"use strict"; (self["webpackChunkafterlogic_aurora_platform"] = self["webpackChunkafterlogic_aurora_platform"] || []).push([[65],{ /***/ "pokp": /*!*******************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/FilesWebclient/js/Ajax.js ***! \*******************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { var Ajax = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Ajax.js */ "EFhx"), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/FilesWebclient/js/Settings.js */ "U1j7") ; Ajax.registerAbortRequestHandler(Settings.ServerModuleName, function (oRequest, oOpenedRequest) { switch (oRequest.Method) { case 'GetFiles': return oOpenedRequest.Method === 'GetFiles'; } return false; }); module.exports = { send: function (sMethod, oParameters, fResponseHandler, oContext) { Ajax.send(Settings.ServerModuleName, sMethod, oParameters, fResponseHandler, oContext); }, sendToWebclient: function (sMethod, oParameters, fResponseHandler, oContext) { Ajax.send('FilesWebclient', sMethod, oParameters, fResponseHandler, oContext); } }; /***/ }), /***/ "U1j7": /*!***********************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/FilesWebclient/js/Settings.js ***! \***********************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! underscore */ "C3HO"), Types = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Types.js */ "KC/L") ; module.exports = { ServerModuleName: 'Files', CorporateServerModuleName: 'CorporateFiles', PersonalServerModuleName: 'PersonalFiles', HashModuleName: 'files', CustomTabTitle: '', Storages: [], EnableUploadSizeLimit: false, PublicFolderName: '', PublicHash: '', UploadSizeLimitMb: 0, UserSpaceLimitMb: 0, TenantSpaceLimitMb: 0, CorporateSpaceLimitMb: 0, EditFileNameWithoutExtension: false, ShowCommonSettings: true, ShowFilesApps: true, BottomLeftCornerLinks: [], ShowPersonalFilesAdminSection: false, ShowCorporateFilesAdminSection: false, PublicLinksEnabled: true, Sorting: { Allow: false }, /** * Initializes settings from AppData object sections. * * @param {Object} oAppData Object contained modules settings. */ init: function (oAppData) { var oAppDataFilesSection = oAppData[this.ServerModuleName], // oAppDataPersonalFilesSection = oAppData[this.PersonalServerModuleName], oAppDataCorporateFilesSection = oAppData[this.CorporateServerModuleName], oAppDataFilesWebclientSection = oAppData['FilesWebclient'] ; if (!_.isEmpty(oAppDataFilesSection)) { this.CustomTabTitle = Types.pString(oAppDataFilesSection.CustomTabTitle, this.CustomTabTitle); this.Storages = Types.pArray(oAppDataFilesSection.Storages, this.Storages); this.EnableUploadSizeLimit = Types.pBool(oAppDataFilesSection.EnableUploadSizeLimit, this.EnableUploadSizeLimit); this.PublicFolderName = Types.pString(oAppDataFilesSection.PublicFolderName, this.PublicFolderName); this.PublicHash = Types.pString(oAppDataFilesSection.PublicHash, this.PublicHash); this.UploadSizeLimitMb = Types.pNonNegativeInt(oAppDataFilesSection.UploadSizeLimitMb, this.UploadSizeLimitMb); this.UserSpaceLimitMb = Types.pNonNegativeInt(oAppDataFilesSection.UserSpaceLimitMb, this.UserSpaceLimitMb); this.TenantSpaceLimitMb = Types.pNonNegativeInt(oAppDataFilesSection.TenantSpaceLimitMb, this.TenantSpaceLimitMb); // this.EFilesSortField = Types.pObject(oAppDataFilesSection.SortField); } // if (!_.isEmpty(oAppDataPersonalFilesSection)) // { this.ShowPersonalFilesAdminSection = true; // } if (!_.isEmpty(oAppDataCorporateFilesSection)) { this.ShowCorporateFilesAdminSection = true; this.CorporateSpaceLimitMb = Types.pNonNegativeInt(oAppDataCorporateFilesSection.SpaceLimitMb, this.CorporateSpaceLimitMb); } if (!_.isEmpty(oAppDataFilesWebclientSection)) { this.EditFileNameWithoutExtension = Types.pBool(oAppDataFilesWebclientSection.EditFileNameWithoutExtension, this.EditFileNameWithoutExtension); this.ShowCommonSettings = Types.pBool(oAppDataFilesWebclientSection.ShowCommonSettings, this.ShowCommonSettings); this.ShowFilesApps = Types.pBool(oAppDataFilesWebclientSection.ShowFilesApps, this.ShowFilesApps); this.BottomLeftCornerLinks = Types.pArray(oAppDataFilesWebclientSection.BottomLeftCornerLinks, this.BottomLeftCornerLinks); this.PublicLinksEnabled = Types.pBool(oAppDataFilesWebclientSection.PublicLinksEnabled, this.PublicLinksEnabled); this.Sorting = this.getSortConfig(Types.pObject(oAppDataFilesWebclientSection.FilesSortBy)); } }, /** * Updates settings from settings tab in admin panel. * * @param {boolean} bEnableUploadSizeLimit Indicates if upload size limit is enabled. * @param {number} iUploadSizeLimitMb Value of upload size limit in Mb. */ updateAdmin: function (bEnableUploadSizeLimit, iUploadSizeLimitMb) { this.EnableUploadSizeLimit = bEnableUploadSizeLimit; this.UploadSizeLimitMb = iUploadSizeLimitMb; }, updateAdminPersonal: function (iUserSpaceLimitMb) { this.PersonalSpaceLimitMb = iUserSpaceLimitMb; }, updateAdminCorporate: function (iSpaceLimitMb) { this.CorporateSpaceLimitMb = iSpaceLimitMb; }, getSortConfig: function (config) { return { Allow: Types.pBool(config?.Allow), DisplayOptions: config?.DisplayOptions || [], DefaultSortBy: Types.pEnum(Enums.FilesSortField[config?.DefaultSortBy], Enums.FilesSortField, Enums.FilesSortField.Filename), DefaultSortOrder: Types.pEnum(Enums.SortOrder[config?.DefaultSortOrder], Enums.SortOrder, Enums.SortOrder.Desc), } } }; /***/ }), /***/ "p/ia": /*!**********************************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/FilesWebclient/js/models/CFolderModel.js ***! \**********************************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! underscore */ "C3HO"), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! knockout */ "p09A"), TextUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Text.js */ "H20a"), Types = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Types.js */ "KC/L"), App = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/App.js */ "9kOp"), CAbstractFileModel = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/models/CAbstractFileModel.js */ "17yT"), CDateModel = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/models/CDateModel.js */ "jNBr"), ExtendedPropsPrototype = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/FilesWebclient/js/models/ExtendedPropsPrototype.js */ "FyTm") ; /** * @constructor * @param {object} oParent */ function CFolderModel(oParent) { this.oParent = oParent; // the constant is used instead of constructor.name because constructor.name can not be used in minified JS this.IS_FOLDER = true; //template this.selected = ko.observable(false); this.checked = ko.observable(false); // ? = selected ? this.deleted = ko.observable(false); // temporary removal until it was confirmation from the server to delete, css-animation this.recivedAnim = ko.observable(false).extend({'autoResetToFalse': 500}); this.published = ko.observable(false); this.fileName = ko.observable(''); this.sLastModified = 0; this.iLastModified = 0; //onDrop this.fullPath = ko.observable(''); //rename this.path = ko.observable(''); //pathItems this.storageType = ko.observable(Enums.FileStorageType.Personal); this.id = ko.observable(''); this.sMainAction = 'list'; this.sOwnerName = ''; this.sInitiator = ''; this.oExtendedProps = {}; this.sharedWithMeAccessReshare = ko.observable(false); this.sharedWithMeAccessWrite = ko.observable(false); this.sharedWithMe = ko.observable(false); this.sharedWithOthers = ko.observable(false); // can be changed by other modules this.readOnly = ko.computed(function () { // save mail attachment to files functionality needs this CSS class return this.sharedWithMe() && !this.sharedWithMeAccessWrite(); }, this); // The folder can be uploading. Operations should be disabled for such a folder. this.uploadingFilesCount = ko.observable(0); this.uploadedFilesCount = ko.observable(0); this.progressPercent = ko.computed(function () { if (this.uploadingFilesCount() > 0) { return Math.floor((this.uploadedFilesCount() / this.uploadingFilesCount()) * 100); } return 0; }, this); this.isIncomplete = ko.computed(function () { return this.uploadingFilesCount() > 0; }, this); this.uploaded = ko.computed(function () { return this.uploadingFilesCount() === 0; }, this); this.allowDrag = ko.computed(function () { return !oParent.bInPopup && !this.isIncomplete() && !App.isPublic(); }, this); this.allowDrop = ko.computed(function () { if (!this.oParent.bInPopup && !this.isIncomplete()) { var sharedParentFolder = this.oParent.sharedParentFolder(); if (sharedParentFolder) { return sharedParentFolder.sharedWithMeAccessWrite(); } else if (this.storageType() !== Enums.FileStorageType.Shared) { return !this.sharedWithMe() || this.sharedWithMeAccessWrite() && (!this.oParent.selectedHasShared() || this.oParent.needToCopyDraggedItems()); } } return false; }, this); } _.extendOwn(CFolderModel.prototype, ExtendedPropsPrototype); CFolderModel.prototype.parse = function (oData) { this.published(!!oData.Published); this.fileName(Types.pString(oData.Name)); this.fullPath(Types.pString(oData.FullPath)); this.path(Types.pString(oData.Path)); this.storageType(Types.pString(oData.Type)); this.id(Types.pString(oData.Id)); if (oData.MainAction) { this.sMainAction = Types.pString(oData.MainAction); } this.sLastModified = CFolderModel.parseLastModified(oData.LastModified); this.iLastModified = Types.pInt(oData.LastModified); this.sOwnerName = Types.pString(oData.Owner); this.sInitiator = Types.pString(oData.Initiator, this.sOwnerName); this.oExtendedProps = Types.pObject(oData.ExtendedProps); this.parseExtendedProps(); this.displayName = ko.computed(function () { if (this.storageType() === Enums.FileStorageType.Shared && !this.oParent.sharedParentFolder()) { return this.fullPath().replace(/^\//, ''); } return this.fileName(); }, this); this.sHeaderText = function () { if (this.sharedWithMe() && this.sInitiator) { return TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/INFO_SHARED_BY', { 'OWNER': this.sInitiator }); } return ''; }.bind(this)(); App.broadcastEvent('FilesWebclient::ParseFolder::after', [this, oData]); }; /** * Parses date of last file modification. * @param {number} iLastModified Date in unix fomat * @returns {String} */ CFolderModel.parseLastModified = function (iLastModified) { var oDateModel = new CDateModel(); if (iLastModified) { oDateModel.parse(iLastModified); return oDateModel.getShortDate(); } return ''; }; CFolderModel.prototype.getMainAction = function () { return this.sMainAction; }; CFolderModel.prototype.increaseUploadingFiles = function () { return this.uploadingFilesCount(this.uploadingFilesCount() + 1); }; CFolderModel.prototype.increaseUploadedFiles = function () { return this.uploadedFilesCount(this.uploadedFilesCount() + 1); }; CFolderModel.prototype.eventDragStart = CAbstractFileModel.prototype.eventDragStart; module.exports = CFolderModel; /***/ }), /***/ "dgrw": /*!***************************************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/FilesWebclient/js/popups/CreateFolderPopup.js ***! \***************************************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! underscore */ "C3HO"), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! knockout */ "p09A"), CAbstractPopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/popups/CAbstractPopup.js */ "o1lX") ; /** * @constructor */ function CCreateFolderPopup() { CAbstractPopup.call(this); this.fCallback = null; this.folderName = ko.observable(''); this.folderName.focus = ko.observable(false); this.folderName.error = ko.observable(''); this.folderName.subscribe(function () { this.folderName.error(''); }, this); } _.extendOwn(CCreateFolderPopup.prototype, CAbstractPopup.prototype); CCreateFolderPopup.prototype.PopupTemplate = 'FilesWebclient_CreateFolderPopup'; /** * @param {Function} fCallback */ CCreateFolderPopup.prototype.onOpen = function (fCallback) { this.folderName(''); this.folderName.focus(true); this.folderName.error(''); if (_.isFunction(fCallback)) { this.fCallback = fCallback; } }; CCreateFolderPopup.prototype.onOKClick = function () { this.folderName.error(''); if (this.fCallback) { var sError = this.fCallback(this.folderName()); if (sError) { this.folderName.error('' + sError); } else { // delay is necessary to avoid viewing an image on enter pressed here setTimeout(function () { this.closePopup(); }.bind(this)); } } else { setTimeout(function () { this.closePopup(); }.bind(this)); } }; module.exports = new CCreateFolderPopup(); /***/ }), /***/ "U9LU": /*!*************************************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/FilesWebclient/js/popups/CreateLinkPopup.js ***! \*************************************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! underscore */ "C3HO"), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! knockout */ "p09A"), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Common.js */ "REt5"), CAbstractPopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/popups/CAbstractPopup.js */ "o1lX"), Ajax = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/FilesWebclient/js/Ajax.js */ "pokp"), CFileModel = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/FilesWebclient/js/models/CFileModel.js */ "CsgX") ; /** * @constructor */ function CCreateLinkPopup() { CAbstractPopup.call(this); this.fCallback = null; this.link = ko.observable(''); this.linkPrev = ko.observable(''); this.linkFocus = ko.observable(false); this.checkTimeout = null; this.urlChecked = ko.observable(false); this.saveCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, this.executeSave, function () { return (this.urlChecked()); }); this.fileItem = ko.observable(null); } _.extendOwn(CCreateLinkPopup.prototype, CAbstractPopup.prototype); CCreateLinkPopup.prototype.PopupTemplate = 'FilesWebclient_CreateLinkPopup'; /** * @param {Function} fCallback */ CCreateLinkPopup.prototype.onOpen = function (fCallback) { this.link(''); this.linkFocus(true); this.fCallback = fCallback; this.checkTimer = setTimeout(_.bind(this.checkUrl, this), 2000); }; CCreateLinkPopup.prototype.checkUrl = function () { clearTimeout(this.checkTimer); if (this.link() !== this.linkPrev()) { this.linkPrev(this.link()); Ajax.send('CheckUrl', { 'Url': this.link() }, this.onCheckUrlResponse, this); } this.checkTimer = setTimeout(_.bind(this.checkUrl, this), 1000); }; /** * @param {Object} oResponse * @param {Object} oRequest */ CCreateLinkPopup.prototype.onCheckUrlResponse = function (oResponse, oRequest) { if (oResponse.Result) { var oData = CFileModel.prepareLinkData(oResponse.Result, this.link()), oFile = new CFileModel(oData) ; this.fileItem(oFile); this.urlChecked(true); } }; CCreateLinkPopup.prototype.executeSave = function () { if (_.isFunction(this.fCallback)) { this.fCallback(this.fileItem()); this.link(''); this.linkPrev(''); this.urlChecked(false); } clearTimeout(this.checkTimer); this.closePopup(); }; CCreateLinkPopup.prototype.cancelPopup = function () { this.link(''); this.linkPrev(''); this.urlChecked(false); clearTimeout(this.checkTimer); this.closePopup(); }; module.exports = new CCreateLinkPopup(); /***/ }), /***/ "HaM1": /*!*********************************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/FilesWebclient/js/popups/RenamePopup.js ***! \*********************************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! underscore */ "C3HO"), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! knockout */ "p09A"), CAbstractPopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/popups/CAbstractPopup.js */ "o1lX") ; /** * @constructor */ function CRenamePopup() { CAbstractPopup.call(this); this.fCallback = null; this.name = ko.observable(''); this.focused = ko.observable(false); this.error = ko.observable(''); this.name.subscribe(function () { this.error(''); }, this); } _.extendOwn(CRenamePopup.prototype, CAbstractPopup.prototype); CRenamePopup.prototype.PopupTemplate = 'FilesWebclient_RenamePopup'; /** * @param {string} sName * @param {function} fCallback */ CRenamePopup.prototype.onOpen = function (sName, fCallback) { this.fCallback = fCallback; this.name(sName); this.focused(true); this.error(''); }; CRenamePopup.prototype.onOKClick = function () { this.error(''); if (_.isFunction(this.fCallback)) { var sError = this.fCallback(this.name()); if (sError) { this.error(sError); } else { // delay is necessary to avoid viewing an image on enter pressed here setTimeout(function () { this.closePopup(); }.bind(this)); } } else { setTimeout(function () { this.closePopup(); }.bind(this)); } }; module.exports = new CRenamePopup(); /***/ }), /***/ "FJ45": /*!********************************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/FilesWebclient/js/popups/SharePopup.js ***! \********************************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! underscore */ "C3HO"), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! knockout */ "p09A"), TextUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Text.js */ "H20a"), UrlUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Url.js */ "Tt1R"), Api = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Api.js */ "/QeJ"), CAbstractPopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/popups/CAbstractPopup.js */ "o1lX"), ModulesManager = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/ModulesManager.js */ "TdEd"), Popups = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Popups.js */ "oUN1"), Ajax = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/FilesWebclient/js/Ajax.js */ "pokp"), CFolderModel = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/FilesWebclient/js/models/CFolderModel.js */ "p/ia"), ShowHistoryPopup = ModulesManager.run('ActivityHistory', 'getShowHistoryPopup') ; /** * @constructor */ function CSharePopup() { CAbstractPopup.call(this); this.item = null; this.pub = ko.observable(''); this.pubFocus = ko.observable(false); this.bAllowShowHistory = !!ShowHistoryPopup; } _.extendOwn(CSharePopup.prototype, CAbstractPopup.prototype); CSharePopup.prototype.PopupTemplate = 'FilesWebclient_SharePopup'; /** * @param {Object} oItem */ CSharePopup.prototype.onOpen = function (oItem) { this.item = oItem; this.pub(''); Ajax.send('CreatePublicLink', { 'Type': oItem.storageType(), 'Path': oItem.path(), 'Name': oItem.fileName(), 'Size': oItem instanceof CFolderModel ? 0 : oItem.size(), 'IsFolder': oItem instanceof CFolderModel }, this.onCreatePublicLinkResponse, this ); }; /** * @param {Object} response */ CSharePopup.prototype.onCreatePublicLinkResponse = function (response) { if (response.Result) { this.pub(UrlUtils.getAppPath() + response.Result); this.pubFocus(true); this.item.published(true); } else { Api.showErrorByCode(response, TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/ERROR_CREATE_PUBLIC_LINK')); } }; CSharePopup.prototype.onCancelSharingClick = function () { if (this.item) { Ajax.send('DeletePublicLink', { 'Type': this.item.storageType(), 'Path': this.item.path(), 'Name': this.item.fileName() }, function (response) { if (!response.Result) { Api.showErrorByCode(response, TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/ERROR_DELETE_PUBLIC_LINK')); } else { this.closePopup(); } }, this); this.item.published(false); } }; CSharePopup.prototype.showHistory = function () { if (this.bAllowShowHistory) { Popups.showPopup(ShowHistoryPopup, [TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/HEADING_HISTORY_POPUP'), this.item]); } } module.exports = new CSharePopup(); /***/ }), /***/ "LGWn": /*!**************************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/FilesWebclient/js/utils/Links.js ***! \**************************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! underscore */ "C3HO"), Types = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Types.js */ "KC/L"), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/FilesWebclient/js/Settings.js */ "U1j7"), sSrchPref = 's.', sPthPref = 'p.', LinksUtils = {} ; /** * Returns true if parameter contains path value. * @param {string} sTemp * @return {boolean} */ function IsPathParam(sTemp) { return (sPthPref === sTemp.substr(0, sPthPref.length)); }; /** * Returns true if parameter contains search value. * @param {string} sTemp * @return {boolean} */ function IsSearchParam(sTemp) { return (sSrchPref === sTemp.substr(0, sSrchPref.length)); }; /** * @param {string=} sStorage * @param {string=} sPath * @param {string=} sSearch * @param {object=} custom * @returns {Array} */ LinksUtils.getFiles = function (sStorage, sPath, sSearch, custom = null) { var aParams = [Settings.HashModuleName]; if (sStorage && sStorage !== '') { aParams.push(sStorage); } if (sPath && sPath !== '') { aParams.push(sPthPref + sPath); } if (sSearch && sSearch !== '') { aParams.push(sSrchPref + sSearch); } if (custom && custom.prefix) { aParams.push(custom.prefix + custom.value); } return aParams; }; /** * @param {Array} aParam * * @return {Object} */ LinksUtils.parseFiles = function (aParam) { var iIndex = 0, sStorage = 'personal', sPath = '', sSearch = '' ; if (Types.isNonEmptyArray(aParam)) { if (aParam.length > iIndex && !IsPathParam(aParam[iIndex])) { sStorage = Types.pString(aParam[iIndex]); iIndex++; } if (aParam.length > iIndex && IsPathParam(aParam[iIndex])) { sPath = Types.pString(aParam[iIndex].substr(sPthPref.length)); iIndex++; } if (aParam.length > iIndex && IsSearchParam(aParam[iIndex])) { sSearch = Types.pString(aParam[iIndex].substr(sSrchPref.length)); iIndex++; } } return LinksUtils.getParsedParams(sStorage, sPath, sSearch, aParam[iIndex]); }; LinksUtils.getParsedParams = function (sStorage, sPath, sSearch, custom = null) { var aPath = [], sName = '' ; if (Types.isNonEmptyString(sPath)) { aPath = _.without(sPath.split(/(?:\/|\$ZIP\:)/g), ''); sName = aPath[aPath.length - 1]; } else { sPath = ''; } return { 'Storage': sStorage, 'Path': sPath, 'PathParts': aPath, 'Name': sName, 'Search': sSearch, 'Custom': custom }; }; module.exports = LinksUtils; /***/ }), /***/ "hkZk": /*!*******************************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/FilesWebclient/js/views/CFilesView.js ***! \*******************************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { const _ = __webpack_require__(/*! underscore */ "C3HO"), $ = __webpack_require__(/*! jquery */ "M4cL"), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! knockout */ "p09A") const TextUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Text.js */ "H20a"), Types = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Types.js */ "KC/L"), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Common.js */ "REt5"), Api = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Api.js */ "/QeJ"), App = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/App.js */ "9kOp"), CJua = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/CJua.js */ "qBBW"), CSelector = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/CSelector.js */ "vdUg"), ModulesManager = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/ModulesManager.js */ "TdEd"), Routing = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Routing.js */ "W66n"), Screens = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Screens.js */ "skxT"), UserSettings = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Settings.js */ "OfVV"), CAbstractScreenView = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/views/CAbstractScreenView.js */ "doeu"), Popups = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Popups.js */ "oUN1"), AlertPopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/popups/AlertPopup.js */ "hT1I"), ConfirmPopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/popups/ConfirmPopup.js */ "XeMN") const CreateFolderPopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/FilesWebclient/js/popups/CreateFolderPopup.js */ "dgrw"), CreateLinkPopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/FilesWebclient/js/popups/CreateLinkPopup.js */ "U9LU"), RenamePopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/FilesWebclient/js/popups/RenamePopup.js */ "HaM1"), SharePopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/FilesWebclient/js/popups/SharePopup.js */ "FJ45"), LinksUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/FilesWebclient/js/utils/Links.js */ "LGWn"), Ajax = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/FilesWebclient/js/Ajax.js */ "pokp"), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/FilesWebclient/js/Settings.js */ "U1j7"), CFileModel = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/FilesWebclient/js/models/CFileModel.js */ "CsgX"), CFolderModel = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/FilesWebclient/js/models/CFolderModel.js */ "p/ia") const FilesSharePopup = ModulesManager.run('SharedFiles', 'getFilesSharePopup'), ComposeMessageWithAttachments = ModulesManager.run('MailWebclient', 'getComposeMessageWithAttachments') const Enums = window.Enums /** * @constructor * @param {boolean=} bPopup = false * @param {boolean=} allowSelect = true */ function CFilesView(bPopup = false, allowSelect = true) { CAbstractScreenView.call(this, 'FilesWebclient') this.disableRoute = false // can be changed outside this.browserTitle = ko.observable(TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/HEADING_BROWSER_TAB')) this.bAllowSendEmails = _.isFunction(ComposeMessageWithAttachments) this.error = ko.observable(false) this.loaded = ko.observable(false) this.bPublic = App.isPublic() this.storages = ko.observableArray([]) this.folders = ko.observableArray() this.files = ko.observableArray() this.uploadingFiles = ko.observableArray() this.rootPath = ko.observable( this.bPublic ? Settings.PublicFolderName : TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/LABEL_PERSONAL_STORAGE') ) this.storageType = ko.observable(Enums.FileStorageType.Personal) this.currentStorage = ko.computed(function () { return this.getStorageByType(this.storageType()) }, this) this.storageDroppable = ko.computed(function () { return this.currentStorage() ? this.currentStorage().droppable() : '' }, this) this.storageDisplayName = ko.computed(function () { return this.currentStorage() ? this.currentStorage().displayName : '' }, this) this.storageType.subscribe(function () { if (this.bPublic) { this.rootPath(Settings.PublicFolderName) } else { if (this.currentStorage()) { this.rootPath(this.currentStorage().displayName) } this.selector.listCheckedAndSelected(false) } }, this) this.createButtonsControllers = ko.observableArray([]) this.pathItems = ko.observableArray() this.currentPath = ko.observable('') this.isZipFolder = ko.computed(function () { var aPath = this.currentPath().split('$ZIP:') return Utils.getFileExtension(aPath[0]) === 'zip' }, this) this.dropPath = ko.observable('') ko.computed(function () { this.dropPath(this.currentPath()) }, this) this.isCorporateStorage = ko.computed(function () { return this.storageType() === Enums.FileStorageType.Corporate }, this) this.isSharedStorage = ko.computed(function () { return this.storageType() === Enums.FileStorageType.Shared }, this) this.isEncryptedStorage = ko.computed(function () { return this.storageType() === Enums.FileStorageType.Encrypted }, this) this.isExternalStorage = ko.computed(function () { return this.currentStorage() && this.currentStorage().isExternal }, this) this.foldersCollection = ko.computed(function () { var aFolders = this.folders() aFolders.sort((left, right) => { let sortValue switch (this.sortBy()) { case Enums.FilesSortField.Filename: case Enums.FilesSortField.Size: sortValue = left.fileName() === right.fileName() ? 0 : left.fileName() < right.fileName() ? -1 : 1 break case Enums.FilesSortField.Modified: sortValue = left.iLastModified === right.iLastModified ? 0 : left.iLastModified < right.iLastModified ? -1 : 1 break } if (this.sortBy() !== Enums.FilesSortField.Size) { sortValue *= this.sortOrder() === Enums.SortOrder.Desc ? -1 : 1 } return sortValue }) return aFolders }, this) this.filesCollection = ko.computed(function () { var aFiles = _.union(this.files(), this.getUploadingFiles()) aFiles.sort((left, right) => { let sortValue switch (this.sortBy()) { case Enums.FilesSortField.Filename: sortValue = left.fileName() === right.fileName() ? 0 : left.fileName() < right.fileName() ? -1 : 1 break case Enums.FilesSortField.Size: sortValue = left.size() === right.size() ? 0 : left.size() < right.size() ? -1 : 1 break case Enums.FilesSortField.Modified: sortValue = left.iLastModified === right.iLastModified ? 0 : left.iLastModified < right.iLastModified ? -1 : 1 break } return sortValue * (this.sortOrder() === Enums.SortOrder.Desc ? -1 : 1) // return left.fileName() === right.fileName() ? 0 : (left.fileName() < right.fileName() ? -1 : 1); }) // if (this.sortOrder() === Enums.SortOrder.Asc) { // aFolderList = aFolderList.reverse(); // } return aFiles }, this) this.collection = ko.computed(function () { return _.union(this.foldersCollection(), this.filesCollection()) }, this) this.columnCount = ko.observable(1) this.selector = new CSelector( this.collection, _.bind(this.onItemSelect, this), _.bind(this.onItemDelete, this), _.bind(this.onItemDblClick, this), _.bind(this.onEnter, this), this.columnCount, true, true, true, false, allowSelect ) this.firstSelectedFile = ko.computed(function () { return _.find(this.selector.listCheckedAndSelected(), function (oItem) { return oItem.IS_FILE }) }, this) this.selectedOwnItems = ko.computed(function () { return _.filter(this.selector.listCheckedAndSelected(), function (item) { return !item.sharedWithMe() }) }, this) this.selectedHasShared = ko.computed(function () { return !!_.find(this.selector.listCheckedAndSelected(), function (oItem) { return oItem.sharedWithMe() }) }, this) this.searchPattern = ko.observable('') this.newSearchPattern = ko.observable('') this.isSearchFocused = ko.observable(false) this.selectedFolders = ko.computed(function () { return _.filter( this.selector.listCheckedAndSelected(), function (oItem) { return oItem.IS_FOLDER }, this ) }, this) this.selectedFiles = ko.computed(function () { return _.filter( this.selector.listCheckedAndSelected(), function (oItem) { return oItem.IS_FILE }, this ) }, this) this.allSelectedFilesReady = ko.computed(function () { return _.every(this.selectedFiles(), function (oItem) { var bUploading = oItem.uploaded() === false, bDownloading = oItem.downloading() === true return !bUploading && !bDownloading }) }, this) this.sharedParentFolder = ko.computed(function () { return _.find(this.pathItems(), function (oParentFolder) { return oParentFolder.sharedWithMe() }) }, this) this.isDownloadAllowed = ko.computed(function () { var oFile = this.getFileIfOnlyOneSelected() return !!oFile && oFile.hasAction('download') && this.allSelectedFilesReady() }, this) this.downloadCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, this.executeDownload, this.isDownloadAllowed) this.isSendAllowed = ko.computed(function () { return !this.isZipFolder() && this.selectedFiles().length > 0 && this.allSelectedFilesReady() }, this) this.sendCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, this.executeSend, this.isSendAllowed) this.isRenameAllowed = ko.computed(function () { var oSharedParentFolder = this.sharedParentFolder(), aItems = this.selector.listCheckedAndSelected(), oSelectedItem = aItems.length === 1 ? aItems[0] : null return ( !this.isZipFolder() && (!oSharedParentFolder || oSharedParentFolder.sharedWithMeAccessWrite()) && this.allSelectedFilesReady() && oSelectedItem ) }, this) this.renameCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, this.executeRename, this.isRenameAllowed) this.bSortEnabled = Settings.Sorting && Settings.Sorting.Allow && Settings.Sorting.DisplayOptions && Settings.Sorting.DisplayOptions.length > 0 this.sortBy = ko.observable(Settings.Sorting.DefaultSortBy) this.sortOrder = ko.observable(Settings.Sorting.DefaultSortOrder) this.aSortList = [] if (this.bSortEnabled) { _.each( Enums.FilesSortField, function (iValue, sName) { if (Settings.Sorting.DisplayOptions.indexOf(sName) >= 0) { this.aSortList.push({ sText: TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/SORT_OPTION_' + sName.toUpperCase()), sSortBy: iValue, }) } }.bind(this) ) } this.itemsToDeleteCount = ko.computed(function () { var sharedParentFolder = this.sharedParentFolder() if (!!sharedParentFolder && sharedParentFolder.sharedWithMeAccessWrite()) { return this.selector.listCheckedAndSelected().length } return this.selectedOwnItems().length }, this) this.isDeleteAllowed = ko.computed(function () { return !this.isZipFolder() && this.itemsToDeleteCount() > 0 && this.allSelectedFilesReady() }, this) this.deleteCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, this.executeDelete, this.isDeleteAllowed) this.needToCopyDraggedItems = ko.observable(false) this.isCurrentStorageDroppable = ko.computed(function () { return ( !this.sharedParentFolder() || this.needToCopyDraggedItems() || (this.sharedParentFolder() && this.sharedParentFolder().sharedWithMeAccessWrite()) ) }, this) this.isCutAllowed = ko.computed(function () { var oSharedParentFolder = this.sharedParentFolder(), aItems = this.selector.listCheckedAndSelected() return ( !this.isZipFolder() && ((!oSharedParentFolder && !this.isSharedStorage()) || (!!oSharedParentFolder && oSharedParentFolder.sharedWithMeAccessWrite())) && this.allSelectedFilesReady() && aItems.length > 0 ) }, this) this.isCopyAllowed = ko.computed(function () { return this.allSelectedFilesReady() && this.selector.listCheckedAndSelected().length > 0 }, this) this.isDragAllowed = ko.computed(function () { return this.isCutAllowed() || (this.needToCopyDraggedItems() && this.isCopyAllowed()) }, this) // is used for share and simple public link this.isShareAllowed = ko.computed(function () { const items = this.selector.listCheckedAndSelected(), selectedItem = items.length === 1 ? items[0] : null, extendedProps = selectedItem && selectedItem.oExtendedProps return ( !this.isZipFolder() && selectedItem && !selectedItem.bIsLink && (!this.sharedParentFolder() || this.sharedParentFolder().sharedWithMeAccessReshare() || selectedItem.sharedWithMeAccessReshare()) && this.allSelectedFilesReady() && (selectedItem.IS_FILE || !this.isEncryptedStorage()) && (!selectedItem.sharedWithMe() || selectedItem.sharedWithMeAccessReshare()) ) }, this) this.createPublicLinkCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, this.createPublicLink, this.isShareAllowed) // Create in general for all kind of items this.isCreateAllowed = ko.computed(function () { var oSharedParentFolder = this.sharedParentFolder() return ( !this.isZipFolder() && ((oSharedParentFolder && oSharedParentFolder.sharedWithMeAccessWrite()) || (!oSharedParentFolder && !this.isSharedStorage())) ) }, this) this.createFolderCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, this.executeCreateFolder, this.isCreateAllowed) this.isCreateShortcutAllowed = ko.computed(function () { return this.isCreateAllowed() && !this.isExternalStorage() && !this.isEncryptedStorage() }, this) this.createShortcutCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, this.executeCreateShortcut, this.isCreateShortcutAllowed) this.uploaderButton = ko.observable(null) this.uploaderArea = ko.observable(null) this.bDragActive = ko.observable(false) this.isNewItemsMenuOpened = ko.observable(false) this.bDragActiveComp = ko.computed(function () { var bDrag = this.bDragActive() return bDrag && this.searchPattern() === '' }, this) this.isDragAndDropSupported = ko.observable(false) this.isCreateAllowed.subscribe(function () { if (this.oJua) { this.oJua.setDragAndDropEnabledStatus(this.isCreateAllowed()) } }, this) this.uploadError = ko.observable(false) this.quota = ko.observable(0) this.used = ko.observable(0) this.quotaDesc = ko.observable('') this.quotaProc = ko.observable(-1) this.bShowQuotaBarTextAsTooltip = UserSettings.ShowQuotaBarTextAsTooltip this.aBottomLeftCornerLinks = Settings.BottomLeftCornerLinks ko.computed(function () { if (!UserSettings.ShowQuotaBar) { return true } var iQuota = this.quota(), iUsed = this.used(), iProc = 0 < iQuota ? Math.round((iUsed / iQuota) * 100) : -1 iProc = 100 < iProc ? 100 : iProc this.quotaProc(iProc) this.quotaDesc( -1 < iProc ? TextUtils.i18n('COREWEBCLIENT/INFO_QUOTA', { PROC: iProc, QUOTA: TextUtils.getFriendlySize(iQuota), }) : '' ) if (UserSettings.QuotaWarningPerc > 0 && iProc !== -1 && UserSettings.QuotaWarningPerc > 100 - iProc) { Screens.showError(TextUtils.i18n('COREWEBCLIENT/WARNING_QUOTA_ALMOST_REACHED'), true) } }, this) this.dragover = ko.observable(false) this.loading = ko.observable(false) this.loadedFiles = ko.observable(false) this.fileListInfoText = ko.computed(function () { var sInfoText = '' if (this.loading()) { sInfoText = TextUtils.i18n('COREWEBCLIENT/INFO_LOADING') } else if (this.loadedFiles()) { if (this.collection().length === 0) { if (this.searchPattern() !== '') { sInfoText = TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/INFO_NOTHING_FOUND') } else if (this.isSharedStorage()) { sInfoText = TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/INFO_SHARED_FOLDER_IS_EMPTY') } else if (this.currentPath() !== '' || this.bInPopup || this.bPublic) { sInfoText = TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/INFO_FOLDER_IS_EMPTY') } else if (this.isDragAndDropSupported()) { sInfoText = TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/INFO_DRAGNDROP_FILES_OR_CREATE_FOLDER') } } } else if (this.error()) { sInfoText = TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/ERROR_FILES_NOT_RECEIVED') } return sInfoText }, this) this.bInPopup = !!bPopup this.timerId = null var oParams = { View: this, TemplateName: 'FilesWebclient_ItemsView', } this.itemsViewTemplate = ko.observable(oParams.TemplateName) App.broadcastEvent('Files::ChangeItemsView', oParams) App.subscribeEvent( 'Files::ShowList', _.bind(function (oParams) { if (this.shown() && oParams.Item) { this.routeFiles(oParams.Item.storageType(), oParams.Item.fullPath()) } }, this) ) ConfirmPopup.opened.subscribe( _.bind(function () { if (this.shown()) { this.selector.useKeyboardKeys(true) } }, this) ) this.PublicLinksEnabled = Settings.PublicLinksEnabled this.currentFolderStatsString = ko .computed(function () { let iSizeSelected = 0, iSizeOveral = 0, sOUtput = '' this.files().forEach((oFile) => { iSizeSelected += oFile.selected() || oFile.checked() ? oFile.size() : 0 iSizeOveral += oFile.size() }) sOUtput = this.files().length === 0 && this.folders().length === 0 ? '' : TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/CURRENT_FOLDER_STATS', { SIZE_OVERAL: TextUtils.getFriendlySize(iSizeOveral), FILES_OVERAL: this.files().length, FOLDERS_OVERAL: this.folders().length, }) sOUtput += this.selectedFiles().length === 0 ? '' : ' | ' + TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/CURRENT_FOLDER_STATS_SELECTED_FILES', { SIZE_SELECTED: TextUtils.getFriendlySize(iSizeSelected), FILES_SELECTED: this.selectedFiles().length, }) sOUtput += this.selectedFolders().length === 0 ? '' : ' | ' + TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/CURRENT_FOLDER_STATS_SELECTED_FOLDERS', { FOLDERS_SELECTED: this.selectedFolders().length, }) return sOUtput }, this) .extend({ rateLimit: { timeout: 100, method: 'notifyWhenChangesStop' } }) this.addToolbarButtons = ko.observableArray([]) this.storageControllers = ko.observableArray() this.controllers = ko.computed(() => { return [...this.addToolbarButtons(), ...this.storageControllers()] }) App.broadcastEvent('FilesWebclient::RegisterFilesController', (controller, place) => { this.registerController(controller, place) }) App.broadcastEvent('FilesWebclient::ConstructView::after', { Name: this.ViewConstructorName, View: this }) } _.extendOwn(CFilesView.prototype, CAbstractScreenView.prototype) CFilesView.prototype.ViewTemplate = App.isPublic() ? 'FilesWebclient_PublicFilesView' : 'FilesWebclient_FilesView' CFilesView.prototype.ViewConstructorName = 'CFilesView' CFilesView.prototype.registerCreateButtonsController = function (oBigButtonView) { this.createButtonsControllers.push(oBigButtonView) } /** * @param {object} $popupDom */ CFilesView.prototype.onBind = function ($popupDom) { var $dom = this.$viewDom || $popupDom this.selector.initOnApplyBindings( '.items_sub_list .item', '.items_sub_list .selected.item', '.items_sub_list .item .custom_checkbox', $('.panel.files .items_list', $dom), $('.panel.files .items_list .files_scroll.scroll-inner', $dom) ) $('.files_scroll').on('click', (event) => { const targetClassName = event.target?.className || '' if ( targetClassName.includes('files_scroll') || targetClassName.includes('items_list') || targetClassName.includes('items_sub_list') ) { this.selector.listCheckedAndSelected(false) } }) this.initUploader() this.hotKeysBind() } CFilesView.prototype.hotKeysBind = function () { $(document).on( 'keydown', _.bind(function (ev) { if ( this.shown() && ev && ev.keyCode === Enums.Key.s && this.selector.useKeyboardKeys() && !Utils.isTextFieldFocused() ) { ev.preventDefault() this.isSearchFocused(true) } }, this) ) } /** * Initializes file uploader. */ CFilesView.prototype.initUploader = function () { var self = this if (!this.bPublic && this.uploaderButton() && this.uploaderArea()) { this.oJua = new CJua({ action: '?/Api/', name: 'jua-uploader', queueSize: 2, clickElement: this.uploaderButton(), hiddenElementsPosition: UserSettings.IsRTL ? 'right' : 'left', dragAndDropElement: this.uploaderArea(), disableAjaxUpload: false, disableFolderDragAndDrop: false, disableDragAndDrop: false, hidden: _.extendOwn( { Module: Settings.ServerModuleName, Method: 'UploadFile', Parameters: function (oFile) { return JSON.stringify({ Type: self.storageType(), SubPath: (oFile && oFile.Folder) || '', Path: self.dropPath(), Overwrite: false, }) }, }, App.getCommonRequestParameters() ), }) this.oJua .on('onProgress', _.bind(this.onFileUploadProgress, this)) .on('onSelect', _.bind(this.onFileUploadSelect, this)) .on('onStart', _.bind(this.onFileUploadStart, this)) .on('onDrop', _.bind(this.onDrop, this)) .on('onEmptyFolderDrop', this.onEmptyFolderDrop.bind(this)) .on('onComplete', _.bind(this.onFileUploadComplete, this)) .on('onBodyDragEnter', _.bind(this.bDragActive, this, true)) .on('onBodyDragLeave', _.bind(this.bDragActive, this, false)) .on('onCancel', _.bind(this.onCancelUpload, this)) .on( 'onDialog', _.bind( function () { setTimeout(_.bind(this.isNewItemsMenuOpened, this, false), 10) }, this, false ) ) this.isDragAndDropSupported(this.oJua.isDragAndDropSupported()) } } /** * Checks if the file can be uploaded * * @param {Object} oFileData */ CFilesView.prototype.isFileCanBeUploaded = function (oFileData) { if (Settings.EnableUploadSizeLimit && oFileData.Size / (1024 * 1024) > Settings.UploadSizeLimitMb) { Popups.showPopup(AlertPopup, [ TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/ERROR_SIZE_LIMIT', { FILENAME: oFileData.FileName, SIZE: Settings.UploadSizeLimitMb, }), ]) return false } if (this.storageType() === Enums.FileStorageType.Personal && Types.isPositiveNumber(this.quota())) { if (this.quota() > 0 && this.used() + oFileData.Size > this.quota()) { Popups.showPopup(AlertPopup, [TextUtils.i18n('COREWEBCLIENT/ERROR_CANT_UPLOAD_FILE_QUOTA')]) return false } } return true } /** * Creates new attachment for upload. * * @param {string} sFileUid * @param {Object} fileData */ CFilesView.prototype.onFileUploadSelect = function (sFileUid, fileData) { if (!this.isFileCanBeUploaded(fileData)) { return false } if (this.searchPattern() === '') { const getFileByName = (fileName) => { if (this.getFileByName(fileName)) { return true } else { return !!_.find(this.getUploadingFiles(), function (oItem) { return oItem.fileName() === fileName }) } }, storage = this.storageType(), path = this.currentPath(), correctedData = CFileModel.prepareUploadFileData(fileData, path, storage, getFileByName) let file = this.getUploadFileByUid(sFileUid) if (file) { file.fileName(correctedData.Name) file.fullPath(correctedData.FullPath) } else { file = new CFileModel(correctedData, this) } file.onUploadSelect(sFileUid, fileData, true) this.uploadingFiles.push(file) this.onFileFromSubfolderUploadSelect(fileData) return true } return false } /** * If selected for upload file is from subfolder increase uploading files count for this folder. * @param {Object} oFileData */ CFilesView.prototype.onFileFromSubfolderUploadSelect = function (oFileData) { if (Types.isNonEmptyString(oFileData.Folder)) { var aPath = _.compact(oFileData.Folder.split('/')), sFolderName = aPath[0], oFolder = _.find(this.folders(), function (oTmpFolder) { return oTmpFolder.fileName() === sFolderName }) if (sFolderName && !oFolder) { oFolder = new CFolderModel(this) oFolder.parse({ Name: sFolderName, }) this.folders.push(oFolder) } oFolder.increaseUploadingFiles() } } /** * Finds attachment by uid. Calls it's function to start upload. * * @param {string} sFileUid */ CFilesView.prototype.onFileUploadStart = function (sFileUid) { var oFile = this.getUploadFileByUid(sFileUid) if (oFile) { oFile.onUploadStart() } } /** * Finds attachment by uid. Calls it's function to progress upload. * * @param {string} sFileUid * @param {number} iUploadedSize * @param {number} iTotalSize */ CFilesView.prototype.onFileUploadProgress = function (sFileUid, iUploadedSize, iTotalSize) { if (this.searchPattern() === '') { var oFile = this.getUploadFileByUid(sFileUid) if (oFile) { oFile.onUploadProgress(iUploadedSize, iTotalSize) } } } /** * Finds attachment by uid. Calls it's function to complete upload. * * @param {string} sFileUid File identifier. * @param {boolean} bResponseReceived Indicates if upload was successfull. * @param {Object} oResult Response from the server. */ CFilesView.prototype.onFileUploadComplete = function (sFileUid, bResponseReceived, oResult) { if (this.searchPattern() === '') { var oFile = this.getUploadFileByUid(sFileUid), bRequestFiles = false if (oFile) { oFile.onUploadComplete(sFileUid, bResponseReceived, oResult) this.onFileWithSubfolderUploadComplete(oFile) this.deleteUploadFileByUid(sFileUid) if (oFile.uploadError()) { this.uploadError(true) if (oResult && oResult.ErrorCode === Enums.Errors.CanNotUploadFileQuota) { Popups.showPopup(AlertPopup, [TextUtils.i18n('COREWEBCLIENT/ERROR_CANT_UPLOAD_FILE_QUOTA')]) bRequestFiles = true } else if (oResult && oResult.ErrorCode === Enums.Errors.FileAlreadyExists) { bRequestFiles = true Screens.showError(TextUtils.i18n('COREWEBCLIENT/ERROR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS')) } else if (oResult && oResult.ErrorCode === Enums.Errors.FileNotFound) { bRequestFiles = true Screens.showError(TextUtils.i18n('COREWEBCLIENT/ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND')) } else { Screens.showError(oFile.statusText()) } } else { if (oFile.path() === this.currentPath() && oFile.storageType() === this.storageType()) { this.files.push(oFile) } if (this.uploadingFiles().length === 0) { Screens.showReport(TextUtils.i18n('COREWEBCLIENT/REPORT_UPLOAD_COMPLETE')) } } if (this.uploadingFiles().length === 0) { bRequestFiles = true } } else { bRequestFiles = true } if (bRequestFiles) { this.routeFiles(this.storageType(), this.currentPath(), this.searchPattern(), true) } } } /** * If uploaded file is from subfolder increase uploaded files count for this folder. * @param {Object} oFile */ CFilesView.prototype.onFileWithSubfolderUploadComplete = function (oFile) { if (oFile.sUploadSubFolder) { var aPath = _.compact(oFile.sUploadSubFolder.split('/')), sFolderName = aPath[0], oFolder = _.find(this.folders(), function (oTmpFolder) { return oTmpFolder.fileName() === sFolderName }) if (oFolder) { oFolder.increaseUploadedFiles() } } } CFilesView.prototype.onEmptyFolderDrop = function (folderData) { if (folderData && folderData.fullPath) { const folderName = folderData.fullPath.charAt(0) === '/' ? folderData.fullPath.substr(1) : folderData.fullPath Ajax.send( 'CreateFolder', { Type: this.storageType(), Path: this.currentPath(), FolderName: folderData.fullPath, }, this.onCreateFolderResponse, this ) } } /** * @param {Object} oFile * @param {Object} oEvent */ CFilesView.prototype.onDrop = function (oFile, oEvent) { if (this.bPublic) { return } if (oEvent && oEvent.target && this.searchPattern() === '') { var oFolder = ko.dataFor(oEvent.target) if (oFolder && oFolder instanceof CFolderModel) { this.dropPath(oFolder.fullPath()) } } else { Screens.showReport(TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/INFO_CANNOT_UPLOAD_SEARCH_RESULT')) } } /** * @param {Object} oFolder * @param {Object} oEvent * @param {Object} oUi */ CFilesView.prototype.filesDrop = function (oFolder, oEvent, oUi) { if (this.bPublic || !this.isDragAllowed()) { return } if (oEvent) { var aChecked = this.selector.listCheckedAndSelected(), sMethod = this.needToCopyDraggedItems() ? 'Copy' : 'Move' if (this.moveItems(sMethod, oFolder, aChecked)) { Utils.uiDropHelperAnim(oEvent, oUi) } } } /** * @param {string} sMethod * @param {object} oFolder * @param {array} aChecked * @returns {boolean} */ CFilesView.prototype.moveItems = function (sMethod, oFolder, aChecked) { if (this.bPublic) { return false } var sFromPath = '', sFromStorageType = '', bFromAllSame = true, bFolderIntoItself = false, sToPath = oFolder instanceof CFolderModel ? oFolder.fullPath() : '', aItems = [], sStorageType = oFolder ? oFolder instanceof CFolderModel ? oFolder.storageType() : oFolder.type : this.storageType(), oToStorage = this.getStorageByType(sStorageType), oFromStorage = this.currentStorage(), bSameStorage = oToStorage.type === oFromStorage.type, iUsed = this.used(), iQuota = this.quota(), bAllowMove = true if ( bSameStorage || (!bSameStorage && !oToStorage.isExternal && !oFromStorage.isExternal && Enums.FileStorageType.Shared !== oToStorage.type) ) { if (oToStorage.type === Enums.FileStorageType.Personal && oFromStorage.type !== Enums.FileStorageType.Personal) { bAllowMove = _.every(aChecked, function (oItem) { if (oItem instanceof CFileModel) { if (iQuota > 0 && iUsed + oItem.size() > iQuota) { return false } iUsed = iUsed + oItem.size() } return true }) if (!bAllowMove) { Popups.showPopup(AlertPopup, [ TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/ERROR_CANT_MOVE_FILES_QUOTA_PLURAL', {}, '', aChecked.length), ]) return false } } _.each( aChecked, _.bind(function (oItem) { if ( (sFromPath !== '' && sFromPath !== oItem.path()) || (sFromStorageType !== '' && sFromStorageType !== oItem.storageType()) ) { bFromAllSame = false } sFromPath = oItem.path() sFromStorageType = oItem.storageType() bFolderIntoItself = oItem instanceof CFolderModel && sToPath === sFromPath + '/' + oItem.id() if (!bFolderIntoItself) { if (sMethod === 'Move') { if (oItem instanceof CFileModel) { this.deleteFileByName(oItem.id()) } else { this.deleteFolderByName(oItem.fileName()) } } aItems.push({ FromType: sFromStorageType, FromPath: sFromPath, Name: oItem.id(), IsFolder: oItem instanceof CFolderModel, }) } }, this) ) if (aItems.length > 0) { if (!bFromAllSame) { sFromStorageType = '' sFromPath = '' } Ajax.send( sMethod, { FromType: sFromStorageType, ToType: sStorageType, FromPath: sFromPath, ToPath: sToPath, Files: aItems, }, this.onMoveResponse, this ) if (oFolder instanceof CFolderModel) { oFolder.recivedAnim(true) } return true } } return false } /** * @param {Object} oResponse * @param {Object} oRequest */ CFilesView.prototype.onMoveResponse = function (oResponse, oRequest) { if (!oResponse.Result) { if (oResponse.ErrorCode === Enums.Errors.CanNotUploadFileQuota) { Popups.showPopup(AlertPopup, [ TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/ERROR_CANT_MOVE_FILES_QUOTA_PLURAL', {}, '', oRequest.Parameters.Files.length), ]) } else { Api.showErrorByCode( oResponse, TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/ERROR_FILES_MOVE_PLURAL', {}, '', oRequest.Parameters.Files.length) ) } this.routeFiles(this.storageType(), this.currentPath(), this.searchPattern()) } else { if (this.storageType() === oRequest.Parameters.ToType && this.currentPath() === oRequest.Parameters.ToPath) { this.routeFiles(this.storageType(), this.currentPath(), this.searchPattern()) } else { this.getQuota() } } } /** * @param {Object} oDraggedItem * @param {boolean} ctrlOrCmdUsed */ CFilesView.prototype.dragAndDropHelper = function (oDraggedItem, ctrlOrCmdUsed) { if (!oDraggedItem || !oDraggedItem.allowDrag()) { return $('
') } oDraggedItem.checked(true) this.needToCopyDraggedItems(ctrlOrCmdUsed) if (!this.isDragAllowed()) { return $('
') } var oHelper = Utils.draggableItems(), aItems = this.selector.listCheckedAndSelected(), oCounts = _.countBy(aItems, function (oItem) { return oItem.IS_FILE ? 'file' : 'folder' }), sPlusPrefix = ctrlOrCmdUsed ? '+ ' : '', sText = '' if (!oCounts.file) { sText = TextUtils.i18n( 'FILESWEBCLIENT/LABEL_DRAG_FOLDERS_PLURAL', { COUNT: sPlusPrefix + oCounts.folder }, null, oCounts.folder ) } else if (!oCounts.folder) { sText = TextUtils.i18n( 'FILESWEBCLIENT/LABEL_DRAG_FILES_PLURAL', { COUNT: sPlusPrefix + oCounts.file }, null, oCounts.file ) } else { sText = TextUtils.i18n( 'FILESWEBCLIENT/LABEL_DRAG_ITEMS_PLURAL', { COUNT: sPlusPrefix + aItems.length }, null, aItems.length ) } $('.count-text', oHelper).text(sText) return oHelper } CFilesView.prototype.onItemDelete = function () { if (this.isDeleteAllowed()) { this.executeDelete() } } CFilesView.prototype.onItemSelect = function (oItem) { if (App.isMobile() && oItem instanceof CFolderModel) { this.onItemDblClick(oItem) } } /** * @param {CFileModel|CFolderModel} oItem */ CFilesView.prototype.onEnter = function (oItem) { this.onItemDblClick(oItem) } /** * Executes on item double click. * @param {CFileModel|CFolderModel} oItem */ CFilesView.prototype.onItemDblClick = function (oItem) { if (oItem) { var sMainAction = oItem.getMainAction() switch (sMainAction) { case 'view': if (oItem instanceof CFileModel) { if (this.onSelectClickPopupBound) { this.onSelectClickPopupBound() } else { oItem.executeAction(sMainAction) } } break case 'list': if (!(oItem instanceof CFolderModel) || !oItem.isIncomplete()) { this.routeFiles(oItem.storageType(), oItem.fullPath()) } break } } } /** * @param {Object} oResponse * @param {Object} oRequest */ CFilesView.prototype.onGetFilesResponse = function (oResponse, oRequest) { var oResult = oResponse.Result, oParameters = oRequest.Parameters this.bNotLoading = false if ( (oParameters.Type === this.storageType() || oParameters.Hash === Settings.PublicHash) && oParameters.Path === this.currentPath() ) { if (oResult) { var aNewFolderList = [], aNewFileList = [] _.each( oResult.Items, function (oData) { if (oData.IsFolder) { var oFolder = new CFolderModel(this) oFolder.parse(oData) this.checkIfFolderUploading(oFolder) aNewFolderList.push(oFolder) } else { var oFile = new CFileModel(oData, this) if (oFile.oExtendedProps && oFile.oExtendedProps.Loading) { // if file still loading - show warning in status oFile.uploadError(true) oFile.statusText(TextUtils.i18n('COREWEBCLIENT/LABEL_FILE_LOADING')) } oFile.index(aNewFileList.length) aNewFileList.push(oFile) } }, this ) // save status of files that are being loaded _.each(this.files(), function (oTmpFile, iFileIndex, aFiles) { if (oTmpFile.downloading()) { var iNewIndex = _.findIndex(aNewFileList, function (oNewTmpFile) { return oTmpFile.fileName() === oNewTmpFile.fileName() }) if (iNewIndex !== -1) { aFiles[iFileIndex].index(aNewFileList[iNewIndex].index()) aNewFileList[iNewIndex] = aFiles[iFileIndex] } } }) this.folders(aNewFolderList) this.files(aNewFileList) this.newSearchPattern(oParameters.Pattern || '') this.searchPattern(oParameters.Pattern || '') this.loadedFiles(true) clearTimeout(this.timerId) this.parseQuota(oResult.Quota) if (_.isArray(oResult.Path)) { this.pathItems.removeAll() _.each( oResult.Path.reverse(), _.bind(function (oPathItem) { var oFolder = new CFolderModel(this) oFolder.parse(oPathItem) this.pathItems.push(oFolder) }, this) ) } this.loading(false) //If the current path does not contain information about access, we obtain such information from the response, if possible if (oResult.Access && this.pathItems().length > 0) { const iLastIndex = this.pathItems().length - 1, lastItem = this.pathItems()[iLastIndex] if (!lastItem.oExtendedProps || !lastItem.oExtendedProps.SharedWithMeAccess) { this.pathItems()[iLastIndex].updateExtendedProps({ SharedWithMeAccess: oResult.Access, }) this.pathItems.valueHasMutated() // for triggering sharedParentFolder computing } } } else { if (oResponse.ErrorCode !== Enums.Errors.NotDisplayedError) { this.loading(false) this.error(true) Api.showErrorByCode(oResponse, TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/ERROR_FILES_NOT_RECEIVED')) } } } } /** * Checks if folder has uploding files and marks it as uploading. * @param {Object} oFolder */ CFilesView.prototype.checkIfFolderUploading = function (oFolder) { _.each(this.uploadingFiles(), function (oFile) { if (oFile.sUploadSubFolder) { var aPath = _.compact(oFile.sUploadSubFolder.split('/')), sFolderName = aPath[0] if (oFolder.fileName() === sFolderName) { oFolder.increaseUploadingFiles() } } }) } /** * Runs after getting quota information from the server. Fill quota values. * * @param {Object} oQuota */ CFilesView.prototype.parseQuota = function (oQuota) { if (oQuota) { this.quota(Types.pInt(oQuota.Limit)) this.used(Types.pInt(oQuota.Used)) } } /** * @param {Object} oResponse * @param {Object} oRequest */ CFilesView.prototype.onDeleteResponse = function (oResponse, oRequest) { if (oResponse.Result) { this.expungeFileItems() this.getQuota() } else { Api.showErrorByCode(oResponse) this.routeFiles(this.storageType(), this.currentPath(), this.searchPattern()) } } CFilesView.prototype.executeRename = function () { var oItem = _.first(this.selector.listCheckedAndSelected()), bSeparateExtension = Settings.EditFileNameWithoutExtension && oItem instanceof CFileModel, sName = bSeparateExtension ? Utils.getFileNameWithoutExtension(oItem.fileName()) : oItem.fileName(), sExtension = bSeparateExtension ? Utils.getFileExtension(oItem.fileName()) : '' if (!this.bPublic && oItem) { Popups.showPopup(RenamePopup, [sName, _.bind(this.renameItem, this, sExtension)]) } } /** * @param {string} sExtension * @param {string} sNamePart * @returns {string} */ CFilesView.prototype.renameItem = function (sExtension, sNamePart) { var sName = sExtension === '' ? sNamePart : sNamePart + '.' + sExtension, oItem = _.first(this.selector.listCheckedAndSelected()) if (!Utils.validateFileOrFolderName(sName)) { return oItem instanceof CFolderModel ? TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/ERROR_INVALID_FOLDER_NAME') : TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/ERROR_INVALID_FILE_NAME') } else { Ajax.send( 'Rename', { Type: oItem.storageType(), Path: oItem.path(), Name: oItem.id() || oItem.fileName(), NewName: sName, IsLink: oItem.bIsLink, IsFolder: !oItem.IS_FILE, }, this.onRenameResponse, this ) } return '' } CFilesView.prototype.executeSort = function (sValue) { const sCurrentSort = this.sortBy() this.sortBy(sValue) if (sCurrentSort === sValue) { this.sortOrder(this.sortOrder() === Enums.SortOrder.Asc ? Enums.SortOrder.Desc : Enums.SortOrder.Asc) // Asc: 0, Desc: 1 } else { this.sortOrder(Settings.Sorting.DefaultSortOrder) } } CFilesView.prototype.getFileIfOnlyOneSelected = function () { var aItems = this.selector.listCheckedAndSelected() return 1 === aItems.length && aItems[0] instanceof CFileModel ? aItems[0] : null } CFilesView.prototype.executeDownload = function () { var oFile = this.getFileIfOnlyOneSelected() if (oFile) { oFile.executeAction('download') } } CFilesView.prototype.createPublicLink = function () { var oItem = _.first(this.selector.listCheckedAndSelected()) if (!this.bPublic && oItem) { Popups.showPopup(SharePopup, [oItem]) } } CFilesView.prototype.executeSend = function () { var aFilesData = _.map(this.selectedFiles(), function (oItem) { return { Storage: oItem.storageType(), Path: oItem.path(), Name: oItem.id() || oItem.fileName(), } }) if (this.bAllowSendEmails && aFilesData.length > 0) { Ajax.send( 'SaveFilesAsTempFiles', { Files: aFilesData }, function (oResponse) { if (oResponse.Result) { ComposeMessageWithAttachments(oResponse.Result) } }, this ) } } /** * @param {Object} oItem */ CFilesView.prototype.onShareIconClick = function (oItem) { if (oItem) { Popups.showPopup(SharePopup, [oItem]) } } /** * @param {Object} oItem */ CFilesView.prototype.onSecureIconClick = function (oItem) { if (oItem && _.isFunction(oItem.onSecureIconClick)) { oItem.onSecureIconClick(oItem) } } /** * @param {Object} oItem */ CFilesView.prototype.onFileShareIconClick = function (oItem) { if (FilesSharePopup && oItem) { Popups.showPopup(FilesSharePopup, [oItem, this.expungeFileItems.bind(this)]) } } /** * @param {Object} oResponse * @param {Object} oRequest */ CFilesView.prototype.onRenameResponse = function (oResponse, oRequest) { if (!oResponse.Result) { Api.showErrorByCode(oResponse, TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/ERROR_FILE_RENAME')) } this.routeFiles(this.storageType(), this.currentPath(), this.searchPattern(), true) } CFilesView.prototype.refresh = function () { this.routeFiles(this.storageType(), this.currentPath(), this.searchPattern(), true) } CFilesView.prototype.executeDelete = function () { var sharedParentFolder = this.sharedParentFolder(), allowDeleteSharedItems = !!sharedParentFolder && sharedParentFolder.sharedWithMeAccessWrite(), items = this.selector.listCheckedAndSelected() || [], itemsToDelete = allowDeleteSharedItems ? items : this.selectedOwnItems(), itemsToDeleteCount = itemsToDelete.length if (!this.bPublic && itemsToDeleteCount > 0) { var askAboutSharedItems = items.length !== itemsToDeleteCount, hasFolder = !!_.find(itemsToDelete, function (item) { return !item.IS_FILE }), hasFile = !!_.find(itemsToDelete, function (item) { return item.IS_FILE }), confirmText = '' if (askAboutSharedItems) { confirmText = TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/CONFIRM_NOT_ALL_ITEMS_OWN') } else if (hasFolder && hasFile) { confirmText = TextUtils.i18n( 'FILESWEBCLIENT/CONFIRM_DELETE_ITEMS_PLURAL', { COUNT: itemsToDeleteCount }, null, itemsToDeleteCount ) } else if (hasFolder) { confirmText = TextUtils.i18n( 'FILESWEBCLIENT/CONFIRM_DELETE_FOLDERS_PLURAL', { COUNT: itemsToDeleteCount }, null, itemsToDeleteCount ) } else { confirmText = TextUtils.i18n( 'FILESWEBCLIENT/CONFIRM_DELETE_FILES_PLURAL', { COUNT: itemsToDeleteCount }, null, itemsToDeleteCount ) } this.selector.useKeyboardKeys(false) Popups.showPopup(ConfirmPopup, [ confirmText, _.bind(this.deleteItems, this, itemsToDelete), '', TextUtils.i18n('COREWEBCLIENT/ACTION_DELETE'), ]) } } CFilesView.prototype.onShow = function () { this.loaded(true) if (!this.bPublic) { this.requestStorages() } this.selector.useKeyboardKeys(true) if (this.oJua) { this.oJua.setDragAndDropEnabledStatus(true) } this.controllers().forEach((controller) => { if (typeof controller.onShow === 'function') { controller.onShow() } }) } CFilesView.prototype.onHide = function () { this.selector.useKeyboardKeys(false) if (this.oJua) { this.oJua.setDragAndDropEnabledStatus(false) } this.controllers().forEach((controller) => { if (typeof controller.onHide === 'function') { controller.onHide() } }) } CFilesView.prototype.getQuota = function () { Ajax.send( 'GetQuota', { Type: this.storageType(), }, function (oResponse) { if (oResponse.Result) { this.parseQuota(oResponse.Result) } }, this ) } /** * @param {string} sStorageType */ CFilesView.prototype.getStorageByType = function (sStorageType) { return _.find(this.storages(), function (oStorage) { return oStorage.type === sStorageType }) } /** * Requests storages from the server. */ CFilesView.prototype.requestStorages = function () { Ajax.send('GetStorages', null, this.onGetStoragesResponse, this) } /** * Parses server response to a request of storages. * @param {Object} oResponse * @param {Object} oRequest */ CFilesView.prototype.onGetStoragesResponse = function (oResponse, oRequest) { var oResult = oResponse.Result if (oResult) { _.each( oResult, function (oStorage) { if (oStorage.Type && !this.getStorageByType(oStorage.Type)) { this.storages.push({ isExternal: oStorage.IsExternal, type: oStorage.Type, displayName: oStorage.DisplayName, hideInList: !!oStorage.HideInList, droppable: ko.computed(function () { return oStorage.IsDroppable && this.isCurrentStorageDroppable() }, this), }) } }, this ) this.expungeExternalStorages( _.map( oResult, function (oStorage) { return oStorage.Type }, this ) ) } if (!this.currentStorage()) { this.storageType(Enums.FileStorageType.Personal) this.pathItems.removeAll() } if (this.bInPopup) { this.routeFiles(this.storageType(), this.currentPath(), this.searchPattern(), true) } } /** * Clears file/folder list and displays loading message. */ CFilesView.prototype.clearAndShowLoading = function () { this.folders([]) this.files([]) this.loading(true) } CFilesView.prototype.currentGetFiles = function () { var iPathItemsCount = this.pathItems().length, oParameters = { Type: this.storageType(), Path: this.currentPath(), Pattern: this.searchPattern(), PathRequired: this.currentPath() !== '' && iPathItemsCount === 0, } Ajax.send('GetFiles', oParameters, this.onGetFilesResponse, this) } /** * Sets routing hash. * @param {string} sStorage Storage type. * @param {string=} sFullPath = '' Path to files/folders to display. * @param {string=} sSearch = '' Search string. * @param {boolean=} bNotLoading = false Indicates if loading message should be displayed with delay. */ CFilesView.prototype.routeFiles = function (sStorage, sFullPath, sSearch, bNotLoading) { if (this.disableRoute) { return } var bSame = false if (this.bPublic) { bSame = Routing.setHash(LinksUtils.getFiles('', sFullPath, '')) if (bSame) { this.clearAndShowLoading() Ajax.send( 'GetPublicFiles', { Hash: Settings.PublicHash, Path: this.currentPath(), }, this.onGetFilesResponse, this ) } } else { this.bNotLoading = bNotLoading if (this.bInPopup) { this.onUserRoute(LinksUtils.getParsedParams(sStorage, sFullPath, sSearch)) } else { bSame = Routing.setHash(LinksUtils.getFiles(sStorage, sFullPath, sSearch)) if (bSame) { this.clearAndShowLoading() this.currentGetFiles() } } } } /** * Adds path item to path item list. * @param {string} sStorage Storage type. * @param {string} sPath Path of item. * @param {string} sName Name of item. */ CFilesView.prototype.addPathItems = function (sStorage, sPath, sName) { var oFolder = new CFolderModel(this) oFolder.storageType(sStorage) oFolder.fileName(sName) oFolder.path(sPath) oFolder.fullPath(sPath) this.pathItems.unshift(oFolder) } /** * Requests files after routing parse. * @param {array} aParams */ CFilesView.prototype.onRoute = function (aParams) { var oParams = LinksUtils.parseFiles(aParams) if (this.bPublic) { this.onPublicRoute(oParams) } else { this.onUserRoute(oParams) } this.controllers().forEach((controller) => { if (typeof controller.onRoute === 'function') { controller.onRoute(oParams) } }) } /** * Requests user files after routing parse. * @param {object} oParams */ CFilesView.prototype.onUserRoute = function (oParams) { var bStorageFound = this.storages().length === 0 || !!_.find(this.storages(), function (oStorage) { return oStorage.type === oParams.Storage }), sStorage = bStorageFound ? oParams.Storage : this.storages().length > 0 ? this.storages()[0].type : '', sPath = oParams.Path this.error(false) this.storageType(sStorage) this.currentPath(sPath) this.searchPattern(Types.pString(oParams.Search)) this.loadedFiles(false) this.populatePathItems(oParams) if (this.bNotLoading && (this.files().length > 0 || this.folders().length > 0)) { this.timerId = setTimeout( _.bind(function () { if (!this.loadedFiles() && !this.error()) { this.clearAndShowLoading() } }, this), 3000 ) } else { this.clearAndShowLoading() } this.currentGetFiles() } CFilesView.prototype.populatePathItems = function (oParams) { var sPath = this.currentPath(), aPath = oParams.PathParts.reverse(), oFolder = _.find(this.folders(), function (oFld) { return oFld.fullPath() === sPath }), iPathItemIndex = _.findIndex(this.pathItems(), function (oItem) { return oItem.fullPath() === sPath }) if (iPathItemIndex !== -1) { this.pathItems(this.pathItems().slice(0, iPathItemIndex + 1)) } else if (oFolder) { this.pathItems.push(oFolder) } else if (this.storageType() !== 'google' || sPath === '') { this.pathItems.removeAll() _.each( aPath, _.bind(function (sPathItem) { var iItemPos = sPath.lastIndexOf(sPathItem) this.addPathItems(this.storageType(), sPath, sPathItem) sPath = sPath.substr(0, iItemPos) }, this) ) var oParameters = { Type: this.storageType(), Path: this.currentPath(), } Ajax.send( 'GetAccessInfoForPath', oParameters, function (response) { if (response && response.Result) { _.each(this.pathItems(), function (pathItem) { var itemPath = pathItem.fullPath() if (itemPath.substr(itemPath.length - 1, 1) === '/') { itemPath = itemPath.substr(0, itemPath.length - 1) } if (response.Result[itemPath]) { pathItem.updateExtendedProps({ SharedWithMeAccess: response.Result[itemPath], }) } }) this.pathItems.valueHasMutated() // for triggering sharedParentFolder computing } }, this ) } } /** * Requests public files after routing parse. * @param {object} oParams */ CFilesView.prototype.onPublicRoute = function (oParams) { var sPath = oParams.Path, aPath = oParams.PathParts.reverse(), sFirstPathItem = '' this.currentPath(sPath) this.pathItems.removeAll() _.each( aPath, _.bind(function (sPathItem) { var iItemPos = sPath.lastIndexOf(sPathItem) this.addPathItems(oParams.Storage, sPath, sPathItem) sPath = sPath.substr(0, iItemPos) sFirstPathItem = sPathItem }, this) ) if (sFirstPathItem !== this.rootPath()) { this.addPathItems(oParams.Storage, '', this.rootPath()) } this.clearAndShowLoading() Ajax.send( 'GetPublicFiles', { Hash: Settings.PublicHash, Path: this.currentPath(), }, this.onGetFilesResponse, this ) } /** * @param {Array} aChecked * @param {boolean} bOkAnswer * @param {string} methodName */ CFilesView.prototype.deleteItems = function (aChecked, bOkAnswer, methodName = 'Delete') { var sStorageType = this.storageType(), sPath = this.currentPath() if (bOkAnswer && 0 < aChecked.length) { var aItems = _.compact( _.map(aChecked, function (oItem) { if (oItem.id() !== '') { oItem.deleted(true) sStorageType = oItem.storageType() return { Path: oItem.path(), Name: oItem.id(), IsFolder: !oItem.IS_FILE, } } return null }) ) if (aItems.length) { Ajax.send( methodName, { Type: sStorageType, Path: sPath, Items: aItems, }, this.onDeleteResponse, this ) } } } /** * @param {string} sName * * @return {?} */ CFilesView.prototype.getFileByName = function (sName) { return _.find(this.files(), function (oItem) { return oItem.fileName() === sName }) } /** * @param {object} oFile */ CFilesView.prototype.addFileToCurrentFolder = function (oFile) { if (this.searchPattern() === '') { this.files.push(oFile) } } /** * @param {string} sName */ CFilesView.prototype.deleteFileByName = function (sName) { this.files( _.filter(this.files(), function (oItem) { return oItem.id() !== sName }) ) } /** * @param {string} sName */ CFilesView.prototype.deleteFolderByName = function (sName) { this.folders( _.filter(this.folders(), function (oItem) { return oItem.fileName() !== sName }) ) } CFilesView.prototype.expungeFileItems = function () { this.folders( _.filter( this.folders(), function (oFolder) { return !oFolder.deleted() }, this ) ) this.files( _.filter( this.files(), function (oFile) { return !oFile.deleted() }, this ) ) } /** * @param {array} aStorageTypes */ CFilesView.prototype.expungeExternalStorages = function (aStorageTypes) { this.storages( _.filter( this.storages(), function (oStorage) { return !oStorage.isExternal || _.include(aStorageTypes, oStorage.type) }, this ) ) } /** * @param {string} sFileUid * * @return {?} */ CFilesView.prototype.getUploadFileByUid = function (sFileUid) { return _.find(this.uploadingFiles(), function (oItem) { return oItem.uploadUid() === sFileUid }) } /** * @param {string} sFileUid */ CFilesView.prototype.deleteUploadFileByUid = function (sFileUid) { this.uploadingFiles( _.filter(this.uploadingFiles(), function (oItem) { return oItem.uploadUid() !== sFileUid }) ) } /** * @return {Array} */ CFilesView.prototype.getUploadingFiles = function () { return _.filter( this.uploadingFiles(), _.bind(function (oItem) { return oItem.path() === this.currentPath() && oItem.storageType() === this.storageType() }, this) ) } /** * @param {string} sFileUid */ CFilesView.prototype.onCancelUpload = function (sFileUid) { this.deleteUploadFileByUid(sFileUid) if (this.oJua) { this.oJua.cancel(sFileUid) } } /** * @param {Object} oResponse * @param {Object} oRequest */ CFilesView.prototype.onCreateFolderResponse = function (oResponse, oRequest) { if (!oResponse.Result) { Api.showErrorByCode(oResponse) } this.routeFiles(this.storageType(), this.currentPath(), this.searchPattern(), true) } /** * @param {string} sFolderName */ CFilesView.prototype.createFolder = function (sFolderName) { sFolderName = $.trim(sFolderName) if (!Utils.validateFileOrFolderName(sFolderName)) { return TextUtils.i18n('FILESWEBCLIENT/ERROR_INVALID_FOLDER_NAME') } else { Ajax.send( 'CreateFolder', { Type: this.storageType(), Path: this.currentPath(), FolderName: sFolderName, }, this.onCreateFolderResponse, this ) } return '' } CFilesView.prototype.executeCreateFolder = function () { Popups.showPopup(CreateFolderPopup, [_.bind(this.createFolder, this)]) } /** * @param {Object} oResponse * @param {Object} oRequest */ CFilesView.prototype.onCreateLinkResponse = function (oResponse, oRequest) { this.routeFiles(this.storageType(), this.currentPath(), this.searchPattern(), true) } /** * @param {Object} oFileItem */ CFilesView.prototype.createLink = function (oFileItem) { Ajax.send( 'CreateLink', { Type: this.storageType(), Path: this.currentPath(), Link: oFileItem.sLinkUrl, Name: oFileItem.fileName(), }, this.onCreateLinkResponse, this ) } CFilesView.prototype.executeCreateShortcut = function () { var fCallBack = _.bind(this.createLink, this) Popups.showPopup(CreateLinkPopup, [fCallBack]) } CFilesView.prototype.onSearch = function () { this.routeFiles(this.storageType(), this.currentPath(), this.newSearchPattern()) } CFilesView.prototype.clearSearch = function () { this.routeFiles(this.storageType(), this.currentPath()) } CFilesView.prototype.getCurrentFolder = function () { var oFolder = new CFolderModel(this) oFolder.fullPath(this.currentPath()) oFolder.storageType(this.storageType()) return oFolder } CFilesView.prototype.registerToolbarButtons = function (toolbarButtonsControllers) { if (Types.isNonEmptyArray(toolbarButtonsControllers)) { toolbarButtonsControllers.forEach((toolbarButtonsController) => { this.registerController(toolbarButtonsController, 'ToolbarButton') }) } } /** * @param {Object} controller * @param {string} placeName */ CFilesView.prototype.registerController = function (controller, placeName) { let isRegistered = false switch (placeName) { case 'Storage': this.storageControllers.push(controller) isRegistered = true break case 'ToolbarButton': this.addToolbarButtons.push(controller) isRegistered = true break } if (isRegistered && typeof controller.useFilesViewData === 'function') { controller.useFilesViewData(this) } } CFilesView.prototype.onFileRemove = function (sFileUploadUid, oFile) { var /** * Send request for deleting file with sFileName * @param {String} sFileUploadUid * @param {String} sFileName */ fOnUploadCancelCallback = _.bind(function (sFileUploadUid, sFileName) { var oParameters = { Type: this.storageType(), Path: this.currentPath(), Items: [ { Path: this.currentPath(), Name: sFileName, IsFolder: false, }, ], } Ajax.send( 'Delete', oParameters, function (oResponse) { if (!oResponse.Result) { Api.showErrorByCode(oResponse) } this.currentGetFiles() }, this ) this.onCancelUpload(sFileUploadUid) }, this) if (oFile.downloading()) { App.broadcastEvent('CFilesView::FileDownloadCancel', { oFile: oFile }) } else if (!oFile.uploaded() && sFileUploadUid) { var bEventCaught = App.broadcastEvent('CFilesView::FileUploadCancel', { sFileUploadUid: sFileUploadUid, sFileUploadName: oFile.fileName(), fOnUploadCancelCallback: fOnUploadCancelCallback, }) if (!bEventCaught) { fOnUploadCancelCallback(sFileUploadUid, oFile.fileName()) } } } module.exports = CFilesView /***/ }) }]);