(self["webpackChunkafterlogic_aurora_platform"] = self["webpackChunkafterlogic_aurora_platform"] || []).push([[51],{ /***/ "Cox/": /*!*******************************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/CoreWebclient/js/vendors/FileSaver.js ***! \*******************************************************/ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;/* FileSaver.js * A saveAs() FileSaver implementation. * 1.3.2 * 2016-06-16 18:25:19 * * By Eli Grey, http://eligrey.com * License: MIT * See https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js/blob/master/LICENSE.md */ /*global self */ /*jslint bitwise: true, indent: 4, laxbreak: true, laxcomma: true, smarttabs: true, plusplus: true */ /*! @source http://purl.eligrey.com/github/FileSaver.js/blob/master/FileSaver.js */ var saveAs = saveAs || (function(view) { "use strict"; // IE <10 is explicitly unsupported if (typeof view === "undefined" || typeof navigator !== "undefined" && /MSIE [1-9]\./.test(navigator.userAgent)) { return; } var doc = view.document // only get URL when necessary in case Blob.js hasn't overridden it yet , get_URL = function() { return view.URL || view.webkitURL || view; } , save_link = doc.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "a") , can_use_save_link = "download" in save_link , click = function(node) { var event = new MouseEvent("click"); node.dispatchEvent(event); } , is_safari = /constructor/i.test(view.HTMLElement) || view.safari , is_chrome_ios =/CriOS\/[\d]+/.test(navigator.userAgent) , throw_outside = function(ex) { (view.setImmediate || view.setTimeout)(function() { throw ex; }, 0); } , force_saveable_type = "application/octet-stream" // the Blob API is fundamentally broken as there is no "downloadfinished" event to subscribe to , arbitrary_revoke_timeout = 1000 * 40 // in ms , revoke = function(file) { var revoker = function() { if (typeof file === "string") { // file is an object URL get_URL().revokeObjectURL(file); } else { // file is a File file.remove(); } }; setTimeout(revoker, arbitrary_revoke_timeout); } , dispatch = function(filesaver, event_types, event) { event_types = [].concat(event_types); var i = event_types.length; while (i--) { var listener = filesaver["on" + event_types[i]]; if (typeof listener === "function") { try { listener.call(filesaver, event || filesaver); } catch (ex) { throw_outside(ex); } } } } , auto_bom = function(blob) { // prepend BOM for UTF-8 XML and text/* types (including HTML) // note: your browser will automatically convert UTF-16 U+FEFF to EF BB BF if (/^\s*(?:text\/\S*|application\/xml|\S*\/\S*\+xml)\s*;.*charset\s*=\s*utf-8/i.test(blob.type)) { return new Blob([String.fromCharCode(0xFEFF), blob], {type: blob.type}); } return blob; } , FileSaver = function(blob, name, no_auto_bom) { if (!no_auto_bom) { blob = auto_bom(blob); } // First try a.download, then web filesystem, then object URLs var filesaver = this , type = blob.type , force = type === force_saveable_type , object_url , dispatch_all = function() { dispatch(filesaver, "writestart progress write writeend".split(" ")); } // on any filesys errors revert to saving with object URLs , fs_error = function() { if ((is_chrome_ios || (force && is_safari)) && view.FileReader) { // Safari doesn't allow downloading of blob urls var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = function() { var url = is_chrome_ios ? reader.result : reader.result.replace(/^data:[^;]*;/, 'data:attachment/file;'); var popup = view.open(url, '_blank'); if(!popup) view.location.href = url; url=undefined; // release reference before dispatching filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE; dispatch_all(); }; reader.readAsDataURL(blob); filesaver.readyState = filesaver.INIT; return; } // don't create more object URLs than needed if (!object_url) { object_url = get_URL().createObjectURL(blob); } if (force) { view.location.href = object_url; } else { var opened = view.open(object_url, "_blank"); if (!opened) { // Apple does not allow window.open, see https://developer.apple.com/library/safari/documentation/Tools/Conceptual/SafariExtensionGuide/WorkingwithWindowsandTabs/WorkingwithWindowsandTabs.html view.location.href = object_url; } } filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE; dispatch_all(); revoke(object_url); } ; filesaver.readyState = filesaver.INIT; if (can_use_save_link) { object_url = get_URL().createObjectURL(blob); setTimeout(function() { save_link.href = object_url; save_link.download = name; click(save_link); dispatch_all(); revoke(object_url); filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE; }); return; } fs_error(); } , FS_proto = FileSaver.prototype , saveAs = function(blob, name, no_auto_bom) { return new FileSaver(blob, name || blob.name || "download", no_auto_bom); } ; // IE 10+ (native saveAs) if (typeof navigator !== "undefined" && navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) { return function(blob, name, no_auto_bom) { name = name || blob.name || "download"; if (!no_auto_bom) { blob = auto_bom(blob); } return navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, name); }; } FS_proto.abort = function(){}; FS_proto.readyState = FS_proto.INIT = 0; FS_proto.WRITING = 1; FS_proto.DONE = 2; FS_proto.error = FS_proto.onwritestart = FS_proto.onprogress = FS_proto.onwrite = FS_proto.onabort = FS_proto.onerror = FS_proto.onwriteend = null; return saveAs; }( typeof self !== "undefined" && self || typeof window !== "undefined" && window || this.content )); // `self` is undefined in Firefox for Android content script context // while `this` is nsIContentFrameMessageManager // with an attribute `content` that corresponds to the window if ( true && module.exports) { module.exports.saveAs = saveAs; } else if (( true && __webpack_require__.amdD !== null) && (__webpack_require__.amdO !== null)) { !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (function() { return saveAs; }).call(exports, __webpack_require__, exports, module), __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__)); } /***/ }), /***/ "a3w2": /*!**********************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/Settings.js ***! \**********************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; /* provided dependency */ var $ = __webpack_require__(/*! jquery */ "M4cL"); var ko = __webpack_require__(/*! knockout */ "p09A"), _ = __webpack_require__(/*! underscore */ "C3HO"), TextUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Text.js */ "H20a"), Types = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Types.js */ "KC/L"), App = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/App.js */ "9kOp"), ModulesManager = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/ModulesManager.js */ "TdEd"), Screens = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Screens.js */ "skxT"); module.exports = { ServerModuleName: 'TwoFactorAuth', HashModuleName: 'two-factor-auth', AuthenticatorAppEnabled: false, ShowRecommendationToConfigure: true, AllowBackupCodes: false, BackupCodesCount: false, AllowSecurityKeys: false, AllowAuthenticatorApp: false, SecurityKeys: [], AllowUsedDevices: false, CurrentIP: '', TrustDevicesForDays: 0, AllowTrustedDevices: false, /** * Initializes settings from AppData object sections. * * @param {Object} oAppData Object contained modules settings. */ init: function init(oAppData) { var oAppDataSection = _.extend({}, oAppData[this.ServerModuleName] || {}, oAppData['TwoFactorAuth'] || {}); if (!_.isEmpty(oAppDataSection)) { this.ShowRecommendationToConfigure = Types.pBool(oAppDataSection.ShowRecommendationToConfigure, this.ShowRecommendationToConfigure); this.AllowBackupCodes = Types.pBool(oAppDataSection.AllowBackupCodes, this.AllowBackupCodes); this.BackupCodesCount = Types.pInt(oAppDataSection.BackupCodesCount, this.BackupCodesCount); this.AllowSecurityKeys = Types.pBool(oAppDataSection.AllowSecurityKeys, this.AllowSecurityKeys); this.AllowAuthenticatorApp = Types.pBool(oAppDataSection.AllowAuthenticatorApp, this.AllowAuthenticatorApp); this.AuthenticatorAppEnabled = this.AllowAuthenticatorApp && Types.pBool(oAppDataSection.AuthenticatorAppEnabled, this.AuthenticatorAppEnabled); this.AllowUsedDevices = Types.pBool(oAppDataSection.AllowUsedDevices, this.AllowUsedDevices); this.CurrentIP = Types.pString(oAppDataSection.CurrentIP, this.CurrentIP); this.TrustDevicesForDays = Types.pInt(oAppDataSection.TrustDevicesForDays, this.TrustDevicesForDays); this.AllowTrustedDevices = this.TrustDevicesForDays > 0; this.SecurityKeys = []; if (Types.isNonEmptyArray(oAppDataSection.WebAuthKeysInfo)) { _.each(oAppDataSection.WebAuthKeysInfo, function (aSecurityKeyData) { if (Types.isNonEmptyArray(aSecurityKeyData, 2)) { this.SecurityKeys.push({ 'Id': aSecurityKeyData[0], 'keyName': ko.observable(aSecurityKeyData[1]) }); } }.bind(this)); } this.checkIfEnabled(); } }, updateShowRecommendation: function updateShowRecommendation(bShowRecommendationToConfigure) { this.ShowRecommendationToConfigure = bShowRecommendationToConfigure; }, updateBackupCodesCount: function updateBackupCodesCount(iBackupCodesCount) { this.BackupCodesCount = iBackupCodesCount; }, updateAuthenticatorApp: function updateAuthenticatorApp(bAuthenticatorAppEnabled) { this.AuthenticatorAppEnabled = !!bAuthenticatorAppEnabled; }, checkIfEnabled: function checkIfEnabled() { if (!App.isMobile() && App.isUserNormalOrTenant() && this.ShowRecommendationToConfigure) { var bTfaSettingsOpened = window.location.hash === 'settings/two-factor-auth' || window.location.hash === '#settings/two-factor-auth'; var bSecuritySettingsOpened = window.location.hash === 'settings/security' || window.location.hash === '#settings/security'; if (!this.AuthenticatorAppEnabled && !bTfaSettingsOpened && !bSecuritySettingsOpened) { setTimeout(function () { var sLink = ModulesManager.isModuleEnabled('SecuritySettingsWebclient') ? '#settings/security' : '#settings/two-factor-auth'; Screens.showLoading(TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/CONFIRM_MODULE_NOT_ENABLED', { 'TWO_FACTOR_LINK': sLink })); $('.report_panel.loading a').on('click', function () { Screens.hideLoading(); }); setTimeout(function () { Screens.hideLoading(); }, 10000); }, 100); } } } }; /***/ }), /***/ "Ff0H": /*!*********************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/manager.js ***! \*********************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! underscore */ "C3HO"); var TextUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Text.js */ "H20a"), App = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/App.js */ "9kOp"); var Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/Settings.js */ "a3w2"), TwoFactorApi = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/utils/Api.js */ "lYIS"); module.exports = function (oAppData) { Settings.init(oAppData); return { /** * Runs before application start. Subscribes to the event before post displaying. * * @param {Object} ModulesManager */ start: function start(ModulesManager) { if (!App.isMobile()) { if (ModulesManager.isModuleEnabled('SecuritySettingsWebclient')) { ModulesManager.run('SecuritySettingsWebclient', 'registerSecuritySettingsSection', [function () { return __webpack_require__(/*! modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/views/TwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.js */ "8MZM"); }, 'TwoFactorAuth']); } else { ModulesManager.run('SettingsWebclient', 'registerSettingsTab', [function () { return __webpack_require__(/*! modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/views/TwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.js */ "8MZM"); }, Settings.HashModuleName, TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/LABEL_SETTINGS_TAB')]); } } if (App.getUserRole() === Enums.UserRole.Anonymous) { var onAfterlLoginFormConstructView = function (oParams) { var oLoginScreenView = oParams.View, Popups = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Popups.js */ "oUN1"), VerifySecondFactorPopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/popups/VerifySecondFactorPopup.js */ "fvPS"); if (oLoginScreenView) { // Do not completely replace previous onSystemLoginResponse, because it might be already changed by another plugin var fOldOnSystemLoginResponse = oLoginScreenView.onSystemLoginResponse.bind(oLoginScreenView); if (!_.isFunction(fOldOnSystemLoginResponse)) { fOldOnSystemLoginResponse = oLoginScreenView.onSystemLoginResponseBase.bind(oLoginScreenView); } if (!_.isFunction(fOldOnSystemLoginResponse)) { fOldOnSystemLoginResponse = function fOldOnSystemLoginResponse() {}; } oLoginScreenView.onSystemLoginResponse = function (oResponse, oRequest) { if (oRequest.Parameters.Domain !== undefined) { oRequest.Parameters.Login = oRequest.Parameters.Login + '@' + oRequest.Parameters.Domain; } //if TwoFactorAuth enabled - trying to verify user token var oTwoFactorAuthData = oResponse.Result && oResponse.Result.TwoFactorAuth; if (oTwoFactorAuthData) { Popups.showPopup(VerifySecondFactorPopup, [fOldOnSystemLoginResponse, _.bind(function () { this.loading(false); }, this), oTwoFactorAuthData, oRequest.Parameters.Login.split(" ").join(""), oRequest.Parameters.Password]); } else { var authToken = oResponse && oResponse.Result && oResponse.Result.AuthToken || ''; TwoFactorApi.saveDevice(authToken, function () { fOldOnSystemLoginResponse(oResponse, oRequest); }); } }; } }.bind(this); App.subscribeEvent('StandardLoginFormWebclient::ConstructView::after', onAfterlLoginFormConstructView); App.subscribeEvent('MailLoginFormWebclient::ConstructView::after', onAfterlLoginFormConstructView); } } }; }; /***/ }), /***/ "a48m": /*!*********************************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/models/CDeviceModel.js ***! \*********************************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var moment = __webpack_require__(/*! moment */ "sdEb"); var TextUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Text.js */ "H20a"), Types = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Types.js */ "KC/L"), App = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/App.js */ "9kOp"); var Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/Settings.js */ "a3w2"); /** * @constructor * @param {object} oData * @returns {CDeviceModel} */ function CDeviceModel(oData) { this.sDeviceId = ''; this.bCurrentDevice = false; this.sDeviceName = ''; this.sDeviceCustomName = ''; this.bAuthenticated = false; this.sDeviceExpiresDate = ''; this.sDeviceLastUsageDate = ''; if (oData) { this.parse(oData); } } /** * @param {Object} oData */ CDeviceModel.prototype.parse = function (oData) { var oExpMoment = moment.unix(oData.TrustTillDateTime), oUsageMoment = moment.unix(oData.LastUsageDateTime); this.sDeviceId = Types.pString(oData.DeviceId); this.bCurrentDevice = this.sDeviceId === App.getCurrentDeviceId(); this.bAuthenticated = Types.pBool(oData.Authenticated); this.sDeviceName = Types.pString(oData.DeviceName); this.sDeviceCustomName = Types.pString(oData.DeviceCustomName); if (Settings.AllowTrustedDevices && oExpMoment.diff(moment()) > 0) { this.sDeviceExpiresDate = TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/LABEL_DEVICE_TRUST_TILL_DATE', { EXPDATE: oExpMoment.format('MMM D, YYYY') }); } this.sDeviceLastUsageDate = TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/LABEL_DEVICE_LAST_USAGE_DATE', { USAGEDATE: oUsageMoment.fromNow() }); }; module.exports = CDeviceModel; /***/ }), /***/ "uOT5": /*!***************************************************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/popups/ConfigureAuthenticatorAppPopup.js ***! \***************************************************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! underscore */ "C3HO"), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! knockout */ "p09A"), TextUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Text.js */ "H20a"), Types = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Types.js */ "KC/L"), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Common.js */ "REt5"), Ajax = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Ajax.js */ "EFhx"), Api = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Api.js */ "/QeJ"), CAbstractPopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/popups/CAbstractPopup.js */ "o1lX"), Screens = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Screens.js */ "skxT"), QRcode = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/vendors/qr.js */ "spXC"); /** * @constructor */ function CConfigureAuthenticatorAppPopup() { CAbstractPopup.call(this); this.sEditVerificator = null; this.fSuccessCallback = null; this.authenticatorQRCodeUrl = ko.observable(''); this.authenticatorSecret = ko.observable(''); this.authenticatorCode = ko.observable(''); this.authenticatorCodeFocus = ko.observable(false); this.saveInProgress = ko.observable(false); this.qrCodeIsLoading = ko.observable(false); this.saveCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, this.save, function () { return Types.isNonEmptyString(this.authenticatorQRCodeUrl()) && Types.isNonEmptyString(this.authenticatorSecret()) && Types.isNonEmptyString(this.authenticatorCode()); }); } _.extendOwn(CConfigureAuthenticatorAppPopup.prototype, CAbstractPopup.prototype); CConfigureAuthenticatorAppPopup.prototype.PopupTemplate = 'TwoFactorAuth_ConfigureAuthenticatorAppPopup'; CConfigureAuthenticatorAppPopup.prototype.onOpen = function (sEditVerificator, fSuccessCallback) { this.sEditVerificator = sEditVerificator; this.fSuccessCallback = fSuccessCallback; this.authenticatorQRCodeUrl(''); this.authenticatorSecret(''); this.authenticatorCode(''); this.authenticatorCodeFocus(false); this.saveInProgress(false); this.qrCodeIsLoading(true); this.getAuthenticatorAppData(); }; CConfigureAuthenticatorAppPopup.prototype.getAuthenticatorAppData = function () { var oParameters = { 'Password': this.sEditVerificator }; Ajax.send('TwoFactorAuth', 'RegisterAuthenticatorAppBegin', oParameters, this.onRegisterAuthenticatorAppBeginResponse, this); }; CConfigureAuthenticatorAppPopup.prototype.onRegisterAuthenticatorAppBeginResponse = function (oResponse) { var oResult = oResponse && oResponse.Result; if (oResult && oResult.Secret && oResult.QRCodeName) { var data = "otpauth://totp/".concat(oResult.QRCodeName, "?secret=").concat(oResult.Secret); this.authenticatorQRCodeUrl(QRcode.generatePNG(data, { margin: 0, modulesize: 6 })); this.authenticatorSecret(oResult.Secret); this.authenticatorCodeFocus(true); } else { Api.showErrorByCode(oResponse, TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/ERROR_SECRET_GENERATION_FAILED')); } }; CConfigureAuthenticatorAppPopup.prototype.save = function () { if (Types.isNonEmptyString(this.authenticatorCode())) { var oParameters = { 'Password': this.sEditVerificator, 'Code': this.authenticatorCode(), 'Secret': this.authenticatorSecret() }; this.saveInProgress(true); Ajax.send('TwoFactorAuth', 'RegisterAuthenticatorAppFinish', oParameters, this.onRegisterAuthenticatorAppFinishResponse, this); } }; CConfigureAuthenticatorAppPopup.prototype.onRegisterAuthenticatorAppFinishResponse = function (Response) { this.saveInProgress(false); if (Response && Response.Result) { if (_.isFunction(this.fSuccessCallback)) { this.fSuccessCallback(); } this.closePopup(); } else { Screens.showError(TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/ERROR_WRONG_CODE')); } }; module.exports = new CConfigureAuthenticatorAppPopup(); /***/ }), /***/ "ED4b": /*!*****************************************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/popups/ConfirmPasswordPopup.js ***! \*****************************************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! underscore */ "C3HO"), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! knockout */ "p09A"), TextUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Text.js */ "H20a"), Ajax = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Ajax.js */ "EFhx"), Api = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Api.js */ "/QeJ"), CAbstractPopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/popups/CAbstractPopup.js */ "o1lX"); /** * @constructor */ function CConfirmPasswordPopup() { CAbstractPopup.call(this); this.fSuccessCallback = null; this.password = ko.observable(''); this.passwordFocus = ko.observable(true); this.inProgress = ko.observable(false); } _.extendOwn(CConfirmPasswordPopup.prototype, CAbstractPopup.prototype); CConfirmPasswordPopup.prototype.PopupTemplate = 'TwoFactorAuth_ConfirmPasswordPopup'; CConfirmPasswordPopup.prototype.onOpen = function (fSuccessCallback) { this.fSuccessCallback = fSuccessCallback; this.password(''); this.passwordFocus(true); }; CConfirmPasswordPopup.prototype.verifyPassword = function () { var oParameters = { 'Password': this.password() }; this.inProgress(true); Ajax.send('TwoFactorAuth', 'VerifyPassword', oParameters, this.onVerifyPasswordResponse, this); }; CConfirmPasswordPopup.prototype.onVerifyPasswordResponse = function (oResponse) { this.inProgress(false); if (oResponse && oResponse.Result) { if (_.isFunction(this.fSuccessCallback)) { this.fSuccessCallback(this.password()); } this.closePopup(); } else { Api.showErrorByCode(oResponse, TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/ERROR_WRONG_PASSWORD')); } }; module.exports = new CConfirmPasswordPopup(); /***/ }), /***/ "8tFG": /*!*******************************************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/popups/CreateSecurityKeyPopup.js ***! \*******************************************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! underscore */ "C3HO"), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! knockout */ "p09A"), TextUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Text.js */ "H20a"), Types = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Types.js */ "KC/L"), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Common.js */ "REt5"), Ajax = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Ajax.js */ "EFhx"), Api = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Api.js */ "/QeJ"), CAbstractPopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/popups/CAbstractPopup.js */ "o1lX"), Screens = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Screens.js */ "skxT"), ConvertUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/utils/Convert.js */ "CasK"); /** * @constructor */ function CCreateSecurityKeyPopup() { CAbstractPopup.call(this); this.bSecurityKeysNotSupportedError = !(navigator.credentials && navigator.credentials.create); this.bIsHttps = window.location.protocol === 'https:'; this.sEditVerificator = ''; this.sName = ''; this.iId = 0; this.name = ko.observable(''); this.nameFocus = ko.observable(true); this.saveNameInProgress = ko.observable(false); this.securityKeyInProgress = ko.observable(false); this.securityKeyError = ko.observable(false); this.securityKeyCanceled = ko.observable(false); this.saveCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, this.save, function () { return Types.isNonEmptyString(this.name()); }); } _.extendOwn(CCreateSecurityKeyPopup.prototype, CAbstractPopup.prototype); CCreateSecurityKeyPopup.prototype.PopupTemplate = 'TwoFactorAuth_CreateSecurityKeyPopup'; CCreateSecurityKeyPopup.prototype.onOpen = function (sEditVerificator, fCallback) { this.sEditVerificator = sEditVerificator; this.fCallback = fCallback; this.registerSecurityKey(); }; CCreateSecurityKeyPopup.prototype.registerSecurityKey = function (oResponse) { if (!this.bSecurityKeysNotSupportedError) { this.iId = 0; this.name(''); this.securityKeyInProgress(true); this.securityKeyError(false); this.securityKeyCanceled(false); Ajax.send('TwoFactorAuth', 'RegisterSecurityKeyBegin', { 'Password': this.sEditVerificator }, this.onRegisterSecurityKeyBeginResponse, this); } else { this.securityKeyInProgress(false); this.securityKeyError(true); } }; CCreateSecurityKeyPopup.prototype.onRegisterSecurityKeyBeginResponse = function (oResponse) { var _this = this; if (oResponse && oResponse.Result) { var oCreateArgs = oResponse.Result; oCreateArgs.publicKey.challenge = ConvertUtils.base64ToArrayBuffer(oCreateArgs.publicKey.challenge); oCreateArgs.publicKey.user.id = ConvertUtils.base64ToArrayBuffer(oCreateArgs.publicKey.user.id); navigator.credentials.create(oCreateArgs).then(function (cred) { var oParams = { 'Password': _this.sEditVerificator, 'Attestation': { 'attestationObject': ConvertUtils.arrayBufferToBase64(cred.response.attestationObject), 'clientDataJSON': ConvertUtils.arrayBufferToBase64(cred.response.clientDataJSON) } }; Ajax.send('TwoFactorAuth', 'RegisterSecurityKeyFinish', oParams, _this.onRegisterSecurityKeyFinishResponse, _this); })["catch"](function (err) { _this.securityKeyInProgress(false); _this.securityKeyCanceled(true); }); } else { this.securityKeyInProgress(false); this.closePopup(); Api.showErrorByCode(oResponse, TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/ERROR_ADD_SECURITY_KEY')); } }; CCreateSecurityKeyPopup.prototype.onRegisterSecurityKeyFinishResponse = function (oResponse) { this.securityKeyInProgress(false); if (oResponse && oResponse.Result) { this.iId = oResponse.Result; this.nameFocus(true); } else { this.closePopup(); Api.showErrorByCode(oResponse, TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/ERROR_ADD_SECURITY_KEY')); } }; CCreateSecurityKeyPopup.prototype.save = function () { if (Types.isNonEmptyString(this.name())) { var oParameters = { 'Password': this.sEditVerificator, 'KeyId': this.iId, 'NewName': this.name() }; this.saveNameInProgress(true); Ajax.send('TwoFactorAuth', 'UpdateSecurityKeyName', oParameters, this.onUpdateSecurityKeyNameResponse, this); } }; CCreateSecurityKeyPopup.prototype.onUpdateSecurityKeyNameResponse = function (oResponse) { this.saveNameInProgress(false); if (oResponse && oResponse.Result) { if (_.isFunction(this.fCallback)) { this.fCallback(this.iId, this.name()); } this.closePopup(); } else { if (_.isFunction(this.fCallback)) { this.fCallback(this.iId, ''); } this.closePopup(); Api.showErrorByCode(oResponse, TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/ERROR_SETUP_SECRET_KEY_NAME')); } }; CCreateSecurityKeyPopup.prototype.cancelPopup = function () { // Do not close until name is specified // this.closePopup(); }; CCreateSecurityKeyPopup.prototype.onEscHandler = function (oEvent) { // Do not close until name is specified // this.cancelPopup(); }; module.exports = new CCreateSecurityKeyPopup(); /***/ }), /***/ "1hAi": /*!************************************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/popups/EditDevicePopup.js ***! \************************************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! underscore */ "C3HO"), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! knockout */ "p09A"); var Ajax = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Ajax.js */ "EFhx"), Api = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Api.js */ "/QeJ"), CAbstractPopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/popups/CAbstractPopup.js */ "o1lX"); /** * @constructor */ function CEditDevicePopup() { CAbstractPopup.call(this); this.deviceId = ko.observable(''); this.customUaName = ko.observable(''); this.customName = ko.observable(''); this.successCallback = function () {}; this.inProgress = ko.observable(false); } _.extendOwn(CEditDevicePopup.prototype, CAbstractPopup.prototype); CEditDevicePopup.prototype.PopupTemplate = 'TwoFactorAuth_EditDevicePopup'; CEditDevicePopup.prototype.onOpen = function (deviceId, deviceName, deviceCustomName, successCallback) { this.deviceId(deviceId); this.customUaName(deviceName); this.customName(deviceCustomName); this.successCallback = typeof successCallback === 'function' ? successCallback : function () {}; }; CEditDevicePopup.prototype.saveCustomName = function () { var parameters = { DeviceId: this.deviceId(), DeviceCustomName: this.customName() }; this.inProgress(true); Ajax.send('TwoFactorAuth', 'SetDeviceCustomName', parameters, this.onSetDeviceCustomNameResponse, this); }; CEditDevicePopup.prototype.onSetDeviceCustomNameResponse = function (response) { this.inProgress(false); if (response && response.Result) { this.successCallback(); this.closePopup(); } else { Api.showErrorByCode(response); } }; module.exports = new CEditDevicePopup(); /***/ }), /***/ "OcLG": /*!*****************************************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/popups/EditSecurityKeyPopup.js ***! \*****************************************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! underscore */ "C3HO"), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! knockout */ "p09A"), TextUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Text.js */ "H20a"), Types = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Types.js */ "KC/L"), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Common.js */ "REt5"), Ajax = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Ajax.js */ "EFhx"), Api = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Api.js */ "/QeJ"), CAbstractPopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/popups/CAbstractPopup.js */ "o1lX"), Screens = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Screens.js */ "skxT"); /** * @constructor */ function CEditSecurityKeyPopup() { CAbstractPopup.call(this); this.sEditVerificator = ''; this.sName = ''; this.iId = 0; this.name = ko.observable(''); this.nameFocus = ko.observable(true); this.inProgress = ko.observable(false); this.saveCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, this.save, function () { return Types.isNonEmptyString(this.name()); }); } _.extendOwn(CEditSecurityKeyPopup.prototype, CAbstractPopup.prototype); CEditSecurityKeyPopup.prototype.PopupTemplate = 'TwoFactorAuth_EditSecurityKeyPopup'; CEditSecurityKeyPopup.prototype.onOpen = function (sEditVerificator, iId, sName, fCallback) { this.sEditVerificator = sEditVerificator; this.iId = iId; this.name(sName); this.nameFocus(true); this.fCallback = fCallback; }; CEditSecurityKeyPopup.prototype.save = function () { if (Types.isNonEmptyString(this.name())) { var oParameters = { 'Password': this.sEditVerificator, 'KeyId': this.iId, 'NewName': this.name() }; this.inProgress(true); Ajax.send('TwoFactorAuth', 'UpdateSecurityKeyName', oParameters, this.onUpdateSecurityKeyNameResponse, this); } }; CEditSecurityKeyPopup.prototype.onUpdateSecurityKeyNameResponse = function (oResponse) { this.inProgress(false); if (oResponse && oResponse.Result) { if (_.isFunction(this.fCallback)) { this.fCallback(this.iId, this.name()); } this.closePopup(); } else { Api.showErrorByCode(oResponse, TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/ERROR_SETUP_SECRET_KEY_NAME')); } }; module.exports = new CEditSecurityKeyPopup(); /***/ }), /***/ "Um7v": /*!*****************************************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/popups/ShowBackupCodesPopup.js ***! \*****************************************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; /* provided dependency */ var $ = __webpack_require__(/*! jquery */ "M4cL"); var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! underscore */ "C3HO"), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! knockout */ "p09A"), moment = __webpack_require__(/*! moment */ "sdEb"), TextUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Text.js */ "H20a"), Types = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Types.js */ "KC/L"), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Common.js */ "REt5"), Ajax = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Ajax.js */ "EFhx"), App = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/App.js */ "9kOp"), CAbstractPopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/popups/CAbstractPopup.js */ "o1lX"), ConfirmPopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/popups/ConfirmPopup.js */ "XeMN"), FileSaver = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/vendors/FileSaver.js */ "Cox/"), Popups = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Popups.js */ "oUN1"), WindowOpener = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/WindowOpener.js */ "mGms"), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/Settings.js */ "a3w2"); /** * @constructor */ function CShowBackupCodesPopup() { CAbstractPopup.call(this); this.sEditVerificator = ''; this.backupCodes = ko.observableArray([]); this.codesGeneratedDataInfo = ko.observable(''); this.fCallBack = null; this.generatingBackupCodes = ko.observable(false); this.generateBackupCodesCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, this.confirmGenerateNewBackupCodes, function () { return !this.generatingBackupCodes(); }); } _.extendOwn(CShowBackupCodesPopup.prototype, CAbstractPopup.prototype); CShowBackupCodesPopup.prototype.PopupTemplate = 'TwoFactorAuth_ShowBackupCodesPopup'; CShowBackupCodesPopup.prototype.onOpen = function (sEditVerificator, fCallBack) { this.sEditVerificator = sEditVerificator; this.fCallBack = fCallBack; if (Settings.BackupCodesCount > 0) { this.getBackupCodes(); } else { this.backupCodes([]); this.codesGeneratedDataInfo(''); this.generateBackupCodes(); } }; CShowBackupCodesPopup.prototype.onClose = function () { if (_.isFunction(this.fCallBack)) { this.fCallBack(_.without(this.backupCodes(), '').length); } }; CShowBackupCodesPopup.prototype.getBackupCodes = function () { this.backupCodes([]); this.codesGeneratedDataInfo(''); this.generatingBackupCodes(true); Ajax.send('TwoFactorAuth', 'GetBackupCodes', { 'Password': this.sEditVerificator }, function (Response) { this.generatingBackupCodes(false); this.parseBackupCodes(Response); }, this); }; CShowBackupCodesPopup.prototype.confirmGenerateNewBackupCodes = function () { Popups.showPopup(ConfirmPopup, [TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/INFO_GET_NEW_CODES'), function (bOk) { if (bOk) { this.generateBackupCodes(); } }.bind(this), TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/CONFIRM_GET_NEW_CODES')]); }; CShowBackupCodesPopup.prototype.generateBackupCodes = function () { this.generatingBackupCodes(true); Ajax.send('TwoFactorAuth', 'GenerateBackupCodes', { 'Password': this.sEditVerificator }, function (Response) { this.generatingBackupCodes(false); this.parseBackupCodes(Response); }, this); }; CShowBackupCodesPopup.prototype.parseBackupCodes = function (Response) { var oResult = Response && Response.Result, aCodes = oResult && oResult.Codes; if (Types.isNonEmptyArray(aCodes)) { var oMoment = moment.unix(oResult.Datetime); this.codesGeneratedDataInfo(TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/INFO_CODES_GENERATED_DATA', { 'DATA': oMoment.format('MMM D, YYYY') })); this.backupCodes(aCodes); } }; CShowBackupCodesPopup.prototype.getBackupCodesFileText = function () { var sText = ''; sText += TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/HEADING_SAVE_CODES') + '\n'; sText += TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/INFO_KEEP_CODES_SAFE') + '\n'; sText += '\n'; _.each(this.backupCodes(), function (sCode, iIndex) { sText += iIndex + 1 + '. ' + sCode + '\n'; }); sText += '\n'; sText += App.getUserPublicId() + '\n'; sText += '\n'; sText += TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/INFO_USE_CODE_ONCE') + '\n'; sText += this.codesGeneratedDataInfo() + '\n'; return sText; }; CShowBackupCodesPopup.prototype.print = function () { var sText = this.getBackupCodesFileText(), oWin = WindowOpener.open('', 'backup-codes-' + App.getUserPublicId() + '-print'); if (oWin) { $(oWin.document.body).html('
' + sText + '
'); oWin.print(); } }; CShowBackupCodesPopup.prototype.download = function () { var sText = this.getBackupCodesFileText(); var oBlob = new Blob([sText], { 'type': 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' }); FileSaver.saveAs(oBlob, 'backup-codes-' + App.getUserPublicId() + '.txt', true); }; module.exports = new CShowBackupCodesPopup(); /***/ }), /***/ "fvPS": /*!********************************************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/popups/VerifySecondFactorPopup.js ***! \********************************************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! underscore */ "C3HO"), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! knockout */ "p09A"); var TextUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Text.js */ "H20a"), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Common.js */ "REt5"), Ajax = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Ajax.js */ "EFhx"), Api = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Api.js */ "/QeJ"), App = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/App.js */ "9kOp"), CAbstractPopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/popups/CAbstractPopup.js */ "o1lX"), Screens = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Screens.js */ "skxT"); var ConvertUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/utils/Convert.js */ "CasK"), DeviceUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/utils/Device.js */ "nmKc"), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/Settings.js */ "a3w2"), TwoFactorApi = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/utils/Api.js */ "lYIS"); /** * @constructor */ function CVerifySecondFactorPopup() { CAbstractPopup.call(this); this.isMobile = ko.observable(App.isMobile() || false); this.afterVerifyCallback = function () {}; this.fOnCancel = null; this.login = ko.observable(null); this.sPassword = null; this.bAllowTrustedDevices = Settings.AllowTrustedDevices; this.verificationResponse = ko.observable(null); this.verificationPassed = ko.computed(function () { return this.verificationResponse() !== null; }, this); this.verificationResponse.subscribe(function () { if (this.verificationPassed() && !this.bAllowTrustedDevices) { this.afterVerify(); this.closePopup(); } }, this); this.trustThisBrowser = ko.observable(false); this.sTrustThisBrowserText = TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/LABEL_TRUST_DEVICE_PLURAL', { COUNT: Settings.TrustDevicesForDays }, null, Settings.TrustDevicesForDays); this.allOptionsVisible = ko.observable(false); this.securityKeyVisible = ko.observable(false); this.authenticatorAppVisible = ko.observable(false); this.backupCodesVisible = ko.observable(false); this.hasSecurityKey = ko.observable(false); this.securityKeyInProgress = ko.observable(false); this.securityKeyError = ko.observable(false); this.bSecurityKeysNotSupportedError = !(navigator.credentials && navigator.credentials.get); this.bIsHttps = window.location.protocol === 'https:'; this.hasAuthenticatorApp = ko.observable(false); this.authenticatorCode = ko.observable(''); this.authenticatorCodeFocused = ko.observable(false); this.authenticatorCodeInProgress = ko.observable(false); this.hasBackupCodes = ko.observable(false); this.backupCode = ko.observable(false); this.backupCodeFocus = ko.observable(false); this.backupCodeInProgress = ko.observable(false); this.hasSeveralOptions = ko.computed(function () { var iOptionsCount = 0; if (this.hasSecurityKey()) { iOptionsCount++; } if (this.hasAuthenticatorApp()) { iOptionsCount++; } if (this.hasBackupCodes()) { iOptionsCount++; } return iOptionsCount > 1; }, this); this.continueInProgress = ko.observable(false); this.continueCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, this.afterVerify, function () { return !this.continueInProgress(); }); } _.extendOwn(CVerifySecondFactorPopup.prototype, CAbstractPopup.prototype); CVerifySecondFactorPopup.prototype.PopupTemplate = 'TwoFactorAuth_VerifySecondFactorPopup'; CVerifySecondFactorPopup.prototype.onOpen = function (afterVerifyCallback, fOnCancel, oTwoFactorAuthData, sLogin, sPassword) { this.continueInProgress(false); this.afterVerifyCallback = typeof afterVerifyCallback === 'function' ? afterVerifyCallback : function () {}; this.fOnCancel = fOnCancel; this.login(sLogin); this.sPassword = sPassword; this.hasSecurityKey(Settings.AllowSecurityKeys && oTwoFactorAuthData.HasSecurityKey); this.hasAuthenticatorApp(Settings.AllowAuthenticatorApp && oTwoFactorAuthData.HasAuthenticatorApp); this.hasBackupCodes(Settings.AllowBackupCodes && oTwoFactorAuthData.HasBackupCodes); this.verificationResponse(null); this.authenticatorCode(''); this.authenticatorCodeInProgress(false); this.backupCode(''); this.backupCodeInProgress(false); this.allOptionsVisible(false); this.securityKeyVisible(false); this.authenticatorAppVisible(false); this.backupCodesVisible(false); if (this.hasSecurityKey()) { this.useSecurityKey(); } else if (this.hasAuthenticatorApp()) { this.useAuthenticatorApp(); } }; CVerifySecondFactorPopup.prototype.useOtherOption = function () { this.allOptionsVisible(true); this.securityKeyVisible(false); this.authenticatorAppVisible(false); this.backupCodesVisible(false); }; CVerifySecondFactorPopup.prototype.useSecurityKey = function () { if (this.hasSecurityKey()) { this.allOptionsVisible(false); this.securityKeyVisible(true); this.authenticatorAppVisible(false); this.backupCodesVisible(false); this.verifySecurityKey(); } }; CVerifySecondFactorPopup.prototype.useAuthenticatorApp = function () { if (this.hasAuthenticatorApp()) { this.allOptionsVisible(false); this.securityKeyVisible(false); this.authenticatorAppVisible(true); this.backupCodesVisible(false); this.authenticatorCodeFocused(true); } }; CVerifySecondFactorPopup.prototype.useBackupCodes = function () { if (this.hasBackupCodes()) { this.allOptionsVisible(false); this.securityKeyVisible(false); this.authenticatorAppVisible(false); this.backupCodesVisible(true); this.backupCodeFocus(true); } }; CVerifySecondFactorPopup.prototype.verifySecurityKey = function () { if (!this.bSecurityKeysNotSupportedError) { var oParameters = { Login: this.login(), Password: this.sPassword }; this.securityKeyInProgress(true); this.securityKeyError(false); Ajax.send('TwoFactorAuth', 'VerifySecurityKeyBegin', oParameters, this.onVerifySecurityKeyBegin, this); } else { this.securityKeyInProgress(false); this.securityKeyError(true); } }; CVerifySecondFactorPopup.prototype.onVerifySecurityKeyBegin = function (oResponse) { var _this = this; var oGetArgs = oResponse && oResponse.Result; if (oGetArgs) { oGetArgs.publicKey.challenge = ConvertUtils.base64ToArrayBuffer(oGetArgs.publicKey.challenge); oGetArgs.publicKey.allowCredentials.forEach(function (element) { element.id = ConvertUtils.base64ToArrayBuffer(element.id); }); navigator.credentials.get(oGetArgs).then(function (oCreds) { var oCredsResponse = oCreds && oCreds.response, oParameters = { Login: _this.login(), Password: _this.sPassword, Attestation: { id: oCreds && oCreds.rawId ? ConvertUtils.arrayBufferToBase64(oCreds.rawId) : null, clientDataJSON: oCredsResponse && oCredsResponse.clientDataJSON ? ConvertUtils.arrayBufferToBase64(oCredsResponse.clientDataJSON) : null, authenticatorData: oCredsResponse && oCredsResponse.authenticatorData ? ConvertUtils.arrayBufferToBase64(oCredsResponse.authenticatorData) : null, signature: oCredsResponse && oCredsResponse.signature ? ConvertUtils.arrayBufferToBase64(oCredsResponse.signature) : null } }; Ajax.send('TwoFactorAuth', 'VerifySecurityKeyFinish', oParameters, _this.onVerifySecurityKeyFinish, _this); })["catch"](function (err) { _this.securityKeyInProgress(false); _this.securityKeyError(true); }); } else { this.securityKeyInProgress(false); this.securityKeyError(true); Api.showErrorByCode(oResponse, TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/ERROR_VERIFY_SECURITY_KEY')); } }; CVerifySecondFactorPopup.prototype.onVerifySecurityKeyFinish = function (oResponse) { this.securityKeyInProgress(false); if (oResponse && oResponse.Result) { this.verificationResponse(oResponse); } else { this.securityKeyError(true); Api.showErrorByCode(oResponse, TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/ERROR_VERIFY_SECURITY_KEY')); } }; CVerifySecondFactorPopup.prototype.verifyAuthenticatorCode = function () { var oParameters = { Login: this.login(), Password: this.sPassword, Code: this.authenticatorCode() }; this.authenticatorCodeInProgress(true); Ajax.send('TwoFactorAuth', 'VerifyAuthenticatorAppCode', oParameters, this.onVerifyAuthenticatorAppCodeResponse, this); }; CVerifySecondFactorPopup.prototype.onVerifyAuthenticatorAppCodeResponse = function (oResponse) { var oResult = oResponse.Result; this.authenticatorCodeInProgress(false); this.authenticatorCode(''); if (oResult) { this.verificationResponse(oResponse); } else { Screens.showError(TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/ERROR_WRONG_CODE')); } }; CVerifySecondFactorPopup.prototype.verifyBackupCode = function () { var oParameters = { Login: this.login(), Password: this.sPassword, BackupCode: this.backupCode() }; this.backupCodeInProgress(true); Ajax.send('TwoFactorAuth', 'VerifyBackupCode', oParameters, this.onVerifyBackupCode, this); }; CVerifySecondFactorPopup.prototype.onVerifyBackupCode = function (oResponse) { var oResult = oResponse.Result; this.backupCodeInProgress(false); this.backupCode(''); if (oResult) { this.verificationResponse(oResponse); } else { Screens.showError(TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/ERROR_WRONG_BACKUP_CODE')); } }; CVerifySecondFactorPopup.prototype.cancelPopup = function () { if (_.isFunction(this.fOnCancel)) { this.fOnCancel(false); } this.closePopup(); }; CVerifySecondFactorPopup.prototype.afterVerify = function () { var _this2 = this; var authToken = this.verificationResponse() && this.verificationResponse().Result && this.verificationResponse().Result.AuthToken || ''; TwoFactorApi.saveDevice(authToken, function () { _this2.trustDevice(authToken, function () { _this2.afterVerifyCallback(_this2.verificationResponse()); }); }); }; CVerifySecondFactorPopup.prototype.trustDevice = function (authToken, successCallback) { if (!Settings.AllowUsedDevices || !this.trustThisBrowser()) { successCallback(); return; } var parameters = { DeviceId: App.getCurrentDeviceId(), DeviceName: DeviceUtils.getName(), Trust: this.trustThisBrowser() }; this.continueInProgress(true); Ajax.send('TwoFactorAuth', 'TrustDevice', parameters, function (response) { if (response && response.Result) { successCallback(); } else { Api.showErrorByCode(response); } }, this, null, authToken); }; module.exports = new CVerifySecondFactorPopup(); /***/ }), /***/ "lYIS": /*!***********************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/utils/Api.js ***! \***********************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var Ajax = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Ajax.js */ "EFhx"), App = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/App.js */ "9kOp"); var DeviceUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/utils/Device.js */ "nmKc"), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/Settings.js */ "a3w2"); module.exports = { saveDevice: function saveDevice(authToken, callback) { if (!Settings.AllowUsedDevices) { callback(); return; } var parameters = { DeviceId: App.getCurrentDeviceId(), DeviceName: DeviceUtils.getName() }; Ajax.send('TwoFactorAuth', 'SetDeviceName', parameters, callback, this, null, authToken); } }; /***/ }), /***/ "CasK": /*!***************************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/utils/Convert.js ***! \***************************************************/ /***/ ((module) => { "use strict"; var ConvertUtils = {}; ConvertUtils.base64ToArrayBuffer = function (sBase64) { var sBinary = window.atob(sBase64), iLen = sBinary.length, oBytes = new Uint8Array(iLen); for (var i = 0; i < iLen; i++) { oBytes[i] = sBinary.charCodeAt(i); } return oBytes.buffer; }; ConvertUtils.arrayBufferToBase64 = function (buffer) { var sBinary = '', oBytes = new Uint8Array(buffer), iLen = oBytes.byteLength; for (var i = 0; i < iLen; i++) { sBinary += String.fromCharCode(oBytes[i]); } return window.btoa(sBinary); }; module.exports = ConvertUtils; /***/ }), /***/ "nmKc": /*!**************************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/utils/Device.js ***! \**************************************************/ /***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => { "use strict"; var UAParser = __webpack_require__(/*! ua-parser-js */ "+147"); var TextUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Text.js */ "H20a"), Types = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Types.js */ "KC/L"); module.exports = { getName: function getName() { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent, uaData = UAParser(Types.pString(userAgent)); return TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/LABEL_DEVICE_NAME', { NAME: "".concat(uaData.browser.name, "/").concat(Types.pInt(uaData.browser.version)), PLATFORM: "".concat(uaData.os.name, " ").concat(uaData.os.version) }); } }; /***/ }), /***/ "spXC": /*!************************************************!*\ !*** ./modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/vendors/qr.js ***! \************************************************/ /***/ (function(module, exports) { var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;function _typeof(o) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; return _typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (o) { return typeof o; } : function (o) { return o && "function" == typeof Symbol && o.constructor === Symbol && o !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o; }, _typeof(o); } /* qr.js -- QR code generator in Javascript (revision 2011-01-19) * Written by Kang Seonghoon
. * * This source code is in the public domain; if your jurisdiction does not * recognize the public domain the terms of Creative Commons CC0 license * apply. In the other words, you can always do what you want. */ (function (root, name, definition) { if (true) { !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [], __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ = (definition), __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (typeof __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ === 'function' ? (__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__.apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__)) : __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__), __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__)); } else {} })(this, 'QRCode', function () { /* Quick overview: QR code composed of 2D array of modules (a rectangular * area that conveys one bit of information); some modules are fixed to help * the recognition of the code, and remaining data modules are further divided * into 8-bit code words which are augumented by Reed-Solomon error correcting * codes (ECC). There could be multiple ECCs, in the case the code is so large * that it is helpful to split the raw data into several chunks. * * The number of modules is determined by the code's "version", ranging from 1 * (21x21) to 40 (177x177). How many ECC bits are used is determined by the * ECC level (L/M/Q/H). The number and size (and thus the order of generator * polynomial) of ECCs depend to the version and ECC level. */ // per-version information (cf. JIS X 0510:2004 pp. 30--36, 71) // // [0]: the degree of generator polynomial by ECC levels // [1]: # of code blocks by ECC levels // [2]: left-top positions of alignment patterns // // the number in this table (in particular, [0]) does not exactly match with // the numbers in the specficiation. see augumenteccs below for the reason. var VERSIONS = [null, [[10, 7, 17, 13], [1, 1, 1, 1], []], [[16, 10, 28, 22], [1, 1, 1, 1], [4, 16]], [[26, 15, 22, 18], [1, 1, 2, 2], [4, 20]], [[18, 20, 16, 26], [2, 1, 4, 2], [4, 24]], [[24, 26, 22, 18], [2, 1, 4, 4], [4, 28]], [[16, 18, 28, 24], [4, 2, 4, 4], [4, 32]], [[18, 20, 26, 18], [4, 2, 5, 6], [4, 20, 36]], [[22, 24, 26, 22], [4, 2, 6, 6], [4, 22, 40]], [[22, 30, 24, 20], [5, 2, 8, 8], [4, 24, 44]], [[26, 18, 28, 24], [5, 4, 8, 8], [4, 26, 48]], [[30, 20, 24, 28], [5, 4, 11, 8], [4, 28, 52]], [[22, 24, 28, 26], [8, 4, 11, 10], [4, 30, 56]], [[22, 26, 22, 24], [9, 4, 16, 12], [4, 32, 60]], [[24, 30, 24, 20], [9, 4, 16, 16], [4, 24, 44, 64]], [[24, 22, 24, 30], [10, 6, 18, 12], [4, 24, 46, 68]], [[28, 24, 30, 24], [10, 6, 16, 17], [4, 24, 48, 72]], [[28, 28, 28, 28], [11, 6, 19, 16], [4, 28, 52, 76]], [[26, 30, 28, 28], [13, 6, 21, 18], [4, 28, 54, 80]], [[26, 28, 26, 26], [14, 7, 25, 21], [4, 28, 56, 84]], [[26, 28, 28, 30], [16, 8, 25, 20], [4, 32, 60, 88]], [[26, 28, 30, 28], [17, 8, 25, 23], [4, 26, 48, 70, 92]], [[28, 28, 24, 30], [17, 9, 34, 23], [4, 24, 48, 72, 96]], [[28, 30, 30, 30], [18, 9, 30, 25], [4, 28, 52, 76, 100]], [[28, 30, 30, 30], [20, 10, 32, 27], [4, 26, 52, 78, 104]], [[28, 26, 30, 30], [21, 12, 35, 29], [4, 30, 56, 82, 108]], [[28, 28, 30, 28], [23, 12, 37, 34], [4, 28, 56, 84, 112]], [[28, 30, 30, 30], [25, 12, 40, 34], [4, 32, 60, 88, 116]], [[28, 30, 30, 30], [26, 13, 42, 35], [4, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120]], [[28, 30, 30, 30], [28, 14, 45, 38], [4, 28, 52, 76, 100, 124]], [[28, 30, 30, 30], [29, 15, 48, 40], [4, 24, 50, 76, 102, 128]], [[28, 30, 30, 30], [31, 16, 51, 43], [4, 28, 54, 80, 106, 132]], [[28, 30, 30, 30], [33, 17, 54, 45], [4, 32, 58, 84, 110, 136]], [[28, 30, 30, 30], [35, 18, 57, 48], [4, 28, 56, 84, 112, 140]], [[28, 30, 30, 30], [37, 19, 60, 51], [4, 32, 60, 88, 116, 144]], [[28, 30, 30, 30], [38, 19, 63, 53], [4, 28, 52, 76, 100, 124, 148]], [[28, 30, 30, 30], [40, 20, 66, 56], [4, 22, 48, 74, 100, 126, 152]], [[28, 30, 30, 30], [43, 21, 70, 59], [4, 26, 52, 78, 104, 130, 156]], [[28, 30, 30, 30], [45, 22, 74, 62], [4, 30, 56, 82, 108, 134, 160]], [[28, 30, 30, 30], [47, 24, 77, 65], [4, 24, 52, 80, 108, 136, 164]], [[28, 30, 30, 30], [49, 25, 81, 68], [4, 28, 56, 84, 112, 140, 168]]]; // mode constants (cf. Table 2 in JIS X 0510:2004 p. 16) var MODE_TERMINATOR = 0; var MODE_NUMERIC = 1, MODE_ALPHANUMERIC = 2, MODE_OCTET = 4, MODE_KANJI = 8; // validation regexps var NUMERIC_REGEXP = /^\d*$/; var ALPHANUMERIC_REGEXP = /^[A-Za-z0-9 $%*+\-./:]*$/; var ALPHANUMERIC_OUT_REGEXP = /^[A-Z0-9 $%*+\-./:]*$/; // ECC levels (cf. Table 22 in JIS X 0510:2004 p. 45) var ECCLEVEL_L = 1, ECCLEVEL_M = 0, ECCLEVEL_Q = 3, ECCLEVEL_H = 2; // GF(2^8)-to-integer mapping with a reducing polynomial x^8+x^4+x^3+x^2+1 // invariant: GF256_MAP[GF256_INVMAP[i]] == i for all i in [1,256) var GF256_MAP = [], GF256_INVMAP = [-1]; for (var i = 0, v = 1; i < 255; ++i) { GF256_MAP.push(v); GF256_INVMAP[v] = i; v = v * 2 ^ (v >= 128 ? 0x11d : 0); } // generator polynomials up to degree 30 // (should match with polynomials in JIS X 0510:2004 Appendix A) // // generator polynomial of degree K is product of (x-\alpha^0), (x-\alpha^1), // ..., (x-\alpha^(K-1)). by convention, we omit the K-th coefficient (always 1) // from the result; also other coefficients are written in terms of the exponent // to \alpha to avoid the redundant calculation. (see also calculateecc below.) var GF256_GENPOLY = [[]]; for (var i = 0; i < 30; ++i) { var prevpoly = GF256_GENPOLY[i], poly = []; for (var j = 0; j <= i; ++j) { var a = j < i ? GF256_MAP[prevpoly[j]] : 0; var b = GF256_MAP[(i + (prevpoly[j - 1] || 0)) % 255]; poly.push(GF256_INVMAP[a ^ b]); } GF256_GENPOLY.push(poly); } // alphanumeric character mapping (cf. Table 5 in JIS X 0510:2004 p. 19) var ALPHANUMERIC_MAP = {}; for (var i = 0; i < 45; ++i) { ALPHANUMERIC_MAP['0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ $%*+-./:'.charAt(i)] = i; } // mask functions in terms of row # and column # // (cf. Table 20 in JIS X 0510:2004 p. 42) var MASKFUNCS = [function (i, j) { return (i + j) % 2 == 0; }, function (i, j) { return i % 2 == 0; }, function (i, j) { return j % 3 == 0; }, function (i, j) { return (i + j) % 3 == 0; }, function (i, j) { return ((i / 2 | 0) + (j / 3 | 0)) % 2 == 0; }, function (i, j) { return i * j % 2 + i * j % 3 == 0; }, function (i, j) { return (i * j % 2 + i * j % 3) % 2 == 0; }, function (i, j) { return ((i + j) % 2 + i * j % 3) % 2 == 0; }]; // returns true when the version information has to be embeded. var needsverinfo = function needsverinfo(ver) { return ver > 6; }; // returns the size of entire QR code for given version. var getsizebyver = function getsizebyver(ver) { return 4 * ver + 17; }; // returns the number of bits available for code words in this version. var nfullbits = function nfullbits(ver) { /* * |<--------------- n --------------->| * | |<----- n-17 ---->| | * +-------+ ///+-------+ ---- * | | ///| | ^ * | 9x9 | @@@@@ ///| 9x8 | | * | | # # # @5x5@ # # # | | | * +-------+ @@@@@ +-------+ | * # ---| * ^ | * # | * @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ | n * @5x5@ @5x5@ @5x5@ n-17 * @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ | | * # | | * ////// v | * //////# ---| * +-------+ @@@@@ @@@@@ | * | | @5x5@ @5x5@ | * | 8x9 | @@@@@ @@@@@ | * | | v * +-------+ ---- * * when the entire code has n^2 modules and there are m^2-3 alignment * patterns, we have: * - 225 (= 9x9 + 9x8 + 8x9) modules for finder patterns and * format information; * - 2n-34 (= 2(n-17)) modules for timing patterns; * - 36 (= 3x6 + 6x3) modules for version information, if any; * - 25m^2-75 (= (m^2-3)(5x5)) modules for alignment patterns * if any, but 10m-20 (= 2(m-2)x5) of them overlaps with * timing patterns. */ var v = VERSIONS[ver]; var nbits = 16 * ver * ver + 128 * ver + 64; // finder, timing and format info. if (needsverinfo(ver)) nbits -= 36; // version information if (v[2].length) { // alignment patterns nbits -= 25 * v[2].length * v[2].length - 10 * v[2].length - 55; } return nbits; }; // returns the number of bits available for data portions (i.e. excludes ECC // bits but includes mode and length bits) in this version and ECC level. var ndatabits = function ndatabits(ver, ecclevel) { var nbits = nfullbits(ver) & ~7; // no sub-octet code words var v = VERSIONS[ver]; nbits -= 8 * v[0][ecclevel] * v[1][ecclevel]; // ecc bits return nbits; }; // returns the number of bits required for the length of data. // (cf. Table 3 in JIS X 0510:2004 p. 16) var ndatalenbits = function ndatalenbits(ver, mode) { switch (mode) { case MODE_NUMERIC: return ver < 10 ? 10 : ver < 27 ? 12 : 14; case MODE_ALPHANUMERIC: return ver < 10 ? 9 : ver < 27 ? 11 : 13; case MODE_OCTET: return ver < 10 ? 8 : 16; case MODE_KANJI: return ver < 10 ? 8 : ver < 27 ? 10 : 12; } }; // returns the maximum length of data possible in given configuration. var getmaxdatalen = function getmaxdatalen(ver, mode, ecclevel) { var nbits = ndatabits(ver, ecclevel) - 4 - ndatalenbits(ver, mode); // 4 for mode bits switch (mode) { case MODE_NUMERIC: return (nbits / 10 | 0) * 3 + (nbits % 10 < 4 ? 0 : nbits % 10 < 7 ? 1 : 2); case MODE_ALPHANUMERIC: return (nbits / 11 | 0) * 2 + (nbits % 11 < 6 ? 0 : 1); case MODE_OCTET: return nbits / 8 | 0; case MODE_KANJI: return nbits / 13 | 0; } }; // checks if the given data can be encoded in given mode, and returns // the converted data for the further processing if possible. otherwise // returns null. // // this function does not check the length of data; it is a duty of // encode function below (as it depends on the version and ECC level too). var validatedata = function validatedata(mode, data) { switch (mode) { case MODE_NUMERIC: if (!data.match(NUMERIC_REGEXP)) return null; return data; case MODE_ALPHANUMERIC: if (!data.match(ALPHANUMERIC_REGEXP)) return null; return data.toUpperCase(); case MODE_OCTET: if (typeof data === 'string') { // encode as utf-8 string var newdata = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { var ch = data.charCodeAt(i); if (ch < 0x80) { newdata.push(ch); } else if (ch < 0x800) { newdata.push(0xc0 | ch >> 6, 0x80 | ch & 0x3f); } else if (ch < 0x10000) { newdata.push(0xe0 | ch >> 12, 0x80 | ch >> 6 & 0x3f, 0x80 | ch & 0x3f); } else { newdata.push(0xf0 | ch >> 18, 0x80 | ch >> 12 & 0x3f, 0x80 | ch >> 6 & 0x3f, 0x80 | ch & 0x3f); } } return newdata; } else { return data; } } }; // returns the code words (sans ECC bits) for given data and configurations. // requires data to be preprocessed by validatedata. no length check is // performed, and everything has to be checked before calling this function. var encode = function encode(ver, mode, data, maxbuflen) { var buf = []; var bits = 0, remaining = 8; var datalen = data.length; // this function is intentionally no-op when n=0. var pack = function pack(x, n) { if (n >= remaining) { buf.push(bits | x >> (n -= remaining)); while (n >= 8) buf.push(x >> (n -= 8) & 255); bits = 0; remaining = 8; } if (n > 0) bits |= (x & (1 << n) - 1) << (remaining -= n); }; var nlenbits = ndatalenbits(ver, mode); pack(mode, 4); pack(datalen, nlenbits); switch (mode) { case MODE_NUMERIC: for (var i = 2; i < datalen; i += 3) { pack(parseInt(data.substring(i - 2, i + 1), 10), 10); } pack(parseInt(data.substring(i - 2), 10), [0, 4, 7][datalen % 3]); break; case MODE_ALPHANUMERIC: for (var i = 1; i < datalen; i += 2) { pack(ALPHANUMERIC_MAP[data.charAt(i - 1)] * 45 + ALPHANUMERIC_MAP[data.charAt(i)], 11); } if (datalen % 2 == 1) { pack(ALPHANUMERIC_MAP[data.charAt(i - 1)], 6); } break; case MODE_OCTET: for (var i = 0; i < datalen; ++i) { pack(data[i], 8); } break; } ; // final bits. it is possible that adding terminator causes the buffer // to overflow, but then the buffer truncated to the maximum size will // be valid as the truncated terminator mode bits and padding is // identical in appearance (cf. JIS X 0510:2004 sec 8.4.8). pack(MODE_TERMINATOR, 4); if (remaining < 8) buf.push(bits); // the padding to fill up the remaining space. we should not add any // words when the overflow already occurred. while (buf.length + 1 < maxbuflen) buf.push(0xec, 0x11); if (buf.length < maxbuflen) buf.push(0xec); return buf; }; // calculates ECC code words for given code words and generator polynomial. // // this is quite similar to CRC calculation as both Reed-Solomon and CRC use // the certain kind of cyclic codes, which is effectively the division of // zero-augumented polynomial by the generator polynomial. the only difference // is that Reed-Solomon uses GF(2^8), instead of CRC's GF(2), and Reed-Solomon // uses the different generator polynomial than CRC's. var calculateecc = function calculateecc(poly, genpoly) { var modulus = poly.slice(0); var polylen = poly.length, genpolylen = genpoly.length; for (var i = 0; i < genpolylen; ++i) modulus.push(0); for (var i = 0; i < polylen;) { var quotient = GF256_INVMAP[modulus[i++]]; if (quotient >= 0) { for (var j = 0; j < genpolylen; ++j) { modulus[i + j] ^= GF256_MAP[(quotient + genpoly[j]) % 255]; } } } return modulus.slice(polylen); }; // auguments ECC code words to given code words. the resulting words are // ready to be encoded in the matrix. // // the much of actual augumenting procedure follows JIS X 0510:2004 sec 8.7. // the code is simplified using the fact that the size of each code & ECC // blocks is almost same; for example, when we have 4 blocks and 46 data words // the number of code words in those blocks are 11, 11, 12, 12 respectively. var augumenteccs = function augumenteccs(poly, nblocks, genpoly) { var subsizes = []; var subsize = poly.length / nblocks | 0, subsize0 = 0; var pivot = nblocks - poly.length % nblocks; for (var i = 0; i < pivot; ++i) { subsizes.push(subsize0); subsize0 += subsize; } for (var i = pivot; i < nblocks; ++i) { subsizes.push(subsize0); subsize0 += subsize + 1; } subsizes.push(subsize0); var eccs = []; for (var i = 0; i < nblocks; ++i) { eccs.push(calculateecc(poly.slice(subsizes[i], subsizes[i + 1]), genpoly)); } var result = []; var nitemsperblock = poly.length / nblocks | 0; for (var i = 0; i < nitemsperblock; ++i) { for (var j = 0; j < nblocks; ++j) { result.push(poly[subsizes[j] + i]); } } for (var j = pivot; j < nblocks; ++j) { result.push(poly[subsizes[j + 1] - 1]); } for (var i = 0; i < genpoly.length; ++i) { for (var j = 0; j < nblocks; ++j) { result.push(eccs[j][i]); } } return result; }; // auguments BCH(p+q,q) code to the polynomial over GF(2), given the proper // genpoly. the both input and output are in binary numbers, and unlike // calculateecc genpoly should include the 1 bit for the highest degree. // // actual polynomials used for this procedure are as follows: // - p=10, q=5, genpoly=x^10+x^8+x^5+x^4+x^2+x+1 (JIS X 0510:2004 Appendix C) // - p=18, q=6, genpoly=x^12+x^11+x^10+x^9+x^8+x^5+x^2+1 (ibid. Appendix D) var augumentbch = function augumentbch(poly, p, genpoly, q) { var modulus = poly << q; for (var i = p - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (modulus >> q + i & 1) modulus ^= genpoly << i; } return poly << q | modulus; }; // creates the base matrix for given version. it returns two matrices, one of // them is the actual one and the another represents the "reserved" portion // (e.g. finder and timing patterns) of the matrix. // // some entries in the matrix may be undefined, rather than 0 or 1. this is // intentional (no initialization needed!), and putdata below will fill // the remaining ones. var makebasematrix = function makebasematrix(ver) { var v = VERSIONS[ver], n = getsizebyver(ver); var matrix = [], reserved = []; for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) { matrix.push([]); reserved.push([]); } var blit = function blit(y, x, h, w, bits) { for (var i = 0; i < h; ++i) { for (var j = 0; j < w; ++j) { matrix[y + i][x + j] = bits[i] >> j & 1; reserved[y + i][x + j] = 1; } } }; // finder patterns and a part of timing patterns // will also mark the format information area (not yet written) as reserved. blit(0, 0, 9, 9, [0x7f, 0x41, 0x5d, 0x5d, 0x5d, 0x41, 0x17f, 0x00, 0x40]); blit(n - 8, 0, 8, 9, [0x100, 0x7f, 0x41, 0x5d, 0x5d, 0x5d, 0x41, 0x7f]); blit(0, n - 8, 9, 8, [0xfe, 0x82, 0xba, 0xba, 0xba, 0x82, 0xfe, 0x00, 0x00]); // the rest of timing patterns for (var i = 9; i < n - 8; ++i) { matrix[6][i] = matrix[i][6] = ~i & 1; reserved[6][i] = reserved[i][6] = 1; } // alignment patterns var aligns = v[2], m = aligns.length; for (var i = 0; i < m; ++i) { var minj = i == 0 || i == m - 1 ? 1 : 0, maxj = i == 0 ? m - 1 : m; for (var j = minj; j < maxj; ++j) { blit(aligns[i], aligns[j], 5, 5, [0x1f, 0x11, 0x15, 0x11, 0x1f]); } } // version information if (needsverinfo(ver)) { var code = augumentbch(ver, 6, 0x1f25, 12); var k = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { for (var j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { matrix[i][n - 11 + j] = matrix[n - 11 + j][i] = code >> k++ & 1; reserved[i][n - 11 + j] = reserved[n - 11 + j][i] = 1; } } } return { matrix: matrix, reserved: reserved }; }; // fills the data portion (i.e. unmarked in reserved) of the matrix with given // code words. the size of code words should be no more than available bits, // and remaining bits are padded to 0 (cf. JIS X 0510:2004 sec 8.7.3). var putdata = function putdata(matrix, reserved, buf) { var n = matrix.length; var k = 0, dir = -1; for (var i = n - 1; i >= 0; i -= 2) { if (i == 6) --i; // skip the entire timing pattern column var jj = dir < 0 ? n - 1 : 0; for (var j = 0; j < n; ++j) { for (var ii = i; ii > i - 2; --ii) { if (!reserved[jj][ii]) { // may overflow, but (undefined >> x) // is 0 so it will auto-pad to zero. matrix[jj][ii] = buf[k >> 3] >> (~k & 7) & 1; ++k; } } jj += dir; } dir = -dir; } return matrix; }; // XOR-masks the data portion of the matrix. repeating the call with the same // arguments will revert the prior call (convenient in the matrix evaluation). var maskdata = function maskdata(matrix, reserved, mask) { var maskf = MASKFUNCS[mask]; var n = matrix.length; for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) { for (var j = 0; j < n; ++j) { if (!reserved[i][j]) matrix[i][j] ^= maskf(i, j); } } return matrix; }; // puts the format information. var putformatinfo = function putformatinfo(matrix, reserved, ecclevel, mask) { var n = matrix.length; var code = augumentbch(ecclevel << 3 | mask, 5, 0x537, 10) ^ 0x5412; for (var i = 0; i < 15; ++i) { var r = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, n - 7, n - 6, n - 5, n - 4, n - 3, n - 2, n - 1][i]; var c = [n - 1, n - 2, n - 3, n - 4, n - 5, n - 6, n - 7, n - 8, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0][i]; matrix[r][8] = matrix[8][c] = code >> i & 1; // we don't have to mark those bits reserved; always done // in makebasematrix above. } return matrix; }; // evaluates the resulting matrix and returns the score (lower is better). // (cf. JIS X 0510:2004 sec 8.8.2) // // the evaluation procedure tries to avoid the problematic patterns naturally // occuring from the original matrix. for example, it penaltizes the patterns // which just look like the finder pattern which will confuse the decoder. // we choose the mask which results in the lowest score among 8 possible ones. // // note: zxing seems to use the same procedure and in many cases its choice // agrees to ours, but sometimes it does not. practically it doesn't matter. var evaluatematrix = function evaluatematrix(matrix) { // N1+(k-5) points for each consecutive row of k same-colored modules, // where k >= 5. no overlapping row counts. var PENALTY_CONSECUTIVE = 3; // N2 points for each 2x2 block of same-colored modules. // overlapping block does count. var PENALTY_TWOBYTWO = 3; // N3 points for each pattern with >4W:1B:1W:3B:1W:1B or // 1B:1W:3B:1W:1B:>4W, or their multiples (e.g. highly unlikely, // but 13W:3B:3W:9B:3W:3B counts). var PENALTY_FINDERLIKE = 40; // N4*k points for every (5*k)% deviation from 50% black density. // i.e. k=1 for 55~60% and 40~45%, k=2 for 60~65% and 35~40%, etc. var PENALTY_DENSITY = 10; var evaluategroup = function evaluategroup(groups) { // assumes [W,B,W,B,W,...,B,W] var score = 0; for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; ++i) { if (groups[i] >= 5) score += PENALTY_CONSECUTIVE + (groups[i] - 5); } for (var i = 5; i < groups.length; i += 2) { var p = groups[i]; if (groups[i - 1] == p && groups[i - 2] == 3 * p && groups[i - 3] == p && groups[i - 4] == p && (groups[i - 5] >= 4 * p || groups[i + 1] >= 4 * p)) { // this part differs from zxing... score += PENALTY_FINDERLIKE; } } return score; }; var n = matrix.length; var score = 0, nblacks = 0; for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) { var row = matrix[i]; var groups; // evaluate the current row groups = [0]; // the first empty group of white for (var j = 0; j < n;) { var k; for (k = 0; j < n && row[j]; ++k) ++j; groups.push(k); for (k = 0; j < n && !row[j]; ++k) ++j; groups.push(k); } score += evaluategroup(groups); // evaluate the current column groups = [0]; for (var j = 0; j < n;) { var k; for (k = 0; j < n && matrix[j][i]; ++k) ++j; groups.push(k); for (k = 0; j < n && !matrix[j][i]; ++k) ++j; groups.push(k); } score += evaluategroup(groups); // check the 2x2 box and calculate the density var nextrow = matrix[i + 1] || []; nblacks += row[0]; for (var j = 1; j < n; ++j) { var p = row[j]; nblacks += p; // at least comparison with next row should be strict... if (row[j - 1] == p && nextrow[j] === p && nextrow[j - 1] === p) { score += PENALTY_TWOBYTWO; } } } score += PENALTY_DENSITY * (Math.abs(nblacks / n / n - 0.5) / 0.05 | 0); return score; }; // returns the fully encoded QR code matrix which contains given data. // it also chooses the best mask automatically when mask is -1. var _generate = function generate(data, ver, mode, ecclevel, mask) { var v = VERSIONS[ver]; var buf = encode(ver, mode, data, ndatabits(ver, ecclevel) >> 3); buf = augumenteccs(buf, v[1][ecclevel], GF256_GENPOLY[v[0][ecclevel]]); var result = makebasematrix(ver); var matrix = result.matrix, reserved = result.reserved; putdata(matrix, reserved, buf); if (mask < 0) { // find the best mask maskdata(matrix, reserved, 0); putformatinfo(matrix, reserved, ecclevel, 0); var bestmask = 0, bestscore = evaluatematrix(matrix); maskdata(matrix, reserved, 0); for (mask = 1; mask < 8; ++mask) { maskdata(matrix, reserved, mask); putformatinfo(matrix, reserved, ecclevel, mask); var score = evaluatematrix(matrix); if (bestscore > score) { bestscore = score; bestmask = mask; } maskdata(matrix, reserved, mask); } mask = bestmask; } maskdata(matrix, reserved, mask); putformatinfo(matrix, reserved, ecclevel, mask); return matrix; }; // the public interface is trivial; the options available are as follows: // // - version: an integer in [1,40]. when omitted (or -1) the smallest possible // version is chosen. // - mode: one of 'numeric', 'alphanumeric', 'octet'. when omitted the smallest // possible mode is chosen. // - ecclevel: one of 'L', 'M', 'Q', 'H'. defaults to 'L'. // - mask: an integer in [0,7]. when omitted (or -1) the best mask is chosen. // // for generate{HTML,PNG}: // // - modulesize: a number. this is a size of each modules in pixels, and // defaults to 5px. // - margin: a number. this is a size of margin in *modules*, and defaults to // 4 (white modules). the specficiation mandates the margin no less than 4 // modules, so it is better not to alter this value unless you know what // you're doing. var QRCode = { 'generate': function generate(data, options) { var MODES = { 'numeric': MODE_NUMERIC, 'alphanumeric': MODE_ALPHANUMERIC, 'octet': MODE_OCTET }; var ECCLEVELS = { 'L': ECCLEVEL_L, 'M': ECCLEVEL_M, 'Q': ECCLEVEL_Q, 'H': ECCLEVEL_H }; options = options || {}; var ver = options.version || -1; var ecclevel = ECCLEVELS[(options.ecclevel || 'L').toUpperCase()]; var mode = options.mode ? MODES[options.mode.toLowerCase()] : -1; var mask = 'mask' in options ? options.mask : -1; if (mode < 0) { if (typeof data === 'string') { if (data.match(NUMERIC_REGEXP)) { mode = MODE_NUMERIC; } else if (data.match(ALPHANUMERIC_OUT_REGEXP)) { // while encode supports case-insensitive // encoding, we restrict the data to be // uppercased when auto-selecting the mode. mode = MODE_ALPHANUMERIC; } else { mode = MODE_OCTET; } } else { mode = MODE_OCTET; } } else if (!(mode == MODE_NUMERIC || mode == MODE_ALPHANUMERIC || mode == MODE_OCTET)) { throw 'invalid or unsupported mode'; } data = validatedata(mode, data); if (data === null) throw 'invalid data format'; if (ecclevel < 0 || ecclevel > 3) throw 'invalid ECC level'; if (ver < 0) { for (ver = 1; ver <= 40; ++ver) { if (data.length <= getmaxdatalen(ver, mode, ecclevel)) break; } if (ver > 40) throw 'too large data'; } else if (ver < 1 || ver > 40) { throw 'invalid version'; } if (mask != -1 && (mask < 0 || mask > 8)) throw 'invalid mask'; return _generate(data, ver, mode, ecclevel, mask); }, 'generateHTML': function generateHTML(data, options) { options = options || {}; var matrix = QRCode['generate'](data, options); var modsize = Math.max(options.modulesize || 5, 0.5); var margin = Math.max(options.margin !== null ? options.margin : 4, 0.0); var e = document.createElement('div'); var n = matrix.length; var html = ['
']; for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) { html.push('
'); for (var j = 0; j < n; ++j) { html.push('
'); } html.push('
'); } e.className = 'qrcode'; e.innerHTML = html.join('') + '
'; return e; }, 'generateSVG': function generateSVG(data, options) { options = options || {}; var matrix = QRCode['generate'](data, options); var n = matrix.length; var modsize = Math.max(options.modulesize || 5, 0.5); var margin = Math.max(options.margin ? options.margin : 4, 0.0); var size = modsize * (n + 2 * margin); var common = ' class= "fg"' + ' width="' + modsize + '" height="' + modsize + '"/>'; var e = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg'); e.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 ' + size + ' ' + size); e.setAttribute('style', 'shape-rendering:crispEdges'); var svg = ['', '
']; var yo = margin * modsize; for (var y = 0; y < n; ++y) { var xo = margin * modsize; for (var x = 0; x < n; ++x) { if (matrix[y][x]) svg.push('
{ "use strict"; var _ = __webpack_require__(/*! underscore */ "C3HO"), ko = __webpack_require__(/*! knockout */ "p09A"); var TextUtils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Text.js */ "H20a"), Types = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Types.js */ "KC/L"), Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/utils/Common.js */ "REt5"), Ajax = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Ajax.js */ "EFhx"), Api = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Api.js */ "/QeJ"), ConfirmPopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/popups/ConfirmPopup.js */ "XeMN"), ModulesManager = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/ModulesManager.js */ "TdEd"), Popups = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Popups.js */ "oUN1"), Screens = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/CoreWebclient/js/Screens.js */ "skxT"); var CAbstractSettingsFormView = ModulesManager.run('SettingsWebclient', 'getAbstractSettingsFormViewClass'); var CDeviceModel = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/models/CDeviceModel.js */ "a48m"), ConfigureAuthenticatorAppPopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/popups/ConfigureAuthenticatorAppPopup.js */ "uOT5"), ConfirmPasswordPopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/popups/ConfirmPasswordPopup.js */ "ED4b"), CreateSecurityKeyPopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/popups/CreateSecurityKeyPopup.js */ "8tFG"), EditDevicePopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/popups/EditDevicePopup.js */ "1hAi"), Settings = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/Settings.js */ "a3w2"), EditSecurityKeyPopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/popups/EditSecurityKeyPopup.js */ "OcLG"), ShowBackupCodesPopup = __webpack_require__(/*! modules/TwoFactorAuth/js/popups/ShowBackupCodesPopup.js */ "Um7v"); /** * @constructor */ function CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView() { CAbstractSettingsFormView.call(this, Settings.ServerModuleName); this.subPage = ko.observable(false); this.visibleHeading = ko.observable(true); // Can be changed by SecuritySettingsWebclient module this.showRecommendationToConfigure = ko.observable(Settings.ShowRecommendationToConfigure); this.bAllowSecurityKeys = Settings.AllowSecurityKeys; this.bAllowAuthenticatorApp = Settings.AllowAuthenticatorApp; this.securityKeys = ko.observableArray(Settings.SecurityKeys); this.hasBackupCodes = ko.observable(false); this.infoShowBackupCodes = ko.observable(''); this.hasAuthenticatorApp = ko.observable(Settings.AuthenticatorAppEnabled); this.isEnabledTwoFactorAuth = ko.computed(function () { return this.hasAuthenticatorApp() || this.securityKeys().length > 0; }, this); this.isEnabledTwoFactorAuth.subscribe(function () { if (!this.isEnabledTwoFactorAuth()) { Settings.updateBackupCodesCount(0); this.populateSettings(); } }, this); this.sEditVerificator = ''; this.passwordVerified = ko.observable(false); this.passwordVerified.subscribe(function (v) { this.subPage(!!v); }, this); this.allowBackupCodes = ko.computed(function () { return Settings.AllowBackupCodes && (this.hasAuthenticatorApp() || this.securityKeys().length > 0) && this.passwordVerified(); }, this); this.devices = ko.observableArray([]); this.allowUsedDevices = ko.computed(function () { return Settings.AllowUsedDevices && this.devices().length > 0; }, this); this.allowRevokeAll = ko.computed(function () { return Settings.AllowTrustedDevices && !!_.find(this.devices(), function (oDevice) { return Types.isNonEmptyString(oDevice.sDeviceExpiresDate); }); }, this); this.populateSettings(); this.revokeAllCommand = Utils.createCommand(this, this.askRevokeTrustFromAllDevices, function () { return this.allowRevokeAll(); }); } _.extendOwn(CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.prototype, CAbstractSettingsFormView.prototype); CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.prototype.ViewTemplate = 'TwoFactorAuth_TwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView'; CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.prototype.onShow = function () { this.clearAll(); }; CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.prototype.clearAll = function () { this.sEditVerificator = ''; this.passwordVerified(false); this.populateSettings(); if (Settings.AllowUsedDevices) { this.getUsedDevices(); } }; CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.prototype.populateSettings = function () { this.showRecommendationToConfigure(Settings.ShowRecommendationToConfigure); this.hasAuthenticatorApp(Settings.AuthenticatorAppEnabled); this.hasBackupCodes(Settings.BackupCodesCount > 0); this.infoShowBackupCodes(this.hasBackupCodes() ? TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/INFO_SHOW_BACKUP_CODES', { COUNT: Settings.BackupCodesCount }) : ''); }; CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.prototype.confirmPassword = function () { Popups.showPopup(ConfirmPasswordPopup, [function (sEditVerificator) { this.sEditVerificator = sEditVerificator; this.passwordVerified(true); }.bind(this)]); }; CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.prototype.setupAuthenticatorApp = function () { Popups.showPopup(ConfigureAuthenticatorAppPopup, [this.sEditVerificator, function () { Settings.updateAuthenticatorApp(true); this.populateSettings(); this.disableShowRecommendation(); }.bind(this)]); }; CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.prototype.disableShowRecommendation = function () { if (this.showRecommendationToConfigure()) { this.showRecommendationToConfigure(false); Ajax.send('TwoFactorAuth', 'UpdateSettings', { ShowRecommendationToConfigure: false }, function () { Settings.updateShowRecommendation(false); this.populateSettings(); }.bind(this)); } }; CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.prototype.askDisableAuthenticatorApp = function () { var sConfirm = TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/CONFIRM_DISABLE_AUTHENTICATOR_APP'); Popups.showPopup(ConfirmPopup, [sConfirm, _.bind(function (bDisableAuthenticatorApp) { if (bDisableAuthenticatorApp) { this.disableAuthenticatorApp(); } }, this)]); }; CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.prototype.disableAuthenticatorApp = function () { var oParameters = { Password: this.sEditVerificator }; Ajax.send('TwoFactorAuth', 'DisableAuthenticatorApp', oParameters); Settings.updateAuthenticatorApp(false); this.populateSettings(); }; CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.prototype.showBackupCodes = function () { if (this.allowBackupCodes()) { Popups.showPopup(ShowBackupCodesPopup, [this.sEditVerificator, function (iBackupCodesCount) { Settings.updateBackupCodesCount(iBackupCodesCount); this.populateSettings(); }.bind(this)]); } }; CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.prototype.addSecurityKey = function () { Popups.showPopup(CreateSecurityKeyPopup, [this.sEditVerificator, this.addCreatedSecurityKey.bind(this)]); }; CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.prototype.addCreatedSecurityKey = function (iId, sName) { this.securityKeys.push({ Id: iId, keyName: ko.observable(sName) }); this.disableShowRecommendation(); }; CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.prototype.askNewSecurityKeyName = function (iId, sName) { Popups.showPopup(EditSecurityKeyPopup, [this.sEditVerificator, iId, sName, this.updateSecurityKeyName.bind(this)]); }; CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.prototype.updateSecurityKeyName = function (iId, sName) { _.each(this.securityKeys(), function (oSecurityKey) { if (oSecurityKey.Id === iId) { oSecurityKey.keyName(sName); } }); this.securityKeys.valueHasMutated(); }; CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.prototype.askRemoveSecurityKey = function (iId, sName) { var sConfirm = TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/CONFIRM_REMOVE_SECURITY_KEY', { KEYNAME: sName }); Popups.showPopup(ConfirmPopup, [sConfirm, _.bind(function (bRemoveKey) { if (bRemoveKey) { this.removeSecurityKey(iId); } }, this)]); }; CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.prototype.removeSecurityKey = function (iId) { Ajax.send('TwoFactorAuth', 'DeleteSecurityKey', { Password: this.sEditVerificator, KeyId: iId }, function (oResponse) { if (oResponse && oResponse.Result) { this.securityKeys(_.filter(this.securityKeys(), function (oSecurityKey) { return oSecurityKey.Id !== iId; })); Screens.showReport(TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/REPORT_DELETE_SECURITY_KEY')); } else { Api.showErrorByCode(oResponse, TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/ERROR_DELETE_SECURITY_KEY')); } }, this); }; CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.prototype.getUsedDevices = function () { Ajax.send('TwoFactorAuth', 'GetUsedDevices', {}, function (oResponse) { var aDevicesData = oResponse && oResponse.Result, aDevices = []; if (Types.isNonEmptyArray(aDevicesData)) { _.each(aDevicesData, function (oDeviceData) { var oDevice = new CDeviceModel(oDeviceData); aDevices.push(oDevice); }); } this.devices(aDevices); }, this); }; CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.prototype.askRevokeTrustFromAllDevices = function () { var sConfirm = TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/CONFIRM_REVOKE_ALL'), sHeading = TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/CONFIRM_HEADING_REVOKE_ALL'); Popups.showPopup(ConfirmPopup, [sConfirm, _.bind(function (bRevokeAll) { if (bRevokeAll) { this.revokeTrustFromAllDevices(); } }, this), sHeading]); }; CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.prototype.revokeTrustFromAllDevices = function () { Ajax.send('TwoFactorAuth', 'RevokeTrustFromAllDevices', {}, function (oResponse) { this.getUsedDevices(); if (!(oResponse && oResponse.Result)) { Api.showErrorByCode(oResponse, TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/ERROR_REVOKE_TRUST')); } }, this); }; CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.prototype.askLogoutFromDevice = function (sDeviceId, sDeviceName) { var sConfirm = TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/CONFIRM_LOGOUT_DEVICE'), sHeading = TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/CONFIRM_HEADING_LOGOUT_DEVICE', { NAME: sDeviceName }); Popups.showPopup(ConfirmPopup, [sConfirm, _.bind(function (bLogout) { if (bLogout) { this.logoutFromDevice(sDeviceId); } }, this), sHeading]); }; CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.prototype.logoutFromDevice = function (sDeviceId) { var oParameters = { DeviceId: sDeviceId }; Ajax.send('TwoFactorAuth', 'LogoutFromDevice', oParameters, function (oResponse) { this.getUsedDevices(); if (!oResponse || !oResponse.Result) { Api.showErrorByCode(oResponse, TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/ERROR_LOGOUT_DEVICE')); } }, this); }; CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.prototype.askRemoveDevice = function (sDeviceId, sDeviceName) { var sConfirm = TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/CONFIRM_LOGOUT_DEVICE'), sHeading = TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/CONFIRM_HEADING_REMOVE_DEVICE', { NAME: sDeviceName }); Popups.showPopup(ConfirmPopup, [sConfirm, _.bind(function (bLogout) { if (bLogout) { this.removeDevice(sDeviceId); } }, this), sHeading]); }; CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.prototype.removeDevice = function (sDeviceId) { var oParameters = { DeviceId: sDeviceId }; Ajax.send('TwoFactorAuth', 'RemoveDevice', oParameters, function (oResponse) { this.getUsedDevices(); if (!oResponse || !oResponse.Result) { Api.showErrorByCode(oResponse, TextUtils.i18n('TWOFACTORAUTH/ERROR_LOGOUT_DEVICE')); } }, this); }; CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView.prototype.editDevice = function (deviceId, deviceName, deviceCustomName) { var _this = this; Popups.showPopup(EditDevicePopup, [deviceId, deviceName, deviceCustomName, function () { _this.getUsedDevices(); }]); }; module.exports = new CTwoFactorAuthSettingsFormView(); /***/ }) }]);