bMultibyteSupport = extension_loaded('mbstring'); } /** * @return self new instance */ public static function create() { return new Settings(); } /** * Enables/disables multi-byte string support. * * If `true` (`mbstring` extension must be enabled), will use (slower) `mb_strlen`, `mb_convert_case`, `mb_substr` * and `mb_strpos` functions. Otherwise, the normal (ASCII-Only) functions will be used. * * @param bool $bMultibyteSupport * * @return self fluent interface */ public function withMultibyteSupport($bMultibyteSupport = true) { $this->bMultibyteSupport = $bMultibyteSupport; return $this; } /** * Sets the charset to be used if the CSS does not contain an `@charset` declaration. * * @param string $sDefaultCharset * * @return self fluent interface */ public function withDefaultCharset($sDefaultCharset) { $this->sDefaultCharset = $sDefaultCharset; return $this; } /** * Configures whether the parser should silently ignore invalid rules. * * @param bool $bLenientParsing * * @return self fluent interface */ public function withLenientParsing($bLenientParsing = true) { $this->bLenientParsing = $bLenientParsing; return $this; } /** * Configures the parser to choke on invalid rules. * * @return self fluent interface */ public function beStrict() { return $this->withLenientParsing(false); } }