/** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GROWCRM * This lite version is used by direct view pages like [webforms] [invoice] etc * * [INCLUDED VENDOR JS] * - Javascript bootstrapped here is listed in vendor-lite.js * * [BOOTING] * - This is bootstrapped by boot-lite.js *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ "use strict"; function NXbootstrap($self, action) { //select2 defaults $.fn.select2.defaults.set("theme", "bootstrap"); $.fn.select2.defaults.set("containerCssClass", ":all:"); $.fn.select2.defaults.set("width", null); $.fn.select2.defaults.set("maximumSelectionSize", 6); $.fn.select2.defaults.set("allowClear", true); $.fn.select2.defaults.set("placeholder", ""); //we must have something to for allowClear to work //dropzonejs Dropzone.autoDiscover = false; Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictRemoveFile = '<i class="ti-close"></i>'; Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictCancelUpload = '<i class="ti-close"></i>'; Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictFileTooBig = NXLANG.file_too_big; Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictFallbackMessage = NXLANG.drag_drop_not_supported; Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictFallbackText = NXLANG.use_the_button_to_upload; Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictInvalidFileType = NXLANG.file_type_not_allowed; Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictResponseError = NXLANG.generic_error; Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictUploadCanceled = NXLANG.upload_canceled; Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictCancelUploadConfirmation = NXLANG.are_you_sure; Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.dictMaxFilesExceeded = NXLANG.maximum_upload_files_reached; Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.maxFilesize = NX.upload_maximum_file_size; //in MB's Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.addRemoveLinks = true; Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions.timeout = 6400000; $(document).ready(function () { //initialise tooltips $(function () { //fixed tool tip positioning $(document).on('mouseenter', '[data-toggle="tooltip"]:not([data-original-title])', function () { $(this).tooltip().tooltip('show').tooltip('hide').tooltip('show'); }); //fixed tool tip positioning $(document).on('mouseenter', '.data-toggle-tooltip:not([data-original-title])', function () { $(this).tooltip().tooltip('show').tooltip('hide').tooltip('show'); }); //specif tooltips for action buttons if (NX.show_action_button_tooltips) { $(document).on('mouseenter', '.data-toggle-action-tooltip:not([data-original-title])', function () { $(this).tooltip().tooltip('show').tooltip('hide').tooltip('show'); }); } //close oll tooltips when body has been clicked $(document).on('click', 'body', function () { $('.tooltip').remove(); }); }); //initialise opovers $(function () { $('[data-toggle="popover"]').popover(); $('.data-toggle-popover').popover(); }); //hide tooltip when the button or link is clicked $(document).on('click', '[data-toggle="tooltip"]', function () { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip("hide"); }); $(document).on('click', '.data-toggle-tooltip', function () { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip("hide"); }); //default date pickers $('.pickadate').datepicker({ format: NX.date_picker_format, language: "lang", autoclose: true, class: "datepicker-default", todayHighlight: true }); /** * [nextloop] [datepicker] * change the format of the date that is posted to backend (mysql format). This way, you can * display date to user in one format and send to backend in another format * place a hidden field with same name directly under the date field * [notes] * uses moment.js to manipulate the date * [example] * <input type="text" class="form-control form-control-sm pickadate" name="due_date"> * <input class="mysql-date" type="hidden" name="due_date" value=""> * */ $('.pickadate, .pickadate-lg').on('changeDate', function (e) { var mysql_date = moment(e.date).format('YYYY-MM-DD'); var id = $(this).attr('name'); $("#" + id).val(mysql_date); }); $('.pickadate, .pickadate-lg').on('change', function (e) { var id = $(this).attr('name'); //reset for empty fields if ($(this).val() == '') { $("#" + id).val(''); return; } }); //destroy all select2 first //basic select2 - no search box $(".select2-basic").select2({ minimumResultsForSearch: Infinity, allowClear: false, //use data-allow-clear="true" to change this in the html }); //basic select2 - with search box $(".select2-basic-with-search").select2({ minimumResultsForSearch: 1 }); //select 2 multiple tags - with search $(".js-select2-tags-search").select2({ theme: "bootstrap", width: null, containerCssClass: ':all:', tags: true, multiple: true, tokenSeparators: [',', ' '], minimumInputLength: 1, minimumResultsForSearch: 1, ajax: { dataType: "json", type: "GET", data: function (params) { var queryParameters = { term: params.term } return queryParameters; }, processResults: function (data) { return { results: $.map(data, function (item) { return { text: item.value, id: item.id } }) }; } } }); //select 2 tags $(".select2-tags").select2({ theme: "bootstrap", width: null, containerCssClass: ':all:', tags: true, multiple: true, tokenSeparators: [',', ' '], }); }); /** ---------------------------------------------------------- * preselect any select2 dropwnd * - the dropdown must have a class [select2-preselected] * - the dropdown must have an attr [data-preselected='foo'] * ---------------------------------------------------------*/ $(document).ready(function () { $(document).find(".select2-preselected").each(function () { var preselected = $(this).attr('data-preselected'); console.log(preselected); if (preselected != '') { $(this).val(preselected); $(this).trigger('change'); } }); }); }; //Initialize and boot NXbootstrap(); //paceholder function to avoid errors from ajax.js function nxTinyMCEPlain() { //just a place holder } function nxTinyMCEBasic() { //just a place holder } function nxTinyMCELite() { //just a place holder } function nxTinyMCEExtended() { //just a place holder } function nxTinyMCEExtendedLite() { //just a place holder }