bCache = false; } /** * @param string $sDir * @param string $sType * * @return array */ private function folderFiles($sDir, $sType) { $aResult = array(); if (is_dir($sDir)) { $aFiles = \Aurora\System\Utils::GlobRecursive($sDir . '/*' . $sType); foreach ($aFiles as $sFile) { if ((empty($sType) || $sType === substr($sFile, -strlen($sType))) && is_file($sFile)) { $aResult[] = $sFile; } } } return $aResult; } /** * @TODO use tenants modules if exist * * @return string */ public function compileTemplates() { $sHash = \Aurora\System\Api::GetModuleManager()->GetModulesHash(); $sCacheFileName = ''; $sCacheFullFileName = ''; $oSettings = & \Aurora\System\Api::GetSettings(); if ($oSettings && $oSettings->GetValue('CacheTemplates', $this->bCache)) { $sCacheFileName = 'templates-' . md5(\Aurora\System\Api::Version() . $sHash) . '.cache'; $sCacheFullFileName = \Aurora\System\Api::DataPath() . '/cache/' . $sCacheFileName; if (file_exists($sCacheFullFileName)) { return file_get_contents($sCacheFullFileName); } } $sResult = ''; $sPath = \Aurora\System\Api::WebMailPath() . 'modules'; $aModuleNames = \Aurora\System\Api::GetModuleManager()->GetAllowedModulesName(); foreach ($aModuleNames as $sModuleName) { $sDirName = $sPath . '/' . $sModuleName . '/templates'; $iDirNameLen = strlen($sDirName); if (is_dir($sDirName)) { $aList = $this->folderFiles($sDirName, '.html'); foreach ($aList as $sFileName) { $sName = ''; $iPos = strpos($sFileName, $sDirName); if ($iPos === 0) { $sName = substr($sFileName, $iDirNameLen + 1); } else { $sName = '@errorName' . md5(rand(10000, 20000)); } $sTemplateID = $sModuleName . '_' . preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', '', str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '_', substr($sName, 0, -5))); $sTemplateHtml = file_get_contents($sFileName); $sTemplateHtml = \Aurora\System\Api::GetModuleManager()->ParseTemplate($sTemplateID, $sTemplateHtml); $sTemplateHtml = preg_replace('/\{%INCLUDE-START\/[a-zA-Z\-_]+\/INCLUDE-END%\}/', '', $sTemplateHtml); $sTemplateHtml = str_replace('%ModuleName%', $sModuleName, $sTemplateHtml); $sTemplateHtml = str_replace('%MODULENAME%', strtoupper($sModuleName), $sTemplateHtml); $sTemplateHtml = preg_replace('/'; } } } $sResult = trim($sResult); $oSettings = & \Aurora\System\Api::GetSettings(); if ($oSettings && $oSettings->GetValue('CacheTemplates', $this->bCache)) { if (!is_dir(dirname($sCacheFullFileName))) { @mkdir(dirname($sCacheFullFileName), 0777, true); } $sResult = '' . $sResult; file_put_contents($sCacheFullFileName, $sResult); } return $sResult; } /** * @param string $sTheme * * @return string */ private function validatedThemeValue($sTheme) { if ('' === $sTheme || !in_array($sTheme, $this->getThemeList())) { $sTheme = 'Default'; } return $sTheme; } /** * @param string $sLanguage * * @return string */ private function validatedLanguageValue($sLanguage) { if ('' === $sLanguage || !in_array($sLanguage, $this->getLanguageList())) { $sLanguage = 'English'; } return $sLanguage; } /** * */ public static function GetUser($iUserId) { $mResult = false; $oUser = \Aurora\Modules\Core\Models\User::find($iUserId); if ($oUser instanceof \Aurora\Modules\Core\Models\User) { $mResult = $oUser; } return $mResult; } /** * */ public static function GetAdminUser() { return new \Aurora\Modules\Core\Models\User([ 'Id' => -1, 'Role' => \Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::SuperAdmin, 'PublicId' => 'Administrator', 'TokensValidFromTimestamp' => 0 ]); } /** * @TODO use tenants modules if exist * @param string $sLanguage * * @return string */ public function getLanguage($sLanguage) { $sLanguage = $this->validatedLanguageValue($sLanguage); $sResult = ""; $sHash = \Aurora\System\Api::GetModuleManager()->GetModulesHash(); $sCacheFileName = ''; $sCacheFullFileName = ''; $oSettings = & \Aurora\System\Api::GetSettings(); if ($oSettings && $oSettings->GetValue('CacheLangs', $this->bCache)) { $sCacheFileName = 'langs-' . $sLanguage . '-' . md5(\Aurora\System\Api::Version() . $sHash) . '.cache'; $sCacheFullFileName = \Aurora\System\Api::DataPath() . '/cache/' . $sCacheFileName; if (file_exists($sCacheFullFileName)) { $sResult = file_get_contents($sCacheFullFileName); } } if ($sResult === "") { $aResult = array(); $sPath = \Aurora\System\Api::WebMailPath() . 'modules'; $aModuleNames = \Aurora\System\Api::GetModuleManager()->GetAllowedModulesName(); foreach ($aModuleNames as $sModuleName) { $aLangContent = ''; $sFileName = $sPath . '/' . $sModuleName . '/i18n/' . $sLanguage . '.ini'; if (file_exists($sFileName)) { $aLangContent = @parse_ini_string(file_get_contents($sFileName), true); } elseif (file_exists($sPath . '/' . $sModuleName . '/i18n/English.ini')) { $aLangContent = @parse_ini_string(file_get_contents($sPath . '/' . $sModuleName . '/i18n/English.ini'), true); } else { continue; } if ($aLangContent) { foreach ($aLangContent as $sLangKey => $sLangValue) { $aResult[strtoupper($sModuleName) . "/" . $sLangKey] = $sLangValue; } } } $sResult .= json_encode($aResult); $oSettings = & \Aurora\System\Api::GetSettings(); if ($oSettings && $oSettings->GetValue('CacheLangs', $this->bCache)) { if (!is_dir(dirname($sCacheFullFileName))) { mkdir(dirname($sCacheFullFileName), 0777, true); } $sResult = '/* ' . $sCacheFileName . ' */' . $sResult; file_put_contents($sCacheFullFileName, $sResult); } } return $sResult ? $sResult : '{}'; } /** * @TODO use tenants modules if exist * @param string $sLanguage * * @return string */ public function compileLanguage($sLanguage) { return ''; } /** * @param int $iUserId Default value is empty string. * * @return \Aurora\Modules\Core\Models\User|null */ public static function getUserByIdHelper($iUserId) { $oUser = null; $iUserId = (int) $iUserId; if (0 < $iUserId) { $oUser = static::GetUser($iUserId); } elseif ($iUserId === -1) { $oUser = self::GetAdminUser(); } return $oUser; } public function validateAuthToken($sAuthToken) { return (\Aurora\System\Api::UserSession()->Get($sAuthToken) !== false); } /** * @param string $sAuthToken Default value is empty string. * * @return array */ public function getAuthenticatedUserInfo($sAuthToken = '') { $aInfo = array( 'isAdmin' => false, 'userId' => 0, 'accountType' => 0 ); $aAccountHashTable = \Aurora\Api::UserSession()->Get($sAuthToken); if (is_array($aAccountHashTable) && isset($aAccountHashTable['token'])) { if ('auth' === $aAccountHashTable['token'] && 0 < strlen($aAccountHashTable['id'])) { $oUser = \Aurora\Api::getUserById((int) $aAccountHashTable['id']); if ($oUser instanceof \Aurora\Modules\Core\Models\User) { $aInfo = array( 'isAdmin' => false, 'userId' => (int) $aAccountHashTable['id'], 'account' => isset($aAccountHashTable['account']) ? $aAccountHashTable['account'] : 0, 'accountType' => isset($aAccountHashTable['account_type']) ? $aAccountHashTable['account_type'] : 0, ); } } elseif ('admin' === $aAccountHashTable['token']) { $aInfo = array( 'isAdmin' => true, 'userId' => -1, 'accountType' => 0 ); } } return $aInfo; } /** * @param int $iCode */ public function setLastErrorCode($iCode) { @\setcookie( self::TOKEN_LAST_CODE, $iCode, 0, \Aurora\System\Api::getCookiePath(), null, \Aurora\System\Api::getCookieSecure() ); } /** * @return int */ public function getLastErrorCode() { return isset($_COOKIE[self::TOKEN_LAST_CODE]) ? (int) $_COOKIE[self::TOKEN_LAST_CODE] : 0; } public function clearLastErrorCode() { if (isset($_COOKIE[self::TOKEN_LAST_CODE])) { unset($_COOKIE[self::TOKEN_LAST_CODE]); } @\setcookie( self::TOKEN_LAST_CODE, '', \strtotime('-1 hour'), \Aurora\System\Api::getCookiePath(), null, \Aurora\System\Api::getCookieSecure() ); } /** * @param string $sAuthToken Default value is empty string. * * @return bool */ public function logoutAccount($sAuthToken = '') { @\setcookie( \Aurora\System\Application::AUTH_TOKEN_KEY, '', \strtotime('-1 hour'), \Aurora\System\Api::getCookiePath(), null, \Aurora\System\Api::getCookieSecure() ); return true; } /** * @param object $oAccount * @param bool $bSignMe Default value is **false**. * * @return string */ public function setAccountAsLoggedIn($oAccount, $bSignMe = false) { $aAccountHashTable = array( 'token' => 'auth', 'sign-me' => $bSignMe, 'id' => $oAccount->IdUser, 'email' => $oAccount->Email ); $iTime = $bSignMe ? time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 : 0; $sAccountHashTable = \Aurora\System\Api::EncodeKeyValues($aAccountHashTable); $sAuthToken = \md5($oAccount->IdUser . $oAccount->IncomingLogin . \microtime(true) . \rand(10000, 99999)); return \Aurora\System\Api::Cacher()->Set('AUTHTOKEN:' . $sAuthToken, $sAccountHashTable) ? $sAuthToken : ''; } public function skipMobileCheck() { @\setcookie( self::TOKEN_SKIP_MOBILE_CHECK, '1', 0, \Aurora\System\Api::getCookiePath(), null, \Aurora\System\Api::getCookieSecure() ); } /** * @return int */ public function isMobile() { if (isset($_COOKIE[self::TOKEN_SKIP_MOBILE_CHECK]) && '1' === (string) $_COOKIE[self::TOKEN_SKIP_MOBILE_CHECK]) { @\setcookie( self::TOKEN_SKIP_MOBILE_CHECK, '', \strtotime('-1 hour'), \Aurora\System\Api::getCookiePath(), null, \Aurora\System\Api::getCookieSecure() ); return 0; } return isset($_COOKIE[self::MOBILE_KEY]) ? ('1' === (string) $_COOKIE[self::MOBILE_KEY] ? 1 : 0) : -1; } /** * @param bool $bMobile * * @return bool */ public function setMobile($bMobile) { @\setcookie( self::MOBILE_KEY, $bMobile ? '1' : '0', \strtotime('+200 days'), \Aurora\System\Api::getCookiePath(), null, \Aurora\System\Api::getCookieSecure() ); return true; } public function resetCookies() { $sHelpdeskHash = !empty($_COOKIE[self::AUTH_HD_KEY]) ? $_COOKIE[self::AUTH_HD_KEY] : ''; if (0 < strlen($sHelpdeskHash)) { $aHelpdeskHashTable = \Aurora\System\Api::DecodeKeyValues($sHelpdeskHash); if (isset($aHelpdeskHashTable['sign-me']) && $aHelpdeskHashTable['sign-me']) { @\setcookie( self::AUTH_HD_KEY, \Aurora\System\Api::EncodeKeyValues($aHelpdeskHashTable), \strtotime('+30 days'), \Aurora\System\Api::getCookiePath(), null, \Aurora\System\Api::getCookieSecure() ); } } } /** * @return array */ public function getLanguageList() { static $aList = null; if (null === $aList) { $aList = array(); $sEnglishLang = null; $sPath = \Aurora\System\Api::WebMailPath() . 'modules'; $aModuleNames = \Aurora\System\Api::GetModuleManager()->GetAllowedModulesName(); foreach ($aModuleNames as $sModuleName) { $sModuleLangsDir = $sPath . '/' . $sModuleName . '/i18n'; if (@is_dir($sModuleLangsDir)) { $rDirH = @opendir($sModuleLangsDir); if ($rDirH) { while (($sFile = @readdir($rDirH)) !== false) { $sLanguage = substr($sFile, 0, -4); if ('.' !== $sFile[0] && is_file($sModuleLangsDir . '/' . $sFile) && '.ini' === substr($sFile, -4)) { if (0 < strlen($sLanguage) && !in_array($sLanguage, $aList)) { if ('english' === strtolower($sLanguage)) { $sEnglishLang = $sLanguage; } else { $aList[] = $sLanguage; } } } } @closedir($rDirH); } } } sort($aList); if ($sEnglishLang !== null) { array_unshift($aList, $sEnglishLang); } } $oModuleManager = \Aurora\System\Api::GetModuleManager(); $aLanguageList = $oModuleManager->getModuleConfigValue('Core', 'LanguageList'); if (is_array($aLanguageList) && count($aLanguageList) > 0) { $aList = array_intersect($aLanguageList, $aList); } return $aList; } /** * @return array */ public function getThemeList() { static $aList = null; if (null === $aList) { $aList = array(); $oModuleManager = \Aurora\System\Api::GetModuleManager(); $sCoreWebclientModule = \Aurora\System\Api::IsMobileApplication() ? 'CoreMobileWebclient' : 'CoreWebclient'; $aThemes = $oModuleManager->getModuleConfigValue($sCoreWebclientModule, 'ThemeList'); $sDir = \Aurora\System\Api::WebMailPath() . 'static/styles/themes/'; if (is_array($aThemes)) { $sPostfix = \Aurora\System\Api::IsMobileApplication() ? '-mobile' : ''; foreach ($aThemes as $sTheme) { if (file_exists($sDir . '/' . $sTheme . '/styles' . $sPostfix . '.css')) { $aList[] = $sTheme; } } } } return $aList; } /** * @return array */ public function appData() { $aAppData = array( 'User' => array( 'Id' => 0, 'Role' => \Aurora\System\Enums\UserRole::Anonymous, 'Name' => '', 'PublicId' => '', ) ); // AuthToken reads from cookie for HTML $sAuthToken = isset($_COOKIE[\Aurora\System\Application::AUTH_TOKEN_KEY]) ? $_COOKIE[\Aurora\System\Application::AUTH_TOKEN_KEY] : ''; $oUser = null; try { $oUser = \Aurora\System\Api::getAuthenticatedUser($sAuthToken); } catch (\Exception $oEx) { } $aAppData['additional_entity_fields_to_edit'] = []; $aModules = \Aurora\System\Api::GetModules(); foreach ($aModules as $sModuleName => $oModule) { try { $oDecorator = \Aurora\System\Api::GetModuleDecorator($sModuleName); $aModuleAppData = $oDecorator->GetSettings(); if (is_array($aModuleAppData)) { $aAppData[$oModule::GetName()] = $aModuleAppData; } $aAppData['module_errors'][$oModule::GetName()] = $oDecorator->GetErrors(); $aAdditionalEntityFieldsToEdit = $oDecorator->GetAdditionalEntityFieldsToEdit(); if (is_array($aAdditionalEntityFieldsToEdit) && !empty($aAdditionalEntityFieldsToEdit)) { $aAppData['additional_entity_fields_to_edit'] = array_merge($aAppData['additional_entity_fields_to_edit'], $aAdditionalEntityFieldsToEdit); } } catch (\Aurora\System\Exceptions\ApiException $oEx) { } } if ($oUser) { $aAppData['User'] = array( 'Id' => $oUser->Id, 'Role' => $oUser->Role, 'Name' => $oUser->Name, 'PublicId' => $oUser->PublicId, 'TenantId' => $oUser->IdTenant, ); } return $aAppData; } /** * @return string */ public function compileAppData() { return ''; } /** * @return array */ public function getThemeAndLanguage() { static $sLanguage = false; static $sTheme = false; if (false === $sLanguage && false === $sTheme) { $oUser = \Aurora\System\Api::getAuthenticatedUser(); $oModuleManager = \Aurora\System\Api::GetModuleManager(); $sLanguage = \Aurora\System\Api::GetLanguage(); $sLanguage = $this->validatedLanguageValue($sLanguage); $sCoreWebclientModule = \Aurora\System\Api::IsMobileApplication() ? 'CoreMobileWebclient' : 'CoreWebclient'; $sTheme = $oUser && isset($oUser->{$sCoreWebclientModule . '::Theme'}) ? $oUser->{$sCoreWebclientModule . '::Theme'} : $oModuleManager->getModuleConfigValue($sCoreWebclientModule, 'Theme'); $sTheme = $this->validatedThemeValue($sTheme); } /*** temporary fix to the problems in mobile version in rtl mode ***/ if (in_array($sLanguage, array('Arabic', 'Hebrew', 'Persian')) /* && $oApiCapability->isNotLite()*/ && 1 === $this->isMobile()) { // todo $sLanguage = 'English'; } /*** end of temporary fix to the problems in mobile version in rtl mode ***/ return array($sLanguage, $sTheme); } /** * Indicates if rtl interface should be turned on. * * @return bool */ public function IsRtl() { list($sLanguage, $sTheme) = $this->getThemeAndLanguage(); return \in_array($sLanguage, array('Arabic', 'Hebrew', 'Persian')); } /** * Returns css links for building in html. * * @return string */ public function buildHeadersLink() { list($sLanguage, $sTheme) = $this->getThemeAndLanguage(); $sMobileSuffix = \Aurora\System\Api::IsMobileApplication() ? '-mobile' : ''; // $sTenantName = \Aurora\System\Api::getTenantName(); // $oSettings =&\Aurora\System\Api::GetSettings(); // We don't have ability to have different modules set for different tenants for now. // So we don't use tenants folder for static files. // if ($oSettings->GetValue('EnableMultiTenant') && $sTenantName) // { // $sS = //'
'. //'
'; // } // else // { $sS = '
' . '
'; // } return $sS; } public function GetClientModuleNames() { $aClientModuleNames = []; $aModuleNames = \Aurora\System\Api::GetModuleManager()->GetAllowedModulesName(); $sModulesPath = \Aurora\System\Api::GetModuleManager()->GetModulesRootPath(); $bIsMobileApplication = \Aurora\System\Api::IsMobileApplication(); foreach ($aModuleNames as $sModuleName) { $this->populateClientModuleNames($sModulesPath, $sModuleName, $bIsMobileApplication, $aClientModuleNames, false); } sort($aClientModuleNames); return $aClientModuleNames; } public function GetBackendModules() { $aBackendModuleNames = []; $aModuleNames = \Aurora\System\Api::GetModuleManager()->GetAllowedModulesName(); $sModulesPath = \Aurora\System\Api::GetModuleManager()->GetModulesRootPath(); foreach ($aModuleNames as $sModuleName) { if (!\file_exists($sModulesPath . $sModuleName . '/js/manager.js')) { $aBackendModuleNames[] = $sModuleName; } } sort($aBackendModuleNames); return $aBackendModuleNames; } /** * Returns JS links for building in HTML. * @param array $aConfig * @return string */ public function compileJS($aConfig = array()) { $oSettings = & \Aurora\System\Api::GetSettings(); $sPostfix = ''; if ($oSettings && $oSettings->GetValue('UseAppMinJs', false)) { $sPostfix .= '.min'; } // We don't have ability to have different modules set for different tenants for now. // So we don't use tenants folder for static files. // $sTenantName = \Aurora\System\Api::getTenantName(); // $sJsScriptPath = $oSettings->GetValue('EnableMultiTenant') && $sTenantName ? "./tenants/".$sTenantName."/" : "./"; $sJsScriptPath = "./"; $aClientModuleNames = []; if (isset($aConfig['modules_list'])) { $aClientModuleNames = $aConfig['modules_list']; } else { $aClientModuleNames = $this->GetClientModuleNames(); } $bIsPublic = isset($aConfig['public_app']) ? (bool)$aConfig['public_app'] : false; $bIsNewTab = isset($aConfig['new_tab']) ? (bool)$aConfig['new_tab'] : false; return ' '; } /** * Populates array with names of modules that should be loaded on client side. * @param string $sModulesPath Path to folder with modules. * @param string $sModuleName Name of module to add. * @param boolean $bIsMobileApplication Indicates if there is mobile version of application. * @param array $aClientModuleNames Array with names of modules that should be loaded on client side. Array is passed by reference and populated with this method. * @param boolean $bAddAnyway Indicates if module should be added anyway. */ protected function populateClientModuleNames($sModulesPath, $sModuleName, $bIsMobileApplication, &$aClientModuleNames, $bAddAnyway) { if (!in_array($sModuleName, $aClientModuleNames)) { $bAddModuleName = $bAddAnyway; $oModuleManager = \Aurora\System\Api::GetModuleManager(); if (!$bAddModuleName && $bIsMobileApplication) { $bAddModuleName = $oModuleManager->getModuleConfigValue($sModuleName, 'IncludeInMobile', false); } elseif (!$bAddModuleName) { $bAddModuleName = $oModuleManager->getModuleConfigValue($sModuleName, 'IncludeInDesktop', true); } if ($bAddModuleName && \file_exists($sModulesPath . $sModuleName . '/js/manager.js')) { $aClientModuleNames[] = $sModuleName; if ($bIsMobileApplication) { $aRequire = $oModuleManager->getModuleConfigValue($sModuleName, 'RequireInMobile', true); if (is_array($aRequire)) { foreach ($aRequire as $sRequireModuleName) { $this->populateClientModuleNames($sModulesPath, $sRequireModuleName, $bIsMobileApplication, $aClientModuleNames, true); } } } } } } /** * Returns application html. * * @param array $aConfig * @return string */ public function buildBody($aConfig = array()) { list($sLanguage, $sTheme) = $this->getThemeAndLanguage(); return $this->compileTemplates() . "\r\n" . $this->compileLanguage($sLanguage) . "\r\n" . $this->compileAppData() . "\r\n" . $this->compileJS($aConfig) . "\r\n" . '' ; } public function GetModulesForEntry($sEntryModule) { $aResModuleList = [$sEntryModule]; $oModuleManager = \Aurora\System\Api::GetModuleManager(); $aAvailableOn = $oModuleManager->getModuleConfigValue($sEntryModule, 'AvailableOn'); if (is_array($aAvailableOn) && count($aAvailableOn) > 0) { $aResModuleList = array_merge($aResModuleList, $aAvailableOn); } else { $aAllowedModuleNames = $oModuleManager->GetAllowedModulesName(); foreach ($aAllowedModuleNames as $sAllowedModule) { $aAvailableFor = $oModuleManager->getModuleConfigValue($sAllowedModule, 'AvailableFor'); if (is_array($aAvailableFor) && count($aAvailableFor) > 0 && in_array($sEntryModule, $aAvailableFor)) { $aResModuleList = array_merge($aResModuleList, [$sAllowedModule]); } } } return $aResModuleList; } }