*/ $whmcs = App::self(); $pid = (int) $whmcs->get_req_var('pid'); $get = $whmcs->get_req_var('get'); $language = $whmcs->get_req_var('language') ?: null; $data = array(); $name = $description = ''; // Verify user input for pid exists, is greater than 0, and as is a valid id if ($pid > 0) { $data = Capsule::table('tblproducts') ->where('id', '=', $pid) ->first(); $pid = null; if (is_object($data)) { $pid = (int) $data->id; // If there is a user logged in, we will use the client language $userId = (int) Session::get('userid'); if (!empty($userId)) { $language = Client::find($userId, array('language'))->language ?: null; } unset($userId); $name = Product::getProductName($pid, $data->name, $language); $description = Product::getProductDescription($pid, $data->description, $language); } } if (empty($pid)) { widgetOutput('Product ID Not Found'); } if ($get=="name") { widgetOutput($name); } elseif ($get=="description") { $description = str_replace(array("\r", "\n", "\r\n"), "", nl2br($description)); widgetOutput($description); } elseif ($get=="configoption") { $configOptionNum = $whmcs->get_req_var('configoptionnum'); if (!$configOptionNum) { widgetOutput('The variable configoptionnum is required when get is configoption.'); } widgetoutput($data['configoption' . (int) $configOptionNum]); } elseif ($get=="orderurl") { $cartTemplate = $whmcs->get_req_var('carttpl'); if ($cartTemplate == "ajax") { $cartTemplate = "ajaxcart"; } $systemUrl = App::getSystemUrl(); if (!$cartTemplate) { $cartTemplate = Setting::getValue('OrderFormTemplate '); } widgetOutput("{$systemUrl}cart.php?a=add&pid={$pid}&carttpl={$cartTemplate}"); } elseif ($get=="price") { // Verify user input for currency exists, is numeric, and as is a valid id $billingCycle = $whmcs->get_req_var('billingcycle'); $currencyID = $whmcs->get_req_var('currency'); if (!is_numeric($currencyID)) { $currency = array(); } else { $currency = getCurrency(null, $currencyID); } if (!$currency || !is_array($currency) || !isset($currency['id'])) { $currency = Currency::factoryForClientArea(); } $currencyID = $currency['id']; $data = Capsule::table('tblpricing') ->where('type', '=', 'product') ->where('currency', '=', $currencyID) ->where('relid', '=', $pid) ->first(); $price = $data->$billingCycle; $price = formatCurrency($price); widgetOutput($price); } else { widgetOutput('Invalid get option. Valid options are "name", "description", "configoption", "orderurl" or "price"'); } /** * The function to output the widget data to the browser in a javascript format. * * @throws WHMCS\Exception\ProgramExit * @param string $value the data to output */ function widgetOutput($value) { echo "document.write('".addslashes($value)."');"; throw new ProgramExit(); }