* array( * 'code' => 301, // the token type code (see token_get_all()) * 'content' => 'if', // the token content * 'type' => 'T_IF', // the token name * 'line' => 56, // the line number when the token is located * 'column' => 12, // the column in the line where this token * // starts (starts from 1) * 'level' => 2 // the depth a token is within the scopes open * 'conditions' => array( // a list of scope condition token * // positions => codes that * 2 => 50, // opened the scopes that this token exists * 9 => 353, // in (see conditional tokens section below) * ), * ); *
* array( * 'scope_condition' => 38, // the token position of the condition * 'scope_opener' => 41, // the token position that started the scope * 'scope_closer' => 70, // the token position that ended the scope * ); *
* array( * 'parenthesis_opener' => 34, * 'parenthesis_closer' => 40, * ); *
* array( * 'parenthesis_opener' => 34, * 'parenthesis_closer' => 40, * 'parenthesis_owner' => 33, * ); *
* 'nested_parenthesis' => array( * 12 => 15 * 11 => 14 * ); *
* 0 => array( * 'token' => int, // The position of the var in the token stack. * 'name' => '$var', // The variable name. * 'content' => string, // The full content of the variable definition. * 'pass_by_reference' => boolean, // Is the variable passed by reference? * 'variable_length' => boolean, // Is the param of variable length through use of `...` ? * 'type_hint' => string, // The type hint for the variable. * 'nullable_type' => boolean, // Is the variable using a nullable type? * ) *
* array( * 'scope' => 'public', // public private or protected * 'scope_specified' => true, // true is scope keyword was found. * 'is_abstract' => false, // true if the abstract keyword was found. * 'is_final' => false, // true if the final keyword was found. * 'is_static' => false, // true if the static keyword was found. * 'is_closure' => false, // true if no name is found. * ); *
* array( * 'scope' => 'public', // public private or protected * 'is_static' => false, // true if the static keyword was found. * ); *
* array( * 'is_abstract' => false, // true if the abstract keyword was found. * 'is_final' => false, // true if the final keyword was found. * ); *