* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Monolog; final class Utils { const DEFAULT_JSON_FLAGS = JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_PRESERVE_ZERO_FRACTION; /** * @internal */ public static function getClass($object): string { $class = \get_class($object); return 'c' === $class[0] && 0 === strpos($class, "class@anonymous\0") ? get_parent_class($class).'@anonymous' : $class; } public static function substr(string $string, int $start, ?int $length = null) { if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) { return mb_strcut($string, $start, $length); } return substr($string, $start, $length); } /** * Return the JSON representation of a value * * @param mixed $data * @param int $encodeFlags flags to pass to json encode, defaults to JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE * @param bool $ignoreErrors whether to ignore encoding errors or to throw on error, when ignored and the encoding fails, "null" is returned which is valid json for null * @throws \RuntimeException if encoding fails and errors are not ignored * @return string when errors are ignored and the encoding fails, "null" is returned which is valid json for null */ public static function jsonEncode($data, ?int $encodeFlags = null, bool $ignoreErrors = false): string { if (null === $encodeFlags) { $encodeFlags = self::DEFAULT_JSON_FLAGS; } if ($ignoreErrors) { $json = @json_encode($data, $encodeFlags); if (false === $json) { return 'null'; } return $json; } $json = json_encode($data, $encodeFlags); if (false === $json) { $json = self::handleJsonError(json_last_error(), $data); } return $json; } /** * Handle a json_encode failure. * * If the failure is due to invalid string encoding, try to clean the * input and encode again. If the second encoding attempt fails, the * inital error is not encoding related or the input can't be cleaned then * raise a descriptive exception. * * @param int $code return code of json_last_error function * @param mixed $data data that was meant to be encoded * @param int $encodeFlags flags to pass to json encode, defaults to JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_PRESERVE_ZERO_FRACTION * @throws \RuntimeException if failure can't be corrected * @return string JSON encoded data after error correction */ public static function handleJsonError(int $code, $data, ?int $encodeFlags = null): string { if ($code !== JSON_ERROR_UTF8) { self::throwEncodeError($code, $data); } if (is_string($data)) { self::detectAndCleanUtf8($data); } elseif (is_array($data)) { array_walk_recursive($data, array('Monolog\Utils', 'detectAndCleanUtf8')); } else { self::throwEncodeError($code, $data); } if (null === $encodeFlags) { $encodeFlags = self::DEFAULT_JSON_FLAGS; } $json = json_encode($data, $encodeFlags); if ($json === false) { self::throwEncodeError(json_last_error(), $data); } return $json; } /** * Throws an exception according to a given code with a customized message * * @param int $code return code of json_last_error function * @param mixed $data data that was meant to be encoded * @throws \RuntimeException */ private static function throwEncodeError(int $code, $data) { switch ($code) { case JSON_ERROR_DEPTH: $msg = 'Maximum stack depth exceeded'; break; case JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH: $msg = 'Underflow or the modes mismatch'; break; case JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR: $msg = 'Unexpected control character found'; break; case JSON_ERROR_UTF8: $msg = 'Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded'; break; default: $msg = 'Unknown error'; } throw new \RuntimeException('JSON encoding failed: '.$msg.'. Encoding: '.var_export($data, true)); } /** * Detect invalid UTF-8 string characters and convert to valid UTF-8. * * Valid UTF-8 input will be left unmodified, but strings containing * invalid UTF-8 codepoints will be reencoded as UTF-8 with an assumed * original encoding of ISO-8859-15. This conversion may result in * incorrect output if the actual encoding was not ISO-8859-15, but it * will be clean UTF-8 output and will not rely on expensive and fragile * detection algorithms. * * Function converts the input in place in the passed variable so that it * can be used as a callback for array_walk_recursive. * * @param mixed &$data Input to check and convert if needed */ private static function detectAndCleanUtf8(&$data) { if (is_string($data) && !preg_match('//u', $data)) { $data = preg_replace_callback( '/[\x80-\xFF]+/', function ($m) { return utf8_encode($m[0]); }, $data ); $data = str_replace( ['¤', '¦', '¨', '´', '¸', '¼', '½', '¾'], ['€', 'Š', 'š', 'Ž', 'ž', 'Œ', 'œ', 'Ÿ'], $data ); } } }