"use strict"; /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * output debug data - only if debug mode is enabled * [returns] - bool *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ NXINVOICE.log = function (payload1, payload2) { if (NX.debug_javascript) { if (payload1 != undefined) { console.log(payload1); } if (payload2 != undefined) { console.log(payload2); } } }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * output debug data - only if debug mode is enabled * [returns] - bool *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ function HTMLEntitiesDecode(html) { var txt = document.createElement("textarea"); txt.innerHTML = html; return txt.value; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * check if a value is numeric *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ NXINVOICE.is_numeric = function (n) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * [TOGGLE DISCOUNT AND TAX BUTTONS] * - enable or disable these buttons, if the billing has no value *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ NXINVOICE.toggleTaxDiscountButtons = function (value = 0) { var bill_final_amount = Number($("#bill_final_amount").val()); var bill_subtotal = Number($("#bill_subtotal").val()); //log NXINVOICE.log('[billing] toggleTaxDiscountButtons() - based on billing value [bill_final_amount]: (' + bill_final_amount + ')'); //dom var $discount_button = $("#billing-discounts-popover-button"); var $tax_button = $("#billing-tax-popover-button"); //does the bill have a laue } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * Bill has loaded. Let do some intial tasks *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ NXINVOICE.DOM.domState = function () { NXINVOICE.log('[billing] state() - setting billing dom state- [payload]', NXINVOICE.DATA.INVOICE); //toggle discount and tax buttons NXINVOICE.toggleTaxDiscountButtons(); //remove class from crumbs to avoid actions when check boxes are ticked $("#breadcrumbs").removeClass('list-pages-crumbs'); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * properly format money *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ function nxFormatDecimal(number = 0) { return accounting.formatNumber(number, 2, "", "."); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * [TOGGLE TAX POPOVER] * - set the tax DOm elements *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ NXINVOICE.toggleTaxDom = function (tax_type = '') { NXINVOICE.log('[billing] initialiseTaxPopover() - toggling tax popover - [tax_type]: ' + tax_type); //popover elements visibility if (tax_type == 'inline') { $("#billing-tax-popover-inline-info").show(); $("#billing-tax-popover-summary-info").hide(); } if (tax_type == 'summary') { $("#billing-tax-popover-inline-info").hide(); $("#billing-tax-popover-summary-info").show(); } if (tax_type == 'none') { $("#billing-tax-popover-inline-info").hide(); $("#billing-tax-popover-summary-info").hide(); } //update tax type $("#billing-tax-type").val(tax_type); //preselect check boxes $('#billing-logic-taxes :selected').each(function (i, selected) { var element_id = $(selected).attr('id'); $("#" + element_id).prop("checked", true); }); }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * [TOGGLE DICOUNTS POPOVER] * - set visibility of the form fields *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ NXINVOICE.toggleDiscountDom = function (bill_discount_type = '') { //get current values var bill_discount_value = ''; //log NXINVOICE.log('[billing] toggleDiscountDom() setting popover state [current_discount_type]: (' + bill_discount_type + ')'); //dom var $fixed_container = $("#billing-discounts-popover-fixed"); var $percentage_container = $("#billing-discounts-popover-percentage"); //default visibility $fixed_container.hide(); $percentage_container.hide(); //fixed discount if (bill_discount_type == 'fixed') { var bill_discount_value = $("#bill_discount_amount").val(); } //percentage discount if (bill_discount_type == 'percentage') { var bill_discount_value = $("#bill_discount_percentage").val(); } //percentage discount if (bill_discount_type == 'none') { $("#js-billing-discount-type").val('none') var bill_discount_value = $("#bill_discount_percentage").val(); } //fixed discount if (bill_discount_type == 'fixed') { $percentage_container.hide(); $fixed_container.show(); $("#js-billing-discount-type").val('fixed') $("#js_bill_discount_amount").val(nxFormatDecimal(bill_discount_value)); } //percentage discount if (bill_discount_type == 'percentage') { $fixed_container.hide(); $percentage_container.show(); $("#js-billing-discount-type").val('percentage') $("#js_bill_discount_percentage").val(Number(bill_discount_value)); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * [TOGGLE ADJUSTMENTS POPOVER] *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ NXINVOICE.toggleAdjustmentDom = function () { NXINVOICE.log('[billing] toggleAdjustmentDom() setting adjustment popover state'); //set the data from the var bill_adjustment_description = $("#bill_adjustment_description").val(); var bill_adjustment_amount = $("#bill_adjustment_amount").val(); //set forn data $("#js_bill_adjustment_amount").val(nxFormatDecimal(bill_adjustment_amount)); $("#js_bill_adjustment_description").val(bill_adjustment_description); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * update the amount due bill label *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ NXINVOICE.DOM.updateAmountDue = function (bill_final_amount = 0) { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] NXINVOICE.DOM.updateAmountDue() - updating amount due label [bill_final_amount]: (" + bill_final_amount + ")"); //amount due label var amount_due_label = $("#billing-details-amount-due"); //calculate based on the current bill balance var amount_due = bill_final_amount - Number($("#bill_total_payments").val()); if (amount_due > 0) { //update amount due and turn lable to red color amount_due_label.html(accounting.formatMoney(amount_due)).removeClass("label-success").addClass("label-danger"); } else { //update amount due and turn lable to red color amount_due_label.html(accounting.formatMoney(amount_due)).removeClass("label-danger").addClass("label-success"); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * [LINE ITEM] * -add new blank line item *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ NXINVOICE.DOM.itemNewLine = function (data = {}) { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] NXINVOICE.DOM.itemNewLine() - cloning time line - [payload]"); NXINVOICE.log(data); //get data is any was provided var item_unit = (data.item_unit != null) ? data.item_unit : ''; var item_quantity = (data.item_quantity != null) ? data.item_quantity : ''; var item_description = (data.item_description != null) ? data.item_description : ''; var item_rate = (data.item_rate != null) ? data.item_rate : ''; var item_total = (data.item_total != null) ? data.item_total : ''; var item_linked_type = (data.item_linked_type != null) ? data.item_linked_type : ''; var item_linked_id = (data.item_linked_id != null) ? data.item_linked_id : ''; var item_tax_status = (data.item_tax_status != null) ? data.item_tax_status : ''; var item_id = (data.item_id != null) ? data.item_id : ''; var has_estimation_notes = (data.has_estimation_notes != null) ? data.has_estimation_notes : 'no'; var estimation_notes = (data.estimation_notes != null) ? data.estimation_notes : ''; //check for deuplicate linked items (expense or task etc) if (item_linked_type != '') { var check = item_linked_type + '|' + item_linked_id; //e.g. data-duplicate-check='expense|23' if ($("input[data-duplicate-check='" + check + "']").length > 0) { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] NXINVOICE.DOM.itemNewLine() - the item being added is a duplicate. Will skip (" + check + ")"); //note this duplcate error NXINVOICE.DATA.expense_duplicate_count++; return; } } //new element (plain) var lineitem = $("#billing-line-template-plain").find('tr').first().clone(); //prefill if any data has been sent lineitem.find(".js_item_description").html(item_description); lineitem.find(".js_item_quantity").val(item_quantity); lineitem.find(".js_item_unit").val(item_unit); lineitem.find(".js_item_rate").val(item_rate); lineitem.find(".js_item_total").val(item_total); lineitem.find(".js_item_linked_type").val(item_linked_type); lineitem.find(".js_item_linked_id").val(item_linked_id); lineitem.find(".js_linetax_rate").val(''); lineitem.find(".js_item_id").val(item_id); lineitem.find(".js_item_tax_status").val(item_tax_status); //select2 (tax) lineitem.find(".select-tax-rate").select2({ allowClear: false, minimumResultsForSearch: Infinity, }); //add unique id to the ide var uniqueid = NX.uniqueID(); //add unique id to the table row
lineitem.attr('id', uniqueid); //change field names to name='foo[xxx]' array with unique id lineitem.find(".js_item_description").attr("name", "js_item_description[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_quantity").attr("name", "js_item_quantity[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_unit").attr("name", "js_item_unit[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_rate").attr("name", "js_item_rate[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_total").attr("name", "js_item_total[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_linetax_rate").attr("name", "js_linetax_rate[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_linked_type").attr("name", "js_item_linked_type[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_linked_id").attr("name", "js_item_linked_id[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_linked_type").attr("data-duplicate-check", item_linked_type + "|" + item_linked_id); //used for tracking duplicates lineitem.find(".js_item_type").attr("name", "js_item_type[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_tax").attr("name", "js_item_tax[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_id").attr("name", "js_item_id[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_tax_status").attr("name", "js_item_tax_status[" + uniqueid + "]"); //tax status if (item_tax_status == 'exempt') { lineitem.find(".js_item_tax").prop('disabled', true); } else { lineitem.find(".js_item_tax").prop('disabled', false); lineitem.find(".js_item_tax_status").val('taxable'); } //add hidden field (to track unique id) lineitem.append('
'); //append finished line to the table $("#billing-items-container").append(lineitem); //add the estimation notes line (for product items that have these notes) if (has_estimation_notes == 'yes') { //only do this for estimates - remove this if statement to use also in invoices. Also remove the condition in [line-estimation-notes.blade.php] if ($("#billing-estimation-notes-template").find('.estimation-notes-template').length > 0) { var lineitem_estimation_notes = $("#billing-estimation-notes-template").find('.estimation-notes-template').clone(); lineitem_estimation_notes.find(".estimation-notes-text").html(HTMLEntitiesDecode(estimation_notes)); lineitem_estimation_notes.find(".estimation-notes-text").html(HTMLEntitiesDecode(estimation_notes)); $("#billing-items-container").append(lineitem_estimation_notes); lineitem_estimation_notes.addClass(uniqueid); } } //remove button focus self.blur(); }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * [LINE ITEM] * -add new blank line item *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ NXINVOICE.DOM.timeNewLine = function (data = {}) { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] NXINVOICE.DOM.timeNewLine() - cloning time line - [payload]"); NXINVOICE.log(data); //get data is any was provided var item_description = (data.item_description != null) ? data.item_description : ''; var item_unit = (data.item_unit != null) ? data.item_unit : NXLANG.invoice_time_unit; var item_hours = (data.item_hours != null) ? data.item_hours : ''; var item_minutes = (data.item_minutes != null) ? data.item_minutes : ''; var item_rate = (data.item_rate != null) ? data.item_rate : ''; var item_total = (data.item_total != null) ? data.item_total : ''; var item_linked_id = (data.item_linked_id != null) ? data.item_linked_id : ''; var item_timers_list = (data.item_timers_list != null) ? data.item_timers_list : ''; //round item total item_total = accounting.toFixed(item_total, 2); //new element (plain or time) var lineitem = $("#billing-line-template-time").find('tr').first().clone(); //prefill if any data has been sent lineitem.find(".js_item_description").html(item_description); lineitem.find(".js_item_hours").val(item_hours); lineitem.find(".js_item_minutes").val(item_minutes); lineitem.find(".js_item_unit").val(item_unit); lineitem.find(".js_item_rate").val(item_rate); lineitem.find(".js_item_total").val(item_total); lineitem.find(".js_item_linked_id").val(item_linked_id); lineitem.find(".js_linetax_rate").val(''); lineitem.find(".js_item_unit").val(item_unit); lineitem.find(".js_item_timers_list").val(item_timers_list); //add unique id to the ide var uniqueid = NX.uniqueID(); //add unique id to the table row
lineitem.attr('id', uniqueid); //change field names to name='foo[xxx]' array with unique id lineitem.find(".js_item_description").attr("name", "js_item_description[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_hours").attr("name", "js_item_hours[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_minutes").attr("name", "js_item_minutes[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_unit").attr("name", "js_item_unit[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_rate").attr("name", "js_item_rate[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_total").attr("name", "js_item_total[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_linetax_rate").attr("name", "js_linetax_rate[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_linked_type").attr("name", "js_item_linked_type[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_linked_id").attr("name", "js_item_linked_id[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_timers_list").attr("name", "js_item_timers_list[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_type").attr("name", "js_item_type[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_tax").attr("name", "js_item_tax[" + uniqueid + "]"); //add hidden field (to track unique id) lineitem.append('
'); //append finished line to the table $("#billing-items-container").append(lineitem); //remove button focus self.blur(); }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * [LINE ITEM] * -add new blank line item *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ NXINVOICE.DOM.dimensionsNewLine = function (data = {}) { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] NXINVOICE.DOM.dimensionsNewLine() - cloning dimensions line - [payload]"); NXINVOICE.log(data); //get data if any was provided var item_description = (data.item_description != null) ? data.item_description : ''; var item_quantity = (data.item_quantity != null) ? data.item_quantity : ''; var item_unit = (data.item_unit != null) ? data.item_unit : NXLANG.dimensions_default_unit; var item_length = (data.item_length != null) ? data.item_length : ''; var item_width = (data.item_width != null) ? data.item_width : ''; var item_rate = (data.item_rate != null) ? data.item_rate : ''; var item_total = (data.item_total != null) ? data.item_total : ''; var item_linked_id = (data.item_linked_id != null) ? data.item_linked_id : ''; var item_timers_list = (data.item_timers_list != null) ? data.item_timers_list : ''; var item_tax_status = (data.item_tax_status != null) ? data.item_tax_status : ''; var item_id = (data.item_id != null) ? data.item_id : ''; //round item total item_total = accounting.toFixed(item_total, 2); //new element (plain or time) var lineitem = $("#billing-line-template-dimensions").find('tr').first().clone(); //prefill if any data has been sent lineitem.find(".js_item_description").html(item_description); lineitem.find(".js_item_quantity").val(item_quantity); lineitem.find(".js_item_length").val(item_length); lineitem.find(".js_item_width").val(item_width); lineitem.find(".js_item_unit").val(item_unit); lineitem.find(".js_item_rate").val(item_rate); lineitem.find(".js_item_total").val(item_total); lineitem.find(".js_item_linked_id").val(item_linked_id); lineitem.find(".js_linetax_rate").val(''); lineitem.find(".js_item_unit").val(item_unit); lineitem.find(".js_item_timers_list").val(item_timers_list); lineitem.find(".js_item_id").val(item_id); lineitem.find(".js_item_tax_status").val(item_tax_status); //add unique id to the ide var uniqueid = NX.uniqueID(); //add unique id to the table row
lineitem.attr('id', uniqueid); //change field names to name='foo[xxx]' array with unique id lineitem.find(".js_item_description").attr("name", "js_item_description[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_quantity").attr("name", "js_item_quantity[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_length").attr("name", "js_item_length[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_width").attr("name", "js_item_width[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_unit").attr("name", "js_item_unit[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_rate").attr("name", "js_item_rate[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_total").attr("name", "js_item_total[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_linetax_rate").attr("name", "js_linetax_rate[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_linked_type").attr("name", "js_item_linked_type[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_linked_id").attr("name", "js_item_linked_id[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_timers_list").attr("name", "js_item_timers_list[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_type").attr("name", "js_item_type[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_tax").attr("name", "js_item_tax[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_id").attr("name", "js_item_id[" + uniqueid + "]"); lineitem.find(".js_item_tax_status").attr("name", "js_item_tax_status[" + uniqueid + "]"); //tax status if (item_tax_status == 'exempt') { lineitem.find(".js_item_tax").prop('disabled', true); } else { lineitem.find(".js_item_tax").prop('disabled', false); lineitem.find(".js_item_tax_status").val('taxable'); } //add hidden field (to track unique id) lineitem.append('
'); //append finished line to the table $("#billing-items-container").append(lineitem); //remove button focus self.blur(); }; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * [RECALCULATE LINE ITEMS] * - validate and calculate each time items todal * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ NXINVOICE.CALC.recalculateLines = function () { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] recalculateLines() - validating and recalculating each line item"); //(1) ------------------------------ find each line item -------------------------------- $("#billing-items-container").find(".billing-line-item").each(function () { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] recalculateLines() - found a line item. Now validating and calculating it"); var lineitem = $(this); var id = lineitem.attr('id'); var type = lineitem.attr('type'); //each input fields var description = lineitem.find(".js_item_description"); var quantity = lineitem.find(".js_item_quantity").val(); var unit = lineitem.find(".js_item_unit").val(); var rate = lineitem.find(".js_item_rate").val(); var total = lineitem.find(".js_item_total"); var tax = lineitem.find(".js_linetax_total"); //for time items var hours = lineitem.find(".js_item_hours").val(); var minutes = lineitem.find(".js_item_minutes").val(); //for dimensions items var length = lineitem.find(".js_item_length").val(); var width = lineitem.find(".js_item_width").val(); NXINVOICE.log("[billing] recalculateLines() - [quantity]: (" + quantity + ") - [rate]: (" + rate + ") - [type]: (" + type + ")"); /** --------------------------------------------------- * SET ZERO DEFAULTS * ignore if this is the currently focused item * [02-04-2021] * --------------------------------------------------*/ if (hours == '' || hours == null) { if (lineitem.find(".js_item_hours").is(":focus")) { //do nothing } else { lineitem.find(".js_item_hours").val(0); } } if (minutes == '' || minutes == null) { if (lineitem.find(".js_item_minutes").is(":focus")) { //do nothing } else { lineitem.find(".js_item_minutes").val(0); } } /** --------------------------------------------------- * [AREA] SET ZERO DEFAULTS * ignore if this is the currently focused item * [02-04-2021] * --------------------------------------------------*/ if (length == '' || length == null) { if (lineitem.find(".js_item_length").is(":focus")) { //do nothing } else { lineitem.find(".js_item_length").val(0); } } if (width == '' || width == null) { if (lineitem.find(".js_item_width").is(":focus")) { //do nothing } else { lineitem.find(".js_item_width").val(0); } } /** --------------------------------------------------- * PLAIN LINE ITEMS * --------------------------------------------------*/ if (type == 'plain') { //if row is valid, workout total if (quantity > 0 && rate > 0) { //line total and tax var linetotal = quantity * rate; total.val(nxFormatDecimal(linetotal)); //increase bill total NXINVOICE.DATA.calc_total += linetotal; NXINVOICE.log("[billing] recalculateLines() - line item is valid. [line item total]: " + linetotal); } else { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] recalculateLines() - line item is invalid and is skipped"); total.val(''); } } /** --------------------------------------------------- * TIME LINE ITEMS * --------------------------------------------------*/ if (type == 'time') { //if row is valid, workout total if ((hours > 0 || minutes > 0) && rate > 0) { //defaults minutes total var minutes_total = 0; //hours total var hours_total = hours * rate; //if we have minutes if (minutes > 0) { minutes_total = (minutes / 60) * rate; } //line total var linetotal = hours_total + minutes_total; //round to 2 decimal places var linetotal = accounting.toFixed(linetotal, 2); //format to decimal total.val(nxFormatDecimal(linetotal)); //increase bill total NXINVOICE.DATA.calc_total += linetotal; NXINVOICE.log("[billing] recalculateLines() - line item is valid. [line item total]: " + linetotal); } else { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] recalculateLines() - line item is invalid and is skipped"); total.val(''); } } /** --------------------------------------------------- * DIMENSIONS LINE ITEMS * --------------------------------------------------*/ if (type == 'dimensions') { //if row is valid, workout total if ((length > 0 || width > 0) && rate > 0 && quantity > 0) { //total area - The rounding used for 'area' must match what is in InvoiceRepo & EstimateRepo //[tagged] - dimensions rounding var area = accounting.toFixed((length * width), 2); //line total var linetotal = area * rate * quantity; var linetotal = accounting.toFixed(linetotal, 2); //format to decimal total.val(nxFormatDecimal(linetotal)); //increase bill total NXINVOICE.DATA.calc_total += linetotal; NXINVOICE.log("[billing] recalculateLines() - line item is valid. [line item total]: " + linetotal); } else { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] recalculateLines() - line item is invalid and is skipped"); total.val(''); } } }); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * [RECALCULATE LINE ITEMS] * - calculate line tax (line by line) * - Add total tax * - Display tax total * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ NXINVOICE.CALC.recalculateLineTaxes = function () { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] recalculateLineTaxes() - validating and recalculating each line tax"); // reset the total bill tax var total_tax = 0; //(1) ------------------------------ find each line item -------------------------------- $("#billing-items-container").find(".billing-line-item").each(function () { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] recalculateLineTaxes() - found a line item. Now validating and calculating its tax"); var lineitem = $(this); var line_tax = 0; var line_total = lineitem.find(".js_item_total").val(); var line_tax_data = lineitem.find(".js_item_tax").val(); var line_tax_data = line_tax_data.split("|") var line_tax_rate = line_tax_data[0]; var line_tax_name = line_tax_data[1]; //calculate the line tax for this line item if (NXINVOICE.is_numeric(line_tax_rate)) { //validation - do we have a valid tax rate if (line_tax_rate == 0) { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] recalculateLineTaxes() - the tax is zero rate. will skip this item"); //skip this line return; } //validation - do we have a valid line total if (line_total == 0) { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] recalculateLineTaxes() - the line item total is zero. will skip this item"); //skip this line return; } //calculate the tax line_tax = (line_total * line_tax_rate) / 100; NXINVOICE.log("[billing] recalculateLineTaxes() - tax has been calculated for this line (" + line_tax + ")"); //add line tax to total tax total_tax += line_tax; NXINVOICE.log("[billing] recalculateLineTaxes() - running total tax is now (" + total_tax + ")"); } }); //return tax total return total_tax; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * [LINE ITEM] * -delete line item *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ NXINVOICE.DOM.deleteLine = function (self) { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] NXINVOICE.DOM.deleteLine() - deleteing line item"); //find parent var lineitem = self.closest('tr'); var lineitem_id = lineitem.attr('id'); //remove it lineitem.remove(); //remove estimation notes if (lineitem_id != '') { $("." + lineitem_id).remove(); } //recalculate bill NXINVOICE.CALC.reclaculateBill(); }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * [ADD INVOICE ITEM] * -add the selected product as an bill item *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ NXINVOICE.DOM.addSelectedProductItems = function (self) { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] NXINVOICE.DOM.addSelectedProductItems() - adding items selected in add items modal"); //count var count_selected = 0; //check if items were selected $("#items-list-table, #category-items-list-table").find(".items-checkbox").each(function () { if ($(this).is(":checked")) { //save to object var data = { 'item_description': $(this).attr('data-description'), 'item_quantity': $(this).attr('data-quantity'), 'item_unit': $(this).attr('data-unit'), 'item_rate': $(this).attr('data-rate'), 'item_total': $(this).attr('data-rate'), 'item_type': $(this).attr('data-type'), 'item_length': $(this).attr('data-length'), 'item_width': $(this).attr('data-width'), 'item_tax_status': $(this).attr('data-tax-status'), 'item_id': $(this).attr('data-item-id'), 'estimation_notes': $(this).attr('data-estimation-notes'), 'has_estimation_notes': $(this).attr('data-has-estimation-notes'), } //create new line item [plain] if ($(this).attr('data-type') == 'standard') { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] NXINVOICE.DOM.addSelectedProductItems() - selected item in s [standard item]. Playload: "); NXINVOICE.log(data); NXINVOICE.DOM.itemNewLine(data); } //create new line item [dimensions] if ($(this).attr('data-type') == 'dimensions') { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] NXINVOICE.DOM.addSelectedProductItems() - selected item in s [dimensions item]. Playload: "); NXINVOICE.log(data); NXINVOICE.DOM.dimensionsNewLine(data); } } count_selected++; }); //close modal or show error $("#itemsModal").modal('hide'); $("#categoryItemsModal").modal('hide'); //recalculate bill NXINVOICE.CALC.reclaculateBill(); }; /**---------------------------------------------------------------------- * [ADD EXPENSE] * -add the selected expense as a bill line item *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ NXINVOICE.DOM.addSelectedExpense = function (self) { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] NXINVOICE.DOM.addSelectedExpense() - adding expenses selected in add expenses modal"); //count var count_selected = 0; //duplicates checker NXINVOICE.DATA.expense_duplicate_count = 0; //check if expenses were selected $("#expenses-list-table").find(".expenses-checkbox").each(function () { if ($(this).is(":checked")) { //save to object var data = { 'item_description': $(this).attr('data-description'), 'item_quantity': $(this).attr('data-quantity'), 'item_unit': $(this).attr('data-unit'), 'item_rate': $(this).attr('data-rate'), 'item_total': $(this).attr('data-rate'), 'item_linked_type': 'expense', 'item_linked_id': $(this).attr('data-expense-id'), //expense_id } //create new line expense NXINVOICE.DOM.itemNewLine(data); } count_selected++; }); //reclaculate bill NXINVOICE.CALC.reclaculateBill(); //error message about duplicated expense if (NXINVOICE.DATA.expense_duplicate_count) { NX.notification({ type: 'error', message: NXLANG.selected_expense_is_already_on_invoice }); } //close modal $("#expensesModal").modal('hide'); }; /**---------------------------------------------------------------------- * [ADD TIME BILLING] * -add the selected time as a bill line item *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ NXINVOICE.DOM.addSelectedTimebilling = function (self) { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] NXINVOICE.DOM.addSelectedTimebilling() - adding hours selected in add time billing modal"); //count var count_selected = 0; //check if items were selected $("#tasks-list-table").find(".tasks-checkbox").each(function () { if ($(this).is(":checked")) { //save to object var data = { 'item_description': $(this).attr('data-description'), 'item_hours': $(this).attr('data-hours'), 'item_minutes': $(this).attr('data-minutes'), 'item_rate': $(this).attr('data-rate'), 'item_unit': $(this).attr('data-unit'), 'item_total': $(this).attr('data-total'), 'item_linked_type': $(this).attr('data-linked-type'), 'item_linked_id': $(this).attr('data-linked-id'), 'item_timers_list': $(this).attr('data-timers-list'), } //create new line expense NXINVOICE.DOM.timeNewLine(data); } count_selected++; }); //reclaculate bill NXINVOICE.CALC.reclaculateBill(); //close modal $("#timebillingModal").modal('hide'); }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * [UPDATE TAX TYPE] * -set the selected tax type *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ NXINVOICE.updateTax = function () { //get tax type from popover form var tax_type = $("#billing-tax-type").val(); NXINVOICE.log("[billing] updateTaxType() - updating tax type [type]: (" + tax_type + ")"); //deselect all taxes $("#bill_logic_taxes").val([]); //[logic] update tax is being updates if (tax_type == 'summary') { $(".bill_col_tax").hide(); } //tax table columns visibility if (tax_type == 'inline') { $(".bill_col_tax").show(); } //tax table columns visibility if (tax_type == 'none') { $(".bill_col_tax").hide(); } //[logic] update bill tax type $("#bill_tax_type").val(tax_type); // do this for each selected tax rate $("#billing-tax-popover-summary-info").find(".js_summary_tax_rate").each(function () { //mark as selected if ($(this).is(":checked")) { //get uniqie tax id var id = $(this).attr('data-tax-unique-id'); $("#bill_logic_taxes option[id='" + id + "']").prop("selected", true); } }); //close popover $('#billing-tax-popover-button').popover('hide'); //recalculate bill NXINVOICE.CALC.reclaculateBill(self); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * [UPDATE ADJUSTMENTS] * - *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ NXINVOICE.updateAdjustment = function () { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] updateAdjustment() - updating bill adjustment amount"); //get adjustment description var bill_adjustment_description = $("#js_bill_adjustment_description").val(); var bill_adjustment_amount = $("#js_bill_adjustment_amount").val(); //check it its zero amount if (Number(bill_adjustment_amount) == 0) { NXINVOICE.removeAdjustment(); } //update logic form $("#bill_adjustment_description").val(bill_adjustment_description); $("#bill_adjustment_amount").val(bill_adjustment_amount); //update displayed data $("#billing-adjustment-container-description").html(bill_adjustment_description); //better 'negative' amount formatting (accounting.formatMoney() returns $-9.99 instead of -$9.99) if (bill_adjustment_amount < 0) { bill_adjustment_amount = -bill_adjustment_amount; $("#billing-adjustment-container-amount").html('-' + accounting.formatMoney(bill_adjustment_amount)); } else { $("#billing-adjustment-container-amount").html(accounting.formatMoney(bill_adjustment_amount)); } //show adjustment line $("#billing-adjustment-container").show(); //close discount popover $('#billing-adjustment-popover-button').popover('hide'); //recalculate bill NXINVOICE.CALC.reclaculateBill(self); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * [REMOVE ADJUSTMENTS] * - *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ NXINVOICE.removeAdjustment = function () { //log NXINVOICE.log("[billing] removeAdjustment() - updating bill adjustment amount to zero"); //update logic form $("#bill_adjustment_description").val(''); $("#bill_adjustment_amount").val(0); //update displayed data $("#billing-adjustment-container-description").html(''); $("#billing-adjustment-container-amount").html(accounting.formatMoney(0)); //hide the row $("#billing-adjustment-container").hide(); //close discount popover $('#billing-adjustment-popover-button').popover('hide'); //recalculate bill NXINVOICE.CALC.reclaculateBill(self); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * [UPDATE DISCOUNT TYPE] * -set the selected discount type *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ NXINVOICE.updateDiscount = function () { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] updateDiscountType() - updating discount type"); //type var discount_type = $("#js-billing-discount-type").val(); //validation percentage if (discount_type == 'percentage') { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] updateDiscountType() - [percentage] ", Number($("#js_bill_discount_percentage").val())); if (Number($("#js_bill_discount_percentage").val()) > 100 || Number($("#bill_discount_type").val()) <= 0) { //error message NX.notification({ type: 'error', message: NXLANG.invalid_discount }); return; } } //validation percentage if (discount_type == 'fixed') { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] updateDiscountType() - [fixed] ", Number($("#js_bill_discount_amount").val())); if (Number($("#js_bill_discount_amount").val()) <= 0) { //error message NX.notification({ type: 'error', message: NXLANG.invalid_discount }); return; } } //fixed discount if (discount_type == 'fixed') { //update logif form $("#bill_discount_type").val('fixed'); $("#dom-billing-discount-type").html('(' + NXLANG.fixed + ')'); $("#bill_discount_percentage").val(0.00); $("#bill_discount_amount").val($("#js_bill_discount_amount").val()); } //percentage discount if (discount_type == 'percentage') { $("#bill_discount_type").val('percentage'); $("#dom-billing-discount-type").html('(' + $("#js_bill_discount_percentage").val() + '%)'); $("#bill_discount_percentage").val($("#js_bill_discount_percentage").val()); $("#bill_discount_amount").val(0.00); } //no discount if (discount_type == 'none') { $("#bill_discount_type").val('none'); $("#bill_discount_percentage").val(0.00); $("#bill_discount_amount").val(0.00); } //close discount popover $('#billing-discounts-popover-button').popover('hide'); //recalculate bill NXINVOICE.CALC.reclaculateBill(self); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * [RECALCULATE INVOICE] * -calculate total tax rates (summary or line) *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ NXINVOICE.CALC.reclaculateBill = function (self) { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] reclaculateBill() - recalculating bill"); //default tax rate var bill_tax_total_percentage = 0.00; //amount before an deductions var bill_subtotal = 0.00; //total discount amount var bill_discount_amount = 0.00; //total tax amount var bill_tax_total_amount = 0.00; //total before tax var bill_amount_before_tax = 0.00; //bill sum var bill_final_amount = 0.00; //adjustment var bill_adjustment_amount = $("#bill_adjustment_amount").val(); //recalculate lines NXINVOICE.CALC.recalculateLines(); //(1) ----------------------- SUM UP LINE ITEMS ------------------------------------- NXINVOICE.log("[billing] reclaculateBill() - summing up all line items - started"); $("#billing-items-container").find(".billing-line-item").each(function () { //each line var lineitem = $(this); //each line item total var linetotal = Number(lineitem.find(".js_item_total").val()); //validate that its a number if (typeof linetotal == 'number') { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] reclaculateBill() - valid line item found [total]: (" + linetotal + ")"); bill_subtotal += linetotal; } }); //(2) ----------------- UPDATE SUBTOTAL (SUM BEFORE ADJUSTMENTS)-------------------------------- NXINVOICE.log("[billing] reclaculateBill() - updating subtotal [subtotal]: (" + bill_subtotal + ") "); $("#billing-subtotal-figure").html(accounting.formatMoney(bill_subtotal)); //(3) ----------------- DEDUCT ANY DISCOUNTS AND SET SUM BEFOR TAX-------------------- var bill_discount_type = $("#bill_discount_type").val(); var bill_discount_percentage = Number($("#bill_discount_percentage").val()); var bill_discount_amount = Number($("#bill_discount_amount").val()); NXINVOICE.log("[billing] reclaculateBill() - calculating discounts [bill_discount_type]: (" + bill_discount_type + ") [bill_discount_percentage]: (" + bill_discount_percentage + ") [bill_discount_amount] (" + bill_discount_amount + ")"); //if bill is percentage based if (bill_discount_type == 'percentage') { //calculate var bill_discount_amount = (bill_subtotal * bill_discount_percentage) / 100; //log NXINVOICE.log("[billing] reclaculateBill() - discount is percentage based. [bill_discount_amount]: (" + bill_discount_amount + ")"); } //if bill is fixed if (bill_discount_type == 'fixed') { //log NXINVOICE.log("[billing] reclaculateBill() - discount is fixed. [bill_discount_amount]: (" + bill_discount_amount + ")"); } //do we have a discount if (bill_discount_amount > 0) { var bill_amount_before_tax = bill_subtotal - bill_discount_amount; //show subtotal $("#billing-table-section-subtotal").show(); //set visibilty $("#billing-table-section-discounts").show(); //discount amount $("#billing-sums-discount").html(accounting.formatMoney(bill_discount_amount)); //log NXINVOICE.log("[billing] reclaculateBill() - there is a discount - setting DOM and [bill_amount_before_tax]: (" + bill_amount_before_tax + ")"); //set amount before tas $("#billing-sums-before-tax").html(accounting.formatMoney(bill_amount_before_tax)); } else { //hide subtotal $("#billing-table-section-subtotal").hide(); //hide discounts section $("#billing-table-section-discounts").hide(); //set amunt before tax to be same as subtotal bill_amount_before_tax = bill_subtotal; //log NXINVOICE.log("[billing] reclaculateBill() - there is no discount - [bill_amount_before_tax]: (" + bill_amount_before_tax + ")"); } //(1) ------------------------ SUMMARY TAX ------------------------------------------ if ($("#bill_tax_type").val() == 'summary') { //log NXINVOICE.log("[billing] reclaculateBill() - calculating summary taxes"); //tax row var tax_row = ''; //sum up each selected tax rate. Then add a new row in the bill table $("#bill_logic_taxes").find(':selected').each(function () { var taxrate = Number($(this).val().split("|")[0]); var taxname = $(this).val().split("|")[1]; var uniqueid = $(this).val().split("|")[2]; //calculate each tax var tax_amount = (bill_amount_before_tax * taxrate) / 100; //create table row tax_row += '
' + '
' + taxname + '
(' + taxrate + '%)
' + '
' + accounting.formatMoney(tax_amount) + '
'; bill_tax_total_percentage += taxrate; }); //do we have tax if (bill_tax_total_percentage > 0) { //log NXINVOICE.log("[billing] reclaculateBill() - this bill has [summary] based tax [tax_percentage]: (" + bill_tax_total_percentage + "%)"); //tax calculation bill_tax_total_amount = (bill_amount_before_tax * bill_tax_total_percentage) / 100; //replace bill tax row in table $("#billing-table-section-tax").html(tax_row); //show subtotal $("#billing-table-section-subtotal").show(); //show before tax section if (bill_discount_amount > 0) { $("#billing-sums-before-tax-container").show(); } //show tax section $("#billing-table-section-tax").show(); //log NXINVOICE.log("[billing] reclaculateBill() - the total tax on this bill is [total_tax_amount]: (" + bill_tax_total_amount + ")"); } else { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] reclaculateBill() - this bill does not have any applicable tax"); //hide before tax section $("#billing-sums-before-tax-container").hide(); //hide tax section $("#billing-table-section-tax").hide(); } } //(2) ------------------------ LINE TAX ------------------------------------------ if ($("#bill_tax_type").val() == 'inline') { //sum up all the line taxes and get the total var total_inline_tax = NXINVOICE.CALC.recalculateLineTaxes(); console.log('foo: ' + total_inline_tax); //finalise tax for this bill if (NXINVOICE.is_numeric(total_inline_tax) && total_inline_tax > 0) { //log NXINVOICE.log("[billing] reclaculateBill() - this bill has [line] based tax totalling: (" + total_inline_tax + ")"); //create table row tax_row = '
' + '
' + NXLANG.tax + '
' + '
' + accounting.formatMoney(total_inline_tax) + '
'; //save the total bill tax bill_tax_total_amount = total_inline_tax; //replace bill tax row in table $("#billing-table-section-tax").html(tax_row); //show tax section $("#billing-table-section-tax").show(); //show subtotal $("#billing-table-section-subtotal").show(); //show before tax section if (bill_discount_amount > 0) { $("#billing-sums-before-tax-container").show(); } //log NXINVOICE.log("[billing] reclaculateBill() - the total tax on this bill is [total_tax_amount]: (" + bill_tax_total_amount + ")"); } else { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] reclaculateBill() - this bill does not have any applicable tax"); //hide before tax section $("#billing-sums-before-tax-container").hide(); //hide tax section $("#billing-table-section-tax").hide(); } } //update bills final sums bill_final_amount = bill_subtotal - bill_discount_amount + bill_tax_total_amount; NXINVOICE.log("[billing] reclaculateBill() - total amount before adjustment. [bill_final_amount]: (" + bill_final_amount + ")"); //adjustment NXINVOICE.log("[billing] reclaculateBill() - accounting for the adjustment. [bill_adjustment_amount]: (" + bill_adjustment_amount + ")"); bill_final_amount = bill_final_amount + Number(bill_adjustment_amount); //update final amount dom $("#billing-sums-total").html(accounting.formatMoney(bill_final_amount)); //save values to logc form $("#bill_subtotal").val(bill_subtotal); $("#bill_discount_amount").val(nxFormatDecimal(bill_discount_amount)); $("#bill_amount_before_tax").val(nxFormatDecimal(bill_amount_before_tax)); $("#bill_tax_total_percentage").val(bill_tax_total_percentage); $("#bill_tax_total_amount").val(nxFormatDecimal(bill_tax_total_amount)); $("#bill_final_amount").val(nxFormatDecimal(bill_final_amount)); //update amount due label NXINVOICE.DOM.updateAmountDue(bill_final_amount); NXINVOICE.log("[billing] reclaculateBill() - bill claculation finished [final amount]: (" + bill_final_amount + ")"); //set bills DOM state NXINVOICE.DOM.domState(); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * [SAVE INVOICE BUTTON] *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ NXINVOICE.CALC.saveBill = function (self) { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] saveBill() - started"); if (NXINVOICE.CALC.validateLines()) { //recalculate bill NXINVOICE.CALC.reclaculateBill(); //send to backend nxAjaxUxRequest(self); } else { //error message NX.notification({ type: 'error', message: NXLANG.action_not_completed_errors_found }); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * [SAVE INVOICE BUTTON] *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ NXINVOICE.CALC.validateLines = function (self) { //log NXINVOICE.log("[billing] validateLines() - started"); var count_bill_error = 0; $("#billing-items-container").find(".billing-line-item").each(function () { NXINVOICE.log("[billing] recalculateLines() - found a line item. Now validating and calculating it"); var lineitem = $(this); //each input fields var $description = lineitem.find(".js_item_description"); var $quantity = lineitem.find(".js_item_quantity"); var $hours = lineitem.find(".js_item_hours"); var $minutes = lineitem.find(".js_item_minutes"); var $unit = lineitem.find(".js_item_unit"); var $rate = lineitem.find(".js_item_rate"); var $type = lineitem.find(".js_item_type"); var $length = lineitem.find(".js_item_length"); var $width = lineitem.find(".js_item_width"); //reset errors $description.removeClass('error'); $quantity.removeClass('error'); $unit.removeClass('error'); $rate.removeClass('error'); $hours.removeClass('error'); $minutes.removeClass('error'); //validate description if ($description.val() == '') { $description.addClass('error'); count_bill_error++; } //validate plain item quantity if ($type.val() == 'plain') { if ($quantity.val() == '' || $quantity.val() <= 0) { $quantity.addClass('error'); count_bill_error++; } } //validate time item quantity if ($type.val() == 'time') { if ($hours.val() == '' || $hours.val() == null) { //just set to zero $hours.val(0); } if ($minutes.val() == '' || $minutes.val() == null) { //if hours are also 0 then show error $minutes.val(0); } } //validate dimensions item quantity if ($type.val() == 'dimensions') { if ($length.val() == '' || $length.val() == null) { //just set to zero $length.val(0); } if ($width.val() == '' || $width.val() == null) { //if hours are also 0 then show error $width.val(0); } } //validate unit if ($unit.val() == '') { $unit.addClass('error'); count_bill_error++; } //validate rate if ($rate.val() == '' || $rate.val() <= 0) { $rate.addClass('error'); count_bill_error++; } }); //log NXINVOICE.log("[billing] validateLines() - (" + count_bill_error + ") error found"); //validate if (count_bill_error == 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------- * [revalidateItem] clear errors when item is changed *--------------------------------------------------------------*/ NXINVOICE.DOM.revalidateItem = function (self) { //validate description & unit if (self.hasClass('js_item_description') || self.hasClass('js_item_unit')) { if (self.hasClass('error') && self.val() != '') { self.removeClass('error') } } //validate rate & quantity if (self.hasClass('js_item_rate') || self.hasClass('js_item_quantity') || self.hasClass('js_item_hours') || self.hasClass('js_item_minutes')) { if (self.hasClass('error') && self.val() > 0) { self.removeClass('error') } } }