'auth', 'sign-me' => $bSignMe, 'id' => $oAccount->IdUser, 'account' => $oAccount->Id, 'account_type' => get_class($oAccount) ]; } public function Set($aData, $iTime = 0, $iExpire = 0) { $aData['@time'] = $iTime; $aData['@expire'] = $iExpire; $aData['@ver'] = self::TOKEN_VERSION; if ($iExpire > 0) { $aData['@expire'] = $iExpire; } $sAuthToken = Api::EncodeKeyValues( $aData ); if (\Aurora\Api::GetSettings()->GetValue('StoreAuthTokenInDB', false)) { $this->SetToDB($aData['id'], $sAuthToken); } return $sAuthToken; } public function UpdateTimestamp($sAuthToken, $iTime = 0) { $aData = $this->Get($sAuthToken); return $this->Set($aData, $iTime); } public function Get($sAuthToken) { $mAuthTokenData = false; $mResult = true; if (strlen((string)$sAuthToken) !== 0) { $bStoreAuthTokenInDB = \Aurora\Api::GetSettings()->GetValue('StoreAuthTokenInDB', false); // check if the auth token is stored in the database if ($bStoreAuthTokenInDB && !$this->GetFromDB($sAuthToken)) { return false; } $mAuthTokenData = Api::DecodeKeyValues($sAuthToken); // checking the validity of auth token data if ($mAuthTokenData && isset($mAuthTokenData['id'])) { $oUser = Api::getUserById((int) $mAuthTokenData['id']); // check if user is disabled if ($oUser && $oUser->IsDisabled) { $mResult = false; } // check auth token version if ($mResult) { if ((isset($mAuthTokenData['@ver']) && $mAuthTokenData['@ver'] !== self::TOKEN_VERSION) || !isset($mAuthTokenData['@ver'])) { $mResult = false; } } // check auth token expiration date if ($mResult) { $iExpireTime = (int) isset($mAuthTokenData['@expire']) ? $mAuthTokenData['@expire'] : 0; if ($iExpireTime > 0 && $iExpireTime < time()) { $mResult = false; } } // checking the token is valid from timestamp if ($mResult) { $iTime = (int) $mAuthTokenData['@time']; // 0 means that signMe was true when user logged in, so there is no need to check it in that case if ($oUser && $iTime !== 0 && (int) $oUser->TokensValidFromTimestamp > $iTime) { $mResult = false; } } // check user sessions that are considered expired if ($mResult) { if ((isset($mAuthTokenData['sign-me']) && !((bool) $mAuthTokenData['sign-me'])) || (!isset($mAuthTokenData['sign-me']))) { $iTime = 0; if (isset($mAuthTokenData['@time'])) { $iTime = (int) $mAuthTokenData['@time']; } $iExpireUserSessionsBeforeTimestamp = \Aurora\System\Api::GetSettings()->GetValue("ExpireUserSessionsBeforeTimestamp", 0); if ($iExpireUserSessionsBeforeTimestamp > $iTime && $iTime > 0) { $mResult = false; } } } } else { $mResult = false; } if (!$mResult) { $this->Delete($sAuthToken); $mAuthTokenData = $mResult; \Aurora\System\Api::Log('User session expired: '); \Aurora\System\Api::LogObject($mAuthTokenData); } } return $mAuthTokenData; } public function Delete($sAuthToken) { if (\Aurora\Api::GetSettings()->GetValue('StoreAuthTokenInDB', false)) { try { $this->DeleteFromDB($sAuthToken); } catch (\Aurora\System\Exceptions\DbException $oEx) { // DB is not configured } } } public function DeleteAllUserSessions($iUserId) { return AuthToken::where('UserId', $iUserId)->delete(); } public function SetToDB($iUserId, $sAuthToken) { $oAuthToken = AuthToken::where('UserId', $iUserId)->where('Token', $sAuthToken)->first(); if (!$oAuthToken) { $oAuthToken = new AuthToken(); } $oAuthToken->UserId = $iUserId; $oAuthToken->Token = $sAuthToken; $oAuthToken->LastUsageDateTime = time(); try { $oAuthToken->save(); } catch (\Aurora\System\Exceptions\DbException $oEx) { // DB is not configured } } public function GetFromDB($sAuthToken) { if (!isset(self::$aTokensCache[$sAuthToken])) { try { $oAuthToken = AuthToken::firstWhere('Token', $sAuthToken); if ($oAuthToken) { $oAuthToken->LastUsageDateTime = time(); $oAuthToken->save(); self::$aTokensCache[$sAuthToken] = $oAuthToken; } } catch (\Aurora\System\Exceptions\DbException $oEx) { \Aurora\Api::LogException($oEx); } } return isset(self::$aTokensCache[$sAuthToken]) ? self::$aTokensCache[$sAuthToken] : false; } public function DeleteFromDB($sAuthToken) { AuthToken::where('Token', $sAuthToken)->delete(); } public function GetExpiredAuthTokens($iDays) { $iTime = $iDays * 86400; return AuthToken::query()->whereRaw('(LastUsageDateTime + ' . $iTime . ') < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()')->get(); } public function DeleteExpiredAuthTokens($iDays) { $iTime = $iDays * 86400; return AuthToken::query()->whereRaw('(LastUsageDateTime + ' . $iTime . ') < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()')->delete(); } public function GetUserSessionsFromDB($iUserId) { return AuthToken::where('UserId', $iUserId)->get(); } }