main->index_url)) { header('Location: ' . settings()->main->index_url); die(); } /* Check if the cache exists */ $cache_instance = cache()->getItem('index_stats'); /* Set cache if not existing */ if(is_null($cache_instance->get())) { $total_monitors = database()->query("SELECT MAX(`monitor_id`) AS `total` FROM `monitors`")->fetch_object()->total ?? 0; $total_status_pages = database()->query("SELECT MAX(`status_page_id`) AS `total` FROM `status_pages`")->fetch_object()->total ?? 0; $total_monitors_logs = database()->query("SELECT MAX(`monitor_log_id`) AS `total` FROM `monitors_logs`")->fetch_object()->total ?? 0; $stats = [ 'total_monitors' => $total_monitors, 'total_status_pages' => $total_status_pages, 'total_monitors_logs' => $total_monitors_logs, ]; /* Save to cache */ cache()->save($cache_instance->set($stats)->expiresAfter(3600)); } else { /* Get cache */ $stats = $cache_instance->get(); extract($stats); } /* Get some stats */ /* Plans View */ $view = new \Altum\View('partials/plans', (array) $this); $this->add_view_content('plans', $view->run()); /* Meta */ Meta::set_canonical_url(); /* Opengraph image */ if(settings()->main->opengraph) { Meta::set_social_url(SITE_URL); Meta::set_social_description(l('index.meta_description')); Meta::set_social_image(\Altum\Uploads::get_full_url('opengraph') . settings()->main->opengraph); } if(settings()->main->display_index_latest_blog_posts) { $language = \Altum\Language::$name; /* Blog posts query */ $blog_posts_result_query = " SELECT * FROM `blog_posts` WHERE (`language` = '{$language}' OR `language` IS NULL) AND `is_published` = 1 ORDER BY `blog_post_id` DESC LIMIT 3 "; $blog_posts = \Altum\Cache::cache_function_result('blog_posts?hash=' . md5($blog_posts_result_query), 'blog_posts', function() use ($blog_posts_result_query) { $blog_posts_result = database()->query($blog_posts_result_query); /* Iterate over the blog posts */ $blog_posts = []; while($row = $blog_posts_result->fetch_object()) { /* Transform content if needed */ $row->content = json_decode($row->content) ? convert_editorjs_json_to_html($row->content) : nl2br($row->content); $blog_posts[] = $row; } return $blog_posts; }); } $tools = require APP_PATH . 'includes/tools.php'; $enabled_tools = count(array_filter((array) settings()->tools->available_tools)); /* Main View */ $data = [ 'total_monitors' => $total_monitors, 'total_status_pages' => $total_status_pages, 'total_monitors_logs' => $total_monitors_logs, 'tools' => $tools, 'enabled_tools' => $enabled_tools, 'blog_posts' => $blog_posts ?? [], ]; $view = new \Altum\View('index/index', (array) $this); $this->add_view_content('content', $view->run($data)); } }