{ "schema": "1.0", "type": "whmcs-servers", "name": "cpanel", "license": "proprietary", "category": "webhosting", "description": { "name": "cPanel & WHM[tm]", "tagline": "The world's most popular web hosting control panel", "short": "cPanel\/WHM is the leading web hosting control panel and is the hosting platform of choice by more web hosts than any other.", "long": "Fully integrated with WHMCS for the best possible experience between web hosting control panel and billing platform.\n\n* Automatic Account Creation\n* Automatic Suspension/Termination/Upgrades\n* Email Account Creation\n* Automated SSL Provisioning & Installation\n* Single Sign-On for one-click transition\n* OpenID Connect Integration\n* WHMCS Connect Integration for easier server administration\n\n[Learn more »](https://www.whmcs.com/for/cpanel?utm_source=in_product&utm_medium=apps)" }, "logo": { "filename": "logo.png" }, "support": { "homepage": "https:\/\/www.cpanel.com\/", "learn_more": "https:\/\/www.whmcs.com\/for\/cpanel", "support_url": "https:\/\/www.cpanel.com\/support", "docs_url": "https:\/\/go.whmcs.com\/1861/cpanel" }, "authors": [ { "name": "WHMCS", "homepage": "https:\/\/www.whmcs.com\/" } ] }