aContainer = [ 'LicenseKey' => new SettingsProperty( '', 'string', null, 'License key is supplied here' ), 'AdminLogin' => new SettingsProperty( 'superadmin', 'string', null, 'Administrative login' ), 'AdminPassword' => new SettingsProperty( '', 'string', null, 'Administrative password (empty by default)' ), 'AdminLanguage' => new SettingsProperty( 'English', 'string', null, 'Admin interface language' ), 'DBType' => new SettingsProperty( Enums\DbType::MySQL, 'spec', Enums\DbType::class, 'Database engine used. Currently, only MySQL is supported' ), 'DBPrefix' => new SettingsProperty( 'au_', 'string', null, 'Prefix used for database tables names' ), 'DBHost' => new SettingsProperty( '', 'string', null, 'Denotes hostname or socket path used for connecting to SQL database' ), 'DBName' => new SettingsProperty( '', 'string', null, 'The name of database in SQL server used' ), 'DBLogin' => new SettingsProperty( 'root', 'string', null, 'Login for SQL user' ), 'DBPassword' => new SettingsProperty( '', 'string', null, 'Password to access SQL database' ), 'UseSlaveConnection' => new SettingsProperty( false, 'bool', null, 'Set of parameters for separate read/write access to the database. If set to true, the first set of credentials will be used to write to the database while Slave credentials - to read from it' ), 'DBSlaveHost' => new SettingsProperty( '', 'string', null, 'Slave database hostname or socket path' ), 'DBSlaveName' => new SettingsProperty( '', 'string', null, 'Slave database name' ), 'DBSlaveLogin' => new SettingsProperty( 'root', 'string', null, 'Slave database login' ), 'DBSlavePassword' => new SettingsProperty( '', 'string', null, 'Slave database password' ), 'DBUseExplain' => new SettingsProperty( false, 'bool', null, 'Use EXPLAIN in SQL queries' ), 'DBUseExplainExtended' => new SettingsProperty( false, 'bool', null, 'Use Extended EXPLAIN' ), 'DBLogQueryParams' => new SettingsProperty( false, 'bool', null, 'If enabled, parameters values will be recorded in the logs' ), 'DBDebugBacktraceLimit' => new SettingsProperty( false, 'bool', null, 'This parameter can be used to limit the number of stack frames returned' ), 'EnableLogging' => new SettingsProperty( false, 'bool', null, 'Activates debug logging' ), 'EnableEventLogging' => new SettingsProperty( false, 'bool', null, 'Activates user activity logging' ), 'LoggingLevel' => new SettingsProperty( Enums\LogLevel::Full, 'spec', Enums\LogLevel::class, 'For debug logs, verbosity level can be set to Full, Warning or Error' ), 'LogFileName' => new SettingsProperty( 'log-{Y-m-d}.txt', 'string', null, 'Denotes log filename pattern' ), 'LogCustomFullPath' => new SettingsProperty( '', 'string', null, 'Allows for overriding log files location' ), 'LogPostView' => new SettingsProperty( false, 'bool', null, 'Determines whether to log full POST data or just key names' ), 'EnableMultiChannel' => new SettingsProperty( false, 'bool', null, 'Reserved for future use' ), 'EnableMultiTenant' => new SettingsProperty( false, 'bool', null, 'Enables multi tenant support' ), 'TenantGlobalCapa' => new SettingsProperty( '', 'string', null, 'Reserved for future use' ), 'AllowThumbnail' => new SettingsProperty( true, 'bool', null, 'If disabled, image thumbnails will not be generated' ), 'ThumbnailMaxFileSizeMb' => new SettingsProperty( 5, 'int', null, 'Denotes a max filesize of images thumbnails are generated for, in Mbytes' ), 'CacheCtrl' => new SettingsProperty( true, 'bool', null, 'If true, content of mail message opened in a new browser tab will be retrieved from cache' ), 'CacheLangs' => new SettingsProperty( true, 'bool', null, 'Enables caching language files' ), 'CacheTemplates' => new SettingsProperty( true, 'bool', null, 'Enables caching template files' ), 'DisplayServerErrorInformation' => new SettingsProperty( true, 'bool', null, 'If enabled, error messages will include texts returned from the server' ), 'EnableImap4PlainAuth' => new SettingsProperty( false, 'bool', null, 'Reserved for future use' ), 'RedirectToHttps' => new SettingsProperty( false, 'bool', null, 'If enabled, users will automatically be redirected from HTTP to HTTPS' ), 'SocketConnectTimeoutSeconds' => new SettingsProperty( 20, 'int', null, 'Socket connection timeout limit, in seconds' ), 'SocketGetTimeoutSeconds' => new SettingsProperty( 20, 'int', null, 'Socket stream access timeout, in seconds' ), 'SocketVerifySsl' => new SettingsProperty( false, 'bool', null, 'Enables SSL certificate checks' ), 'UseAppMinJs' => new SettingsProperty( true, 'bool', null, 'Enables loading minified JS files (default behavior)' ), 'XFrameOptions' => new SettingsProperty( '', 'string', null, 'If set to SAMEORIGIN, disallows embedding product interface into IFrame to prevent from clickjacking attacks' ), 'RemoveOldLogs' => new SettingsProperty( true, 'bool', null, 'If enabled, logs older than RemoveOldLogsDays days are automatically removed' ), 'RemoveOldLogsDays' => new SettingsProperty( 2, 'int', null, 'Value for use with RemoveOldLogs setting' ), 'LogStackTrace' => new SettingsProperty( false, 'bool', null, 'If enabled, logs will contain full stack trace of exceptions; disabled by default to prevent logs from containing sensitive data' ), 'ExpireUserSessionsBeforeTimestamp' => new SettingsProperty( 0, 'int', null, 'If set, all user sessions prior to this timestamp will be considered expired' ), 'PasswordMinLength' => new SettingsProperty( 0, 'int', null, 'Used by password change modules, if set to non-zero, denotes minimal length of new password' ), 'PasswordMustBeComplex' => new SettingsProperty( false, 'bool', null, 'Used by password change modules, if set to true, new password has to include at least one digit and at least one non-alphanumeric character' ), 'StoreAuthTokenInDB' => new SettingsProperty( false, 'bool', null, 'If enabled, authentication tokens will be stored in the database and can be revoked' ), 'AuthTokenExpirationLifetimeDays' => new SettingsProperty( 0, 'int', null, 'If set to non-zero value, means auth tokens will expire after this number of days. 0 means the feature is disabled.' ), ]; } /** * @return bool */ public function Load($bForceLoad = false) { $this->initDefaults(); if (!\file_exists($this->sPath)) { $this->Save(); } return parent::Load($bForceLoad); } public function SyncConfigs() { $this->initDefaults(); $aContainer = $this->aContainer; if (!\file_exists($this->sPath)) { $this->Save(); } parent::Load(true); $this->aContainer = \array_merge( $aContainer, $this->aContainer ); $this->Save(); } public function Save($bBackupConfigFile = true) { $result = parent::Save($bBackupConfigFile); if ($result) { Api::CreateContainer(true); } return $result; } }