"use strict"; (self["webpackChunkafterlogic_aurora_platform"] = self["webpackChunkafterlogic_aurora_platform"] || []).push([[14],{ /***/ "150G": /*!***************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/Google/js/Settings.js ***! \***************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! underscore */ "C3HO"), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! knockout */ "p09A"), Types = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Types.js */ "KC/L") ; module.exports = { ServerModuleName: 'Google', HashModuleName: 'google', Connected: false, EnableModule: false, Id: '', Secret: '', Key: '', Scopes: [], /** * Initializes settings from AppData object sections. * * @param {Object} oAppData Object contained modules settings. */ init: function (oAppData) { var oAppDataSection = _.extend({}, oAppData[this.ServerModuleName] || {}, oAppData['Google'] || {}); if (!_.isEmpty(oAppDataSection)) { this.Connected = Types.pBool(oAppDataSection.Connected, this.Connected); this.EnableModule = Types.pBool(oAppDataSection.EnableModule, this.EnableModule); this.Id = Types.pString(oAppDataSection.Id, this.Id); this.Secret = Types.pString(oAppDataSection.Secret, this.Secret); this.Key = Types.pString(oAppDataSection.Key, this.Key); this.Scopes = Types.pArray(oAppDataSection.Scopes, this.Scopes); } }, /** * Returns copy of Scopes with observable Value parameter. * * @returns {Array} */ getScopesCopy: function () { var aScopesCopy = []; _.each(this.Scopes, function (oScope) { aScopesCopy.push({ Description: oScope.Description, Name: oScope.Name, Value: ko.observable(oScope.Value) }); }); return aScopesCopy; }, /** * Updates Connected and Scopes parameters. * * @param {boolean} bConnected New value of Connected parameter. * @param {array} aScopes New value of Scopes parameter. */ updateScopes: function (bConnected, aScopes) { var aNewScopes = []; _.each(aScopes, function (oScope) { aNewScopes.push({ Description: oScope.Description, Name: oScope.Name, Value: oScope.Value() }); }); this.Connected = bConnected; this.Scopes = aNewScopes; }, /** * Updates settings that is edited by administrator. * * @param {boolean} bEnableModule New value of EnableModule parameter. * @param {string} sId New value of Id parameter. * @param {string} sSecret New value of Secret parameter. * @param {string} sKey New value of Key parameter. * @param {array} aScopes New value of Scopes parameter. */ updateAdmin: function (bEnableModule, sId, sSecret, sKey, aScopes) { this.EnableModule = bEnableModule; this.Id = sId; this.Secret = sSecret; this.Key = sKey; this.Scopes = aScopes; } }; /***/ }), /***/ "t6Yg": /*!**************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/Google/js/manager.js ***! \**************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { module.exports = function (oAppData) { var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! underscore */ "C3HO"), TextUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Text.js */ "H20a"), App = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/App.js */ "9kOp"), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/Google/js/Settings.js */ "150G") ; Settings.init(oAppData); if (App.isUserNormalOrTenant() && Settings.EnableModule && _.isArray(Settings.Scopes) && Settings.Scopes.length > 0) { return { start: function (ModulesManager) { ModulesManager.run('SettingsWebclient', 'registerSettingsTab', [ function () { return __webpack_require__(/*! modules/Google/js/views/GoogleSettingsFormView.js */ "nAbd"); }, Settings.HashModuleName, TextUtils.i18n('GOOGLE/LABEL_SETTINGS_TAB') ]); } }; } return null; }; /***/ }), /***/ "nAbd": /*!***********************************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/Google/js/views/GoogleSettingsFormView.js ***! \***********************************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! underscore */ "C3HO"), $ = __webpack_require__(/*! jquery */ "M4cL"), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! knockout */ "p09A"), Types = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Types.js */ "KC/L"), UrlUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Url.js */ "Tt1R"), Ajax = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Ajax.js */ "EFhx"), Api = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Api.js */ "/QeJ"), App = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/App.js */ "9kOp"), ModulesManager = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/ModulesManager.js */ "TdEd"), WindowOpener = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/WindowOpener.js */ "mGms"), CAbstractSettingsFormView = ModulesManager.run('SettingsWebclient', 'getAbstractSettingsFormViewClass'), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/Google/js/Settings.js */ "150G") ; /** * @constructor */ function CGoogleSettingsFormView() { CAbstractSettingsFormView.call(this, Settings.ServerModuleName); this.connected = ko.observable(Settings.Connected); this.scopes = ko.observable(Settings.getScopesCopy()); this.bRunCallback = false; window.googleConnectCallback = _.bind(function (bResult, sErrorCode, sModule) { this.bRunCallback = true; if (!bResult) { Api.showErrorByCode({'ErrorCode': Types.pInt(sErrorCode), 'Module': sModule}, '', true); } else { this.connected(true); this.updateSavedState(); Settings.updateScopes(this.connected(), this.scopes()); } }, this); } _.extendOwn(CGoogleSettingsFormView.prototype, CAbstractSettingsFormView.prototype); CGoogleSettingsFormView.prototype.ViewTemplate = 'Google_GoogleSettingsFormView'; /** * Returns current values of changeable parameters. These values are used to compare with their previous version. * @returns {Array} */ CGoogleSettingsFormView.prototype.getCurrentValues = function() { var aScopesValues = _.map(this.scopes(), function (oScope) { return oScope.Name + oScope.Value(); }); return [ this.connected(), aScopesValues ]; }; /** * Reverts values of changeable parameters to default ones. */ CGoogleSettingsFormView.prototype.revertGlobalValues = function() { this.connected(Settings.Connected); this.scopes(Settings.getScopesCopy()); }; /** * Checks if connect is allowed and tries to connect in that case. */ CGoogleSettingsFormView.prototype.checkAndConnect = function () { var oParams = { 'Scopes': [], 'Service': 'google', 'AllowConnect': true }, oAuthScope = _.find(this.scopes(), function (oScope) { return oScope.Name === 'auth'; }), bAuthOn = !!oAuthScope && !!oAuthScope.Value(), oAuthGlobalScope = _.find(Settings.getScopesCopy(), function (oScope) { return oScope.Name === 'auth'; }), bGlobalAuthOn = !!oAuthGlobalScope && !!oAuthGlobalScope.Value() ; _.each(this.scopes(), function (oScope) { if (oScope.Value()) { oParams.Scopes.push(oScope.Name); } }); App.broadcastEvent('OAuthAccountChange::before', oParams); if (oParams.AllowConnect && (bAuthOn || bAuthOn === bGlobalAuthOn || !bAuthOn && App.isAccountDeletingAvailable())) { this.connect(oParams.Scopes); } }; /** * Tries to connect user to google account. * @param {array} aScopes */ CGoogleSettingsFormView.prototype.connect = function (aScopes) { $.removeCookie('oauth-scopes'); $.cookie('oauth-scopes', aScopes.join('|')); $.cookie('oauth-redirect', 'connect'); this.bRunCallback = false; var oWin = WindowOpener.open(UrlUtils.getAppPath() + '?oauth=google-connect', 'Google'), iIntervalId = setInterval(_.bind(function() { if (oWin.closed) { clearInterval(iIntervalId); if (!this.bRunCallback) { window.location.reload(); } else { App.broadcastEvent('OAuthAccountChange::after'); this.updateSavedState(); Settings.updateScopes(this.connected(), this.scopes()); } } }, this), 1000) ; }; /** * Checks if disconnect is allowed and disconnects in that case. */ CGoogleSettingsFormView.prototype.checkAndDisconnect = function () { var oParams = { 'Service': 'google', 'AllowDisconnect': true }, oAuthGlobalScope = _.find(Settings.getScopesCopy(), function (oScope) { return oScope.Name === 'auth'; }), bGlobalAuthOn = !!oAuthGlobalScope && !!oAuthGlobalScope.Value() ; App.broadcastEvent('OAuthAccountChange::before', oParams); if (oParams.AllowDisconnect && (!bGlobalAuthOn || App.isAccountDeletingAvailable())) { this.disconnect(); } }; /** * Disconnects user from google account. */ CGoogleSettingsFormView.prototype.disconnect = function () { Ajax.send(Settings.ServerModuleName, 'DeleteAccount', null, function (oResponse) { if (oResponse.Result) { this.connected(false); _.each(this.scopes(), function (oScope) { oScope.Value(false); }); App.broadcastEvent('OAuthAccountChange::after'); this.updateSavedState(); Settings.updateScopes(this.connected(), this.scopes()); } else { Api.showErrorByCode(oResponse, '', true); } }, this); }; module.exports = new CGoogleSettingsFormView(); /***/ }) }]);