Starting with Smarty 3.1.21 Composer has been configured to load the packages from github. ******************************************************************************* * * * NOTE: Because of this change you must clear your local composer cache with * * the "composer clearcache" command * * * ******************************************************************************* To get the latest stable version use "require": { "smarty/smarty": "~3.1" } in your composer.json file. To get the trunk version use "require": { "smarty/smarty": "~3.1@dev" } The "smarty/smarty" package will start at libs/.... subfolder. To retrieve the development and documentation folders add "require-dev": { "smarty/smarty-dev": "~3.1@dev" } If you are using (include) the composer generated autoloader.php which is located in the /vendor folder it is no longer needed to require the Smarty.class.php file.