params[0]) ? (int) $this->params[0] : null; if(!$project = db()->where('project_id', $project_id)->where('user_id', $this->user->user_id)->getOne('projects')) { redirect('projects'); } if(!empty($_POST)) { $_POST['name'] = query_clean($_POST['name']); $_POST['color'] = !preg_match('/#([A-Fa-f0-9]{3,4}){1,2}\b/i', $_POST['color']) ? '#000' : $_POST['color']; //ALTUMCODE:DEMO if(DEMO) if($this->user->user_id == 1) Alerts::add_error('Please create an account on the demo to test out this function.'); /* Check for any errors */ $required_fields = ['name']; foreach($required_fields as $field) { if(!isset($_POST[$field]) || (isset($_POST[$field]) && empty($_POST[$field]) && $_POST[$field] != '0')) { Alerts::add_field_error($field, l('global.error_message.empty_field')); } } if(!\Altum\Csrf::check()) { Alerts::add_error(l('global.error_message.invalid_csrf_token')); } if(!Alerts::has_field_errors() && !Alerts::has_errors()) { /* Database query */ db()->where('project_id', $project->project_id)->update('projects', [ 'name' => $_POST['name'], 'color' => $_POST['color'], 'last_datetime' => get_date(), ]); /* Set a nice success message */ Alerts::add_success(sprintf(l('global.success_message.update1'), '
' . $_POST['name'] . '
')); /* Clear the cache */ cache()->deleteItem('projects?user_id=' . $this->user->user_id); redirect('project-update/' . $project_id); } } /* Prepare the view */ $data = [ 'project' => $project ]; $view = new \Altum\View('project-update/index', (array) $this); $this->add_view_content('content', $view->run($data)); } }