOVE_DEVICE = "Error occurred while removing device." INFO_TRUST_DEVICES = "Two factor verification will be skipped on devices you trust." INFO_REVOKE_ALL = "You can revoke trusted status from your devices that skip Two factor Verification." ACTION_REVOKE_ALL = "Revoke all" CONFIRM_HEADING_REVOKE_ALL = "Revoke trust from all devices" CONFIRM_REVOKE_ALL = "To sign in again, you'll need to provide a second factor." ERROR_REVOKE_TRUST = "Error occurred while revoking trust from devices."