aListeners; } /** * @return array */ public function getListenersResult() { return $this->aListenersResult; } public function strPad($sText, $iCount, $sPadText, $iPadType = STR_PAD_LEFT) { return str_pad($sText, strlen($sText) + $iCount, $sPadText, $iPadType); } /** * * @return array */ public function getListenersByEvent($sModule, $sEvent) { $aListeners = []; if (isset($this->aListeners[$sEvent])) { $aListeners = $this->aListeners[$sEvent]; } $sEvent = $sModule . Module\AbstractModule::$Delimiter . $sEvent; if (isset($this->aListeners[$sEvent])) { $aListeners = array_merge($aListeners, $this->aListeners[$sEvent]); } return $aListeners; } /** * Subscribe to an event. * * When the event is triggered, we'll call all the specified callbacks. * It is possible to control the order of the callbacks through the * priority argument. * * This is for example used to make sure that the authentication plugin * is triggered before anything else. If it's not needed to change this * number, it is recommended to ommit. * * @param string $sEvent * @param callable $fCallback * @param int $iPriority * @return void */ public function on($sEvent, $fCallback, $iPriority = 100) { if (!isset($this->aListeners[$sEvent])) { $this->aListeners[$sEvent] = []; } while (isset($this->aListeners[$sEvent][$iPriority])) { $iPriority++; } $this->aListeners[$sEvent][$iPriority] = $fCallback; \ksort($this->aListeners[$sEvent]); } public function onAny($aListeners) { foreach ($aListeners as $sKey => $mListener) { if (is_array($mListener) && is_callable($mListener[1])) { if (isset($mListener[2])) { $this->on($mListener[0], $mListener[1], $mListener[2]); } else { $this->on($mListener[0], $mListener[1]); } } } } /** * Broadcasts an event * * This method will call all subscribers. If one of the subscribers returns false, the process stops. * * The arguments parameter will be sent to all subscribers * * @param string $sModule * @param string $sEvent * @param array $aArguments * @param mixed $mResult * @param callable $mCountinueCallback * @return boolean */ public function emit($sModule, $sEvent, &$aArguments = [], &$mResult = null, $mCountinueCallback = null, $bSkipIsAllowedModuleCheck = false) { $bResult = false; $mListenersResult = null; $aListeners = $this->getListenersByEvent($sModule, $sEvent); if (count($aListeners) > 0) { $this->iEventLevel = $this->iEventLevel + 4; \Aurora\System\Api::Log($this->strPad("Emit $sModule::$sEvent", $this->iEventLevel, "-"), Enums\LogLevel::Full, 'subscriptions-'); \Aurora\System\Api::Log($this->strPad("START Execute subscriptions", $this->iEventLevel, "-"), Enums\LogLevel::Full, 'subscriptions-'); foreach ($aListeners as $fCallback) { $bIsAllowedModule = true; if (!$bSkipIsAllowedModuleCheck) { $bIsAllowedModule = Api::GetModuleManager()->IsAllowedModule($fCallback[0]::GetName()); } if (\is_callable($fCallback) && $bIsAllowedModule) { \Aurora\System\Api::Log($this->strPad($fCallback[0]::GetName() . Module\AbstractModule::$Delimiter . $fCallback[1], $this->iEventLevel + 2, "-"), Enums\LogLevel::Full, 'subscriptions-'); $mCallBackResult = \call_user_func_array( $fCallback, [ &$aArguments, &$mResult, &$mListenersResult ] ); if (\is_callable($mCountinueCallback)) { $mCountinueCallback( $fCallback[0]::GetName(), $aArguments, $mCallBackResult ); } if ($mListenersResult !== null) { $this->aListenersResult[$fCallback[0]::GetName() . Module\AbstractModule::$Delimiter . $fCallback[1]] = $mListenersResult; } if ($mCallBackResult) { $bResult = $mCallBackResult; break; } } } \Aurora\System\Api::Log($this->strPad('END Execute subscriptions', $this->iEventLevel, "-"), Enums\LogLevel::Full, 'subscriptions-'); $this->iEventLevel = $this->iEventLevel - 4; } return $bResult; } }