*/ private static array $specialClassNames = [ 'self' => true, 'parent' => true, 'static' => true, ]; /** * Constructs a name node. * * @param string|string[]|self $name Name as string, part array or Name instance (copy ctor) * @param array
$attributes Additional attributes */ final public function __construct($name, array $attributes = []) { $this->attributes = $attributes; $this->name = self::prepareName($name); } public function getSubNodeNames(): array { return ['name']; } /** * Get parts of name (split by the namespace separator). * * @psalm-return non-empty-list
* @return string[] Parts of name */ public function getParts(): array { return \explode('\\', $this->name); } /** * Gets the first part of the name, i.e. everything before the first namespace separator. * * @return string First part of the name */ public function getFirst(): string { if (false !== $pos = \strpos($this->name, '\\')) { return \substr($this->name, 0, $pos); } return $this->name; } /** * Gets the last part of the name, i.e. everything after the last namespace separator. * * @return string Last part of the name */ public function getLast(): string { if (false !== $pos = \strrpos($this->name, '\\')) { return \substr($this->name, $pos + 1); } return $this->name; } /** * Checks whether the name is unqualified. (E.g. Name) * * @return bool Whether the name is unqualified */ public function isUnqualified(): bool { return false === \strpos($this->name, '\\'); } /** * Checks whether the name is qualified. (E.g. Name\Name) * * @return bool Whether the name is qualified */ public function isQualified(): bool { return false !== \strpos($this->name, '\\'); } /** * Checks whether the name is fully qualified. (E.g. \Name) * * @return bool Whether the name is fully qualified */ public function isFullyQualified(): bool { return false; } /** * Checks whether the name is explicitly relative to the current namespace. (E.g. namespace\Name) * * @return bool Whether the name is relative */ public function isRelative(): bool { return false; } /** * Returns a string representation of the name itself, without taking the name type into * account (e.g., not including a leading backslash for fully qualified names). * * @psalm-return non-empty-string * @return string String representation */ public function toString(): string { return $this->name; } /** * Returns a string representation of the name as it would occur in code (e.g., including * leading backslash for fully qualified names. * * @psalm-return non-empty-string * @return string String representation */ public function toCodeString(): string { return $this->toString(); } /** * Returns lowercased string representation of the name, without taking the name type into * account (e.g., no leading backslash for fully qualified names). * * @psalm-return non-empty-string * @return string Lowercased string representation */ public function toLowerString(): string { return strtolower($this->name); } /** * Checks whether the identifier is a special class name (self, parent or static). * * @return bool Whether identifier is a special class name */ public function isSpecialClassName(): bool { return isset(self::$specialClassNames[strtolower($this->name)]); } /** * Returns a string representation of the name by imploding the namespace parts with the * namespace separator. * * @psalm-return non-empty-string * @return string String representation */ public function __toString(): string { return $this->name; } /** * Gets a slice of a name (similar to array_slice). * * This method returns a new instance of the same type as the original and with the same * attributes. * * If the slice is empty, null is returned. The null value will be correctly handled in * concatenations using concat(). * * Offset and length have the same meaning as in array_slice(). * * @param int $offset Offset to start the slice at (may be negative) * @param int|null $length Length of the slice (may be negative) * * @return static|null Sliced name */ public function slice(int $offset, ?int $length = null) { if ($offset === 1 && $length === null) { // Short-circuit the common case. if (false !== $pos = \strpos($this->name, '\\')) { return new static(\substr($this->name, $pos + 1)); } return null; } $parts = \explode('\\', $this->name); $numParts = \count($parts); $realOffset = $offset < 0 ? $offset + $numParts : $offset; if ($realOffset < 0 || $realOffset > $numParts) { throw new \OutOfBoundsException(sprintf('Offset %d is out of bounds', $offset)); } if (null === $length) { $realLength = $numParts - $realOffset; } else { $realLength = $length < 0 ? $length + $numParts - $realOffset : $length; if ($realLength < 0 || $realLength > $numParts - $realOffset) { throw new \OutOfBoundsException(sprintf('Length %d is out of bounds', $length)); } } if ($realLength === 0) { // Empty slice is represented as null return null; } return new static(array_slice($parts, $realOffset, $realLength), $this->attributes); } /** * Concatenate two names, yielding a new Name instance. * * The type of the generated instance depends on which class this method is called on, for * example Name\FullyQualified::concat() will yield a Name\FullyQualified instance. * * If one of the arguments is null, a new instance of the other name will be returned. If both * arguments are null, null will be returned. As such, writing * Name::concat($namespace, $shortName) * where $namespace is a Name node or null will work as expected. * * @param string|string[]|self|null $name1 The first name * @param string|string[]|self|null $name2 The second name * @param array
$attributes Attributes to assign to concatenated name * * @return static|null Concatenated name */ public static function concat($name1, $name2, array $attributes = []) { if (null === $name1 && null === $name2) { return null; } if (null === $name1) { return new static($name2, $attributes); } if (null === $name2) { return new static($name1, $attributes); } else { return new static( self::prepareName($name1) . '\\' . self::prepareName($name2), $attributes ); } } /** * Prepares a (string, array or Name node) name for use in name changing methods by converting * it to a string. * * @param string|string[]|self $name Name to prepare * * @psalm-return non-empty-string * @return string Prepared name */ private static function prepareName($name): string { if (\is_string($name)) { if ('' === $name) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Name cannot be empty'); } return $name; } if (\is_array($name)) { if (empty($name)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Name cannot be empty'); } return implode('\\', $name); } if ($name instanceof self) { return $name->name; } throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'Expected string, array of parts or Name instance' ); } public function getType(): string { return 'Name'; } }