{ "schema": "1.0", "type": "whmcs-security", "name": "totp", "license": "proprietary", "category": "security", "description": { "name": "Time Based Tokens", "tagline": "Use a smartphone to generate time based tokens for second factor auth.", "long": "Two-factor authentication is a security process in which users are asked to provide two different authentication factors when logging in.\n\nWith Time Based Tokens, users are asked to enter a 6 digit code that is randomly generated by any compatible Time-based One-time Password generator app.\n\nCompatible apps include Google Authenticator, Authy, Duo Security, 1Password, LastPass and more." }, "logo": { "filename": "logo.png" }, "support": { "docs_url": "https:\/\/go.whmcs.com\/2253\/2fa#2fa-services" }, "authors": [ { "name": "WHMCS", "homepage": "https:\/\/www.whmcs.com\/" } ] }