aContainer = []; $this->sPath = $sSettingsPath; $this->bIsLoaded = false; } /** * * @param string $sName * * @return bool */ public function __isset($sName) { if (!$this->bIsLoaded) { $this->Load(); } return isset($this->aContainer[$sName]); } /** * * @param string $sName * @param mixed $mValue */ public function __set($sName, $mValue) { $this->SetValue($sName, $mValue); } /** * * @param string $sName * * @return mixed */ public function __get($sName) { return $this->GetValue($sName); } /** * @return array */ public function GetValues() { return $this->aContainer; } /** * * @return string */ public function GetPath() { return $this->sPath; } /** * @param array $aValues */ public function SetValues($aValues) { $this->aContainer = $aValues; } /** * @param string $sKey * * @return mixed */ public function GetValue($sKey, $mDefault = null) { if (!$this->bIsLoaded) { $this->Load(); } return (isset($this->aContainer[$sKey])) ? $this->aContainer[$sKey]->Value : $mDefault; } /** * @param string $sKey * * @return SettingsProperty */ public function GetSettingsProperty($sKey) { if (!$this->bIsLoaded) { $this->Load(); } return (isset($this->aContainer[$sKey])) ? $this->aContainer[$sKey] : null; } /** * @deprecated * * @param string $sKey * * @return mixed */ public function GetConf($sKey, $mDefault = null) { return $this->GetValue($sKey, $mDefault); } /** * @param string $sKey * @param mixed $mValue = null * * @return bool */ public function SetValue($sKey, $mValue) { $bResult = false; $sType = (isset($this->aContainer[$sKey])) ? $this->aContainer[$sKey]->Type : \gettype($mValue); if (!isset($this->aContainer[$sKey])) { $this->aContainer[$sKey] = new SettingsProperty($mValue, $sType); } switch ($sType) { case 'string': $mValue = (string) $mValue; break; case 'int': case 'integer': $mValue = (int) $mValue; break; case 'bool': case 'boolean': $mValue = (bool) $mValue; break; case 'spec': $mValue = $this->specValidate($mValue, $this->aContainer[$sKey]->SpecType); break; case 'array': if (!Utils::IsAssocArray($mValue)) { // rebuild array indexes $mValue = array_values($mValue); } break; default: $mValue = null; break; } $this->aContainer[$sKey]->Value = $mValue; $this->aContainer[$sKey]->Changed = true; return $bResult; } /** * @deprecated * * @param string $sKey * @param mixed $mValue = null * * @return bool */ public function SetConf($sKey, $mValue) { return $this->SetValue($sKey, $mValue); } public function IsExists() { return \file_exists($this->sPath); } public function BackupConfigFile() { $sJsonFile = $this->sPath; if (\file_exists($sJsonFile)) { \copy($sJsonFile, $sJsonFile . '.bak'); } } public function LoadDataFromBackup() { return $this->LoadDataFromFile($this->sPath . '.bak'); } public function CheckConfigFile() { $bResult = true; // backup previous configuration $sJsonFile = $this->sPath; if (!\file_exists(\dirname($sJsonFile))) { \set_error_handler(function () {}); \mkdir(\dirname($sJsonFile), 0777); \restore_error_handler(); $bResult = \file_exists(\dirname($sJsonFile)); } return $bResult; } public function SaveDataToConfigFile($aData) { $sJsonFile = $this->sPath; return (bool) \file_put_contents( $sJsonFile, \json_encode( $aData, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_OBJECT_AS_ARRAY ) ); } public function ParseData($aData) { $aContainer = []; if (\is_array($aData)) { foreach ($aData as $sKey => $mValue) { if (isset($aData[$sKey])) { $sSpecType = null; $sDescription = ''; if (\is_array($mValue)) { $sType = isset($mValue[1]) ? $mValue[1] : (isset($mValue[0]) ? \gettype($mValue[0]) : "string"); $sSpecType = isset($mValue[2]) ? $mValue[2] : null; $sDescription = isset($mValue[3]) ? $mValue[3] : ''; $mValue = isset($mValue[0]) ? $mValue[0] : ''; if (isset($aData[$sKey . '_Description'])) { $sDescription = isset($aData[$sKey . '_Description'][0]) ? $aData[$sKey . '_Description'][0] : ''; unset($aData[$sKey . '_Description']); } } else { $sType = \gettype($mValue); } switch ($sType) { case 'string': $mValue = (string) $mValue; break; case 'int': case 'integer': $sType = 'int'; $mValue = (int) $mValue; break; case 'bool': case 'boolean': $sType = 'bool'; $mValue = (bool) $mValue; break; case 'spec': $mValue = $this->specConver($mValue, $sSpecType); break; case 'array': break; default: $mValue = null; break; } if (null !== $mValue) { $aContainer[$sKey] = new SettingsProperty($mValue, $sType, $sSpecType, $sDescription); } } } } return $aContainer; } /** * @param string $sJsonFile * * @return bool */ public function LoadDataFromFile($sJsonFile) { $mResult = false; if (\file_exists($sJsonFile)) { $sJsonData = \file_get_contents($sJsonFile); $mResult = \json_decode($sJsonData, true); } return $mResult; } /** * @param bool $bForceLoad * * @return bool */ public function Load($bForceLoad = false) { $bResult = false; if ($this->bIsLoaded && !$bForceLoad) { $bResult = true; } else { $mData = false; if (\file_exists($this->sPath)) { $mData = $this->LoadDataFromFile($this->sPath); } if (!$mData) { $mData = $this->LoadDataFromBackup(); } if ($mData) { $aParsedData = $this->ParseData($mData); foreach ($aParsedData as $key => $val) { $val->IsDefault = false; if (isset($this->aContainer[$key])) { $val->Description = $this->aContainer[$key]->Description; } $this->aContainer[$key] = $val; } $bResult = true; } else { $bResult = $this->Save(); } $this->bIsLoaded = true; } return $bResult; } /** * @return array */ public function GetData() { $aResult = []; foreach ($this->aContainer as $sKey => $mValue) { $aValue = []; $value = $mValue->Value; if ($mValue->Type === 'spec') { $value = $this->specBackConver($mValue->Value, $mValue->SpecType); $aValue[] = $mValue->SpecType; } else { $aValue[] = null; } \array_unshift( $aValue, $value, $mValue->Type ); $aValue[] = $mValue->Description; $aResult[$sKey] = $aValue; } return $aResult; } /** * @param bool $bBackupConfigFile * * @return bool */ public function Save($bBackupConfigFile = true) { $bResult = false; $aData = $this->GetData(); if (count($aData) > 0) { if ($this->CheckConfigFile()) { if ($bBackupConfigFile) { $this->BackupConfigFile(); } if ($this->SaveDataToConfigFile($aData)) { $bResult = true; } else { throw new \Aurora\System\Exceptions\SettingsException('Can\'t write settings to the configuration file'); } } } return $bResult; } /** * @param string $sValue * @param string $sEnumName * * @return string */ protected function specBackConver($sValue, $sEnumName) { $mResult = $sValue; if (null !== $sEnumName) { $mResult = Enums\EnumConvert::ToXml($sValue, $sEnumName); } return $mResult; } /** * @param string $sValue * @param string $sEnumName * * @return string */ protected function specValidate($sValue, $sEnumName) { $mResult = null; if (null !== $sEnumName) { $mResult = Enums\EnumConvert::validate($sValue, $sEnumName); } return $mResult; } /** * @param string $sValue * @param string $sEnumName * * @return string */ protected function specConver($sValue, $sEnumName) { $mResult = null; if (null !== $sEnumName) { $mResult = Enums\EnumConvert::FromXml($sValue, $sEnumName); } return $this->specValidate($mResult, $sEnumName); } /** * @return void */ protected function init() {} }