"use strict"; (self["webpackChunkafterlogic_aurora_platform"] = self["webpackChunkafterlogic_aurora_platform"] || []).push([[49],{ /***/ "jNBr": /*!*******************************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/CoreWebclient/js/models/CDateModel.js ***! \*******************************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { var moment = __webpack_require__(/*! moment */ "sdEb"), TextUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Text.js */ "H20a"), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Common.js */ "REt5"), UserSettings = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Settings.js */ "OfVV") ; /** * @constructor */ function CDateModel() { this.iTimeStampInUTC = 0; this.oMoment = null; } /** * @param {number} iTimeStampInUTC */ CDateModel.prototype.parse = function (iTimeStampInUTC) { this.iTimeStampInUTC = iTimeStampInUTC; this.oMoment = moment.unix(this.iTimeStampInUTC); }; /** * @param {number} iYear * @param {number} iMonth * @param {number} iDay */ CDateModel.prototype.setDate = function (iYear, iMonth, iDay) { this.oMoment = moment([iYear, iMonth, iDay]); }; /** * @return {string} */ CDateModel.prototype.getTimeFormat = function () { return (UserSettings.timeFormat() === window.Enums.TimeFormat.F24) ? 'HH:mm' : 'hh:mm A'; }; /** * @return {string} */ CDateModel.prototype.getFullDate = function () { return this.getDate() + ' ' + this.getTime(); }; /** * @return {string} */ CDateModel.prototype.getMidDate = function () { return this.getShortDate(true); }; /** * @param {boolean=} bTime = false * * @return {string} */ CDateModel.prototype.getShortDate = function (bTime) { var sResult = '', oMomentNow = null ; if (this.oMoment) { oMomentNow = moment(); if (oMomentNow.format('L') === this.oMoment.format('L')) { sResult = this.oMoment.format(this.getTimeFormat()); } else { if (oMomentNow.clone().subtract(1, 'days').format('L') === this.oMoment.format('L')) { sResult = TextUtils.i18n('COREWEBCLIENT/LABEL_YESTERDAY'); } else { if (UserSettings.UserSelectsDateFormat) { sResult = this.oMoment.format(Utils.getDateFormatForMoment(UserSettings.dateFormat())); } else { if (oMomentNow.year() === this.oMoment.year()) { sResult = this.oMoment.format('MMM D'); } else { sResult = this.oMoment.format('MMM D, YYYY'); } } } if (!!bTime) { sResult += ', ' + this.oMoment.format(this.getTimeFormat()); } } } return sResult; }; /** * @return {string} */ CDateModel.prototype.getDate = function () { var sFormat = 'ddd, MMM D, YYYY'; if (UserSettings.UserSelectsDateFormat) { sFormat = 'ddd, ' + Utils.getDateFormatForMoment(UserSettings.dateFormat()); } return (this.oMoment) ? this.oMoment.format(sFormat) : ''; }; /** * @return {string} */ CDateModel.prototype.getTime = function () { return (this.oMoment) ? this.oMoment.format(this.getTimeFormat()): ''; }; /** * @return {number} */ CDateModel.prototype.getTimeStampInUTC = function () { return this.iTimeStampInUTC; }; module.exports = CDateModel; /***/ }), /***/ "yKBN": /*!*************************************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/CoreWebclient/js/views/CPageSwitcherView.js ***! \*************************************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! underscore */ "C3HO"), $ = __webpack_require__(/*! jquery */ "M4cL"), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! knockout */ "p09A"), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Common.js */ "REt5"), App = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/App.js */ "9kOp") ; /** * @constructor * @param {number} iCount * @param {number} iPerPage */ function CPageSwitcherView(iCount, iPerPage) { this.bShown = false; this.currentPage = ko.observable(1); this.count = ko.observable(iCount); this.perPage = ko.observable(iPerPage); this.firstPage = ko.observable(1); this.lastPage = ko.observable(1); this.pagesCount = ko.computed(function () { var iCount = this.perPage() > 0 ? Math.ceil(this.count() / this.perPage()) : 0; return (iCount > 0) ? iCount : 1; }, this); ko.computed(function () { var iAllLimit = 20, iLimit = 4, iPagesCount = this.pagesCount(), iCurrentPage = this.currentPage(), iStart = iCurrentPage, iEnd = iCurrentPage ; if (iPagesCount > 1) { while (true) { iAllLimit--; if (1 < iStart) { iStart--; iLimit--; } if (0 === iLimit) { break; } if (iPagesCount > iEnd) { iEnd++; iLimit--; } if (0 === iLimit) { break; } if (0 === iAllLimit) { break; } } } this.firstPage(iStart); this.lastPage(iEnd); }, this); this.visibleFirst = ko.computed(function () { return (this.firstPage() > 1); }, this); this.visibleLast = ko.computed(function () { return (this.lastPage() < this.pagesCount()); }, this); this.clickPage = _.bind(this.clickPage, this); this.pages = ko.computed(function () { var iIndex = this.firstPage(), aPages = [] ; if (this.firstPage() < this.lastPage()) { for (; iIndex <= this.lastPage(); iIndex++) { aPages.push({ number: iIndex, current: (iIndex === this.currentPage()), clickFunc: this.clickPage }); } } return aPages; }, this); if (!App.isMobile()) { this.hotKeysBind(); } } CPageSwitcherView.prototype.ViewTemplate = 'CoreWebclient_PageSwitcherView'; CPageSwitcherView.prototype.hotKeysBind = function () { $(document).on('keydown', $.proxy(function(ev) { if (this.bShown && !Utils.isTextFieldFocused()) { var sKey = ev.keyCode; if (ev.ctrlKey && sKey === Enums.Key.Left) { this.clickPreviousPage(); } else if (ev.ctrlKey && sKey === Enums.Key.Right) { this.clickNextPage(); } } },this)); }; CPageSwitcherView.prototype.hide = function () { this.bShown = false; }; CPageSwitcherView.prototype.show = function () { this.bShown = true; }; CPageSwitcherView.prototype.clear = function () { this.currentPage(1); this.count(0); }; /** * @param {number} iCount */ CPageSwitcherView.prototype.setCount = function (iCount) { this.count(iCount); if (this.currentPage() > this.pagesCount()) { this.currentPage(this.pagesCount()); } }; /** * @param {number} iPage * @param {number} iPerPage */ CPageSwitcherView.prototype.setPage = function (iPage, iPerPage) { this.perPage(iPerPage); if (iPage > this.pagesCount()) { this.currentPage(this.pagesCount()); } else { this.currentPage(iPage); } }; /** * @param {Object} oPage */ CPageSwitcherView.prototype.clickPage = function (oPage) { var iPage = oPage.number; if (iPage < 1) { iPage = 1; } if (iPage > this.pagesCount()) { iPage = this.pagesCount(); } this.currentPage(iPage); }; CPageSwitcherView.prototype.clickFirstPage = function () { this.currentPage(1); }; CPageSwitcherView.prototype.clickPreviousPage = function () { var iPrevPage = this.currentPage() - 1; if (iPrevPage < 1) { iPrevPage = 1; } this.currentPage(iPrevPage); }; CPageSwitcherView.prototype.clickNextPage = function () { var iNextPage = this.currentPage() + 1; if (iNextPage > this.pagesCount()) { iNextPage = this.pagesCount(); } this.currentPage(iNextPage); }; CPageSwitcherView.prototype.clickLastPage = function () { this.currentPage(this.pagesCount()); }; module.exports = CPageSwitcherView; /***/ }), /***/ "lcuU": /*!*************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/Tasks/js/manager.js ***! \*************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { module.exports = function (oAppData) { var App = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/App.js */ "9kOp"), ModulesManager = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/ModulesManager.js */ "TdEd"), sModuleName = 'tasks' ; if (App.isUserNormalOrTenant() && ModulesManager.isModuleEnabled('CalendarWebclient')) { var TextUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Text.js */ "H20a"), HeaderItemView = null ; return { /** * Returns list of functions that are return module screens. * * @returns {Object} */ getScreens: function () { var oScreens = {}; oScreens[sModuleName] = function () { return __webpack_require__(/*! modules/Tasks/js/views/MainView.js */ "Jwba"); }; return oScreens; }, /** * Returns object of header item view of sales module. * * @returns {Object} */ getHeaderItem: function () { if (HeaderItemView === null) { var CHeaderItemView = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/views/CHeaderItemView.js */ "C5H3"); HeaderItemView = new CHeaderItemView(TextUtils.i18n('TASKS/ACTION_SHOW_TASKS')); } return { item: HeaderItemView, name: sModuleName }; } }; } return null; }; /***/ }), /***/ "Jwba": /*!********************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/Tasks/js/views/MainView.js ***! \********************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! underscore */ "C3HO"), $ = __webpack_require__(/*! jquery */ "M4cL"), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! knockout */ "p09A"), moment = __webpack_require__(/*! moment */ "sdEb"), TextUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Text.js */ "H20a"), Types = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Types.js */ "KC/L"), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Common.js */ "REt5"), Ajax = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Ajax.js */ "EFhx"), Api = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Api.js */ "/QeJ"), CAbstractScreenView = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/views/CAbstractScreenView.js */ "doeu"), CSelector = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/CSelector.js */ "vdUg"), CPageSwitcherView = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/views/CPageSwitcherView.js */ "yKBN"), Popups = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Popups.js */ "oUN1"), UserSettings = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Settings.js */ "OfVV"), CCalendarListModel = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CalendarWebclient/js/models/CCalendarListModel.js */ "k+x/"), EditTaskPopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CalendarWebclient/js/popups/EditEventPopup.js */ "6prR"), EditEventRecurrencePopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CalendarWebclient/js/popups/EditEventRecurrencePopup.js */ "ZC11") ; __webpack_require__(/*! jquery-ui/ui/widgets/datepicker */ "okSt"); /** * View that is used as screen of sales module. * * @constructor */ function CMainView() { this.saveCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, this.executeSave); this.removeCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, this.executeRemove); this.calendars = new CCalendarListModel({ onCalendarCollectionChange: function () {}, onCalendarActiveChange: function () {} }); CAbstractScreenView.call(this, 'Tasks'); this.iItemsPerPage = 20; /** * Text for displaying in browser title when sales screen is shown. */ this.browserTitle = ko.observable(TextUtils.i18n('TASKS/HEADING_BROWSER_TAB')); this.tasksList = ko.observableArray([]); this.hiddenTasksList = ko.observableArray([]); this.selectedItem = ko.observable(null); this.isSearchFocused = ko.observable(false); this.searchInput = ko.observable(''); this.selector = new CSelector( this.tasksList, _.bind(this.viewItem, this), this.executeRemove, _.bind(this.taskClickCallback, this) ); this.searchClick = ko.observable(false); this.isSearch = ko.computed(function () { return this.searchInput() !== '' && this.searchClick(); }, this); this.pageSwitcherLocked = ko.observable(false); this.oPageSwitcher = new CPageSwitcherView(0, this.iItemsPerPage); this.oPageSwitcher.currentPage.subscribe(function (iCurrentpage) { this.currentPage(iCurrentpage); this.getTasks(); }, this); this.currentPage = ko.observable(1); this.loadingList = ko.observable(false); this.preLoadingList = ko.observable(false); this.loadingList.subscribe(function (bLoading) { this.preLoadingList(bLoading); }, this); this.sTimeFormat = ko.computed(function () { return (UserSettings.timeFormat() === Enums.TimeFormat.F24) ? 'HH:mm' : 'hh:mm A'; }, this); this.isEmptyList = ko.computed(function () { return 0 === this.tasksList().length; }, this); this.searchText = ko.observable(''); this.showCompleted = ko.observable(false); this.actionCompletedText = ko.computed(function () { return this.showCompleted() ? TextUtils.i18n('TASKS/ACTION_HIDE_COMPLETED') : TextUtils.i18n('TASKS/ACTION_SHOW_COMPLETED'); }, this); } _.extendOwn(CMainView.prototype, CAbstractScreenView.prototype); CMainView.prototype.ViewTemplate = 'Tasks_MainView'; CMainView.prototype.ViewConstructorName = 'CMainView'; /** * Called every time when screen is shown. */ CMainView.prototype.onShow = function () { this.getCalendars(); }; CMainView.prototype.getCalendars = function () { this.loadingList(true); Ajax.send( 'Calendar', 'GetCalendars', null, this.onGetCalendarsResponse, this ); }; /** * @param {Object} oResponse * @param {Object} oParameters */ CMainView.prototype.onGetCalendarsResponse = function (oResponse, oParameters) { var aCalendarIds = [], aNewCalendarIds = [], oCalendar = null, oClientCalendar = null, self = this ; if (oResponse.Result) { _.each(oResponse.Result.Calendars, function (oCalendarData) { oCalendar = this.calendars.parseCalendar(oCalendarData); if (!oCalendar.isShared() && !oCalendar.subscribed()) { aCalendarIds.push(oCalendar.id); oClientCalendar = this.calendars.getCalendarById(oCalendar.id); if (this.needsToReload || (oClientCalendar && oClientCalendar.sSyncToken) !== (oCalendar && oCalendar.sSyncToken)) { oCalendar = this.calendars.parseAndAddCalendar(oCalendarData); if (oCalendar) { var calId = oCalendar.id; oCalendar.active.subscribe(function (newValue) { _.each(self.tasksList(), function(oItem){ if (oItem.calendarId === calId) { oItem.visible(newValue); } }); }, oCalendar); oCalendar.davUrl(Types.pString(oResponse.Result.ServerUrl)); aNewCalendarIds.push(oCalendar.id); } } } }, this); this.calendars.expunge(aCalendarIds); this.getTasks(aCalendarIds); } }; CMainView.prototype.getTasks = function (aNewCalendarIds) { this.loadingList(true); Ajax.send( 'Calendar', 'GetTasks', { 'CalendarIds': aNewCalendarIds, 'Completed': this.showCompleted(), 'Search': this.searchInput() }, this.onGetTasksResponse, this ); }; CMainView.prototype.prepareTask = function (oItem) { var self = this, oCalendar = self.calendars.getCalendarById(oItem.calendarId), dateFormatMoment = Utils.getDateFormatForMoment(UserSettings.dateFormat()) ; oItem.visibleDate = ko.observable(''); oItem.withDate = false; if (oItem.start && oItem.end) { oItem.withDate = true; oItem.start = moment(oItem.start); oItem.end = moment(oItem.end); var oMomentStart = oItem.start.clone(); var oMomentEnd = oItem.end.clone(); if (oMomentEnd && oItem.allDay) { oMomentEnd.subtract(1, 'days'); } var isEvOneDay = oMomentEnd.diff(oMomentStart, 'days') === 0; var isEvOneTime = oMomentEnd.diff(oMomentStart, 'minutes') === 0; var sStartDate = self.getDateWithoutYearIfMonthWord(oMomentStart.format(dateFormatMoment)); var sEndDate = !isEvOneDay ? ' - ' + self.getDateWithoutYearIfMonthWord(oMomentEnd.format(dateFormatMoment)) : ''; var sStartTime = !oItem.allDay ? ', ' + oMomentStart.format(this.sTimeFormat()) : ''; var sEndTime = !oItem.allDay && !isEvOneTime ? (isEvOneDay ? ' - ' : ', ') + oMomentEnd.format(this.sTimeFormat()) : ''; oItem.visibleDate( sStartDate + sStartTime + sEndDate + sEndTime ); } if(oItem.excluded === undefined) { oItem.excluded = false; } if(oItem.rrule === undefined) { oItem.rrule = false; } oItem.selected = ko.observable(oItem.selected); oItem.checked = ko.observable(oItem.status); oItem.visible = ko.observable(oCalendar.active()); oItem.color = oCalendar.color; oItem.checked.subscribe(function(newValue) { oItem.status = newValue; var /** * @param {number} iResult */ fCallback = _.bind(function (iResult) { if (iResult !== Enums.CalendarEditRecurrenceEvent.None) { if (iResult === Enums.CalendarEditRecurrenceEvent.AllEvents && oItem.rrule) { oItem.start = moment.unix(oItem.rrule.startBase) oItem.end = moment.unix(oItem.rrule.endBase) } oItem.allEvents = iResult; self.updateTask(oItem); } else { oItem.checked(!newValue); } }, this) ; if (oItem.rrule && oItem.rrule.until) { oItem.rrule.until = moment.unix(oItem.rrule.until).utc().hour(0).minute(0).second(0).unix(); } var oCalendar = self.calendars.getCalendarById(oItem.calendarId) if (oItem.rrule && !oCalendar.subscribed()) { if (oItem.excluded) { oItem.allEvents = Enums.CalendarEditRecurrenceEvent.OnlyThisInstance; self.updateTask(oItem); } else { Popups.showPopup(EditEventRecurrencePopup, [fCallback]) } } else { oItem.allEvents = Enums.CalendarEditRecurrenceEvent.AllEvents; self.updateTask(oItem); } }); return oItem; }; CMainView.prototype.getTaskFromList = function (id) { return _.find(this.tasksList(), function (oItem){ return oItem.id === id; }); }; CMainView.prototype.onGetTasksResponse = function (oResponse) { var oResult = oResponse.Result, self = this; if (oResult) { var aNewCollection = Types.isNonEmptyArray(oResult) ? _.compact(_.map(oResult, function (oItem) { return self.prepareTask(oItem); })) : []; this.tasksList(aNewCollection); this.sortTasksList(); this.loadingList(false); } }; CMainView.prototype.viewItem = function (oItem) { this.selectedItem(oItem); }; CMainView.prototype.onBind = function () { this.selector.initOnApplyBindings( '.sales_sub_list .item', '.sales_sub_list .selected.item', '.sales_sub_list .selected.item', $('.sales_list', this.$viewDom), $('.sales_list_scroll.scroll-inner', this.$viewDom) ); }; CMainView.prototype.searchSubmit = function () { if (this.searchInput() !== '') { this.searchText( TextUtils.i18n('TASKS/INFO_SEARCH_RESULT', { 'SEARCH': this.searchInput() }) ); } else { this.searchText(''); } this.searchClick(true); this.tasksList([]); this.getCalendars(); }; CMainView.prototype.onClearSearchClick = function () { // initiation empty search this.searchInput(''); this.searchText(''); this.searchClick(false); this.searchSubmit(); }; CMainView.prototype.createTaskInCurrentCalendar = function () { this.calendars.pickCurrentCalendar(); this.createTaskToday(this.calendars.currentCal()); }; /** * @param {Object} oCalendar */ CMainView.prototype.createTaskToday = function (oCalendar) { this.openTaskPopup(oCalendar, null, null, false); }; /** * @param {Object} oCalendar * @param {Object} oStart * @param {Object} oEnd * @param {boolean} bAllDay */ CMainView.prototype.openTaskPopup = function (oCalendar, oStart, oEnd, bAllDay) { if (oCalendar) { Popups.showPopup(EditTaskPopup, [{ CallbackSave: _.bind(this.createTask, this), CallbackDelete: null, Calendars: this.calendars, SelectedCalendar: oCalendar ? oCalendar.id : 0, Start: oStart, End: oEnd, AllDay: bAllDay, TimeFormat: this.sTimeFormat(), DateFormat: UserSettings.dateFormat(), Type: 'VTODO', IsTaskApp: true }]); } }; /** * @param {Object} oEventData */ CMainView.prototype.getParamsFromEventData = function (oEventData) { var rrule = null ; if (oEventData.rrule) { rrule = { byDays: oEventData.rrule.byDays, count: oEventData.rrule.count, end: Types.pInt(oEventData.rrule.end), interval: Types.pInt(oEventData.rrule.interval), period: Types.pInt(oEventData.rrule.period), until: Types.pInt(oEventData.rrule.until), weekNum: oEventData.rrule.weekNum, } } return { id: oEventData.id, uid: oEventData.uid, calendarId: oEventData.calendarId, newCalendarId: oEventData.newCalendarId || oEventData.calendarId, subject: oEventData.subject, allDay: oEventData.allDay ? 1 : 0, location: oEventData.location, description: oEventData.description, alarms: oEventData.alarms ? JSON.stringify(oEventData.alarms) : '[]', attendees: oEventData.attendees ? JSON.stringify(oEventData.attendees) : '[]', owner: oEventData.owner, recurrenceId: oEventData.recurrenceId, excluded: oEventData.excluded, allEvents: oEventData.allEvents, modified: oEventData.modified ? 1 : 0, start: oEventData.withDate ? oEventData.start.local().toDate() : null, end: oEventData.withDate ? oEventData.end.local().toDate() : null, startTS: oEventData.withDate ? oEventData.start.unix() : null, endTS: oEventData.withDate ? (oEventData.end ? oEventData.end.unix() : oEventData.end.unix()) : null, rrule: rrule ? JSON.stringify(rrule) : null, type: oEventData.type, status: oEventData.status, withDate: oEventData.withDate }; }; /** * @param {Object} oEventData */ CMainView.prototype.createTask = function (oData) { var aParameters = this.getParamsFromEventData(oData); aParameters.calendarId = oData.newCalendarId; Ajax.send( 'Calendar', 'CreateEvent', aParameters, this.onCreateTaskResponse, this ); }; CMainView.prototype.sortTasksList = function () { this.tasksList(this.tasksList().sort(function (left, right) { if (!left.withDate && !right.withDate) { if (left.lastModified === right.lastModified) { return 0; } else { return left.lastModified > right.lastModified ? -1 : 1 } } else if(!left.withDate) { return -1; } else if (left.startTS !== null && right.startTS !== null) { if (left.startTS === right.startTS) { return 0; } return (left.startTS > right.startTS) ? 1 : -1; } })); } CMainView.prototype.onCreateTaskResponse = function (oResponse) { var oResult = oResponse.Result; if (oResult) { oResult.Events.forEach((event) => { var oTask = this.prepareTask(event); this.tasksList.push(oTask); }) this.sortTasksList(); } else { Api.showErrorByCode(oResponse); } }; /** * @param {Object} oData */ CMainView.prototype.taskClickCallback = function (oData) { var /** * @param {number} iResult */ fCallback = _.bind(function (iResult) { var oParams = { ID: oData.id, Uid: oData.uid, RecurrenceId: oData.recurrenceId, Calendars: this.calendars, SelectedCalendar: oData.calendarId, AllDay: oData.allDay, Location: oData.location, Description: oData.description, Subject: oData.subject, Alarms: oData.alarms, Attendees: oData.attendees, RRule: oData.rrule, Excluded: oData.excluded, Owner: oData.owner, Appointment: false, OwnerName: oData.ownerName, TimeFormat: this.sTimeFormat(), DateFormat: UserSettings.dateFormat(), AllEvents: iResult, CallbackSave: _.bind(this.updateTask, this), CallbackDelete: _.bind(this.executeRemove, this), Type: oData.type, Status: oData.status, IsTaskApp: true } ; if (iResult !== Enums.CalendarEditRecurrenceEvent.None) { if (iResult === Enums.CalendarEditRecurrenceEvent.AllEvents && oData.rrule) { oParams.Start = moment.unix(oData.rrule.startBase) oParams.End = moment.unix(oData.rrule.endBase) } else { if (oData.start) { oParams.Start = oData.start.clone() oParams.Start = oParams.Start.local() } if (oData.end) { oParams.End = oData.end.clone() oParams.End = oParams.End.local() } } Popups.showPopup(EditTaskPopup, [oParams]) } }, this) ; var oCalendar = this.calendars.getCalendarById(oData.calendarId) if (oData.rrule && !oCalendar.subscribed()) { if (oData.excluded) { fCallback(Enums.CalendarEditRecurrenceEvent.OnlyThisInstance) } else { Popups.showPopup(EditEventRecurrencePopup, [fCallback]) } } else { fCallback(Enums.CalendarEditRecurrenceEvent.AllEvents) } }; /** * @param {Object} oTask */ CMainView.prototype.addTask = function (oTask) { if (oTask && !this.taskExists(oTask.id)) { this.tasksList.push(this.prepareTask(oTask)) } } /** * @param {string} sId */ CMainView.prototype.getTask = function (sId) { return _.find( this.tasksList(), function (oTask) { return oTask.id === sId }, this ) } /** * @param {string} sId * * @return {boolean} */ CMainView.prototype.taskExists = function (sId) { return !!this.getTask(sId) } /** * @param {string} sId */ CMainView.prototype.removeTask = function (sId) { this.tasksList( _.filter( this.tasksList(), function (oEvent) { return oEvent.id !== sId }, this ) ) } CMainView.prototype.removeTaskByUid = function (sUid, bSkipExcluded) { this.tasksList( _.filter( this.tasksList(), function (oEvent) { return oEvent.uid !== sUid || (bSkipExcluded && oEvent.excluded) }, this ) ) } /** * @param {Object} oEventData */ CMainView.prototype.updateTask = function (oData) { var aParameters = this.getParamsFromEventData(oData); Ajax.send( 'Calendar', 'UpdateEvent', aParameters, this.onUpdateTaskResponse, this ); }; CMainView.prototype.onUpdateTaskResponse = function (oResponse, oArguments) { var oResult = oResponse.Result, oParameters = oArguments.Parameters, oCalendar = this.calendars.getCalendarById(oParameters && oParameters.calendarId) ; if (oResult) { var oTask = this.getTask(oParameters.id); if ( ((oTask && oTask.rrule) || oParameters.rrule) && oParameters.allEvents === Enums.CalendarEditRecurrenceEvent.AllEvents ) { this.removeTaskByUid(oParameters.uid, true); } else { this.removeTask(oParameters.id); } _.each( oResponse.Result.Events, function (oData) { this.addTask(oData) }, this ); oTask = this.getTask(oParameters.id); if (oTask) { this.selector.itemSelected(oTask); } this.sortTasksList(); } else { Api.showErrorByCode(oResponse); } }; /** * @param {Object} oEventData */ CMainView.prototype.executeRemove = function (oData) { Ajax.send( 'Calendar', 'DeleteEvent', this.getParamsFromEventData(oData), this.onDeleteTaskResponse, this ); }; CMainView.prototype.onDeleteTaskResponse = function (oResponse, oArguments) { if (oResponse.Result) { var oParameters = oArguments.Parameters ; if (oParameters.allEvents === Enums.CalendarEditRecurrenceEvent.OnlyThisInstance) { this.removeTask(oParameters.id) } else { this.removeTaskByUid(oParameters.uid) } } else { Api.showErrorByCode(oResponse); } }; /** * @param {string} sDate */ CMainView.prototype.getDateWithoutYearIfMonthWord = function (sDate) { var aDate = sDate.split(' '), oNowMoment = moment(), oNowYear = oNowMoment.format('YYYY') ; if (aDate.length === 3 && oNowYear === aDate[2]) { return aDate[0] + ' ' + aDate[1]; } return sDate; }; CMainView.prototype.onShowCompletedClick = function () { this.showCompleted(!this.showCompleted()); this.searchSubmit(); }; module.exports = new CMainView(); /***/ }) }]);