# README [](https://travis-ci.org/Riverline/multipart-parser) ## What is Riverline\MultiPartParser ``Riverline\MultiPartParse`` is a one class library to parse multipart document ( multipart email, multipart form, etc ...) and manage each part encoding and charset to extract their content. ## Requirements * PHP >= 5.6 ## Installation ``Riverline\MultiPartParse`` is compatible with composer and any psr-0/psr-4 autoloader. ``` composer require riverline/multipart-parser ``` ## Usage ```php isMultiPart()) { $parts = $document->getParts(); echo $parts[0]->getBody(); // Output bar // It decode encoded content echo $parts[1]->getBody(); // Output base64 // You can also filter by part name $parts = $document->getPartsByName('foo'); echo $parts[0]->getName(); // Output foo // You can extract the headers $contentDisposition = $parts[0]->getHeader('Content-Disposition'); echo $contentDisposition; // Output Content-Disposition: form-data; name="foo" // Helpers echo StreamedPart::getHeaderValue($contentDisposition); // Output form-data echo StreamedPart::getHeaderOption($contentDisposition, 'name'); // Output foo // File helper if ($parts[2]->isFile()) { echo $parts[2]->getFileName(); // Output text.txt echo $parts[2]->getMimeType(); // Output text/plain } } ``` ## Converters The libary also provide three converters to quickly parse `PSR-7`, `HttpFoundation` and native requests. ```php