params[0])) ? $this->params[0] : null; $lost_password_code = (isset($this->params[1])) ? $this->params[1] : null; $redirect = process_and_get_redirect_params() ?? 'dashboard'; if(!$md5email || !$lost_password_code || mb_strlen($lost_password_code) < 1) redirect(); /* Check if the lost password code is correct */ $user = db()->where('lost_password_code', $lost_password_code)->getOne('users', ['user_id', 'email', 'name', 'password']); if(!$user) { redirect(); } if(md5($user->email) != $md5email) { redirect(); } if(!empty($_POST)) { //ALTUMCODE:DEMO if(DEMO) Alerts::add_error('This command is blocked on the demo.'); /* Check for any errors */ if(mb_strlen($_POST['new_password']) < 6 || mb_strlen($_POST['new_password']) > 64) { Alerts::add_field_error('new_password', l('global.error_message.password_length')); } if($_POST['new_password'] !== $_POST['repeat_password']) { Alerts::add_field_error('repeat_password', l('global.error_message.passwords_not_matching')); } if(!Alerts::has_field_errors() && !Alerts::has_errors()) { /* Encrypt the new password */ $new_password = password_hash($_POST['new_password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT); /* Update the password & empty the reset code from the database */ db()->where('user_id', $user->user_id)->update('users', [ 'password' => $new_password, 'twofa_secret' => null, 'lost_password_code' => null ]); Logger::users($user->user_id, 'reset_password.success'); /* Set a nice success message */ Alerts::add_success(l('reset_password.success_message')); /* Log the user in */ $_SESSION['user_id'] = $user->user_id; $_SESSION['user_password_hash'] = md5($new_password); (new User())->login_aftermath_update($user->user_id); Alerts::add_info(sprintf(l('login.info_message.logged_in'), $user->name)); /* Clear the cache */ cache()->deleteItemsByTag('user_id=' . $user->user_id); redirect($redirect); } } /* Prepare the view */ $data = []; $view = new \Altum\View('reset-password/index', (array) $this); $this->add_view_content('content', $view->run($data)); } }