1, LogLevel::ALERT => 2, LogLevel::CRITICAL => 3, LogLevel::ERROR => 4, LogLevel::WARNING => 5, LogLevel::NOTICE => 6, LogLevel::INFO => 7, LogLevel::DEBUG => 8, ]; /** * @var int $level Ignore logging attempts at a level less than this. */ private $level; /** * @var CLImate $climate The underlying climate instance we are using for output. */ private $climate; /** * Create a new Logger instance. * * @param string $level One of the LogLevel constants * @param CLImate $climate An existing CLImate instance to use for output */ public function __construct($level = LogLevel::INFO, CLImate $climate = null) { $this->level = $this->convertLevel($level); if ($climate === null) { $climate = new CLImate; } $this->climate = $climate; # Define some default styles to use for the output $commands = [ "emergency" => ["white", "bold", "background_red"], "alert" => ["white", "background_yellow"], "critical" => ["red", "bold"], "error" => ["red"], "warning" => "yellow", "notice" => "light_cyan", "info" => "green", "debug" => "dark_gray", ]; # If any of the required styles are not defined then define them now foreach ($commands as $command => $style) { if (!$this->climate->style->get($command)) { $this->climate->style->addCommand($command, $style); } } } /** * Get a numeric log level for the passed parameter. * * @param string $level One of the LogLevel constants * * @return int */ private function convertLevel($level) { # If this is one of the defined string log levels then return it's numeric value if (!array_key_exists($level, $this->levels)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Unknown log level: {$level}"); } return $this->levels[$level]; } /** * Get a new instance logging at a different level * * @param string $level One of the LogLevel constants * * @return Logger */ public function withLogLevel($level) { $logger = clone $this; $logger->level = $this->convertLevel($level); return $logger; } /** * Log messages to a CLImate instance. * * @param string $level One of the LogLevel constants * @param string|object $message If an object is passed it must implement __toString() * @param array $context Placeholders to be substituted in the message * * @return void */ public function log($level, $message, array $context = []) { if ($this->convertLevel($level) > $this->level) { return; } # Handle objects implementing __toString $message = (string)$message; # Handle any placeholders in the $context array foreach ($context as $key => $val) { $placeholder = "{" . $key . "}"; # If this context key is used as a placeholder, then replace it, and remove it from the $context array if (strpos($message, $placeholder) !== false) { $val = (string)$val; $message = str_replace($placeholder, $val, $message); unset($context[$key]); } } # Send the message to the climate instance $this->climate->{$level}($message); # Append any context information not used as placeholders $this->outputRecursiveContext($level, $context, 1); } /** * Handle recursive arrays in the logging context. * * @param string $level One of the LogLevel constants * @param array $context The array of context to output * @param int $indent The current level of indentation to be used * * @return void */ private function outputRecursiveContext($level, array $context, $indent) { foreach ($context as $key => $val) { $this->climate->tab($indent); $this->climate->{$level}()->inline("{$key}: "); if (is_array($val)) { $this->climate->{$level}("["); $this->outputRecursiveContext($level, $val, $indent + 1); $this->climate->tab($indent)->{$level}("]"); } else { $this->climate->{$level}((string)$val); } } } }