affiliate->is_enabled)) { return; } $referral_key = isset($_GET['ref']) ? query_clean($_GET['ref']) : null; if(!$referral_key) { return; } /* Get the owner user of the referral key */ if(!$user = db()->where('referral_key', $referral_key)->getOne('users', ['user_id', 'plan_settings', 'status', 'referral_key'])) { return; } /* Make sure the user is still active */ if($user->status != 1) { return; } /* Make sure the user has access to the affiliate program */ $user->plan_settings = json_decode($user->plan_settings); if(!$user->plan_settings->affiliate_commission_percentage) { return; } /* Set the tracking cookie */ settings()->affiliate->tracking_type = settings()->affiliate->tracking_type ?? 'first'; if( (settings()->affiliate->tracking_type == 'first' && !isset($_COOKIE['referred_by'])) || settings()->affiliate->tracking_type == 'last' ) { setcookie('referred_by', $user->referral_key, time()+60*60*24*(settings()->affiliate->tracking_duration ?? 30), COOKIE_PATH); } } }