loadModules(); define('AU_API_INIT', microtime(true) - $apiInitTimeStart); } } /** * * @param bool $bSkip * @return bool Previous state */ public static function skipCheckUserRole($bSkip) { $bResult = self::$__SKIP_CHECK_USER_ROLE__; self::$__SKIP_CHECK_USER_ROLE__ = $bSkip; return $bResult; } /** * * @return bool */ public static function accessCheckIsSkipped() { return self::$__SKIP_CHECK_USER_ROLE__; } public static function checkUserAccess($oUser) { if ($oUser) { $oAuthUser = Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); switch ($oAuthUser->Role) { case \Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::TenantAdmin: if ($oUser->IdTenant !== $oAuthUser->IdTenant) { throw new ApiException(Notifications::AccessDenied, null, 'AccessDenied'); } break; case \Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::NormalUser: if ($oUser->Id !== $oAuthUser->Id) { throw new ApiException(Notifications::AccessDenied, null, 'AccessDenied'); } break; } } } /** * @param string $sWord * * @return void */ public static function AddSecret($sWord) { if (0 < \strlen(\trim($sWord))) { self::$aSecretWords[] = $sWord; self::$aSecretWords = \array_unique(self::$aSecretWords); } } /** * @param array $aValues * * @return string */ public static function EncodeKeyValues(array $aValues) { return Utils::UrlSafeBase64Encode( Utils::EncryptValue(@\json_encode($aValues)) ); } /** * Decrypts a string that is encrypted serialized array data * * @param string $sEncryptedValues * * @return array */ public static function DecodeKeyValues(string $sEncryptedValues) { $sEncryptedValues = Utils::UrlSafeBase64Decode(trim($sEncryptedValues)); $sValue = Utils::DecryptValue($sEncryptedValues); $aResult = @\json_decode($sValue, true); return \is_array($aResult) ? $aResult : array(); } /** * * @return \Aurora\System\Module\Manager */ public static function GetModuleManager() { if (!isset(self::$oModuleManager)) { self::$oModuleManager = Module\Manager::createInstance(); self::$aModuleDecorators = []; } return self::$oModuleManager; } /** * * @param string $sModuleName * @return \Aurora\System\Module\Decorator */ public static function GetModuleDecorator($sModuleName) { if (!isset(self::$aModuleDecorators[$sModuleName]) && self::GetModule($sModuleName) !== false) { self::$aModuleDecorators[$sModuleName] = new Module\Decorator($sModuleName); } return isset(self::$aModuleDecorators[$sModuleName]) ? self::$aModuleDecorators[$sModuleName] : false; } /** * * @param string $sModuleName * @return \Aurora\System\Module\AbstractModule */ public static function GetModule($sModuleName) { return self::GetModuleManager()->GetModule($sModuleName); } /** * * @param string $sModuleName * @return bool */ public static function IsModuleLoaded($sModuleName) { return self::GetModuleManager()->isModuleLoaded($sModuleName); } /** * * @return array */ public static function GetModules() { return self::GetModuleManager()->GetModules(); } /** * * @param string $sMethodName * @param array $aParameters * @return mixed */ public static function ExecuteMethod($sMethodName, $aParameters = array()) { list($sModuleName, $sMethodName) = explode(Module\AbstractModule::$Delimiter, $sMethodName); $oModule = self::GetModule($sModuleName); if ($oModule instanceof Module\AbstractModule) { return $oModule->CallMethod($sModuleName, $sMethodName, $aParameters); } } /** * @return \MailSo\Cache\CacheClient */ public static function Cacher() { static $oCacher = null; if (null === $oCacher) { $oCacher = \MailSo\Cache\CacheClient::NewInstance(); $oCacher->SetDriver(\MailSo\Cache\Drivers\File::NewInstance(self::DataPath() . '/cache')); $oCacher->SetCacheIndex(self::Version()); } return $oCacher; } /** * @return UserSession */ public static function UserSession() { static $oSession = null; if (null === $oSession) { $oSession = new UserSession(); } return $oSession; } /** * @return \Aurora\System\Settings */ public static function &GetSettings($force = false) { if (null === self::$oSettings || $force) { try { $sSettingsPath = \Aurora\System\Api::DataPath() . '/settings/'; if (!\file_exists($sSettingsPath)) { set_error_handler(function () {}); mkdir($sSettingsPath, 0777); restore_error_handler(); if (!file_exists($sSettingsPath)) { self::$oSettings = false; return self::$oSettings; } } self::$oSettings = new \Aurora\System\Settings($sSettingsPath . 'config.json'); self::$oSettings->Load(); } catch (\Aurora\System\Exceptions\BaseException $oException) { self::$oSettings = false; } } return self::$oSettings; } /** * @return bool */ public static function UpdateSettings() { $bResult = true; try { Api::Init(); Api::GetModuleManager()->SyncModulesConfigs(); Api::GetSettings()->SyncConfigs(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $bResult = false; } return $bResult; } /** * @return \PDO|false */ public static function GetPDO() { static $oPdoCache = null; if (null !== $oPdoCache) { return $oPdoCache; } $oPdo = false; $oSettings = &self::GetSettings(); if ($oSettings) { $sDbPort = ''; $sUnixSocket = ''; $iDbType = $oSettings->DBType; $sDbHost = $oSettings->DBHost; $sDbName = $oSettings->DBName; $sDbLogin = $oSettings->DBLogin; $sDbPassword = $oSettings->DBPassword; $iPos = strpos($sDbHost, ':'); if (false !== $iPos && 0 < $iPos) { $sAfter = substr($sDbHost, $iPos + 1); $sDbHost = substr($sDbHost, 0, $iPos); if (is_numeric($sAfter)) { $sDbPort = $sAfter; } else { $sUnixSocket = $sAfter; } } if (class_exists('PDO')) { try { $oPdo = @new \PDO((Enums\DbType::PostgreSQL === $iDbType ? 'pgsql' : 'mysql') . ':dbname=' . $sDbName . (empty($sDbHost) ? '' : ';host=' . $sDbHost) . (empty($sDbPort) ? '' : ';port=' . $sDbPort) . (empty($sUnixSocket) ? '' : ';unix_socket=' . $sUnixSocket) . ';charset=utf8', $sDbLogin, $sDbPassword); if ($oPdo) { $oPdo->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $oPdo->setAttribute(\PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND, "SET NAMES utf8"); } } catch (\Exception $oException) { self::Log($oException->getMessage(), Enums\LogLevel::Error); self::Log($oException->getTraceAsString(), Enums\LogLevel::Error); $oPdo = false; } } else { self::Log('Class PDO dosn\'t exist', Enums\LogLevel::Error); } } if (false !== $oPdo) { $oPdoCache = $oPdo; } return $oPdo; } /** * @return bool */ public static function IsMobileApplication() { /* @var $oIntegrator \Aurora\System\Managers\Integrator */ $oIntegrator = \Aurora\System\Managers\Integrator::getInstance(); return (bool) $oIntegrator /*&& $oApiCapability->isNotLite()*/ && 1 === $oIntegrator->isMobile(); // todo } /** * @param string $sNewLocation */ public static function Location($sNewLocation) { self::Log('Location: ' . $sNewLocation); @header('Location: ' . $sNewLocation); } /** * @param string $sNewLocation */ public static function Location2($sNewLocation) { exit('
'); } /** * @param string $sDesc * @param string $sModuleName */ public static function LogEvent($sDesc, $sModuleName = '') { Logger::LogEvent($sDesc, $sModuleName); } /** * @param mixed $mObject * @param int $iLogLevel = \Aurora\System\Enums\LogLevel::Full * @param string $sFilePrefix = '' */ public static function LogObject($mObject, $iLogLevel = Enums\LogLevel::Full, $sFilePrefix = '') { Logger::LogObject($mObject, $iLogLevel, $sFilePrefix); } /** * @param Exceptions\Exception $mObject * @param int $iLogLevel = \Aurora\System\Enums\LogLevel::Error * @param string|null $sFilePrefix = null */ public static function LogException($mObject, $iLogLevel = Enums\LogLevel::Error, $sFilePrefix = null) { $sFilePrefix = $sFilePrefix ?: Logger::$sErrorLogPrefix; Logger::LogException($mObject, $iLogLevel, $sFilePrefix); } /** * @param string $sFilePrefix = '' * * @return string */ public static function GetLogFileName($sFilePrefix = '', $iTimestamp = 0) { return Logger::GetLogFileName($sFilePrefix, $iTimestamp); } public static function GetLogFileDir() { return Logger::GetLogFileDir(); } /** * @return \MailSo\Log\Logger */ public static function SystemLogger() { return Logger::SystemLogger(); } /** * @param string $sDesc * @param int $iLogLevel = \Aurora\System\Enums\LogLevel::Full * @param string $sFilePrefix = '' */ public static function Log($sDesc, $iLogLevel = Enums\LogLevel::Full, $sFilePrefix = '') { Logger::Log($sDesc, $iLogLevel, $sFilePrefix); } /** * @param string $sDesc * @param string $sLogFile */ public static function LogOnly($sDesc, $sLogFile) { Logger::LogOnly($sDesc, $sLogFile); } public static function LogSql($query) { $sql = $query->toSql(); foreach($query->getBindings() as $binding) { $value = is_numeric($binding) ? $binding : "'" . $binding . "'"; $sql = preg_replace('/\?/', $value, $sql, 1); } Api::Log($sql, \Aurora\System\Enums\LogLevel::Full, 'sql-'); } public static function ClearLog($sFileFullPath) { return Logger::ClearLog($sFileFullPath); } public static function RemoveSeparateLogs() { Logger::RemoveSeparateLogs(); } public static function removeOldLogs() { Logger::RemoveOldLogs(); } public static function GetLoggerGuid() { return Logger::GetLoggerGuid(); } /** * @return string */ public static function RootPath() { defined('AU_API_ROOTPATH') || define('AU_API_ROOTPATH', rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), '/\\') . '/'); return AU_API_ROOTPATH; } /** * @return string */ public static function WebMailPath() { return self::RootPath() . ltrim(AU_API_PATH_TO_AURORA, '/'); } /** * @return string */ public static function GetVendorPath() { return self::RootPath() . '../vendor/'; } /** * @return string */ public static function VersionFull() { static $sVersion = null; $sAppVersion = @file_get_contents(self::WebMailPath() . 'VERSION'); $sVersion = (empty($sAppVersion)) ? '0.0.0' : $sAppVersion; return $sVersion; } /** * @return string */ public static function Version() { static $sVersion = null; if (null === $sVersion) { preg_match('/[\d\.]+/', @file_get_contents(self::WebMailPath() . 'VERSION'), $matches); if (isset($matches[0])) { $sAppVersion = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $matches[0]); } $sVersion = (empty($sAppVersion)) ? '0.0.0' : $sAppVersion; } return $sVersion; } /** * @return string */ public static function VersionJs() { $oSettings = &self::GetSettings(); $sAppVersion = @file_get_contents(self::WebMailPath() . 'VERSION'); $sAppVersion = empty($sAppVersion) ? '0.0.0' : $sAppVersion; return preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $sAppVersion); } /** * @return string */ public static function DataPath() { $dataPath = 'data'; if (!defined('AU_API_DATA_FOLDER') && @file_exists(self::WebMailPath() . 'inc_settings_path.php')) { include self::WebMailPath() . 'inc_settings_path.php'; } if (!defined('AU_API_DATA_FOLDER')) { define('AU_API_DATA_FOLDER', Utils::GetFullPath($dataPath, self::WebMailPath())); } $sDataFullPath = defined('AU_API_DATA_FOLDER') ? AU_API_DATA_FOLDER : ''; /** if (!\file_exists($sDataFullPath)) { \mkdir($sDataFullPath, 0777); } */ return $sDataFullPath; } /** * @return bool */ protected static function validateApi() { $iResult = 1; $oSettings = &self::GetSettings(); $iResult &= $oSettings && ($oSettings instanceof AbstractSettings); self::$bIsValid = (bool) $iResult; return self::$bIsValid; } /** * @return bool */ public static function IsValid() { return (bool)self::$bIsValid; } /** * @param string $sEmail * @param string $sPassword * @param string $sLogin = '' * @return string */ public static function GenerateSsoToken($sEmail, $sPassword, $sLogin = '') { $sSsoHash = \md5($sEmail . $sPassword . $sLogin . \microtime(true) . \rand(10000, 99999)); return self::Cacher()->Set('SSO:' . $sSsoHash, self::EncodeKeyValues(array( 'Email' => $sEmail, 'Password' => $sPassword, 'Login' => $sLogin ))) ? $sSsoHash : ''; } /** * @param string $sLangFile * @return array */ public static function convertIniToLang($sLangFile) { $aResultLang = false; $aLang = @\parse_ini_string(file_get_contents($sLangFile), true); if (is_array($aLang)) { $aResultLang = array(); foreach ($aLang as $sKey => $mValue) { if (\is_array($mValue)) { foreach ($mValue as $sSecKey => $mSecValue) { $aResultLang[$sKey . '/' . $sSecKey] = $mSecValue; } } else { $aResultLang[$sKey] = $mValue; } } } return $aResultLang; } /** * @param mixed $mLang * @param string $sData * @param array|null $aParams = null * @return array */ public static function processTranslateParams($mLang, $sData, $aParams = null, $iPlural = null) { $sResult = $sData; if ($mLang && isset($mLang[$sData])) { $sResult = $mLang[$sData]; } if (isset($iPlural)) { $aPluralParts = explode('|', $sResult); $sResult = ($aPluralParts && $aPluralParts[$iPlural]) ? $aPluralParts[$iPlural] : ( $aPluralParts && $aPluralParts[0] ? $aPluralParts[0] : $sResult ); } if (null !== $aParams && is_array($aParams)) { foreach ($aParams as $sKey => $sValue) { $sResult = str_replace('%' . $sKey . '%', $sValue, $sResult); } } return $sResult; } /** * * @param string $sLanguage */ public static function SetLanguage($sLanguage) { self::$sLanguage = $sLanguage; } /** * * @param bool $bForNewUser * @return string */ public static function GetLanguage($bForNewUser = false) { $sResult = null; if (isset(self::$sLanguage)) { $sResult = self::$sLanguage; } else { $iAuthUserId = self::getAuthenticatedUserId(); $bSuperAdmin = $iAuthUserId === -1; $oModuleManager = self::GetModuleManager(); $sResult = $oModuleManager->getModuleConfigValue('Core', 'Language'); if ($oModuleManager->getModuleConfigValue('Core', 'AutodetectLanguage', true)) { $sResult = self::getBrowserLanguage(); } if ($bSuperAdmin) { $oSettings = &self::GetSettings(); $sResult = $oSettings->AdminLanguage; } elseif (!$bForNewUser) { $oUser = self::getAuthenticatedUser(); if ($oUser) { $sResult = $oUser->Language; } elseif (isset($_COOKIE['aurora-lang-on-login'])) { $sResult = $_COOKIE['aurora-lang-on-login']; } } } return $sResult; } protected static function getBrowserLanguage() { $aLanguages = array( 'ar-dz' => 'Arabic', 'ar-bh' => 'Arabic', 'ar-eg' => 'Arabic', 'ar-iq' => 'Arabic', 'ar-jo' => 'Arabic', 'ar-kw' => 'Arabic', 'ar-lb' => 'Arabic', 'ar-ly' => 'Arabic', 'ar-ma' => 'Arabic', 'ar-om' => 'Arabic', 'ar-qa' => 'Arabic', 'ar-sa' => 'Arabic', 'ar-sy' => 'Arabic', 'ar-tn' => 'Arabic', 'ar-ae' => 'Arabic', 'ar-ye' => 'Arabic', 'ar' => 'Arabic', 'bg' => 'Bulgarian', 'zh-cn' => 'Chinese-Simplified', 'zh-hk' => 'Chinese-Simplified', 'zh-mo' => 'Chinese-Simplified', 'zh-sg' => 'Chinese-Simplified', 'zh-tw' => 'Chinese-Simplified', 'zh' => 'Chinese-Simplified', 'cs' => 'Czech', 'da' => 'Danish', 'nl-be' => 'Dutch', 'nl' => 'Dutch', 'en-au' => 'English', 'en-bz' => 'English ', 'en-ca' => 'English', 'en-ie' => 'English', 'en-jm' => 'English', 'en-nz' => 'English', 'en-ph' => 'English', 'en-za' => 'English', 'en-tt' => 'English', 'en-gb' => 'English', 'en-us' => 'English', 'en-zw' => 'English', 'en' => 'English', 'us' => 'English', 'et' => 'Estonian', 'fi' => 'Finnish', 'fr-be' => 'French', 'fr-ca' => 'French', 'fr-lu' => 'French', 'fr-mc' => 'French', 'fr-ch' => 'French', 'fr' => 'French', 'de-at' => 'German', 'de-li' => 'German', 'de-lu' => 'German', 'de-ch' => 'German', 'de' => 'German', 'el' => 'Greek', 'he' => 'Hebrew', 'hu' => 'Hungarian', 'it-ch' => 'Italian', 'it' => 'Italian', 'ja' => 'Japanese', 'ko' => 'Korean', 'lv' => 'Latvian', 'lt' => 'Lithuanian', 'nb-no' => 'Norwegian', 'nn-no' => 'Norwegian', 'no' => 'Norwegian', 'pl' => 'Polish', 'pt-br' => 'Portuguese-Brazil', 'pt' => 'Portuguese-Portuguese', 'pt-pt' => 'Portuguese-Portuguese', 'ro-md' => 'Romanian', 'ro' => 'Romanian', 'ru-md' => 'Russian', 'ru' => 'Russian', 'sr' => 'Serbian', 'es-ar' => 'Spanish', 'es-bo' => 'Spanish', 'es-cl' => 'Spanish', 'es-co' => 'Spanish', 'es-cr' => 'Spanish', 'es-do' => 'Spanish', 'es-ec' => 'Spanish', 'es-sv' => 'Spanish', 'es-gt' => 'Spanish', 'es-hn' => 'Spanish)', 'es-mx' => 'Spanish', 'es-ni' => 'Spanish', 'es-pa' => 'Spanish', 'es-py' => 'Spanish', 'es-pe' => 'Spanish', 'es-pr' => 'Spanish', 'es-us' => 'Spanish ', 'es-uy' => 'Spanish', 'es-ve' => 'Spanish', 'es' => 'Spanish', 'sv-fi' => 'Swedish', 'sv' => 'Swedish', 'th' => 'Thai', 'tr' => 'Turkish', 'uk' => 'Ukrainian', 'vi' => 'Vietnamese', 'sl' => 'Slovenian' ); $sLanguage = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']) ? strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']) : 'en'; $aTempLanguages = preg_split('/[,;]+/', $sLanguage); $sLanguage = !empty($aTempLanguages[0]) ? $aTempLanguages[0] : 'en'; $sLanguageShort = substr($sLanguage, 0, 2); return \array_key_exists($sLanguage, $aLanguages) ? $aLanguages[$sLanguage] : (\array_key_exists($sLanguageShort, $aLanguages) ? $aLanguages[$sLanguageShort] : ''); } /** * @param string $sData * @param array $aParams = null * @param mixed $iPluralCount = null * * @return string */ public static function ClientI18N($sData, $aParams = null, $iPluralCount = null) { $sLanguage = self::GetLanguage(); $aLang = null; if (isset(self::$aClientI18N[$sLanguage])) { $aLang = self::$aClientI18N[$sLanguage]; } else { self::$aClientI18N[$sLanguage] = false; $sLangFile = self::WebMailPath() . 'i18n/' . $sLanguage . '.ini'; if (!@file_exists($sLangFile)) { $sLangFile = self::WebMailPath() . 'i18n/English.ini'; $sLangFile = @file_exists($sLangFile) ? $sLangFile : ''; } if (0 < strlen($sLangFile)) { $aLang = self::convertIniToLang($sLangFile); if (is_array($aLang)) { self::$aClientI18N[$sLanguage] = $aLang; } } } return isset($iPluralCount) ? self::processTranslateParams($aLang, $sData, $aParams, self::getPlural($sLanguage, $iPluralCount)) : self::processTranslateParams($aLang, $sData, $aParams); } public static function getPlural($sLang = '', $iNumber = 0) { $iResult = 0; $iNumber = (int) $iNumber; switch ($sLang) { case 'Arabic': $iResult = ($iNumber === 0 ? 0 : ($iNumber === 1 ? 1 : ($iNumber === 2 ? 2 : ($iNumber % 100 >= 3 && $iNumber % 100 <= 10 ? 3 : ($iNumber % 100 >= 11 ? 4 : 5))))); break; case 'Bulgarian': $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); break; case 'Chinese-Simplified': $iResult = 0; break; case 'Chinese-Traditional': $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); break; case 'Czech': $iResult = ($iNumber === 1) ? 0 : (($iNumber >= 2 && $iNumber <= 4) ? 1 : 2); break; case 'Danish': $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); break; case 'Dutch': $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); break; case 'English': $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); break; case 'Estonian': $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); break; case 'Finnish': $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); break; case 'French': $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); break; case 'German': $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); break; case 'Greek': $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); break; case 'Hebrew': $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); break; case 'Hungarian': $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); break; case 'Italian': $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); break; case 'Japanese': $iResult = 0; break; case 'Korean': $iResult = 0; break; case 'Latvian': $iResult = ($iNumber % 10 === 1 && $iNumber % 100 !== 11 ? 0 : ($iNumber !== 0 ? 1 : 2)); break; case 'Lithuanian': $iResult = ($iNumber % 10 === 1 && $iNumber % 100 !== 11 ? 0 : ($iNumber % 10 >= 2 && ($iNumber % 100 < 10 || $iNumber % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2)); break; case 'Norwegian': $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); break; case 'Persian': $iResult = 0; break; case 'Polish': $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : ($iNumber % 10 >= 2 && $iNumber % 10 <= 4 && ($iNumber % 100 < 10 || $iNumber % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2)); break; case 'Portuguese-Portuguese': $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); break; case 'Portuguese-Brazil': $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); break; case 'Romanian': $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : (($iNumber === 0 || ($iNumber % 100 > 0 && $iNumber % 100 < 20)) ? 1 : 2)); break; case 'Russian': $iResult = ($iNumber % 10 === 1 && $iNumber % 100 !== 11 ? 0 : ($iNumber % 10 >= 2 && $iNumber % 10 <= 4 && ($iNumber % 100 < 10 || $iNumber % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2)); break; case 'Serbian': $iResult = ($iNumber % 10 === 1 && $iNumber % 100 !== 11 ? 0 : ($iNumber % 10 >= 2 && $iNumber % 10 <= 4 && ($iNumber % 100 < 10 || $iNumber % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2)); break; case 'Slovenian': $iResult = (($iNumber % 10 === 1 && $iNumber % 100 !== 11) ? 0 : (($iNumber % 10 === 2 && $iNumber % 100 !== 12) ? 1 : 2)); break; case 'Spanish': $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); break; case 'Swedish': $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); break; case 'Thai': $iResult = 0; break; case 'Turkish': $iResult = ($iNumber === 1 ? 0 : 1); break; case 'Ukrainian': $iResult = ($iNumber % 10 === 1 && $iNumber % 100 !== 11 ? 0 : ($iNumber % 10 >= 2 && $iNumber % 10 <= 4 && ($iNumber % 100 < 10 || $iNumber % 100 >= 20) ? 1 : 2)); break; case 'Vietnamese': $iResult = 0; break; default: $iResult = 0; break; } return $iResult; } /** * @param string $sData * @param array $aParams = null * * @return string */ public static function I18N($sData, $aParams = null, $sForceCustomInitialisationLang = '') { if (null === self::$aI18N) { self::$aI18N = false; $sLangFile = ''; if (0 < strlen($sForceCustomInitialisationLang)) { $sLangFile = self::RootPath() . 'common/i18n/' . $sForceCustomInitialisationLang . '.ini'; } if (0 === strlen($sLangFile) || !@file_exists($sLangFile)) { $sLangFile = self::RootPath() . 'common/i18n/English.ini'; } if (0 < strlen($sLangFile) && @file_exists($sLangFile)) { $aResultLang = self::convertIniToLang($sLangFile); if (is_array($aResultLang)) { self::$aI18N = $aResultLang; } } } return self::processTranslateParams(self::$aI18N, $sData, $aParams); } /** * Checks if authenticated user has at least specified role. * @param int $iRole * @throws \Aurora\System\Exceptions\ApiException */ public static function checkUserRoleIsAtLeast($iRole) { if (!self::$__SKIP_CHECK_USER_ROLE__) { $oUser = self::getAuthenticatedUser(); $bUserRoleIsAtLeast = $oUser === null && $iRole === Enums\UserRole::Anonymous || $oUser !== null && $oUser->Role === Enums\UserRole::Customer && ($iRole === Enums\UserRole::Customer || $iRole === Enums\UserRole::Anonymous) || $oUser !== null && $oUser->Role === Enums\UserRole::NormalUser && ($iRole === Enums\UserRole::NormalUser || $iRole === Enums\UserRole::Customer || $iRole === Enums\UserRole::Anonymous) || $oUser !== null && $oUser->Role === Enums\UserRole::TenantAdmin && ($iRole === Enums\UserRole::TenantAdmin || $iRole === Enums\UserRole::NormalUser || $iRole === Enums\UserRole::Customer || $iRole === Enums\UserRole::Anonymous) || $oUser !== null && $oUser->Role === Enums\UserRole::SuperAdmin && ($iRole === Enums\UserRole::SuperAdmin || $iRole === Enums\UserRole::TenantAdmin || $iRole === Enums\UserRole::NormalUser || $iRole === Enums\UserRole::Customer || $iRole === Enums\UserRole::Anonymous); if (!$bUserRoleIsAtLeast) { throw new Exceptions\ApiException(Notifications::AccessDenied, null, 'AccessDenied'); } } } public static function getAuthTokenFromHeaders() { $sResult = false; $sAuthHeader = \MailSo\Base\Http::SingletonInstance()->GetHeader('Authorization'); if (!empty($sAuthHeader)) { $authHeaderData = explode(' ', $sAuthHeader); if (isset($authHeaderData[0]) && strtolower($authHeaderData[0]) === 'bearer' && isset($authHeaderData[1]) && !empty($authHeaderData[1])) { $sResult = $authHeaderData[1]; } } return $sResult; } public static function requireAdminAuth() { $mResult = false; $response = new \Sabre\HTTP\Response(); $basicAuth = new \Sabre\HTTP\Auth\Basic("Locked down area", \Sabre\HTTP\Sapi::getRequest(), $response); if (!$userPass = $basicAuth->getCredentials()) { $basicAuth->requireLogin(); \Sabre\HTTP\Sapi::sendResponse($response); } elseif (!\Aurora\Modules\AdminAuth\Module::getInstance()->Login($userPass[0], $userPass[1])) { $basicAuth->requireLogin(); \Sabre\HTTP\Sapi::sendResponse($response); } else { $mResult = true; } if (!$mResult) { $response->setBody('Unauthorized'); \Sabre\HTTP\Sapi::sendResponse($response); exit; } } public static function getDeviceIdFromHeaders() { $sResult = false; $sDeviceIdHeader = \MailSo\Base\Http::SingletonInstance()->GetHeader('X-DeviceId'); if (!empty($sDeviceIdHeader)) { $sResult = $sDeviceIdHeader; } return $sResult; } /** * * @return string */ public static function getAuthToken() { $sAuthToken = self::getAuthTokenFromHeaders(); if (!$sAuthToken) { $sAuthToken = isset($_COOKIE[Application::AUTH_TOKEN_KEY]) ? $_COOKIE[Application::AUTH_TOKEN_KEY] : ''; } return $sAuthToken; } /** * * @return bool */ public static function validateCsrfToken() { $bResult = true; if (isset($_COOKIE[Application::AUTH_TOKEN_KEY])) { $sAuthToken = self::getAuthTokenFromHeaders(); $bResult = ($sAuthToken === $_COOKIE[Application::AUTH_TOKEN_KEY]); } return $bResult; } /** * * @return \Aurora\Modules\Core\Models\User */ public static function authorise($sAuthToken = '') { $oUser = null; $mUserId = false; try { if (isset(self::$aUserSession['UserId'])) { $mUserId = self::$aUserSession['UserId']; } else { $sAuthToken = empty($sAuthToken) ? self::getAuthToken() : $sAuthToken; $mUserId = self::getAuthenticatedUserId($sAuthToken); } $oUser = self::getUserById($mUserId); } catch (\Exception $oException) { } return $oUser; } public static function getAuthenticatedUserInfo($sAuthToken = '') { $mResult = false; if (empty($sAuthToken)) { if (is_array(self::$aUserSession) && isset(self::$aUserSession['AuthToken'])) { $sAuthToken = self::$aUserSession['AuthToken']; } } /* @var $oIntegrator \Aurora\System\Managers\Integrator */ $oIntegrator = \Aurora\System\Managers\Integrator::getInstance(); if ($oIntegrator) { $mResult = $oIntegrator->getAuthenticatedUserInfo($sAuthToken); } return $mResult; } public static function validateAuthToken($authToken = null) { $bResult = false; if ($authToken === null) { $authToken = self::getAuthToken(); } /* @var $oIntegrator \Aurora\System\Managers\Integrator */ $oIntegrator = \Aurora\System\Managers\Integrator::getInstance(); if ($oIntegrator) { $bResult = $oIntegrator->validateAuthToken($authToken); } return $bResult; } public static function getCookiePath() { static $sPath = false; if (false === $sPath) { $sScriptName = isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] : ''; $aPath = explode('/', $sScriptName); $sLastPathItem = count($aPath) > 0 ? $aPath[count($aPath) - 1] : ''; if (count($aPath) > 0 && ($sLastPathItem !== '' || strtolower(substr($sLastPathItem, -1)) === '.php')) { array_pop($aPath); } $sPath = implode('/', $aPath) . '/'; } return $sPath; } public static function getCookieSecure() { return self::isHttps(); } public static function isHttps() { return (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off') || (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == '443'); } public static function getAuthenticatedUserId($sAuthToken = '') { $mResult = false; if (!empty($sAuthToken)) { $aInfo = \Aurora\System\Managers\Integrator::getInstance()->getAuthenticatedUserInfo($sAuthToken); if (!empty(self::$aUserSession['UserId']) && (int) $aInfo['userId'] === (int) self::$aUserSession['UserId']) { $mResult = (int) self::$aUserSession['UserId']; } else { $mResult = $aInfo['userId']; self::$aUserSession['UserId'] = (int) $mResult; self::$aUserSession['AuthToken'] = $sAuthToken; } } else { if (is_array(self::$aUserSession) && isset(self::$aUserSession['UserId'])) { $mResult = self::$aUserSession['UserId']; } else { $mResult = 0; } } return $mResult; } public static function getAuthenticatedUserPublicId($sAuthToken = '') { $iUserId = self::getAuthenticatedUserId($sAuthToken); return self::getUserPublicIdById($iUserId); } /** * @return void */ public static function unsetAuthenticatedUser() { unset(self::$oAuthenticatedUser); } /** * @param string $sAuthToken * @param bool $bForce * * @return \Aurora\Modules\Core\Models\User */ public static function getAuthenticatedUser($sAuthToken = '', $bForce = false) { $iUserId = 0; if (null === self::$oAuthenticatedUser || $bForce) { if (!empty($sAuthToken)) { $iUserId = self::getAuthenticatedUserId($sAuthToken); // called for saving in session } elseif (!empty(self::$aUserSession['UserId'])) { $iUserId = self::$aUserSession['UserId']; } self::$oAuthenticatedUser = self::getUserById($iUserId); } return self::$oAuthenticatedUser; } public static function getAuthenticatedUserAuthToken() { $mResult = false; if (is_array(self::$aUserSession) && isset(self::$aUserSession['AuthToken'])) { $mResult = self::$aUserSession['AuthToken']; } return $mResult; } /** * @param int $iUserId * @return string */ public static function getUserUUIDById($iUserId) { $sUUID = ''; if (\is_numeric($iUserId)) { $oUser = self::getUserById($iUserId); if ($oUser instanceof User) { $sUUID = $oUser->UUID; } } else { $sUUID = $iUserId; } return $sUUID; } /** * @param int $iUserId * @return string */ public static function getUserPublicIdById($iUserId) { $sPublicId = ''; if (\is_numeric($iUserId)) { $oUser = self::getUserById($iUserId); if ($oUser) { return $oUser->PublicId; } // @TODO: check if it's needed } else { $sPublicId = $iUserId; } return $sPublicId; } /** * @param string $sPublicId * @return int|false */ public static function getUserIdByPublicId($sPublicId) { $iUserId = false; if (Api::GetSettings()->GetValue('AdminLogin') === $sPublicId) { // superadmin user return -1; } $user = self::getUserByPublicId($sPublicId); if ($user instanceof User) { $iUserId = $user->Id; } return $iUserId; } public static function getUserByPublicId($sPublicId, $bForce = false) { $result = null; if (!$bForce) { foreach (self::$usersCache as $user) { if ($user->PublicId === $sPublicId) { $result = $user; break; } } } if (!$result) { $result = User::where('PublicId', $sPublicId)->first(); if ($result) { self::$usersCache[$result->Id] = $result; } } return $result; } public static function getUserById($iUserId, $bForce = false) { try { if (!isset(self::$usersCache[$iUserId]) || $bForce) { $oUser = Managers\Integrator::getUserByIdHelper($iUserId); if ($oUser) { self::$usersCache[$iUserId] = $oUser; } } } catch (\Exception $oEx) { self::LogException($oEx); } return isset(self::$usersCache[$iUserId]) ? self::$usersCache[$iUserId] : null; } public static function removeUserFromCache($iUserId) { if (!isset(self::$usersCache[$iUserId])) { unset(self::$usersCache[$iUserId]); } } public static function getTenantById($iTenantId, $bForce = false) { try { if (!isset(self::$tenantsCache[$iTenantId]) || $bForce) { self::$tenantsCache[$iTenantId] = Tenant::find($iTenantId); ; } } catch (\Exception $oEx) { self::$tenantsCache[$iTenantId] = false; } return self::$tenantsCache[$iTenantId]; } public static function getTenantByWebDomain() { static $bTenantInitialized = false; static $oTenant = null; if (!$bTenantInitialized) { if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { foreach (self::$tenantsCache as $tenantCache) { if ($tenantCache->WebDomain === $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) { $oTenant = $tenantCache; break; } } if (!$oTenant) { $oTenant = Tenant::firstWhere('WebDomain', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); if ($oTenant) { self::$tenantsCache[$oTenant->Id] = $oTenant; } } } $bTenantInitialized = true; } return $oTenant; } public static function removeTenantFromCache($iTenantId) { if (!isset(self::$tenantsCache[$iTenantId])) { unset(self::$tenantsCache[$iTenantId]); } } public static function setTenantName($sTenantName) { self::$aUserSession['TenantName'] = $sTenantName; } public static function setUserId($iUserId) { self::$aUserSession['UserId'] = (int) $iUserId; } public static function setAuthToken($sAuthToken) { self::$aUserSession['AuthToken'] = $sAuthToken; } public static function getCurrentTenant() { static $bTenantInitialized = false; static $oTenant = null; if (!$bTenantInitialized) { $oUser = self::getAuthenticatedUser(); if ($oUser && !$oUser->isAdmin()) { $oTenant = self::getTenantById($oUser->IdTenant); } if (!$oUser && !$oTenant) { $oTenant = self::getTenantByWebDomain(); } // $bTenantInitialized = true; } return $oTenant; } /** * * @return string */ public static function getTenantName() { static $mResult = null; if (!isset($mResult)) { if (is_array(self::$aUserSession) && !empty(self::$aUserSession['TenantName'])) { $mResult = self::$aUserSession['TenantName']; } else { try { $oTenant = self::getCurrentTenant(); if ($oTenant) { $mResult = $oTenant->Name; } } catch (\Exception $oEx) { $mResult = false; } } // $bTenantInitialized = true; } return $mResult; } public static function GetDbConfig($DbType, $DbHost, $DbName, $DbPrefix, $DbLogin, $DbPassword) { $aDbHost = \explode(':', $DbHost); if (isset($aDbHost[0])) { $DbHost = $aDbHost[0]; } $aDbConfig = [ 'driver' => DbType::PostgreSQL === $DbType ? 'pgsql' : 'mysql', 'host' => $DbHost, 'database' => $DbName, 'username' => $DbLogin, 'password' => $DbPassword, 'charset' => 'utf8mb4', 'collation' => 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci', 'prefix' => $DbPrefix, ]; if (isset($aDbHost[1])) { $aDbConfig['port'] = $aDbHost[1]; } return $aDbConfig; } public static function CreateContainer($force = false) { if (!isset(self::$oContainer) || $force) { // Instantiate the app container $appContainer = Container::getInstance(); // Tell facade about the application instance \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade::setFacadeApplication($appContainer); $appContainer['app'] = $appContainer; $appContainer['config'] = new \Illuminate\Config\Repository(); $oSettings = &Api::GetSettings(); if ($oSettings) { $capsule = new \Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager(); $appContainer['capsule'] = $capsule; $capsule->addConnection( self::GetDbConfig( $oSettings->DBType, $oSettings->DBHost, $oSettings->DBName, $oSettings->DBPrefix, $oSettings->DBLogin, $oSettings->DBPassword ) ); //Make this Capsule instance available globally. $capsule->setAsGlobal(); // Setup the Eloquent ORM. $capsule->bootEloquent(); $appContainer['connection'] = function ($ac) use ($capsule) { return $capsule->getConnection('default'); }; $appContainer['migration-table'] = 'migrations'; $appContainer['filesystem'] = function ($ac) { return new \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem(); }; $appContainer['resolver'] = function ($ac) { $r = new \Illuminate\Database\ConnectionResolver(['default' => $ac['connection']]); $r->setDefaultConnection('default'); return $r; }; $appContainer['migration-repo'] = function ($ac) { return new \Illuminate\Database\Migrations\DatabaseMigrationRepository($ac['resolver'], $ac['migration-table']); }; $appContainer['migrator'] = function ($ac) { return new \Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migrator($ac['migration-repo'], $ac['resolver'], $ac['filesystem']); }; $appContainer['migration-creator'] = function ($ac) { return new \Illuminate\Database\Migrations\MigrationCreator($ac['filesystem'], \Aurora\Api::RootPath() . 'Console' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'stubs'); }; $appContainer['composer'] = function ($ac) { return new \Illuminate\Support\Composer($ac['filesystem']); }; $appContainer['console'] = function ($ac) { $consoleaApp = new \Symfony\Component\Console\Application(); $events = new \Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher($ac); $consoleaApp = new \Illuminate\Console\Application($ac, $events, 'Version 1.0'); $consoleaApp->setName('Aurora console app'); $consoleaApp->add(new Commands\Migrations\InstallCommand($ac['migration-repo'])); $consoleaApp->add(new Commands\Migrations\MigrateCommand($ac['migrator'])); $consoleaApp->add(new Commands\Migrations\RollbackCommand($ac['migrator'])); $consoleaApp->add(new Commands\Migrations\MigrateMakeCommand($ac['migration-creator'], $ac['composer'])); $consoleaApp->add(new Commands\Seeds\SeedCommand($ac['resolver'])); $consoleaApp->add(new Commands\Seeds\SeederMakeCommand($ac['filesystem'], $ac['composer'])); $consoleaApp->add(new Commands\OrphansCommand()); $consoleaApp->add(new Commands\ModelsCommand($ac)); return $consoleaApp; }; self::$oContainer = $appContainer; } } } /** * @return Container */ public static function GetContainer($force = false) { self::CreateContainer($force); return self::$oContainer; } public static function CheckAccess(&$UserId) { if (self::accessCheckIsSkipped()) { return; } $bAccessDenied = true; $oAuthenticatedUser = self::getAuthenticatedUser(); if ($UserId === null) { $iUserId = $oAuthenticatedUser->Id; } else { $iUserId = (int) $UserId; $iUserRole = $oAuthenticatedUser instanceof \Aurora\Modules\Core\Models\User ? $oAuthenticatedUser->Role : \Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::Anonymous; switch ($iUserRole) { case (\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::SuperAdmin): // everything is allowed for SuperAdmin $UserId = $iUserId; $bAccessDenied = false; break; case (\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::TenantAdmin): // everything is allowed for TenantAdmin $oUser = \Aurora\Modules\Core\Module::getInstance()->GetUser($iUserId); if ($oUser instanceof \Aurora\Modules\Core\Models\User) { if ($oAuthenticatedUser->IdTenant === $oUser->IdTenant) { $UserId = $iUserId; $bAccessDenied = false; } } break; case (\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::NormalUser): // User identifier shoud be checked if ($iUserId === $oAuthenticatedUser->Id) { $UserId = $iUserId; $bAccessDenied = false; } break; case (\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::Customer): case (\Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::Anonymous): // everything is forbidden for Customer and Anonymous users break; } if ($bAccessDenied) { throw new ApiException(\Aurora\System\Notifications::AccessDenied, null, 'AccessDenied'); } } } }