climate = $climate; return $this; } /** * @param string $description * * @return \League\CLImate\Argument\Summary */ public function setDescription($description) { $this->description = $description; return $this; } /** * @param string $command * * @return \League\CLImate\Argument\Summary */ public function setCommand($command) { $this->command = $command; return $this; } /** * @param Filter $filter * @param Argument[] $arguments * * @return \League\CLImate\Argument\Summary */ public function setFilter($filter, $arguments) { $this->filter = $filter; $this->filter->setArguments($arguments); return $this; } /** * Output the full summary for the program */ public function output() { // Print the description if it's defined. if ($this->description) { $this->climate->out($this->description)->br(); } // Print the usage statement with the arguments without a prefix at the end. $this->climate->out("Usage: {$this->command} " . $this->short($this->getOrderedArguments())); // Print argument details. foreach (['required', 'optional'] as $type) { $this->outputArguments($this->filter->{$type}(), $type); } } /** * Build a short summary of a list of arguments. * * @param Argument[] $arguments * * @return string */ public function short($arguments) { return implode(' ', array_map([$this, 'argumentBracketed'], $arguments)); } /** * Build an argument's summary for use in a usage statement. * * For example, "-u username, --user username", "--force", or * "-c count (default: 7)". * * @param Argument $argument * * @return string */ public function argument(Argument $argument) { $summary = $this->prefixedArguments($argument); $printedName = mb_strstr($summary, ' ' . $argument->name()); // Print the argument name if it's not printed yet. if (!$printedName && !$argument->noValue()) { $summary .= $argument->name(); } if ($defaults = $argument->defaultValue()) { if (count($defaults) == 1) { $summary .= " (default: {$defaults[0]})"; } else { $summary .= ' (defaults: ' . implode(', ', $defaults) . ')'; } } return $summary; } /** * Build argument summary surrounded by brackets * * @param Argument $argument * * @return string */ protected function argumentBracketed(Argument $argument) { return '[' . $this->argument($argument) . ']'; } /** * Get the arguments ordered by whether or not they have a prefix * * @return Argument[] */ protected function getOrderedArguments() { return array_merge($this->filter->withPrefix(), $this->filter->withoutPrefix()); } /** * Print out the argument list * * @param array $arguments * @param string $type */ protected function outputArguments($arguments, $type) { if (count($arguments) == 0) { return; } $this->climate->br()->out(mb_convert_case($type, MB_CASE_TITLE) . ' Arguments:'); foreach ($arguments as $argument) { $this->climate->tab()->out($this->argument($argument)); if ($argument->description()) { $this->climate->tab(2)->out($argument->description()); } } } /** * Builds the summary for any prefixed arguments * * @param Argument $argument * * @return string */ protected function prefixedArguments(Argument $argument) { $prefixes = [$argument->prefix(), $argument->longPrefix()]; $summary = []; foreach ($prefixes as $key => $prefix) { if (!$prefix) { continue; } $sub = str_repeat('-', $key + 1) . $prefix; if (!$argument->noValue()) { $sub .= " {$argument->name()}"; } $summary[] = $sub; } return implode(', ', $summary); } }