"use strict"; (self["webpackChunkafterlogic_aurora_platform"] = self["webpackChunkafterlogic_aurora_platform"] || []).push([[58],{ /***/ "17yT": /*!***************************************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/CoreWebclient/js/models/CAbstractFileModel.js ***! \***************************************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! underscore */ "C3HO"), $ = __webpack_require__(/*! jquery */ "M4cL"), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! knockout */ "p09A"), moment = __webpack_require__(/*! moment */ "sdEb"), App = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/App.js */ "9kOp"), FilesUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Files.js */ "teN/"), TextUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Text.js */ "H20a"), Types = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Types.js */ "KC/L"), UrlUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Url.js */ "Tt1R"), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Common.js */ "REt5"), WindowOpener = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/WindowOpener.js */ "mGms"), aViewMimeTypes = [ 'image/jpeg', 'image/jpg', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'text/html', 'text/plain', 'text/css', 'text/rfc822-headers', 'message/delivery-status', 'application/x-httpd-php', 'application/javascript' ], aViewExtensions = [] ; if ($('html').hasClass('pdf')) { aViewMimeTypes.push('application/pdf'); aViewMimeTypes.push('application/x-pdf'); } /** * @constructor */ function CAbstractFileModel() { this.id = ko.observable(''); this.index = ko.observable(0); this.fileName = ko.observable(''); this.tempName = ko.observable(''); this.extension = ko.observable(''); this.fileName.subscribe(function (sFileName) { this.id(sFileName); this.extension(Utils.getFileExtension(sFileName)); }, this); // Can be overwritten this.displayName = ko.computed(function () { return this.fileName(); }, this); this.size = ko.observable(0); this.friendlySize = ko.computed(function () { return this.size() > 0 ? TextUtils.getFriendlySize(this.size()) : ''; }, this); this.hash = ko.observable(''); this.thumbUrlInQueue = ko.observable(''); this.thumbUrlInQueueSubscribtion = this.thumbUrlInQueue.subscribe(function () { this.getInThumbQueue(); }, this); this.thumbnailSrc = ko.observable(''); this.thumbnailLoaded = ko.observable(false); this.mimeType = ko.observable(''); this.uploadUid = ko.observable(''); this.uploaded = ko.observable(false); this.uploadError = ko.observable(false); this.downloading = ko.observable(false); this.bHasHtmlEmbed = false; this.otherTemplates = ko.observableArray([]); // Some modules can override this field if it is necessary to manage it. this.visibleCancelButton = ko.observable(true); this.cancelButtonTooltip = TextUtils.i18n('COREWEBCLIENT/ACTION_CANCEL'); this.statusText = ko.observable(''); this.statusTooltip = ko.computed(function () { return this.uploadError() ? this.statusText() : ''; }, this); this.progressPercent = ko.observable(0); this.visibleProgress = ko.observable(false); this.uploadStarted = ko.observable(false); this.uploadStarted.subscribe(function () { if (this.uploadStarted()) { this.uploaded(false); this.visibleProgress(true); this.progressPercent(20); } else { this.progressPercent(100); this.visibleProgress(false); this.uploaded(true); } }, this); this.downloading.subscribe(function () { if (this.downloading()) { this.visibleProgress(true); } else { this.visibleProgress(false); this.progressPercent(0); } }, this); this.allowDrag = ko.observable(false); this.allowUpload = ko.observable(false); this.allowPublicLink = ko.observable(false); this.bIsSecure = ko.observable(false); this.sHeaderText = ''; this.oActionsData = { 'view': { 'Text': TextUtils.i18n('COREWEBCLIENT/ACTION_VIEW_FILE'), 'HandlerName': 'viewFile' }, 'download': { 'Text': TextUtils.i18n('COREWEBCLIENT/ACTION_DOWNLOAD_FILE'), 'HandlerName': 'downloadFile', 'Tooltip': ko.computed(function () { var sTitle = TextUtils.i18n('COREWEBCLIENT/INFO_CLICK_TO_DOWNLOAD_FILE', { 'FILENAME': this.fileName(), 'SIZE': this.friendlySize() }); if (this.friendlySize() === '') { sTitle = sTitle.replace(' ()', ''); } return sTitle; }, this) } }; this.allowActions = ko.observable(true); this.iconAction = ko.observable('download'); this.cssClasses = ko.computed(function () { return this.getCommonClasses().join(' '); }, this); this.actions = ko.observableArray([]); this.firstAction = ko.computed(function () { if (this.actions().length > 1) { return this.actions()[0]; } return ''; }, this); this.secondAction = ko.computed(function () { if (this.actions().length === 1) { return this.actions()[0]; } if (this.actions().length > 1) { return this.actions()[1]; } return ''; }, this); this.subFiles = ko.observableArray([]); this.subFilesExpanded = ko.observable(false); this.sUploadSubFolder = ''; this.bIsHidden = false; } CAbstractFileModel.prototype.addAction = function (sAction, bMain, oActionData) { if (bMain) { this.actions.unshift(sAction); } else { this.actions.push(sAction); } this.actions(_.compact(this.actions())); if (oActionData) { this.oActionsData[sAction] = oActionData; } }; CAbstractFileModel.prototype.removeAction = function (sAction) { this.actions(_.without(this.actions(), sAction)); }; CAbstractFileModel.prototype.getMainAction = function () { return this.actions()[0]; }; CAbstractFileModel.prototype.hasAction = function (sAction) { return _.indexOf(this.actions(), sAction) !== -1; }; /** * Returns button text for specified action. * @param {string} sAction * @returns string */ CAbstractFileModel.prototype.getActionText = function (sAction) { if (this.hasAction(sAction) && this.oActionsData[sAction] && (typeof this.oActionsData[sAction].Text === 'string' || _.isFunction(this.oActionsData[sAction].Text))) { return _.isFunction(this.oActionsData[sAction].Text) ? this.oActionsData[sAction].Text() : this.oActionsData[sAction].Text; } return ''; }; CAbstractFileModel.prototype.getActionUrl = function (sAction) { return (this.hasAction(sAction) && this.oActionsData[sAction]) ? (this.oActionsData[sAction].Url || '') : ''; }; /** * Executes specified action. * @param {string} sAction */ CAbstractFileModel.prototype.executeAction = function (sAction) { var oData = this.hasAction(sAction) && this.oActionsData[sAction]; if (oData) { if (_.isFunction(oData.Handler)) { oData.Handler(); } else if (typeof oData.HandlerName === 'string' && _.isFunction(this[oData.HandlerName])) { this[oData.HandlerName](); } } }; /** * Returns tooltip for specified action. * @param {string} sAction * @returns string */ CAbstractFileModel.prototype.getTooltip = function (sAction) { var mTootip = this.hasAction(sAction) && this.oActionsData[sAction] ? this.oActionsData[sAction].Tooltip : ''; if (typeof mTootip === 'string') { return mTootip; } if (_.isFunction(mTootip)) { return mTootip(); } return ''; }; /** * Returns list of css classes for file. * @returns array */ CAbstractFileModel.prototype.getCommonClasses = function () { var aClasses = []; if ((this.allowUpload() && !this.uploaded()) || this.downloading()) { aClasses.push('incomplete'); } if (this.uploadError()) { aClasses.push('fail'); } else { aClasses.push('success'); } return aClasses; }; /** * Parses attachment data from server. * @param {AjaxAttachmenResponse} oData */ CAbstractFileModel.prototype.parse = function (oData) { this.fileName(Types.pString(oData.FileName)); this.tempName(Types.pString(oData.TempName)); if (this.tempName() === '') { this.tempName(this.fileName()); } this.mimeType(Types.pString(oData.MimeType)); this.size(oData.EstimatedSize ? Types.pInt(oData.EstimatedSize) : Types.pInt(oData.SizeInBytes)); this.hash(Types.pString(oData.Hash)); this.parseActions(oData); this.uploadUid(this.hash()); this.uploaded(true); if (_.isFunction(this.additionalParse)) { this.additionalParse(oData); } }; CAbstractFileModel.prototype.parseActions = function (oData) { this.thumbUrlInQueue(Types.pString(oData.ThumbnailUrl) !== '' ? Types.pString(oData.ThumbnailUrl) + '/' + Math.random() : ''); this.commonParseActions(oData); this.commonExcludeActions(); }; CAbstractFileModel.prototype.commonExcludeActions = function () { if (!this.isViewSupported()) { this.removeAction('view'); } }; CAbstractFileModel.prototype.commonParseActions = function (oData) { _.each (oData.Actions, function (oData, sAction) { if (!this.oActionsData[sAction]) { this.oActionsData[sAction] = {}; } this.oActionsData[sAction].Url = Types.pString(oData.url); this.actions.push(sAction); }, this); }; CAbstractFileModel.addViewExtensions = function (aAddViewExtensions) { if (_.isArray(aAddViewExtensions)) { aViewExtensions = _.union(aViewExtensions, aAddViewExtensions); } }; CAbstractFileModel.prototype.isViewSupported = function () { return (-1 !== $.inArray(this.mimeType(), aViewMimeTypes) || -1 !== $.inArray(Types.pString(this.extension()).toLowerCase(), aViewExtensions)); }; CAbstractFileModel.prototype.getInThumbQueue = function () { if(this.thumbUrlInQueue() !== '' && (!this.linked || this.linked && !this.linked())) { FilesUtils.thumbQueue(this.thumbUrlInQueue(), this.thumbnailSrc); } }; /** * Starts downloading attachment on click. */ CAbstractFileModel.prototype.downloadFile = function (bNotBroadcastEvent) { //todo: UrlUtils.downloadByUrl in nessesary context in new window var sDownloadLink = this.getActionUrl('download'), oParams = { 'File': this, 'CancelDownload': false } ; if (sDownloadLink.length > 0 && sDownloadLink !== '#') { if (!bNotBroadcastEvent) { App.broadcastEvent('AbstractFileModel::FileDownload::before', oParams); } if (!oParams.CancelDownload) { if (_.isFunction(oParams.CustomDownloadHandler)) { oParams.CustomDownloadHandler(); } else { sDownloadLink += '/' + moment().unix(); UrlUtils.downloadByUrl(sDownloadLink, this.extension() === 'eml'); } } } }; /** * Can be overridden. * Starts viewing attachment on click. * @param {Object} oViewModel * @param {Object} oEvent */ CAbstractFileModel.prototype.viewFile = function (oViewModel, oEvent) { Utils.calmEvent(oEvent); this.viewCommonFile(); }; /** * Starts viewing attachment on click. * @param {string=} sUrl */ CAbstractFileModel.prototype.viewCommonFile = function (sUrl) { var oWin = null, oParams = null ; if (!Types.isNonEmptyString(sUrl)) { sUrl = UrlUtils.getAppPath() + this.getActionUrl('view'); } if (sUrl.length > 0 && sUrl !== '#') { sUrl += '/' + moment().unix(); oParams = { sUrl, index: this.index(), hash: this.hash(), continueView: true }; App.broadcastEvent('AbstractFileModel::FileView::before', oParams); if (oParams.continueView) { oWin = WindowOpener.open(oParams.sUrl, oParams.sUrl, false); if (oWin) { oWin.focus(); } } } }; /** * This allows to download a file from the Webmail UI using drag-n-drop * @param {Object} oAttachment * @param {*} oEvent * @return {boolean} */ CAbstractFileModel.prototype.eventDragStart = function (oAttachment, oEvent) { var oLocalEvent = oEvent.originalEvent || oEvent; if (oAttachment && oLocalEvent && oLocalEvent.dataTransfer && oLocalEvent.dataTransfer.setData) { oLocalEvent.dataTransfer.setData('DownloadURL', this.generateTransferDownloadUrl()); } return true; }; /** * @return {string} */ CAbstractFileModel.prototype.generateTransferDownloadUrl = function () { var sLink = this.getActionUrl('download'); if ('http' !== sLink.substr(0, 4)) { sLink = UrlUtils.getAppPath() + sLink; } return this.mimeType() + ':' + this.fileName() + ':' + sLink; }; /** * Fills attachment data for upload. * * @param {string} sFileUid * @param {Object} oFileData * @param {bool} bOnlyUploadStatus */ CAbstractFileModel.prototype.onUploadSelect = function (sFileUid, oFileData, bOnlyUploadStatus) { if (!bOnlyUploadStatus) { this.fileName(Types.pString(oFileData['FileName'])); this.mimeType(Types.pString(oFileData['Type'])); this.size(Types.pInt(oFileData['Size'])); } this.uploadUid(sFileUid); this.uploaded(false); this.statusText(''); this.progressPercent(0); this.visibleProgress(false); // if uploading file is from uploading folder it should be hidden in files list. this.sUploadSubFolder = Types.pString(oFileData.Folder); this.bIsHidden = this.sUploadSubFolder !== ''; }; /** * Starts progress. */ CAbstractFileModel.prototype.onUploadStart = function () { this.visibleProgress(true); }; /** * Fills progress upload data. * * @param {number} iUploadedSize * @param {number} iTotalSize */ CAbstractFileModel.prototype.onUploadProgress = function (iUploadedSize, iTotalSize) { if (iTotalSize > 0) { this.progressPercent(Math.ceil(iUploadedSize / iTotalSize * 100)); this.visibleProgress(true); } }; /** * Fills progress download data. * * @param {number} iDownloadedSize * @param {number} iTotalSize */ CAbstractFileModel.prototype.onDownloadProgress = function (iDownloadedSize, iTotalSize) { if (iTotalSize > 0) { this.progressPercent(Math.ceil(iDownloadedSize / iTotalSize * 100)); this.visibleProgress(this.progressPercent() < 100); } }; /** * Fills data when upload has completed. * * @param {string} sFileUid * @param {boolean} bResponseReceived * @param {Object} oResponse */ CAbstractFileModel.prototype.onUploadComplete = function (sFileUid, bResponseReceived, oResponse) { var bError = !bResponseReceived || !oResponse || !!oResponse.ErrorCode || !oResponse.Result || !!oResponse.Result.Error || false, sError = (oResponse && oResponse.ErrorCode && oResponse.ErrorCode === Enums.Errors.CanNotUploadFileLimit) ? TextUtils.i18n('COREWEBCLIENT/ERROR_UPLOAD_SIZE') : TextUtils.i18n('COREWEBCLIENT/ERROR_UPLOAD_UNKNOWN') ; this.progressPercent(0); this.visibleProgress(false); this.uploaded(true); this.uploadError(bError); this.statusText(bError ? sError : TextUtils.i18n('COREWEBCLIENT/REPORT_UPLOAD_COMPLETE')); if (!bError) { this.fillDataAfterUploadComplete(oResponse, sFileUid); setTimeout((function (self) { return function () { self.statusText(''); }; })(this), 3000); } }; /** * Should be overriden. * * @param {Object} oResult * @param {string} sFileUid */ CAbstractFileModel.prototype.fillDataAfterUploadComplete = function (oResult, sFileUid) { }; /** * @param {Object} oAttachmentModel * @param {Object} oEvent */ CAbstractFileModel.prototype.onImageLoad = function (oAttachmentModel, oEvent) { if(this.thumbUrlInQueue() !== '' && !this.thumbnailLoaded()) { this.thumbnailLoaded(true); FilesUtils.thumbQueue(this.thumbUrlInQueue()); } }; /** * Signalise that file download was stoped. */ CAbstractFileModel.prototype.stopDownloading = function () { this.downloading(false); }; /** * Signalise that file download was started. */ CAbstractFileModel.prototype.startDownloading = function () { this.downloading(true); }; module.exports = CAbstractFileModel; /***/ }), /***/ "teN/": /*!*************************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Files.js ***! \*************************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { var TextUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Text.js */ "H20a"), Popups = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Popups.js */ "oUN1"), AlertPopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/popups/AlertPopup.js */ "hT1I"), UserSettings = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Settings.js */ "OfVV"), FilesUtils = {} ; /** * Gets link for download by hash. * * @param {string} sModuleName Name of module that owns the file. * @param {string} sHash Hash of the file. * @param {string} sPublicHash Hash of shared folder if the file is displayed by public link. * * @return {string} */ FilesUtils.getDownloadLink = function (sModuleName, sHash, sPublicHash) { return sHash.length > 0 ? '?/Download/' + sModuleName + '/DownloadFile/' + sHash + '/' + (sPublicHash ? '0/' + sPublicHash : '') : ''; }; /** * Gets link for view by hash in iframe. * * @param {number} iAccountId * @param {string} sUrl * * @return {string} */ FilesUtils.getIframeWrappwer = function (iAccountId, sUrl) { return '?/Raw/Iframe/' + iAccountId + '/' + window.encodeURIComponent(sUrl) + '/'; }; FilesUtils.thumbQueue = (function () { var oImages = {}, oImagesIncrements = {}, iNumberOfImages = 2 ; return function (sImageSrc, fImageSrcObserver) { if(fImageSrcObserver) { if(!(sImageSrc in oImagesIncrements) || oImagesIncrements[sImageSrc] > 0) //load first images { if(!(sImageSrc in oImagesIncrements)) //on first image { oImagesIncrements[sImageSrc] = iNumberOfImages; oImages[sImageSrc] = []; } oImagesIncrements[sImageSrc]--; fImageSrcObserver(sImageSrc); //load image } else //create queue { oImages[sImageSrc].push({ imageSrc: sImageSrc, imageSrcObserver: fImageSrcObserver }); } } else //load images from queue (fires load event) { if(oImages[sImageSrc] && oImages[sImageSrc].length) { oImages[sImageSrc][0].imageSrcObserver(oImages[sImageSrc][0].imageSrc); oImages[sImageSrc].shift(); } } }; }()); /** * @param {string} sFileName * @param {number} iSize * @returns {Boolean} */ FilesUtils.showErrorIfAttachmentSizeLimit = function (sFileName, iSize) { var sWarning = TextUtils.i18n('COREWEBCLIENT/ERROR_UPLOAD_SIZE_DETAILED', { 'FILENAME': sFileName, 'MAXSIZE': TextUtils.getFriendlySize(UserSettings.AttachmentSizeLimit) }) ; if (UserSettings.AttachmentSizeLimit > 0 && iSize > UserSettings.AttachmentSizeLimit) { Popups.showPopup(AlertPopup, [sWarning]); return true; } return false; }; module.exports = FilesUtils; /***/ }) }]);